science disproves biblegod

So LG, just curious, but what is your explanation for how the circuits in your computer work? As an electrical engineer with 22 years of design experience, would you believe me? (note: it has something to do with "electrons")

I didn't realise you were supporting LG's claims of learning from an advanced authority.
I didn't realise you were supporting LG's claims of learning from an advanced authority.
LG does not claim that I can "learn" that god exists from an "advanced theologian". I've discussed with and listened to "advanced theologians" for half my life. He claims that it is necessary to BE an advanced theologian to gain direct perception of god. As though physicists, by advanced training, acheive direct perception of electrons. He's so wrong and misguided it would be funny if it weren't so prevalent in the population.

Are all theists so immune to logic and reading comprehension as those of you here? Pity.

Anyway, I'm finished attempting to debate or discuss anything with LG. It's a complete fools errand, me being the fool.

Bravo LG. You have no hope of demonstrating god(s) to any rationalist (by your own admission - we all must become advanced theologians - as I suppose you are - to gain direct perception), but you've shown clearly that you can drive a rationalist to distraction. Congrats.

No thanks. I'll just stick to things that actually exist and make a positive difference to the future of humanity. You know. Like electrons. They're kind of important. And physics and biology and such. You know. Those things that no one can prove to you because you can't see them with direct perception.

I just finished my observatory. Maybe I'll stick to posting astrophotos in the astronomy section.

*measures blood pressure... panics... heads for hospital...*

BTW, you have zero qualifications to question my statements regarding engineering
I wasn't aware that I did - but since you bring it up, the moment you transgress the standards established by engineering I can (for instance, to switch to chemistry, its not like Isaac Asimov's fiction is held as chemistry, because chemistry has standards that are distinct from science fiction, regardless of whether the writer has a PHD in chemistry or not)

and science and the nature of the universe.
given that science has
ditto above

You and your fucking electrons and highschool dropouts. So, you don't accept the existence of anything that you can't see with your eyes?
Electrons, chromosomes, atoms, "air", the round earth (unless you've seen it from space? Are you an astronaut LG?), china, the president, radio waves, magnetic fields, cells, bacteria (germs for those of you stuck in the middle ages).
I think you have missed the purport of the whole high school dropout thing.
I did not advocate that electrons/the president/etc do not exist - I illustrated how by applying the identical general principle you apply to god's non-existence (ie "I don't see it"), one can also construct arguments for the presidents or electrons non-existence (which is obviously fallacious)
So LG, just curious, but what is your explanation for how the circuits in your computer work? As an electrical engineer with 22 years of design experience, would you believe me? (note: it has something to do with "electrons")
as SAM indicated, this challenge is totally futile unless I accept that you are an advanced authority and that I can learn from you
Here's a simple question LG. Let's see if you can handle a simple question (probably not).

Could I prove to you that electrons exist?

Try not to sidestep the question please.
no need
rest easy, I already accept electrons - lol

Originally Posted by S.A.M.
I didn't realise you were supporting LG's claims of learning from an advanced authority.

LG does not claim that I can "learn" that god exists from an "advanced theologian".
thats right
my actual claim is that one can learn the nature and means of approaching God by approaching a saintly person

I've discussed with and listened to "advanced theologians" for half my life.
the next q would be what was it that you discerned these "advanced theologians" possessed that determined that they were indeed "saintly" as elaborated in scripture
and as a further point, if you had actually been listening to them for such a long period of time, it raises questions why you you didn't catch even the most elementary understanding of god (ie why you would reject God because you are unable to discern him by classical empiricism - the very definition of god is that he is not discernible by classical empiricism)
He claims that it is necessary to BE an advanced theologian to gain direct perception of god. As though physicists, by advanced training, acheive direct perception of electrons. He's so wrong and misguided it would be funny if it weren't so prevalent in the population.
physicists don't achieve an understanding of the nature of electrons by advanced training and education?
Are all theists so immune to logic and reading comprehension as those of you here? Pity.
unless there is some vital point I am missing from the above, its not clear how logic and comprehension is in your court ...

No thanks. I'll just stick to things that actually exist and make a positive difference to the future of humanity. You know. Like electrons. They're kind of important. And physics and biology and such. You know. Those things that no one can prove to you because you can't see them with direct perception.
a person can work in the field of biology and physics without entrance to the platform of direct perception?