Scientific Approach to the Jesus question

You’ve lost me entirely on your notion of self creation and not dying. It hasn’t seemed relevant for some time.
Then this really can't continue if you don't get it.........

Your not getting it on that notion, thus I can't really explain it to you further.. and our descussion ends here.
Cris said:
"Since we have nothing to indicate .............. that there is such a thing as a creator"
You and what mouse in yo pocket son?

There is everything to indicate, you just refuse to see it...
Don't try to refute this.....just walk away, with your dignity still partially intact.

Yes God can create Himself in this realm, from a Spirit to a physical manifestation.
Jesus Christ is the beginning of the creation of God.
The firstborn of many brethren.

No amount of debate or stubborn refusal can disprove this.
You only make yourself look foolish if you try.
Please don't.
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Once again Visitor you come up with this argument:
There is everything to indicate, you just refuse to see it...
What are the indications?
No amount of debate or stubborn refusal can disprove this.
You only make yourself look foolish if you try.
We're not trying to disprove, we're asking for the proof that is true.
As has been said many times, atheists generally don't believe because there's no proof, not that we deny the existence. Two completely different things.

You and what mouse in yo pocket son?
Those who practice and are capable of reasoned thought.

There is everything to indicate, you just refuse to see it...
Please provide any single example that demonstrates a creator exists as opposed to a more credible natural explanation.

Don't try to refute this.....just walk away, with your dignity still partially intact.
Provide the proof for your claim then. I see nothing that suggests a creator either exists or existed or is necessary.

Yes God can create Himself in this realm, from a Spirit to a physical manifestation.
Your proof and examples can be found where?

Jesus Christ is the beginning of the creation of God.
Not only do we have nothing to indicate gods exist or could exist or have ever existed but there is nothing yet that shows that a Jesus ever existed either. Or do you have some tangible scientific evidence?

No amount of debate or stubborn refusal can disprove this.
Disprove what? You haven’t presented anything yet that can be addressed, you have only made unsubstantiated assertions.

You only make yourself look foolish if you try.
Please don't.
Good try, very funny.

Show us some evidence for your claims.
Cris said:

And how does that prove a god exists?

That wasn't the point.

Sounds like you have wasted your time then, you’ve missed the essentials.

Got some mighty good grades though. Sounds like missed a lot yourself.

I’ll make a note not to employ you then – thanks for the warning.

Do you work a real job yourself?

It is a matter of understanding the meaning not about philosophy.

Explain why that is a showstopper for you. be specific.

Entropy applies to a closed system, but an infinite universe isn’t a closed system. The entropy hypothesis doesn’t apply.

Lord Kelvin disagrees with you.

Total confusion as to what you are talking about.

Ok if you can't

What does that mean?

Stop the condescension crap.

ok so communication isn't working.

Why couldn’t an AI have emotions and personal needs? Emotions are also governed by our neural networks.

Proove it.

What’s the difference?

What does that mean? Science has no boundary.

I'm sorry but it does.

Not quite. I’ve said the god concept is a fantasy, not that it isn’t real. No one has shown it is real yet, until then it resides only in the imagination.

But, the imagination is just another machine isn't it?

Don’t think you’ve quite got it yet. Try “the laws of physics” instead. You are now using the various meanings of the word nature as if they are interchangeable.

Ok then, take a stroll down red herring lane if you wish.

I’ve been giving this question some thought lately.
I have been following this thread, but not religiously, so forgive me of someone already brought this perspective and I missed it.

A scientific approach to the Jesus question would be remiss without looking at the purpose of science and discovery.
What is the main goal and purpose of science? To observe phenomena and their interactions with each other with the end result of discerning the results of those interactions to gather knowledge that can be used to accurately predict the outcome of said interactions under controlled situations. We gather knowledge in order to use that knowledge to our advantage. Science, then, is wholly pragmatic in its endeavors - it is only interested in results.

History - whether you are discussing rumors of a God-man 2000 years ago, governmental propaganda from World War II or the CNN news broadcast last night – relies almost entirely on anecdotal evidence.
Science, on the other hand, all but rejects anecdotal evidence, due to the fact that it cannot be independently and objectively verified. Furthermore, anecdotal evidence often completely undermines the whole concept of a controlled environment. Finally, anecdotal evidence, by its very nature, is wholly subjective, therefore generally considered fairly useless.

This, along with the scientific tenet that you cannot prove a negative, virtually guarantees that there is no way to prove that Jesus did not exist. Using material evidence is simply out of the question.
That given, there are two approaches you can take…

Most people who claim that Jesus did not exist will use the first one. Weigh the veracity of the anecdotal claims against other wholly subjective anecdotal claims that have as their claim to veracity, grater contemporary corroboration. There are quite a few problems with this approach that I feel are apparent, including the fact that you are simply weighing subjective evidence vs. subjective evidence and the dearth of contemporary history in Jesus’ time.
Corroborating evidence does not make a claim fact.
If it did, one could simply point to the fact that there exists an estimated 2 billion Christians, it is the basic belief of the Muslim religion that Jesus existed and was a prophet of God, many Jews believe that Jesus existed, but simply was not the prophesied savior and countless other people believe that Jesus existed, but simply do not worship him. With even a conservative estimate, likely half the world’s population believes that Jesus did exist. If corroboration of anecdotal evidence determined fact, one could simply point at the more that three billion people who believe he did exist and rest one’s case.

The second approach, I believe is the more pragmatic, therefore scientific, approach.
How can you look at the question pragmatically and objectively? You look at the results of his existence and how that would change if his existence was false.
Given that you cannot disprove the existence of Jesus, there is no need to look at what may happen if someone disproved that he existed, because it simply cannot happen. So, looking at the world today, with all the people that believe that he did exist, what would change if that belief was not based in reality?
Exactly what would happen if it WAS based in reality.
Exactly what would happen if Napoleon never existed, and he was just a product of French propaganda.
Nothing at all.
What would it change? People will still believe he existed. His image would have the same exact impact it does today. He exists as a collective memory right now. He exists as a force within our cultures right now. People’s belief in him right now, has the exact same effect as if he really did exist.

As someone who values little more than truth, this is something that is quite difficult for me to admit and accept, but like it or not, for better or for worse, collective belief DOES determine reality.
Jesus exists in people’s minds because people believe in him, and if that belief is not based on reality at all (which is simply improvable) it makes no difference whatsoever.
And there is nothing you can do about it.
If you truly and honestly take the “Scientific Approach” to the question of whether Jesus existed the answer would HAVE to be, “It doesn’t matter, because it has absolutely no bearing on the situation al all.”
one raven said:
collective belief DOES determine reality.
rubbish, so the tooth fairy, santa, the easter bunny, etc etc, all are objectively real?.
how can something, that relies on faith alone, be deemed as real.
it should read "collective belief DOES determine subjective reality"

we are educated, so we are able to evaluate the truth, it will only be a matter of time for this collective ( and it's not a memory it's an imaging induced by indoctrination) imaging, to be eradicated.
whether you believe it does not matter or not, it does if those that believe it,, are holding back or damaging humanity, because of it.
pavlosmarcos said:
rubbish, so the tooth fairy, santa, the easter bunny, etc etc, all are objectively real?.
That's not at all what I said.
Did you read my whole post?
If so, why not respond to my post and what I said in context.

What I said, is that if you want to take the "Scientific Approach" then you, like science, should only be interested in the pragmatic aspect of the question.
When you do that, you do not determine whether something was "objectively real", as you mistakenly apply to my reasoning, rather you determine that it does not matter whether or not something had objectively existed in the past, rather it matters if the effect of that belief will be different if the "objective reality" was not as it is.
Whether or not he existed is of little to no consequence, because the effect of people that believe in him now will not change one bit if he did or did not.
It is not the "objective existence" of his existence that is important.
It simply does not matter, because it will make no difference either way.
It is a moot question.
His influence exists by virtue of more than half the world's population believing that he did exist at one time and most of the rest of the people not denying that assertion. The people who actually take issue with the belief that he existed is quite a small minority.
The results of that widespread, nearly universal belief is what matters, not whether that belief is based on "objective reality", especially when it is based on an improvable contention.
THAT is the proper "Scientific Approach" to the question proposed.
I hope I made my point more clearly this time, and remedied your confusion.

If you disagree with this, please explain why and show me where my reasoning went wrong.
pavlosmarcos said:
imaging, to be eradicated.
whether you believe it does not matter or not, it does if those that believe it,, are holding back or damaging humanity, because of it.
You are completely missing the point.
This is about the scientific approach to the question of whether or not Jesus existed, not whether that belief is a positive or negative thing in your not-so-humble opinion.
Cris said:

I manage an R&D department for HP.

Cool. I used to work for IBM's R&D and Lexmark's P/A. I've benchmarked some of your printers.

You wouldn't hire me, but then again I don't want to work there. It's all going to china anyway.

Besides that, I would not wish to work for an atheist manager. More than half the managers I've had are regular in church. They just seem to be a lot more civil to other people. I hate an environment where people can't be civil -- absolutely hate it. We've had some problems with that at my current employer and I think they like me more than I like them.

We just had manager training at my current employer, and the largest single factor that influences a person's job satisfaction is how they work with their manager. I agree 100%.
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pavlosmarcos said:
rubbish, so the tooth fairy, santa, the easter bunny, etc etc, all are objectively real?.
how can something, that relies on faith alone, be deemed as real.
it should read "collective belief DOES determine subjective reality"

But I've seen all of them at the local malls. Well, maybe not the tooth fairy. I'm sure they can get a tooth fairy at disney world. Here's a tooth fairy for you. :D
Cris said:
Those who practice and are capable of reasoned thought. .
So you admit it takes practice for you to be capable of reasoned thought?
Most people are born with the capability.

Cris said:
Please provide any single example that demonstrates a creator exists as opposed to a more credible natural explanation..
One single example?
Ok, One example of
As W.C. Fields once said; "Theres a sucker born every day"
There you are.

Cris said:
Provide the proof for your claim then. I see nothing that suggests a creator either exists or existed or is necessary. .
Cause and effect.
I made you do something by the way I used my words.

Cris said:
Your proof and examples can be found where?.
You couldn't stop yourself, I asked you not to respond but you had to....from some deep seated uncontrolable urge to mess up what would have otherwise given you a logical, rational grasp on the order of things.

Cris said:
Not only do we have nothing to indicate gods exist or could exist or have ever existed but there is nothing yet that shows that a Jesus ever existed either. Or do you have some tangible scientific evidence? .
Thats what I'm trying to show you.
Under the surface lies the motivating energy of our thoughts and desires, and there is where your "nonexistant gods" control you and everyone else who still believes they are nonexistant.
Don't they say in A.A., The first step is admiting you have got a problem.

Cris said:
Disprove what? You haven’t presented anything yet that can be addressed, you have only made unsubstantiated assertions..
Until you admit there is a problem, you can't address it.
From you these unseen "nonexistant" forces have absolutly no resistance.
They have convinced you they don't exisit.

Cris said:
Good try, very funny..
Its all very funny till somebody gets hurt.

Cris said:
Show us some evidence for your claims.
Its this very thing that causes the pain and suffering in the world, not belief in the creator of the universe.
Yes they have influenced the world's religions.....forget relying upon them.
The god of heaven destroyed these forces from heaven and now its your turn to push them out of your life, and this world.
Open your eyes to whats been really controling things in this world and be someone to stand up and make a difference.
We are more than able to do it.
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Your post shows no serious attempt to substantiate your claims, doubtless because you are unable to do so. Sarcasm and cynicism do not count.
Cris said:

Your post shows no serious attempt to substantiate your claims, doubtless because you are unable to do so. Sarcasm and cynicism do not count.

1) wisdom, sound knowledge, success, sound/efficient wisdom, abiding
1a) sound/efficient wisdom
1b) abiding success (of the effect of sound wisdom)

The abiding success of sound, efficient wisdom.
The truth will stand the test of time.
So look around you, and observe what has stood the "test of time"
That which was laid out with deliberate care upon a solid foundation.
Nothing that just happens of itself, or comes about by accident lasts long.

This world was created and destroyed by the one that spoke it into existence.
Your body is a type of the world, made up of the same sixteen elements.
Will you be destroyed for lack of understanding sound efficient wisdom?
Everything exists to teach you this truth.
Nature was created as a teaching tool, the trees, the wind, the rivers and the sea...they all speak volumes, if you have eyes to see...
Spiritual eyes.
If you don't, there is nothing I can tell you either.
The Visitor,

No, that is simply your imagination in overdrive. None of what you say has any demonstrable basis.
one_raven said:
So, looking at the world today, with all the people that believe that he did exist, what would change if that belief was not based in reality?

As someone who values little more than truth, this is something that is quite difficult for me to admit and accept, but like it or not, for better or for worse, collective belief DOES determine reality.

Jesus exists in people’s minds because people believe in him, and if that belief is not based on reality at all (which is simply improvable) it makes no difference whatsoever.
And there is nothing you can do about it.
One Raven,

You have brought up a really good point.
I for one believe He did exist, but laying that aside for a moment I want to comment on your observation here.
"collective belief DOES determine reality".

The fact that many people believe a certain thing does sway their collective behavior and thereby determine reality not only just to them, but also affecting all those they interact with.
This doesn't even take into consideration of the ability of human's to create from their imagination.
If you can see it, you can be it.
The dormant abilities that exist in the 90% unused portion of the human brain is really yet unexplored, but back to the Bible as a reference, it said we were made in the image of God.
This may mean man, as he was created originally also had this creative power.

Take Peter, according to the Bible even before he was converted, he saw Jesus walking on the water and after asking if He could do the same....a man like us today, no different, walked on the water also.
Jesus said if you believe, without any doubt in your heart, you could have anything you asked for even the moving of a mountain.
To believe from your heart without any doubt, is tapping into a creative power of God.

Another example of someone who has thought of this possibility is the writers for Stargate SG1.
If any of you watch the Stargate SG1, they recently had an episode where they claimed a group of religious "wannabes" that were some kind of ascended bad guys, the Ori...., received power from the masses that they could deceive into worshiping them as gods, from the power of the peoples belief in them.

Now that a TV show had an episode about something doesn't make it true, of course not....(I don't even want to hear about it :eek: ) but that does point out it is something on people's minds.
So....""collective belief DOES determine reality". is true in more way than we may realize, even if the last case remains in the realms of fiction.
I thought your whole post on this subject One Raven, was very clear and well thought out.
Good one.
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TheVisitor said:
One Raven,

You have brought up a really good point.
I for one believe He did exist, but laying that aside for a moment I want to comment on your observation here.
"collective belief DOES determine reality".

The fact that many people believe a certain thing does sway their collective behavior and thereby determine reality not only just to them, but also affecting all those they interact with.
That's exactly what I was trying to say.

The rest, however, I can't get behind at all.

And this is simply untrue:
TheVisitor said:
The dormant abilities that exist in the 90% unused portion of the human brain is really yet unexplored
Yes, I know they now say the 10% theory is just a "myth", but there is no evidence to the contrary, and I side with the ones on your site posted that say even if an MRI or CAT scan can show the majority of a persons brain active from time to time, there is still the conscious vs sub-conscious aspect.

1) Brain imaging research techniques such as PET scans (positron emission tomography) and fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) clearly show that the vast majority of the brain does not lie fallow. Indeed, although certain minor functions may use only a small part of the brain at one time, any sufficiently complex set of activities or thought patterns will indeed use many parts of the brain. Just as people don't use all of their muscle groups at one time, they also don't use all of their brain at once. For any given activity, such as eating, watching television, making love, or reading, you may use a few specific parts of your brain. Over the course of a whole day, however, just about all of the brain is used at one time or another.

Part of the reason for the long life of the myth is that if one variant can be proven incorrect, the person who held the belief can simply shift the reason for his belief to another basis, while the belief itself stays intact. So, for example, if a person is shown that PET scans depict activity throughout the entire brain, he can still claim that, well, the ninety percent figure really referred to the subconscious mind, and therefore the Ten-Percent figure is still basically correct.

The conscious is just the surface of a vast ocean the sub-conscoius, that contains all we have ever seen, heard, thought or imagined...not to mention contact with other spirits, the mind of God, and through that, the ability to transend the temporary "now" contacted with our five senses and see the past, all thats in the present, and the future.....the omniscient quality of the mind of God, who's image we were created in.
This is why the protective wall between the conscious and sub-conscious was placed there I believe by God, and it is not possibly to access and hold in the conscious mind all this knowledge at one time by any normal person.
Its like the hard drive on a computer, networking and the internet, the conscious is like the Ram memory that has to be booted up every time the computer is turned on vs the hard drive memory.
What is the usual ratio between those two?
100 to 1 or even 1000 to 1?
In that perspective we probably use far less than the 10 %.
I'll side with those who still hold to the 10% "myth".
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