Science Vs Religion

That’s just plain silly. He just didn’t want the whole of mankind going down the swany, just for a few suicidal people who thought they could they could cheat death. The only progression in that scenario, was that the men had progressed from using mortar to using bricks, that was the scientific progression, but their ultimate aim was daft. God hasn’t stopped the progression of men, just the threat of fatal intentions.


By stating this it is futhering the idea told to us by science that we all "evolved" from monkeys, and ancient man were primatives.
The opposite is true according to the bible.

Man was created in the image of Sons of God, and fell from there.

But the serpent was more subtile than any beast of the field the Lord God had made......Satan in the serpent seduced Eve and created Cain, and through his offspring, the sons of men, a race he could work through, to destroy the creation of God, and build his own kingdom were He sits as God and is worshiped by all the peoples of the earth as God....(Isaiah, Ezekiel)
The bible says Cains children were the articifers of brass and iron, the creator of musical instruments and they builded cites.
This describes perfectly a scientific based society which men turned to after chooseing to "lean upon thier own understanding" ....instead of accepting the Word of God.
The sons of God lived by faith in God...they were men of God.
They had lifespans of ten times that of ours today.....and the sons of men had a thirst for knowledge...they choose to eat from the tree of knowledge instead of the tree of life, these two races mixed before the flood and the result was the situation at the tower of babel just after the flood.

The spirits influencing man were the spirits of fallen angels trying to get back to heaven, which is in another dimension.
They had a plan and were using man to acomplish it.
This is why the thoughts of mankind were evil continually, they had given themselves over to these evil spirits.

To say they were only just learning to make bricks......this sounds like something a scientist today would say because they have chosen to make the pursuit of knoledge their god, and in their arrogance they can't accept something greater than their own understanding.

How history repeats itself.
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I look at the Science vs. Religion argument like this:

centuries of god worshiping and religious waste of time (the middle ages) brought us nothing except maybe Galileo, and a few reasonable people who didn't look at life from a religious point of view.

On the other hand, take the last 150 years.

It has brought us relativity, space flights, landed us on the moon, computers, automobiles, airplanes, nuclear power, and hundred more things that benefit us much more than god does.
Re: Response part 2

Originally posted by SnakeLord
I've found many truths along the way..

Example: When dropping a heavy object on my foot, it hurts.
Okay, we’ll use this example. We can read lots of scientific books wherein it will tell us what causes the pain, why the pain is caused, what happens to the skin, etc, but it can never explain the pain itself. The pain itself is not only knowledge, but the ultimate knowledge. Having had that experience, your whole life changes, because written into your consciousness is the exact explanation, and it constitutes truth. You cannot convey this truth to anyone else, short of giving them the actual experience. Neither will your understanding and knowledge change, if someone comes up with different theories. This is the best kind of knowledge, in my opinion. Self-realisation, knowledge of the self or soul is knowledge like that, lots of explanations and instructions can be given, but it isn’t until you realise for yourself, that you know.

I do this in order to ascertain what god is, what he's like etc.
If this is true, then you should stop misquoting the scriptures, and give up those preconceived ideas you cling strongly to, because apart from anything else, they are hopelessly flawed.

With that in mind it's hard to see what god thinks of everyone else.
I’ve told you before, God presents His pastimes according to time, place and circumstance.
If you want to have some knowledge of Who and What God is, by God Himself, then the only scripture you can acquire this fully, is the Bhagavad Gita.

You put total faith in that middle eastern version of god- i concur that it would seem prevalent to read up on scriptures from around the world to see how god acted elsewhere. In saying this i think it would be a wise thing to do before settling on your personal version of belief.
As far as I know, I have expressed to you, my belief in God. I read all manner of literature regarding God, but I am not aware of us discussing my faith. Lets stick to what is being said please. :rolleyes:

You then resort here to claiming the points i make concerning the personality of god are 'silly'.[‘quote]
Your arguments are silly, because you are putting God on your level, and because of this, you whole analysis is wrong. As I said before, if you are going to argue about the actions of God, then you must also understand He is God, not man or superman.

Unfortunately that is from a biased and 'closed off' mind. If you were open to possibility you'd say so- obviously you are so locked up in your own little mind as to deny anyone who ever offers a debate.
I’m not being biased, it is all there in the scripture. You’re the one who says God killed most of the people because they didn’t agree with Him, I’m just showing you, that that is not the case, if you read what is being said carefully. You are the one who is biased, it is very evident through your personal inferences, when quoting a scripture.

Don't worry, there's a couple of billion others who are the same as you.
Oh, personal insults, how interesting. :rolleyes:

I obviously have a problem with god because i dont agree with your assumption of him right?
No, because you keep reading into the bible, things that aren’t there, and all your readings are negative. It is as if God, to you, is an evil man, that’s what I get from you.

You can make 'final decisions' without any evidence, any proof, or any facts. That's your right. The same does not apply to all of humanity.
Of course it does. It doesn’t mean you can’t make decisions without evidence, proof or facts, but it is not all the time one has the luxury of evidence, proof or facts, at hand, when a decision has to be made.


Jan Ardena.
Man, UFO = Unidentified Flying Object, not flying saucer, how many times to I have to say it? There's plenty of UFOs, we should look for evidence that explains what they are, not that they exist. To say they don't is stupid. Unless you think UFO = flying saucer, which it doesn't!
Response 1

LOL!!! Succeed in what? Creating a building out of bricks to travel light years (at best) away. Tell me you’re joking, please.

Well, confusion like this will arise if you take one sentence out of twenty and question it. But while we're on the subject of humour, if you find the idea that ridiculously funny why would god feel otherwise? Why confuse and spread them over the planet instead of just letting them build their brick house? Let's look at the text:

Gen 11:6 'The lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them..."

It's quite apparent from modern scientific understanding no man would survive long enough to make a building that reaches 'the heavens'. As you have stated correctly they would encounter problems and would inevitably die once it had been built to a certain height.

However god wasn't so interested in what they were doing but more what it would lead to. If they could work together at that stage to work their way into heaven, then it's only a matter of time before we would reach it. 2000+ years later man has reached 'the heavens'. It's all about progression- god's confusing of mankind slowed down the inevitable progression of man. It's only a matter of time before we can travel a lot further throughout the cosmos. There is absolutely no mention of man 'wanting paradise' so why make the groundless assumption? Man didn't want to be scattered over the face of the whole earth. How would your mind assume you can prevent something like that? Ah, you build upwards. Look at modern day skyscrapers... Now try and fit all those people on a flat surface and think of the area it would take. If you build upwards you save land space. To this day man still builds skywards to prevent over-consumption of ground mass. There's no mention of 'paradise' as you speculated so it's pointless here. Just to point out where you said it: "but whichever way you look at it, they wanted paradise." Whichever way you look at it? How about looking at it from the angle of what it actually says, not what you want it to say.

That’s just plain silly. He just didn’t want the whole of mankind going down the swany, just for a few suicidal people who thought they could they could cheat death.

Again, groundless assumption based on nothing. If you're going to debate the text, use the text.

The only progression in that scenario, was that the men had progressed from using mortar to using bricks, that was the scientific progression, but their ultimate aim was daft. God hasn’t stopped the progression of men, just the threat of fatal intentions.

Well that progression from mortar to bricks was enough to worry god.

Gen 11:6 'The lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them..."

Nothing? If he had no worry this statement is as pointless as the action that followed. The aim from a scientific standpoint would be considered futile. You can't build a tower that reaches space. The futility or 'daftness' of doing such a thing however bears no relation to god but to science. If you read the text you will see god specifically put a spanner in the works to slow down human progression, not to save them from 'fatal intentions' as once again you have groundlessly assumed.

We already have knowledge of truth, everyone of us, but we also have knowledge of a lot of other things which isn’t necessarily truth. The truth has to be, that which is, was and always will be, it cannot change, for to change would mean it wasn’t a truth in the first place. So whatever truth was spoken 5000 years ago, still applies today.

Well we know that the Sumerians were here 5000+ years ago. We know the bible is a collection of translations of texts, many handed down from Sumerian stories. We know that as far as truth is concerned here it's better to listen to the original authors who witnessed all the events spoken of than to rely on the handed down translations of those stories. That's not to say any of them are pure fact but If one of those must be true it would be the original because they were there at the time and any further translations are just diverting from what was originally spoken. If Sumerian texts aren't true then neither is the majority of the bible. The location of the garden of eden was in Sumeria, (Basra area), which is universally accepted. The religious faction use that as proof of god but what they don't even consider is that it all originates from stories of multiple alien beings. They created mankind and put them to work in their garden etc etc. So on the one hand they accept that it all originated in Sumeria and on the other hand dismiss any Sumerian texts. This is the bias of the religious establishment.

Truth does change, (assumed truth anyway- which is the field of religion). It wasn't until the jews that god became a singular. When that change was made it became the truth above all previous truths. Once Christianity arrived it changed the truth once more from the jews truth to the christian truth. There are now a few million 'truths'. A thousand off-shoots of christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and so on and so forth. You think any of you actually differ? You can all sit down in a room and the only thing any of you say is you 'know the truth'. It would then be like a Poirot mystery because all but one of you must be wrong. You really can't get into a discussion about truth where religion is concerned.

We can claim things to ourselves, based on our understanding, as we both are doing. How else could we have had this discussion?

Showing my point that neither one of us can claim we have the ultimate truth. I will try from your angle: "I know enough to know what i've said is the real truth." Now do you understand what i mean by 'personal'? Your own personal truth can be whatever you want but if you have any interest in real truth you must question instead of dismissing everything out of hand with groundless assumptions.

And depending on the level of understanding, it can read into it, exactly how it is.

Ok then, my understanding is of such level i have read into it exactly how it is. Prove me wrong. Is this where you proceed in making wild accusations that i'm not god concious and thus am wrong? You might be right, you might just be delusional. It's all down to 'mights and might nots'. That's the point, which is why i said: "but none of us can claim knowledge of the truth in this instance." And you concurred saying: "We can claim things to ourselves".

Why would I want people to just accept what I say, when I don’t just accept what people say?

Glad to hear it, if you truly feel that way.

I understand where you’re coming from, but I don’t agree.

Ok so someone who hasn't seen, heard or witnessed god in any form, shape or molecule should just accept it as being true? If that's the case i can in accordance with age old argument just accept unicorns, fairies, aliens etc. Without bearing witness to something of this nature you have no starting point. You can of course just accept he exists, you can just accept when someone else tells you he exists but we've already discussed that and you agreed that you can't expect people to just accept.

I’ve never stated that I know more facts than anyone else, where is this coming from.

It's coming from all your other replies. I suggest you read them.

There’s only one God, the original cause of all causes.
You only want to see it as many gods, because it justifies your preferred understanding, and makes it seem as though it’s all mixed up and disorganised. That is your ignorance.

Is this a fact? I'm apparently just ignorant so obviously you do know more truth than me, and the manner with which you state: There's only one god shows claim to having fact. If not kindly say 'there might be only one god' and stop with the petty attack on my brain. I'm ignorant, you're right. Whoopie-doo. In the bible god himself speaks in plurals. Elohim is plural-not singular. It was the jews that changed the belief into a singular being. Don't try and talk of my ignorance when you make statements like you have. I'm gonna do this your way...

There’s many Gods, you only want to see it as one god because it justifies your preferred understanding, and makes it seem as though it’s all controlled and organised. That is your ignorance.

You see, here I can tell what your intention is simply because you chose to show only a part of that verse, which actually goes;

"Now that the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil, he must not be allowed to stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."

Ok... you didn't pay any attention to also, (NJV uses 'too'). The now is still taken in the context of 'now'. Adam had become like 'one of them' and must be stopped from eating the other and living forever aswell as having knowledge of good and evil.

It remains that until they had eaten from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would have no understanding of it. It remains that god is speaking in plurals and it remains that you have no worthy combat to this point. Let's say Adam always had knowledge of good and evil, god would never have said "now that...", he would have known that from the very first second he created man and already put flaming swords in front of the tree of life.

Before Adam fell from grace, he was not aware of the dualities of nature because his mind was fixed on God, therefore, there was no need of the knowledge of good and evil, he was perfect. When he ate the fruit, he became aware of being self-consciousness, he was no longer purely God-conscious. Hence, once self-conscious, he immediately started feeling the pangs of material existence, he was now under the control of nature, whereas, before he was under the control of God. This meant nature began acting, and eventually he would die, as God said.
If at this stage, he had eaten from the tree of life, and lived forever, there would eventually be chaos and overpopulation, due to the eventual degradation of mans consciousness, it was imperative that he did not eat from that tree.

More groundless speculation? If Adam was perfect and his mind was fixed on god he wouldn't have ate the fruit in the first place. Simple. As for it being imperative..... If i was god i'm sure i could think of a real way to stop him....... (For instance: Not putting the bloody tree there in the first place)- unless god had no choice but to put the tree there? What other reason would he put a tree of knowledge of good and evil and a tree of life there for? If Adam was perfect etc etc and god didn't put the tree there Adam would still be perfect. Don't blame Adam- he's blameless.

Before we go any further, you should learn not to add your own bits and pieces to what people say, learn to answer or respond exactly to what they’ve said.

A) You're hardly in a position to tell me what i need to learn.

B) Re-read your former posts and you will see you said intelligence=loving everyone.

Why can’t you read the script for what it is.

Aha, says the person who makes up stuff not even written in the 'script'. Not once in the twoer of babel does it mention man wanting paradise, not once here does it mention god having taught adam everything, adam being perfect or otherwise. All these additions have been made by your mind, and your mind alone. Pointless debating stuff you made up on the spot. Example:

Adam may have been innocent, but he had knowledge, God taught him everything he needed to know. Adam decided he wanted to be on equal terms with God, by accepting the fruit, knowing (from God) that he would surely die. I would say that is a foolish move, you may not, but I do.

Where does it say Adam wanted to be on equal terms with god? Where does it say god taught adam everything?
Response 2

I've noticed through time i state something which you disagree with and dismiss outright then later on several posts down completely change direction and agree with me. An example of this:

You cannot convey this truth to anyone else, short of giving them the actual experience.

This was my exact point mentioned earlier, thanks for reiterating it for me. Furthermore you can claim people must search for it, but without knowing exactly what they're searching for the only way to realise that truth is to experience it, or 'see it with their own eyes'. God is in the position to enlighten us and open our eyes. Like everything else, we cannot just accept it with nothing more than groundless speculation or a book written several thousand years ago. Doing so would be ignorant. God can 'show us the way' and thus prevent us from burning in hell for eternity. When my son died i cried for the best part of 4 years for god- i searched, i begged....... God said absolutely nothing in return. As such the only viable option is if god presents himself to save his creation from thinking he doesn't exist. You can all waffle on about satan and evil intent as much as you like, it is of no consequence. The attitude with which that is promoted is with serious disdain to the rest of humanity. It is overly apparent in your posts you look down upon others who have not been fortunate enough to be graced with your knowledge of god- that is all well and good but if god condones that kind of behaviour and even promotes it i'd say i'm happier as i currently am.

If this is true, then you should stop misquoting the scriptures, and give up those preconceived ideas you cling strongly to, because apart from anything else, they are hopelessly flawed.

Lol. You should stop using quotes that aren't even in the scriptures and making up whatever you feel on the spot.. Give up those preconceived ideas you cling so strongly to, because apart from anything else, they are hopelessly flawed and not even a part of the thing you believe to be the word of god.

I’ve told you before, God presents His pastimes according to time, place and circumstance.

To save me looking, where does it say that? Where does god say: "I do things according to time, place and circumstance"? Anywhere, or is this just more make believe from your head?

If you want to have some knowledge of Who and What God is, by God Himself, then the only scripture you can acquire this fully, is the Bhagavad Gita.

Oh how so? God was only joking in the bible or what? Or.... that wasn't really the word of god just the opinions of shepherds?

As far as I know, I have expressed to you, my belief in God. I read all manner of literature regarding God, but I am not aware of us discussing my faith. Lets stick to what is being said please.

Actually you haven't but nevermind. I assume you also read all manner of literature regarding the absence of a god? Surely it's a worthy side of the argument and to save any bias opinion would be as important as anything else. Btw, have you read Sumerian texts yet?

I’m not being biased, it is all there in the scripture. You’re the one who says God killed most of the people because they didn’t agree with Him, I’m just showing you, that that is not the case, if you read what is being said carefully. You are the one who is biased, it is very evident through your personal inferences, when quoting a scripture.

All you have shown me throughout our discussion is your great ability to make things up on the spot. You pay no heed to what is written- instead you just add or take away wherever you want to in order to show inner opinion instead of written word of god. If i was bias i wouldn't be studying religious scripture, much like you probably don't read anti-religious scripture. If i was bias i'd also choose one god out of the thousands of possible ones and deem it to be the true one without having any evidence or proof to make such a claim. I sit here with the attitude of 'might, might not' and search for answers. You however sit there with the attitude of "God is fact, the end." That is bias.

Oh, personal insults, how interesting.

Eh? Where was the insult? I said there's a couple of billion people that think the same as you, that goes for everyone on the planet. Oh did you think i was trying to deny your uniqueness by stating there's several billion people who believe as you do? Don't let it get you down, god has time for everyone.

No, because you keep reading into the bible, things that aren’t there, and all your readings are negative. It is as if God, to you, is an evil man, that’s what I get from you.

Well i keep reading into the bible sure... I don't think you've even started that yet. Like i've now said several times you just prefer to make it up as we go along. As for god being evil... I'm studying in order to establish whether he is or not. So far there has been no case where god has claimed love for anyone. 10 or more instances of destruction, punishment and anihilation, 3 instances of plural speech, 4 instances of god coming down probably in human form, 3 instances of god liking meat, constant speech that we are slaves, signs of shame, guilt, anger, vengeance, and a whole host of other human seeming emotions but NOT ONE mention of love. When i find mention of such i will let you know. In the meantime i think you and visitor should stop adding whatever your brains imagine. From what has been written thus far it seems god is a slave driver. My human perspective does not consider slave drivers to be nice.

Of course it does. It doesn’t mean you can’t make decisions without evidence, proof or facts, but it is not all the time one has the luxury of evidence, proof or facts, at hand, when a decision has to be made.

Why does: "a decision have to be made"? God's not evil so tell me what the rush is. There is always time for evidence, proof and facts. Your mind tells you otherwise simply because you don't look for any but instead just accept on faith.
now ppl are saying that science and religion cannot exist together...this is the same as saying you cannot believe in creation if you believe in evolution. It's one or the either. In my opinion, i can't see how anything can evolve or how ppl can believe in evolution. If we look at things from the "scientific point of view" then, they say that humans evolved from apes and apes from dinosaurs, and dinosaurs from fish and on and on and i would like ppl who believe in evolution to explain me this...if humans are thrown into water is it possible for them to grow gills? if cows or any creature that cannot fly starts jumping from buildiings or trees, is it possible for them to grow wings someday? if we leave a rock as it it possible for it to become a huge wall one day...can a fish survive on land no matter what you do to it...i don't think so...all these points and many many more proves that evolution is false and tat science has blinded millions of people into believing something tat is quite hysterical. I believe in creation and that there is only one creator who have created all of us and everything that we see around us. It is true that most religions doesn't give any proofs or real facts about why people should follow that certain religion...but there is one religion where all the facts of life has been put into simple words that everyone can understand and those who don't are just being ignorant...and that religion is Islam. It's clear and straight to the point...and to make it clear for everyone, it even explains things that were impossible for people to have known back then. For example, the Quran talks about the theory of the big states clearly that all matter was one and that all planets and every object that we have come to see in space were all one before. But the Quran also tells that it was Allah who has triggered the big bang and this is something that we have to believe because there must have been something that has caused the big bang....after all every action has a reaction. The Quran even talks about the Earth being a sphere and not flat (which people at that time believed it to be, and the thought of the Earth being a sphere was considered to be a joke)...and this was something that was impossible for people at that time to figure out. The Quran also talks about the the Earth being one of the planets and that all the planets revolve around the sun. This is also true and something that was impossible for people at that time to know or believe. People used to believe that everything revolved around the Earth and that the Earth is the cetre of the universe, but the Quran clearly states that this is not so. These and many more other facts prove that Islam is the real religion, because it deals with facts and beliefs, instead of theories and ideologies. This is the only religion that has not been changed since the time when it has been introduced, because it has such a strong base. Even then all religious leaders can try as hard as they might...but they cannot find any other religion that states facts about things that we believe today and yet has been preserved for over 700 years. Being a muslim, I believe in one god. I also believe that God has created everything and that he (i just use the term "he" becuz everyone does...God has no particular gender) loves all beings equally. When we refer to god as being one...then it is clearly understood that he is one...meaning he has no son, wife, guardians, parents, etc. And when it is said that God has created everthing, then it is understood that god did create EVERYTHING. Nothing has evolved because nothing can evolve...even though every creature is unique in it's own is every species. A tiger and a dog can never breed...thus ruling out the fact that new creatures can be made through reproduction. This rules out every option of science but one. That is, God creates things when he wants to...and destroys them when he wants to. He did create dinosaurs....but then he wiped them out and replaced them with new species. Thus is the work of creation and the work of god. Believe in God and you will see an understanding to everything. So far there hasn't been one question that hasn't been answered to me in a logical way in Islam...and I would please like people to help me find any faults in this religion...becuz until then, it is believed to be the only perfect religion.

If we look at things from the "scientific point of view" then, they say that humans evolved from apes and apes from dinosaurs

Apes from dinosaurs? It was the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous which ended the age of the dinosaurs and made possible the evolution and dominance of mammals. i would like ppl who believe in evolution to explain me this...if humans are thrown into water is it possible for them to grow gills? if cows or any creature that cannot fly starts jumping from buildiings or trees, is it possible for them to grow wings someday? if we leave a rock as it it possible for it to become a huge wall one day...can a fish survive on land no matter what you do to it...i don't think so...all these points and many many more proves that evolution is false and tat science has blinded millions of people into believing something tat is quite hysterical.

Well you obviously dont know much about I would advise you to read up on this subject to gain a better understanding before you dismiss it as false.

Evolution is a change in the gene pool of a population over time. A gene is a hereditary unit that can be passed on unaltered for many generations. The gene pool is the set of all genes in a species or population.

You are giving examples that seem reasonable from your point of view but they are quite ridiculous in all honestly. Rocks do not have genetic variation....since they are not biological, therefore they are exempt from being discussed in terms of evolution.The animal examples can be answered by this explanation-

Biological evolution ... is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual. The ontogeny of an individual is not considered evolution; individual organisms do not evolve. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are inheritable via the genetic material from one generation to the next.

So enormous, ramifying, and consistent has the evidence for evolution become that if anyone could now disprove it, I should have my conception of the orderliness of the universe so shaken as to lead me to doubt even my own existence. If you like, then, I will grant you that in an absolute sense evolution is not a fact, or rather, that it is no more a fact than that you are hearing or reading these words.

- H. J. Muller, "One Hundred Years Without Darwin Are Enough" School Science and Mathematics

In any meaningful sense evolution is a fact, but there are various theories concerning the mechanism of evolution.
they say that humans evolved from apes and apes from dinosaurs

Lol, who said apes evolved from dinosaurs?

now i would like ppl who believe in evolution to explain me this...if humans are thrown into water is it possible for them to grow gills? if cows or any creature that cannot fly starts jumping from buildiings or trees, is it possible for them to grow wings someday?

There was a time when dodo's could fly. The dissapearance of natural predators meant the dodo no longer needed to fly and over time lost the ability altogether. Many people assume evolution means a creature must gain things, must change physically or must gain completely unrelated abilities such as cows being able to fly. Changes in species take extreme amounts of time, they don't just happen overnight. Look at human 'wisdom teeth'. Not everyone gets them anymore but some do- you could call this evolution in progress. We know the teeth serve no functioning purpose anymore it's just working it's way out of the genetic code. Eventually no man will get wisdom teeth. Do not expect this to happen by next week.

There's a species of stick insect where, over time, the female learnt how to fertilise herself. It eventually led to the extinction of males of this species. They don't give birth to males anymore, it is a purely female race. Flying ants are in the scheme of things a 'new addition'. In this case an animal did learn to fly. The hard part to understand is we can't actually sit down and watch something evolve. The process takes a long damn time.

if we leave a rock as it it possible for it to become a huge wall one day.

Inanimate object.

can a fish survive on land no matter what you do to it.

There are inbetweens. Look at mudskippers and other such fish which can survive out of water. When there's droughts and the rivers recede these fish outlive the others.

all these points and many many more proves that evolution is false and tat science has blinded millions of people into believing something tat is quite hysterical.

All those points show your lack of understanding. Apes did not come from dinosaurs, cows do not need to grow wings, rocks aren't alive etc etc. Maybe life was put on this planet by aliens, by god, by the little green brainy pumpkin but creatures do change over time.

but there is one religion where all the facts of life has been put into simple words that everyone can understand and those who don't are just being ignorant...and that religion is Islam

Every other religion would say exactly the same thing. It's funny and amazing how quick you people are in jumping up and labelling others as ignorant because they're not islamic, christian or whatever else.

it even explains things that were impossible for people to have known back then. For example, the Quran talks about the theory of the big states clearly that all matter was one and that all planets and every object that we have come to see in space were all one before.

Way before this the Sumerians explained all about the big bang. They explained about atoms, protons and nucleus etc.

But the Quran also tells that it was Allah who has triggered the big bang and this is something that we have to believe because there must have been something that has caused the big bang.

Allah comes from the Sumerian Alla- who was a god of the netherworld. Undoubtedly many other Sumerian stories were handed down as well, such as the big bang story. But tell me why there has to be a god in order for there to be a big bang?

The Quran even talks about the Earth being a sphere and not flat (which people at that time believed it to be, and the thought of the Earth being a sphere was considered to be a joke)...and this was something that was impossible for people at that time to figure out. The Quran also talks about the the Earth being one of the planets and that all the planets revolve around the sun.

The sumerians already said all of this. They explained every planet in this solar system- even Pluto that we didn't discover until 1930. They even went so far as to explain the Kupier belt. They explained retrograde orbits, explained about multiple mooned planets, and so on.

The Egyptians had a great understanding of the cosmos aswell, as did the Mayans etc.

These and many more other facts prove that Islam is the real religion

They don't prove anything, except vast understanding of the cosmos- which was most likely given them by the Sumerians.

because it deals with facts and beliefs, instead of theories and ideologies.

If that's the case and you regard testimony of planets being round and the sun being center of the universe as proof then you have no choice but to accept the Sumerian belief as fact. They explained a lot more than just planets being round. Their belief was of mortal alien space travellers, (Anunnaki), who came down from space and taught them all about the cosmos etc.

Even then all religious leaders can try as hard as they might...but they cannot find any other religion that states facts about things that we believe today and yet has been preserved for over 700 years.

Well im not a 'religious leader' but i didn't even try hard and have aready shown you one other example of people who have stated 'facts'. Preserved for 700 years? LOL! The Sumerians were making their facts 5000+ years ago. Ok, better late than never but explaining planets as being round 700 years ago has nothing on the Sumerians ability.

Nothing has evolved because nothing can evolve...even though every creature is unique in it's own is every species. A tiger and a dog can never breed...thus ruling out the fact that new creatures can be made through reproduction.

Let's talk about dogs.... The dog has more different species than any other mammal on this planet. All of them came from the same source. Variations in genes, hereditary differences that pass on from generation to generation, slight changes due to any number of things- from diseases to weather patterns in the long run create differences within creatures. As the mating process goes on through time varying but slight differences are handed down. Depending who the offspring then mate with a whole new pattern will end up in their children and so on. Instead of looking at it all as happening overnight you need to understand it takes considerable time but eventually changes will occur. Medical science states now that humans are getting taller, are developing sexual maturity at a younger age etc.... We do change, we do 'evolve'.

He did create dinosaurs....but then he wiped them out and replaced them with new species.

Is there actually mention of this within religious texts? Has any god, from any religion actually stated he made dinosaurs but then wiped them out? I'd be interested in reading any text where this is said.

Believe in God and you will see an understanding to everything.

From what i've seen your belief in god hasn't led you to understanding much, let alone everything.

and I would please like people to help me find any faults in this religion...becuz until then, it is believed to be the only perfect religion.

Yeah believed by you and other Islamic folk. Christians would say the same about christianity, jews would say the same about judaism.

However if all you have is the qur'an stating the world is round 700 years ago you really should be studying Sumerian.
The spirits influencing man were the spirits of fallen angels trying to get back to heaven, which is in another dimension.
They had a plan and were using man to acomplish it.
This is why the thoughts of mankind were evil continually, they had given themselves over to these evil spirits.

Visitor: Would you be kind enough to show me where in the bible it says this.
they say that humans evolved from apes
*frowns* They say that we share a common descendant with apes.

apes from dinosaurs
*frowns again* apes did NOT evolve from dinosaurs.

if humans are thrown into water is it possible for them to grow gills? if cows or any creature that cannot fly starts jumping from buildiings or trees, is it possible for them to grow wings someday?
*frowns yet again* No, that's not how evolution works. Humans would have the gills BEFORE being thrown in the water. Also, humans do not need gills. Their ecological niche is on land.

And as for the cow, cows can't climb trees or buildings. Thus, your logic is flawed.

if we leave a rock as it it possible for it to become a huge wall one day
Evolution is only about biotic objects.

can a fish survive on land no matter what you do to it...i don't think so...
Actually, some types of fish can survive out of water, as Snakelord and another person pointed out. Now you look rather foolish, don't you?

all these points and many many more proves that evolution is false and tat science has blinded millions of people into believing something tat is quite hysterical.
All these points prove that you know jack-shit about evolution. Why don't you actually try reading or studying the theory BEFORE bashing it.
Your ranting proves that religion has blinded millions of people into believing something that is quite hysterical.

A tiger and a dog can never breed...thus ruling out the fact that new creatures can be made through reproduction.
*slams his head against the wall in frustration*

That's not how evolution works! *sighs*

He did create dinosaurs....but then he wiped them out and replaced them with new species.
Don't talk shit. Nowhere in any scripture are dinosaurs mentioned.

Believe in God and you will see an understanding to everything.
Yeah, sure. Whatever. Woman was made from a rib of man? AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That wouldn't even fly in a Star Trek movie!!!

So far there hasn't been one question that hasn't been answered to me in a logical way in Islam...and I would please like people to help me find any faults in this religion...becuz until then, it is believed to be the only perfect religion.
That type of holier-than-thou shit makes you look like a narrow-minded fool.
Christians believe they follow the perfect religion.
Wiccans believe they follow the perfect religion.
Greeks who worshipped the Greek Gods believed they followed the perfect religion.
Satanists believe they follow the perfect religion.
Are you starting to see a pattern? Please tell me why your religion is better than everyone elses?
In my opinion, i can't see how anything can evolve or how ppl can believe in evolution.
they say that humans evolved from apes and apes from dinosaurs, and dinosaurs from fish and on and on and on...
if we leave a rock as it it possible for it to become a huge wall one day
all these points and many many more proves that evolution is false and tat science has blinded millions of people into believing something tat is quite hysterical.
I believe in creation and that there is only one creator who have created all of us and everything that we see around us.
A tiger and a dog can never breed...thus ruling out the fact that new creatures can be made through reproduction.
but there is one religion where all the facts of life has been put into simple words that everyone can understand and those who don't are just being ignorant...
I also believe that God has created everything
Nothing has evolved because nothing can evolve...
This rules out every option of science but one. That is, God
Believe in God and you will see an understanding to everything.


The spirits influencing man were the spirits of fallen angels trying to get back to heaven, which is in another dimension.
They had a plan and were using man to acomplish it.
This is why the thoughts of mankind were evil continually, they had given themselves over to these evil spirits.

snakelord said:
Visitor: Would you be kind enough to show me where in the bible it says this.


It takes reading several scriptures..............paying close attention to the exact way they are worded, and then following shadows and types laid out by God for our instruction.

In James it speaks of the fallen spirits held in darkness forever, anointing the Sodomites, and causing the destuction of Sodom, while "feasting" with you as "spots" your feasts of chariety.....
Chariety, or divine love as it is called in the bible in many places is the one thing required above all else to get back to heaven.
I say back because Satans angels are cast out trying to return...(Rev.12), and the Sons of God are born into the bondage of sin, through sexual reproduction of the flesh, and bypass their "Word" body to come here first and be tested in the flesh.
Jesus came down from heaven and died to redeem the Sons of God. I by no means saying they are the only ones the bible speaks of many "classes" of people that are given life on earth, for being kind to one of God's "little ones", giving a glass of water to an angel unawares...ect.
These are judged by Jesus and His bride...the sons of God, or the "saints" as they are also thier works latter.
But this is a different calling I speak now of. To go to heaven and reign with God in a place of authority and given, Jesus said; "him that overcomes" in this day, "the evil day", overcome by the Word of Gpod , and the blood of the Lamb the darkness in this day which is the very darkness and lies that hold Satans angels bound.
Know ye not that the saints shall judge the angels...?
Redeem means to be brought back from where one once was.
Where were the sons of god when the morning stars sang for joy.....?(Job)
In the mind of God, a yet un-expressed attribute, a gene of God part of His very own life waiting for the time to come to earth and be manifested.
No one...Jesus said, goes back to heaven save Him that came down from heaven.
They that are "LED" by the Spirit of God theses are called the sons of God. No man may even call Jesus the Christ unless it be by the Holy Ghost.
Heaven is a faster dimension, I said .......
A day with God is a thousand years.
Thats a ratio of 365, 000 to 1........

The tower of Babel....the bible says mans thought were evil continually, and there was about to be nothing he could not do....
By faith all things are possible, enough of it and a great power could be held in the wrong doesn't have to be faith in God to make it work something "supernatural".
Witch doctors can drink blood from a human skull, call on the devil and speak in some unknown laugage, make objects float through the air, pens get up and write the interpretation by themselves.

God always works through man though, so when He "confounded" thier laungage, it was probably the result of something they were doing.....caused this to be brought upon them.

The two spirits are so close....each very religious.
The spirit of God in the sons of God, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, being brought back across the chasm to where thier true representation is from....
And the spirit of the devil in the sons of men, fallen angels deceived by Satan, blinded and held in chains of darkness, trying to get back to their "first estate".

Jude 1:4
" For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. 5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. 6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
The spirits influencing man were the spirits of fallen angels trying to get back to heaven, which is in another dimension.
They had a plan and were using man to acomplish it.
No need to worry, Buckaroo and The Hong Kong Cavaliers stopped John Whorfin from crossing back into the 8th dimension... all is well.

"Where are we going?
Planet 10!
Real soon!"

The spirits influencing man were the spirits of fallen angels trying to get back to heaven, which is in another dimension.
They had a plan and were using man to acomplish it.
This is why the thoughts of mankind were evil continually, they had given themselves over to these evil spirits.

SnakeLord still says: Visitor, can you show me where in the bible it says this.

Your post wasn't relevant to anything here. The fact is there is no mention of spirits influencing the men involved with the tower of babel- there is no mention that these fallen angels were trying to reach another dimension and there's no mention of evil spirits. If you actually read it instead of adding your own bits of fantasy to the story you would see that. All you constantly do in every single post you make on this forum is talk of the devil, evil spirits and so on. It is getting to the point where i'm starting to see you as some kind of devil worshipper. I'm sure those devils are leading you where they want to.

In James it speaks of the fallen spirits held in darkness forever, anointing the Sodomites, and causing the destuction of Sodom, while "feasting" with you as "spots" your feasts of chariety....

Where in James does it say any of that? Kindly point it out for me- i just read the whole thing and didn't see any mention of it.

(Rev.12), and the Sons of God are born into the bondage of sin, through sexual reproduction of the flesh, and bypass their "Word" body to come here first and be tested in the flesh.

Where does it say this in Revelations 12?

These are judged by Jesus and His bride...the sons of God, or the "saints" as they are also thier works latter.

The bible also says only God can judge. Thus Jesus and his 'bride' would have no place to do so.

In the mind of God, a yet un-expressed attribute, a gene of God part of His very own life waiting for the time to come to earth and be manifested.

Now you claim to know what sits in gods mind?

Heaven is a faster dimension, I said ......

Where's it say that? Show me please.

The tower of Babel....the bible says mans thought were evil continually, and there was about to be nothing he could not do..

I take it you've not read the bible. Nowhere does it say the men at the tower of babel had continual evil thoughts. Why do you constantly feel the need to make things up as you go along?

God always works through man though, so when He "confounded" thier laungage, it was probably the result of something they were doing.....caused this to be brought upon them.

Oh! Now it's probably. So why make your groundless assumptions? You don't know, so why pretend you do? The fact is you felt like adding to the bible by claiming 'evil spirits, other dimensions, faster dimensions, sexual bondage' and a whole host of other shit that has no place here whatsoever. You live off in your own little world of fantasy and make-believe but i guess when the time comes god will judge you for it, if he exists and is the way man assumes him to be.

The overall facts remain. Your references have absolutely no relevance here. Your brain is overwhelmed with demons and devils, (must be rather messy in there), and you try to attribute them to everything and anything. Once you have something worthy to say tell me, until then don't bother.
i'd just like to say evolution does exist e.g. japanese whalers hauled in a whale with hind legs- such a rare occurance is called an "atavism"(sorry, not totally clear on the spelling) or in other words a genetic throw back to when they were land mammals- dispute it if you want to but god didn't create whales with hind legs and it wasn't some freak mutation, why do you think whales have hip bones? anyway, divergent evoultion and evolution is all around us and is a fact of life, to say that evolution does not exist is like saying oxygen doesn't exist. look at the changes in humans over the past 1000 or 2000 years even, thanks to improved science we are much different to the munckins of yester year. also, where do dinosaurs fit into the bible? i was wondering because i've never heard one good explanation or any explanation for that matter. the earth and universe definately is not 6000 years old but billions of years old, so in the timeline of things how does dinosaurs fit into the religious model (of 6000 years)?
Response 1

Originally posted by SnakeLord
Well, confusion like this will arise if you take one sentence out of twenty and question it. But while we're on the subject of humour, if you find the idea that ridiculously funny why would god feel otherwise?
I don’t find their confusion humorous, just the fact that you think we can build directly from the ground into outer space.

Why confuse and spread them over the planet instead of just letting them build their brick house? Let's look at the text:
Gen 11:6 'The lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them..."
If as one people (the population of the world) they can have it in mind, that this feat is possible (as impossible as it actually is), then they will believe all foolish endeavours as possible, which would create unrivalled anxiety, casting the whole world into ignorance. It is better that at least only some (a small stubborn few) try and give the majority of sober people a chance to gain salvation.

If they could work together at that stage to work their way into heaven, then it's only a matter of time before we would reach it. 2000+ years later man has reached 'the heavens'.
Firstly, it depends on what you call “the heavens”, if you are regarding the sky/clouds (as is the modern perspective), then you are correct, but if it is the upper portion of the universe (the ancient perspective), then that is complete nonsense.

There is absolutely no mention of man 'wanting paradise' so why make the groundless assumption?
What other reason would they labour so hard?
The fact that they wanted to make a name for themselves is also an indication of satiated sensual gratification, which is a taster of heaven.

How about looking at it from the angle of what it actually says, not what you want it to say.

It says;

Then they said, "Come, let's build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens so that we may make a name for ourselves."

Again, groundless assumption based on nothing. If you're going to debate the text, use the text.
That is my explanation of the text.

If you read the text you will see god specifically put a spanner in the works to slow down human progression, not to save them from 'fatal intentions' as once again you have groundlessly assumed.
That is your opinion.

There are now a few million 'truths'. A thousand off-shoots of christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and so on and so forth. You think any of you actually differ?
These are beliefs, not necessarily truth. The truth is very simple, and is neither religious or scientific, it is our acceptance of the truth that can be distorted. A lot of these offshoot beliefs are different variations of the original text, more often than not started by people who were not satisfied with the original teachings.
As regards “fatal intentions”, an example is given of what can happen when the whole of mankind becomes degraded, every body becomes consumed with “evil intent”, thus making every soul on the planet, eventual residents of hell.

Your own personal truth can be whatever you want but if you have any interest in real truth you must question instead of dismissing everything out of hand with groundless assumptions
Your out of order, I do not dismiss everything out of hand, and my explanations of the biblical texts are not groundless.
Try and upgrade your attitude, it is becoming stale.

Ok then, my understanding is of such level i have read into it exactly how it is. Prove me wrong.
I am not in this discussion to prove you wrong or me right.

That's the point, which is why i said: "but none of us can claim knowledge of the truth in this instance." And you concurred saying: "We can claim things to ourselves".
Because it is to ourselves, first and foremost, that knowledge becomes important. Read my explanation of riding a bicycle.

Ok so someone who hasn't seen, heard or witnessed god in any form, shape or molecule should just accept it as being true? If that's the case i can in accordance with age old argument just accept unicorns, fairies, aliens etc.
Alas, I don’t have the enthusiasm nor energy to respond to such nonsense. :rolleyes:

In the bible god himself speaks in plurals. Elohim is plural-not singular.
God “Himself”? :confused:

There’s many Gods,
Your right, but grammatically wrong, there are “many gods”.

Not once in the twoer of babel does it mention man wanting paradise,
They wanted to build a building with its roof in heaven, doesn’t that sound like they wanted to go to heaven (paradise).

not once here does it mention god having taught adam everything, adam being perfect or otherwise.
He taught Adam, that if he eats of the tree of knowledge and evil, he will surely die. Adam must have understood the term “death” even though at that stage he was eternal. If he understood death, then he must have understood the reasons for death.
God had already taught Adam, previous to his advent, if you read the Qur’an, you will understand this.

Where does it say Adam wanted to be on equal terms with god?
Why else would he knowingly eat the fruit, he wasn’t hungry.

3:5 for God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will open and you will be like divine beings who know good and evil."


Jan Ardena.
quote: from TheVisitor
In James it speaks of the fallen spirits held in darkness forever, anointing the Sodomites, and causing the destuction of Sodom, while "feasting" with you as "spots" your feasts of chariety....

Where in James does it say any of that? Kindly point it out for me- i just read the whole thing and didn't see any mention of it.


Jude not James.....sorry.

Read all of Jude....(about one page) and tell me what you think about it then.
Snakelord said:
Well I keep reading into the bible sure... I don't think you've even started that yet. Like i've now said several times you just prefer to make it up as we go along. As for god being evil... I'm studying in order to establish whether he is or not. So far there has been no case where god has claimed love for anyone. 10 or more instances of destruction, punishment and anihilation, 3 instances of plural speech, 4 instances of god coming down probably in human form, 3 instances of god liking meat, constant speech that we are slaves, signs of shame, guilt, anger, vengeance, and a whole host of other human seeming emotions but NOT ONE mention of love. When i find mention of such i will let you know. In the meantime i think you and visitor should stop adding whatever your brains imagine. From what has been written thus far it seems god is a slave driver. My human perspective does not consider slave drivers to be nice.


Snakelord, I've got just one question for you after reading this.....

Do you watch a lot of Stargate SG1......?