Science Vs Religion

Hey Snake,

If you don't believe if "god" you're an aithiest.

Welcome aboard.

When I came to the site, I called myself agnostic. I really wasn't familiar with the term "epistemology" at the time and mistook the term "agnostic" as a position regarding religion. Turns out "agnostic" is really a stance regarding the nature of knowledge, not religion. Now I realize I'm just another stinking "weak aitheist", which is the same as what I used to think "agnostic" is. It's really a stupid detail blah blah, but it can create significant miscommunication if you don't get it straightened out.
Mountainhare: I am 4th year university, which you are clearly not... so yes, I am the smart-ass type, does this make you the dumb-ass type?
My ass you're a university student. If you are one, what are you doing on a forum bitching about quotes? You should be studying, you lousy friggin liar.

The only dumb-ass here is you. If you aren't a uni student (high probability) then you are a dumb-ass for making such a stupid claim. If you are a uni student, you are a GIGANTIC dumbass for spending time in a forum when you should be studying.

You're a uni student? Yeah, well, I'm the King of England. Kiss my ass.
Hi King of England,
I don't see anything wrong with a university student wasting time here (cough). But you do put up a good point, Prisme is talking crap.

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You worry me

You see, there's this thing called summer and in summer students actually complete there final exams by the end of april... which makes me available to do whatever I want: including wasting my time in a public forum talking about retarded subjects like your ass and what category of ass I fall into.
In any event, what makes me a dumb-ass for talking with guys like you? I mean, last time I checked this was america and I am free to do what I want, student or not.

-Education hurts - it is a violation of one's own subjectivity that forces the individual towards the world, I know mountain, you have already sweared with pain from the hammer of truth pounding your thick skull. Your reaction is only human.

This said, I will leave you and your hate with a following idea:
"Mankind is not young, to the contrary he is very old, for he has the age of his predjudices" Gaston Bachelard.

Calling yourself the King of England proves nothing to your case that I'm not a university student. Thinking it would most surely show that you are not of my social class. So I'm going to let you be who you are and most of those who sympathize with you be who they are: pretencious fools without a cause"
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Response part 1

No, it would show that everybody has a mind of their own, and choose to use it in the way they see fit.

And using that mind of their own they can believe in whatever they want to believe in regardless of whether it's factual or otherwise. They have faith to hide their mortal fears but there remains no real evidence to give plausability to that faith. Everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want to believe and do whatever they want to do but nobody is in a place where they can call everyone else wrong. Unlike some people i cannot just pick and choose which god is the real one, if any are, without the facts. You can and are entitled to do so but some people require more than that. That doesn't mean they're going against god or denying god, yet it's something i hear all the time. When i constantly get told i'm going to burn in hell for not loving jesus and all that shit i ask myself if god gave them the right to condemn other humans, to even speculate upon gods intentions. If god has something to say let him say it- i don't need to hear it off some snivelling self righteous twerp.

No, God causes confusion on stupid, foolish men who think they can get into heaven, by building a pile of bricks. This may be progression to you, but it smacks of stupidity to me.

"Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens..."

The lord said "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other" ...because there the lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

Firstly they said "the heavens" It's plural- is there more than one heaven or is it pertinent to suggest they were talking about the void of black in the sky? Of course it depends which translation you read. The NJV says heaven, the NIV says heavens.... Obviously the translators don't realise the added importance a single letter can make.

But, let's assume they were building into 'heaven' take note of what god himself says. It wasn't that they were being foolish, it was worry that they were going to succeed. If men 2000+ years ago could get that close to building into heaven then surely by now we've flown past it, or through it? I will get into the heaven=space debate at some other stage once my analysis of the bible is complete but i will state at this moment these guys were not stupid foolish men yada yada. "This may be progression to you" ------- Well it is attempted progression on a human scale. That progression was stopped by god. If he didn't stop the humans progressing: "Nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them."

If you understand something, then you have knowledge. If you have knowledge of something, you don’t necessarily understand it, thus, understanding is the key. What I understand about God, is what I know, which is hardly anything, but enough to know He is real.

As i said intelligence is the collaboration of understanding and knowledge. Your personal understanding is that god exists, even though you yourself said you understand hardly anything. Now you should look at the knowledgable side of it. Saying "I know he's real" is not knowledge, it's assumption based on personal understanding. Of course with this particular topic knowledge is also limited. We can view the minimal and ancient texts which incorporate personal understanding of people thousands of years ago but that never leads to knowledge of truth. Our own personal understanding will decipher and read into that whatever we want, but none of us can claim knowledge of the truth in this instance. That's not to say you dont have the truth and the knowledge but why would anyone else have to believe you? You heard voices, you have a feeling, you feel the presence of jesus etc etc. That's all well and good but could you ever expect people to just accept what you say? I used to run a chatroom for abductees etc. I heard many instances of alien abductions including abduction rapes. Do i just say "Yeah, i believe you"? Do i just say "You're a liar"? No, the best thing to do is study the evidence in hope it leads to a truth. In these kind of scenarios though the only truth is to see it with your own eyes. All that can be done at present is to search the evidence.

So is ones understanding and knowledge, it stands to reason. You will only believe me, (if you do not understand me) if you think I am credible. If you think I am credible, then agreement is already in your heart to some degree or other. Where intelligence comes in, is who we choose as credible.

Well credibility does not = fact. Some of the abductees i spoke to were very credible. They drew pictures and recounted in very sincere manner the events that 'apparently' took place. If someone believes within themselves they can come across as very credible, they would even pass lie detector tests. In reality nothing is any closer to fact. Now, we can speak to and question these 'apparent' first hand witnesses but you deny them over a witness from 2000+ years ago who had little intelligence regarding the planet, the cosmos and their own lives. Billions of ufo sightings, abductions and whatever else. Does that mean the existence of aliens is fact? You decide and then hopefully you'll understand why god also does not= fact, and why we shouldn't just accept something on personal understanding.

Quite right, that’s why I believe in God, because He has superior intelligence to every other living being, and there is no question of speculation.

Lol you say 'quite right' then go against everything you just agreed with. What you just said is complete speculation based on your 'belief'. If you believe in god you are admitting you know no more fact than anyone else. A belief does not=fact. But either way please tell me what 'god' you are referring to. From what i've read there's many of them. I guess that's not speculation either then?

He must have had, or God would not have told him that if he eats of a certain tree…..

Gen. 2:15. The Lord God took the man and placed him in the orchard in Eden to care for and maintain it. 2:16 Then the Lord God commanded the man, "You may freely eat fruit from every tree of the orchard, 2:17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will surely die."

Your analysing is not going too well, is it?

Actually i think it's going very well... So, now you say Adam must have had knowledge of good and evil before eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Your basis for this is because if he didn't there'd be no point god telling him the passage you quoted above? Thank you sincerely for completely making my point.

Gen 3:22 And the lord god said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil..."

You see Adam obviously had NO knowledge of what good or evil was before eating the fruit. As i have now said to you over countless posts Adam was innocent of any wrong doing because he would have had no idea. And i agree fully with you- what god told him was bloody pointless.

Okay, let’s assume God was walking in the garden. Why would He be physical?

Why wouldn't he be? 'walking' suggests someone has feet and legs. Ok he could be a visible sort of ghost like being 'walking' along but that still suggests 'form'. He was visible because Adam and Eve hid from him, he was more than likely physical because he asked where they were etc etc. There are many instances of this in the bible. "Walking in the cool of the day..." suggests physical attributes.

Exod 4:24 At a lodging place on the way, the lord met [moses]and was about to kill him..

Ok it could be he wasn't physical at all but then why would anyone assume he wasn't? He's god, he's all powerful and can be physical if he so desires... right?

I would describe them as cunning, smart, clever, manipulative, fearful, careful, brainy, deceptive and probably a whole host of other things, but I would not class them as intelligent. But we are all entitled to our opinions.

That's because you have this bizarre notion intelligence= loving everyone.

So what are you trying to say?

Well, with a little help from you we have established Adam was innocent. Thus he wasn't being foolish, he just didn't know any better.

We are not talking about “crimes”, we are talking about “evil intent”.

Do me a favour and signify the difference.

Well, I searched and searched, and could not find anything that mentioned an uprising against God.

6:11 The earth was ruined in the sight of God; the earth was filled with violence.
6:12 God saw the earth, and indeed it was ruined, for all living creatures on the earth were sinful.

Maybe you ought to get a different bible.

Well... every living creature on earth was sinning, which is obviously against god, (or he wouldn't have need to drown the entire planet). I'd call it an 'uprising' if every thing on the planet was sinning and obviously against god. If not kindly tell me who they were sinning against. If they were sinning against each other isn't that in itself going against god and his wishes?

Gen 6:5 The lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time..

Every man had evil in his heart- isn't that against god?

I'm currently using three bibles, perhaps you ought to buy one.

(about the machine- no need to quote it all)

Not important, i guess we can just agree to disagree.
You see, there's this thing called summer and in summer students actually complete there final exams by the end of april... which makes me available to do whatever I want: including wasting my time in a public forum talking about retarded subjects like your ass and what category of ass I fall into.
You see, there's this thing called the coranation, and a week after that I get a holiday to waste in the public forum talking about retarded subjects like you talking utter bullshit.

-Education hurts -
Is that why you never passed Grade 1??

So I'm going to let you be who you are and most of those who sympathize with you be who they are: pretencious fools without a cause

LOL. You're trying to sound all smart and professional when you talk, probably to back up your case.
Since this works for my God theory, it will work for my "You're a liar theory"
No evidence = No belief
Response part 2

Have you been successful in finding truth?
Do you think you could give some examples, if that’s not asking too much. Thanks.

I've found many truths along the way..

Example: When dropping a heavy object on my foot, it hurts.

That's a truth. Aside from that i can't say i have in the context with which we are discussing. But truth or otherwise my current analysis is based on the premise of if. If the bible is an accurate account of god and history, If god exists, and so on. I do this in order to ascertain what god is, what he's like etc. Of course i guess that in itself is limited. Genesis for example- From Adam to Joseph- one family line spanning over two millennia but only really concerned with six people. God 'follows' these 6 people. With that in mind it's hard to see what god thinks of everyone else. In Genesis this mention of everyone else comes when he is about to destroy, kill, or disease them. In exodus he gives the egyptians hassle because the jews are his people, so by this stage we know he looks after jews, but there is no mention of the people he spread across the whole planet, (Chinese people etc). The bible is just a middle east account of how god acts. You put total faith in that middle eastern version of god- i concur that it would seem prevalent to read up on scriptures from around the world to see how god acted elsewhere. In saying this i think it would be a wise thing to do before settling on your personal version of belief.

An atheist would bother to give the impression that God is a murderer, so I ask, where is the difference?

No, an athiest would say 'there isn't a god'.

Your argument shows that you have not been as thorough as you would probably have liked or thought you were, in fact, your arguments, where the Personality of God are concerned, are silly, to be honest.

Well apparently all i need to do is debate with you for a while and you end up confirming my points. You then resort here to claiming the points i make concerning the personality of god are 'silly'. Unfortunately that is from a biased and 'closed off' mind. If you were open to possibility you'd say so- obviously you are so locked up in your own little mind as to deny anyone who ever offers a debate. Don't worry, there's a couple of billion others who are the same as you.

And it is clear (and yes it is my opinion) that you have some problem with God, more than not believing in Him, much like most of the atheist posters in sci-forums, and as such refuse to see common-sense.

I obviously have a problem with god because i dont agree with your assumption of him right? Fine. Let's get it straight that not once have i said "God does not exist", i am actually working on the premise of if which is as open minded as you can get. I'd also like to mention common sense has nothing to do with fact and nothing to do with truth. I think you're too quick to judge others and judge them only if their minds opinion differs from yours. If i agreed with you, you'd call me a smart guy. I'm afraid that's not how it all works.

Common sense dictates, that the truth is within you, for you to analyse something and then come to a conclusion, that conclusion comes from within, you have to make the final decision.

You can make 'final decisions' without any evidence, any proof, or any facts. That's your right. The same does not apply to all of humanity.

Hey Snake,

If you don't believe in "god" you're an aithiest.

Religion is acceptance, athiesm is non acceptance, i'm just in the middle: 'might be, might not'. I believe there might be a god, i believe there might not be, i believe there might be hundreds of gods, that they might be alien beings or there might be nothing at all etc etc.... It's all mights/might nots and i have no place to decide one way or the other.

Prisme: Kindly stop posting in this thread. It's obvious you have no inclination to debate issues at hand or contribute to the discussion in progress. Instead you seem more focused on giving your opinion on how people should or should not make posts. Kindly go and put it all on it's own thread, why clutter this one? All you're doing is taking time away from thread related discussion and wasting kilobytes. Thank you.

Just so you know there is no need to reply.

Your efforts to give us an impression that you have half the IQ of a lobotimized lumberjack has failed. You make no sense, have incomplete thoughts and basically can't communicate.

Go back to school or watch wheel of fortune. Stop wasting our time.


(unsuscribing from this thread)
It is impossible to prove a non-existence claim.
No it's not. Some are impossible to prove, but not every non-existance claim as you're stating.
You have failled to illustrate any 'flaw' in Kuhn theories.
Putting quotes of me and not answering them intelligently... does not make you look intelligent. (Sorry)
Stating there's a flaw does not illustrate the flaw.
I asked for the problem you mentioned so I can address it, but you have said what it is.
You claim you cannot prove non-existance claims, then make them yourself. By saying the above you're saying "There are no people that can prove god doesn't exist."
Yet someone could prove you wrong by proving god doesn't exist.
Non-existance claims can be proven. It depends on how they're defined.
You claim you cannot prove non-existance claims, then make them yourself.
OK. I'm going to say it one more time, because obviously you are not smart enough to have grasped the concept yet.


90% of Christians claim UFO's, pink fuzzy unicorns and gremlins don't exist. Why not God? He falls into the same category.

Listen, until I am given proof, GOD DOES NOT EXIST.
When I say this, I mean from my perspective. Maybe he does (99% chance he doesn't), but to me GOD DOES NOT EXIST. I would rather be 100% sure than 99.9999% sure.

My simple mathematical formula...


Let's do it again, because none of your arrogant theists seem to understand why we are atheists.


I will continue to know (NOT CLAIM, THERE'S A SLIGHT DIFFERENCE) God doesn't exist until the day I die, unless presented with proof!

Once again, incase you still haven't grasped the concept


Whew. Do you reckon they understand yet, Snakelord? Jeesh, some people.
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yo mountainhare , chill out man .


let us redefine theology into its original interpretation shall we :

Theos LogosnotTheos Mythos

I already established God in Ethics and Aesthetics , if only Epistemology and Ontology could follow . :rolleyes:

I regard Christianity as the most fatal and seductive lie that has ever yet existed
Friedrich Nietzche


As you r going , I wont take the trouble to explain you matters AGAIN , you see you do not need a goal when ur 1-0 up .And No , dont even think about it , shut up . But as I know Ull be peaking anyways I do wanna say this .

You not only seem to hold a grudge against people who have
however I do prefer reading things that don't ressemble Hegels 'small logic' and try to have an overall objective other than attempting to lose everyone's comprehension
I shit on Hegel and guess on who else ?
offence intented, since you seem to dig this overt and direct approach
Satan is incapable of offending Allah
efforT (yes a T)
Only ignorant ones care for ignorant rules
I never generalized it to the point of debating what intelligence was or should be
Intellectually I am God and you are the Devil I have proved so .
I just think its funny that people are so readily touched in their ego when
Allah has no ego
c previous post
about how quotes are important and that I somehow have issues with the devil and don't know the real meanning of intelligence...
I am 4th year university, which you are clearly not... so yes, I am the smart-ass type, does this make you the dumb-ass type?
U surely ass type allright , u homo sheep mehmehmeh

Hey man , Im still God , you're still Devil .

I didnt mean to upset you or anything , I just needed to test out my theory and I knew you were in intelligence than I am by just 3 sentences you have written (who can judge better than Allah?)
Yes Allah knows best its a fact .

Have fun in your pre-summer summer school , Here in Euro in the 4th year we make scripts , thats the final exam not some tests .

Lest say u study Law , then you may present a case .
Lets say u study business administration , u may present a company plan
Lets say u study psychology , u may present a psychologic analysis
Lets say u study philosophy , u may present a philosophical theorem

I bet u just in high school somhewere in smallville suburbia

While the God there where he can eat his food

Where have you been?
You're ignorant. Either you haven't looked for evidence, or you're ignorant because you're another one of those people who thinks that UFO = flying saucer.

You also railed on about something unrelated to the point I was making when you quoted me at the top of your post.
Originally posted by Alpha
Where have you been?
You're ignorant. Either you haven't looked for evidence, or you're ignorant because you're another one of those people who thinks that UFO = flying saucer.

You also railed on about something unrelated to the point I was making when you quoted me at the top of your post.

Whenever people use the term Unidentified Flying Object it is in reference to extraterrestrial life, so there really is no concrete evidence for UFOs.

Even terrestrial UFO's there is no evidence for, because if there is evidence of the flying object, then it would be identified, wouldn't it?

Originally posted by Zero Mass
Whenever people use the term Unidentified Flying Object it is in reference to extraterrestrial life, so there really is no concrete evidence for UFOs.

Even terrestrial UFO's there is no evidence for, because if there is evidence of the flying object, then it would be identified, wouldn't it?

No. There are numerous videos and photos, reports, etc, of flying objects (evidence), but it is not known what they are.
ehhh, lets not get into the UFO discussion, I was talking about evidence like "holy crap joey, come check out this wicked dead alien body I just found"

Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
Have fun in your pre-summer summer school , Here in Euro in the 4th year we make scripts , thats the final exam not some tests .
American universities do this too... although I'm not sure what you mean by scripts (are you a drama major? lol). I think he was claiming high intelligence then you because he can spell... but I'm assuming english is just your second language. Then again you resorted to making sheep noises at him... so who knows:D
Originally posted by Zero Mass
ehhh, lets not get into the UFO discussion, I was talking about evidence like "holy crap joey, come check out this wicked dead alien body I just found"

That wouldn't be evidence there's UFOs, that would be evidence there's aliens. :rolleyes:
You're ignorant. Either you haven't looked for evidence, or you're ignorant because you're another one of those people who thinks that UFO = flying saucer.

No. There are numerous videos and photos, reports, etc, of flying objects (evidence), but it is not known what they are.
You're a dumb ass if you believe in UFO'S just because a camera shows a light in the sky and a couple of objects which cannot be identified, and some freaks claim to have been captured by aliens and given anal probes.

Have you ever thought...

1. The tapes have been meddled with, edited.

2. That light in the sky is a satelite, jet, plane, optical illusion. Wait! I bet you never even bothered to consider that (moron.)

3. Maybe the people who say crazy things such as being given anal probes are, well, crazy,

Please note that NOT ONE PHOTO shows a UFO. It shows a light in the sky (ooooh, I've never seen lights before!), or a blurred object (gee, maybe the image has been edited!)

P.S. Thanks for helping me out, Zero. Gotta team up to drill some sense into these people. :D
Same as everything else it remains a possibility. I don't think you have place to start calling people dumbasses/morons etc for stating evidence exists.

Ok you label the entire catalogue of evidence as optical illusion, jets, edited video tapes and anal probed 'freaks' but there's a lot more to it than that. If you did some research you'd know that- instead you just show you have no idea what you're talking about.

Remember, instantly denying out of hand is as bad as instantly accepting something as truth.
Re: Response part 1

Originally posted by SnakeLord
Firstly they said "the heavens" It's plural- is there more than one heaven or is it pertinent to suggest they were talking about the void of black in the sky?
I think it is safe to say they wanted to go to heaven. The heavens could mean, the upper region of the universe, but whichever way you look at it, they wanted paradise. They probably didn’t know that they couldn’t breathe in space, provided their building would get that far. :p

It wasn't that they were being foolish, it was worry that they were going to succeed.
LOL!!! Succeed in what? Creating a building out of bricks to travel light years (at best) away. Tell me you’re joking, please.

Well it is attempted progression on a human scale. That progression was stopped by god. If he didn't stop the humans progressing: "Nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them."
That’s just plain silly. He just didn’t want the whole of mankind going down the swany, just for a few suicidal people who thought they could they could cheat death. The only progression in that scenario, was that the men had progressed from using mortar to using bricks, that was the scientific progression, but their ultimate aim was daft. God hasn’t stopped the progression of men, just the threat of fatal intentions.

As i said intelligence is the collaboration of understanding and knowledge. Your personal understanding is that god exists, even though you yourself said you understand hardly anything.
I disagree, I think understanding and knowledge defines ones intelligence. All understanding is personal, as I said before, it is impossible to understand something, until you understand it. I may not have a lot of knowledge of God, but I have enough to know that He exists. This is not a claim, as it personal.

Now you should look at the knowledgable side of it. Saying "I know he's real" is not knowledge, it's assumption based on personal understanding.
Then it’s still knowledge.

We can view the minimal and ancient texts which incorporate personal understanding of people thousands of years ago but that never leads to knowledge of truth.
We already have knowledge of truth, everyone of us, but we also have knowledge of a lot of other things which isn’t necessarily truth. The truth has to be, that which is, was and always will be, it cannot change, for to change would mean it wasn’t a truth in the first place. So whatever truth was spoken 5000 years ago, still applies today.

Our own personal understanding will decipher and read into that whatever we want,
And depending on the level of understanding, it can read into it, exactly how it is.

but none of us can claim knowledge of the truth in this instance.
We can claim things to ourselves, based on our understanding, as we both are doing. How else could we have had this discussion?

That's not to say you dont have the truth and the knowledge but why would anyone else have to believe you?
It doesn’t matter if people believe you, it matters that you are true to yourself, when/if the time is right, when we get to the point where we see God in everything and everything in God, then we can make others believe, just through our exemplary lifestyle, until then we are just learning.

That's all well and good but could you ever expect people to just accept what you say?
Why would I want people to just accept what I say, when I don’t just accept what people say?

No, the best thing to do is study the evidence in hope it leads to a truth.
What would you regard as evidence, that leads to the truth?

In these kind of scenarios though the only truth is to see it with your own eyes.
I understand where you’re coming from, but I don’t agree.

If you believe in god you are admitting you know no more fact than anyone else.
I’ve never stated that I know more facts than anyone else, where is this coming from.

From what i've read there's many of them. I guess that's not speculation either then?
There’s only one God, the original cause of all causes.
You only want to see it as many gods, because it justifies your preferred understanding, and makes it seem as though it’s all mixed up and disorganised. That is your ignorance.

Gen 3:22 And the lord god said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil..."
You see, here I can tell what your intention is simply because you chose to show only a part of that verse, which actually goes;

"Now that the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil, he must not be allowed to stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."

When you put “Now that” in front, it changes the feel.
Before Adam fell from grace, he was not aware of the dualities of nature because his mind was fixed on God, therefore, there was no need of the knowledge of good and evil, he was perfect. When he ate the fruit, he became aware of being self-consciousness, he was no longer purely God-conscious. Hence, once self-conscious, he immediately started feeling the pangs of material existence, he was now under the control of nature, whereas, before he was under the control of God. This meant nature began acting, and eventually he would die, as God said.
If at this stage, he had eaten from the tree of life, and lived forever, there would eventually be chaos and overpopulation, due to the eventual degradation of mans consciousness, it was imperative that he did not eat from that tree.

And i agree fully with you- what god told him was bloody pointless.
What are you talking about?

Ok it could be he wasn't physical at all but then why would anyone assume he wasn't? He's god, he's all powerful and can be physical if he so desires... right?
There is a lot to learn here, maybe we will touch on it again.

That's because you have this bizarre notion intelligence= loving everyone.
Before we go any further, you should learn not to add your own bits and pieces to what people say, learn to answer or respond exactly to what they’ve said.

Well, with a little help from you we have established Adam was innocent. Thus he wasn't being foolish, he just didn't know any better.
Why can’t you read the script for what it is. Adam may have been innocent, but he had knowledge, God taught him everything he needed to know. Adam decided he wanted to be on equal terms with God, by accepting the fruit, knowing (from God) that he would surely die. I would say that is a foolish move, you may not, but I do.

I'd call it an 'uprising' if every thing on the planet was sinning and obviously against god.
In the bible it says; the wages of sin is death. When we sin, we harm ourselves, sinning against God, is harmful to the individual.

If they were sinning against each other isn't that in itself going against god and his wishes?
Yes, but we’re just creating bigger and bigger rods for our backs.

Every man had evil in his heart- isn't that against god?
Didn’t you read and agree that the man I described as having evil intent, had evil in his heart?
Who was the intent for, human or God?


Jan Ardena.
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