science disproves biblegod

This article assumes that God exists within His own creation, which is contrary to the belief of every sensible theist. Were we to believe God existed in the universe, we would also believe that God could be found, given the appropriate space-surfing technology. In conclusion, this article is only valid if we assume God is within the universe; saying He resides outside of the universe makes this article null and void.

How did he create the universe then ?? :confused:
no need for a test - if god is determined by theory not to be the cause of all causes ("and the good news is folks that we have just found out that god is bound by the law of relativity") there is no need to progress further with practice

Have you fallen from your faith or something ?
God is totally a BELIEF system. Either you BELIEVE in the diety or you don't. It cannot be proven one way or the other as to what your beliefs are false or true, it is up to you to decide. Beliefs are made up so as not to be able to be proven or disproven only to br blindly adhered to and deafly followed.

Amen :D
Prove they are incorrect statements.

Wow you really don't "get" SciForums do you?
You made the statements, you're supposed to back them up, but just this once...

Yep. Science is from God, the Master Scientist.
God is not proven to exist, therefore how can science be said to come from him?
And if he doesn't exist then he's the master nothing.
You're arguing from a false premise.

It is the study of the evidence of God.
Science studies the natural world, not possibly-non-existent beings.
Science, with each discovery it makes, reduces the necessity for god to exist since it accounts for more and more that was originally claimed to be "his" work.
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God exists outside of nature, outside of the system, he is unborn, unmade, unformed, unchanging, the source of all realities, the place from which all the innumerable universes come from...
God exists outside of nature, outside of the system, he is unborn, unmade, unformed, unchanging, the source of all realities, the place from which all the innumerable universes come from...

In other words.. he doesn't exist :rolleyes:
M*W: God does not exist on this forum.

God does not exist in the world.

If anyone believes god exists, they need to prove it on this forum.

Science cannot prove the existence of god.

Faith cannot prove the existence of god.

God cannot prove the existence of itself.

How can any human prove its existence?

Without proof, god doesn't exist.

God doesn't exist without proof.

For those who believe in god, think again.

For those who don't believe in a god, congratulations, you have utilized your infallible intuition, your intelligence, and your common sense. I applaud you!
What exactly gives believers the gall to insist that what they "believe" is true? Without a shred of evidence?

"God exists - fore sure man!" (the gall!)
"HE exists on another plane" (the arrogance!)
"HE Loves you" (the unmitigated arrogance!)
"Believe or spend eternity in HELL!" (WTF???)

What incredible level of egomania and self righteousness makes these people so incredibly sure of themselves? I can be certain that I have seen no objective evidence, now or throughout history, that undeniably shows that a god of some kind exists. Everything they believe is based on speculation.

There are a few books that read like pure mythology. That's it. Why don't people worship Zeus anymore? There's an overwhelming amount of ancient literature on him compared to other gods.
If anyone believes god exists, they need to prove it on this forum.

The universe exists, so something must have created it (because there can be no effect without a cause), and that something must be God, because God means creator.

Another proof: I am God, therefore God exists.

Without proof, god doesn't exist.

Without proof, the earth is not round.
The universe exists, so something must have created it...
Why? Why couldn't the universe just be? And by that logic, if things that exist mut have been created, then what created god? I know - god is eternal. Always existed.

Fine. But why so adamant then that the universe itself couldn't be eternal? Hmmm???
Have you fallen from your faith or something ?

if you want to work with the theory that god is situated within the parameters of the laws of physics (as opposed to being the object that the laws of physics are contingent on) you have an understanding that will not grant any spiritual progress, regardless of how many billions of years you engage in sincere worship
know whats funny? every time us science people come up with a way to counter there mundane arguments and corner them, they just keep making up with more excuses like "oh my god, you're argument is false cause god doesn't exist in this universe". know what? if god doesn't exist in this universe then who the hell cares about god here? and scientist's opinion as far as i know at a certain point has been that if god did exist before, he/she/it doesn't anymore.
What exactly gives believers the gall to insist that what they "believe" is true?
the same element that drives the statements such as "China exists" - direct perception or inductive knowledge
Without a shred of evidence?
if by evidence you mean the empirical variety, its probably an indication you should go back to theory before launching into an analysis of values/conclusion
"God exists - fore sure man!" (the gall!)
"HE exists on another plane" (the arrogance!)
"HE Loves you" (the unmitigated arrogance!)
"Believe or spend eternity in HELL!" (WTF???)
and if you don't have direct perception that god does not exist what combination of gall and unmitigated arrogance is driving your statements?

What incredible level of egomania and self righteousness makes these people so incredibly sure of themselves?
you also seem to be convinced that god does not exist since they are most obviously wrong - perhaps you should ask yourself ....
I can be certain that I have seen no objective evidence, now or throughout history, that undeniably shows that a god of some kind exists.
and if you also have a similar blank slate when it comes to the nature of god's non-existence ....
Everything they believe is based on speculation.
.... the moment you make statements like this you have just tarred yourself with the same brush
There are a few books that read like pure mythology. That's it.
like "the god delusion"?

Why don't people worship Zeus anymore?
depending on whether you want to argue religious practice has progressed or regressed since then, you could say they have moved on to better/worse things

There's an overwhelming amount of ancient literature on him compared to other gods.
spoken by a person who's limit of theistic knowledge is determined by the gideon institute or seminary libraries?

M*W: God does not exist on this forum.

God does not exist in the world.

If anyone believes god exists, they need to prove it on this forum.
meanwhile claims of god's non existence can fly around unimpeded?
Science cannot prove the existence of god.
if by science you mean "classical empiricism", theistic knowledge also confirms it

Faith cannot prove the existence of god.
but it can serve as a catalyst to applying religious principles that can establish god
God cannot prove the existence of itself.

How can any human prove its existence?
so you have direct perception god is a human or are you trying to work us up or something?

Without proof, god doesn't exist.
now focus that razor sharp intelligence of yours and ask yourself what proof do you have to make statements like "God does not exist"

God doesn't exist without proof.
and proof doesn't exist without qualification
For those who believe in god, think again.
if we are to abide by such instructions of yours its required that you provide us with something to think about instead of your tentative claims

For those who don't believe in a god, congratulations, you have utilized your infallible intuition, your intelligence, and your common sense. I applaud you!
or alternatively rather than being a brainwashed believer in god you are now in the exalted position of being a brainwashed disbeliever in god
know whats funny? every time us science people come up with a way to counter there mundane arguments and corner them, they just keep making up with more excuses like "oh my god, you're argument is false cause god doesn't exist in this universe".
its not so much an excuse but a foundation of theory
and even then your attempted debunking is flawed since god does exist in this universe - its the nature of being omnipresent

know what? if god doesn't exist in this universe then who the hell cares about god here?
persons concerned about their consciousness i guess

and scientist's opinion as far as i know at a certain point has been that if god did exist before, he/she/it doesn't anymore.
why on earth someone would say such things and try and pass it off as science is unfathomable