science disproves biblegod

There's so much bullshit in this thread that I'm just going to stop looking at it. Have fun people. :rolleyes:
M*W: God does not exist on this forum.

God does not exist in the world.

If anyone believes god exists, they need to prove it on this forum.

Science cannot prove the existence of god.

Faith cannot prove the existence of god.

God cannot prove the existence of itself.

How can any human prove its existence?

Without proof, god doesn't exist.

God doesn't exist without proof.

For those who believe in god, think again.

For those who don't believe in a god, congratulations, you have utilized your infallible intuition, your intelligence, and your common sense. I applaud you!
Finally an atheist admits it...they really believe evidence causes something to become true...without evidence something is false

argument from ignorance...

Well, you kinda did.
No I didn't, I simply provided the definition of God according to scripture....the atheist's logic is amazing "well God just doesn't exist...checkmate"
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'He' would indeed suggest a male gender.. whats your point ? lol
how does this classification fit into the definition of the all supreme entity?
just for the record how many genders are there that meets criteria to qualify for this position?
So he doesn't exist ?

In the beginning when nothing existed, nothing somehow still existed, and then it created everything because it was everything. God is the imaginary deity (imagination itself) that is born because nothing can't exist because it's nothing. Then that imagination dreams/creates the universe.

he??? God is of male gender!!

God obviously has no gender because "he" is nothing. I also have no gender because I am consciousness, God.
This article assumes that God exists within His own creation, which is contrary to the belief of every sensible theist. Were we to believe God existed in the universe, we would also believe that God could be found, given the appropriate space-surfing technology. In conclusion, this article is only valid if we assume God is within the universe; saying He resides outside of the universe makes this article null and void.

Quite right.

One only has to turn the tables and ask how the physics were created prior to the Big Bang.

Whatever happened to the answer - I don't know for sure.
This article assumes that God exists within His own creation, which is contrary to the belief of every sensible theist. Were we to believe God existed in the universe, we would also believe that God could be found, given the appropriate space-surfing technology.

Ok, Mr. "Sensible" theist, how does one promote a god that cannot be found because he is 'outside' the universe?
“ Originally Posted by superluminal
What exactly gives believers the gall to insist that what they "believe" is true? ”

the same element that drives the statements such as "China exists" - direct perception or inductive knowledge
No. I can go to china. I can meet chinese people. I can see china. There are an overwhelming number of documented and self-consistent pieces of evidence that china exists.

How can you possibly even think that your subjective "direct perception" of a god carries any weight at all? Can you take me to this god? Can I get on a plane and go meet him? (maybe if it crashes, right?) Can you take me to some factories in godland where they make god artifacts?

No? I guess your china example is just so much hot air then, huh?

“ Without a shred of evidence? ”

if by evidence you mean the empirical variety, its probably an indication you should go back to theory before launching into an analysis of values/conclusion
And how's that? By evidence I mean a body of work that can be independently verified by neutral parties that consists of physical, documentary, and/or experimentally verifiable predictions. Predictions of the behavior of this system you call "god" that are explicit and repeatable and have no more "mundane" explanation. You can't do this, can you?

“ "God exists - fore sure man!" (the gall!)
"HE exists on another plane" (the arrogance!)
"HE Loves you" (the unmitigated arrogance!)
"Believe or spend eternity in HELL!" (WTF???) ”

and if you don't have direct perception that god does not exist what combination of gall and unmitigated arrogance is driving your statements?
I do! I indeed have direct perception that nothing in the universe warrants the intellectually bankrupt leap to a mysterious "creator" to explain any damn thing.

Do you not see the difference here? I'm making a simple assertion that there is no more compelling evidence for a god than there is for a fat man bringing gifts to children in december. Also, do you not understand the concept that "direct subjective perception" is useless to a neutral third party trying to verify a claim? Eyewitness testimony is recoginized as the worst, last resort in law. Habeus Corpus my friend.

“ What incredible level of egomania and self righteousness makes these people so incredibly sure of themselves? ”

you also seem to be convinced that god does not exist since they are most obviously wrong - perhaps you should ask yourself ....
You silly dude. You keep trying this tactic of the strawman. I do not ever say that "god does not exist" in a serious discussion. Again and again, I say "show me some compelling objective evidence". What I am 100% convinced of is that there is no such compelling objective evidence.

“ I can be certain that I have seen no objective evidence, now or throughout history, that undeniably shows that a god of some kind exists. ”

and if you also have a similar blank slate when it comes to the nature of god's non-existence ....

“ Everything they believe is based on speculation. ”

.... the moment you make statements like this you have just tarred yourself with the same brush
Bullshit! I don't "believe" anything! I have "opinions" on certain things that are as yet unproven or speculative. How can you begin to compare me saying "I believe that gravitons may exist based on theoretical predictions" to you saying "I believe in god"? I don't claim that gravitons exist at all. You claim that god absolutely exists. Intellectually utterly dishonest.

“ There are a few books that read like pure mythology. That's it. ”

like "the god delusion"?
Ha! No. Like the bible, quran, etc...

“ Why don't people worship Zeus anymore? ”

depending on whether you want to argue religious practice has progressed or regressed since then, you could say they have moved on to better/worse things
And what evidence, pray tell, caused them to abandon one god for another?

“ There's an overwhelming amount of ancient literature on him compared to other gods. ”

spoken by a person who's limit of theistic knowledge is determined by the gideon institute or seminary libraries?
Excuse me? I don't even know what the gideon institute is. And why would I ever go near a seminary?

And why, exactly would a large body of theistic "knowledge" help me in any way? Since you claim that only "direct (subjective) perception" shows that god exists? I've read several buddhist texts, the bible, some books on ancient roman and greek mythology, lot's of web research, and have had a general interest in theology since I was a young pup.

How's your science background? Ever read any Darwin? Feynman? Einstien? Hawking? Sagan? Pinker? Asimov (on chemistry and physics), Dawkins (on genetics)? Ever get an engineering degree? Ever generate a beam of "electrons" and watch it bend in the earths magnetic field (which I could show you)?

I have.

That's another thing. You seem to think that it's important that I can't "show" you an electron. Nobody cares. Even physicists can't "show" electrons to each other. All that really matters is that there is an "entity" we label "electron" and that it can be weighed, it's properties exactly measured (to many decimal places) and it's behavior predicted (barring certain quantum restrictions).

So, no one cares about your "it takes massive training to even be aware of god" statements.

So, now you'll say "how do you know that it isn't god all around you, responsible for trees and rocks and consciousness..."

I don't. And neither do you. What I do know is that as far as we can currently investigate, trees and rocks are made of measurable entities called protons and electrons and consciousness is a manifestation of the complex interaction of protons and electrons in the form of neurons.

Your leap to "godness" is the leap of a fool at the command of a shaman.
Quite right.

One only has to turn the tables and ask how the physics were created prior to the Big Bang.

Whatever happened to the answer - I don't know for sure.
The likely answer is that the universe is cyclic and has no time-bound "existence". But no one knows.

And that's the point.

I suppose in your mind "turning the tables" and not having an answer for "how the physics were created" immediately leads to the existence of a god with a ready-made set of super powers.

Ok, Mr. "Sensible" theist, how does one promote a god that cannot be found because he is 'outside' the universe?
You use rhetoric and gullability of the masses. You appeal to their basic ignorance of even rudimentary logic (if god can't be "found" or objectively demonstrated then how do you know... blah, blah, blah).

People are stupid and religion is the best way yet discovered to round up herds of them to become willing slaves for you.
how does this classification fit into the definition of the all supreme entity?
just for the record how many genders are there that meets criteria to qualify for this position?

This will be my last posting in this thread.
You said: "God is of male gender!!"
I have no opinion on the matter.
So he doesn't exist ?

Nothing cannot create anything. Since there is something in existence it is reasonable to conclude that nothing never existed.
There never was nothing. It never existed.
Nothing cannot exist. To say that nothing exists is a contradictory in terms and descriptions. --if it exists it must be something. Nothing therefore cannot exist. Nothing never existed. There always was something.
“ Superluminal

What exactly gives believers the gall to insist that what they "believe" is true? ”

the same element that drives the statements such as "China exists" - direct perception or inductive knowledge ”
No. I can go to china. I can meet chinese people. I can see china. There are an overwhelming number of documented and self-consistent pieces of evidence that china exists.
hence we can say china exists due to direct perception and inductive knowledge

How can you possibly even think that your subjective "direct perception" of a god carries any weight at all?
much like china, its corroborated by others in a uniform way (in other words if one person says “china was great – the Mediterranean coast was magnificent” or “One thing I really appreciated in the villages of china was the home made pasta of all the locals” it raises suspicions)

Can you take me to this god?
So if you cannot take me to the president, the president doesn’t exist?
Can I get on a plane and go meet him? (maybe if it crashes, right?)
Can you take me to some factories in godland where they make god artifacts?
you are already existing in and on one

No? I guess your china example is just so much hot air then, huh?
do we have experience in this world that the “big guns” just have open houses for everyone to rock up and say “hello” or “you suck” anytime anyone wants ?
Or do we have experience that the most common way to meet people like say the president is to cultivate the interests of the person in question (if you were an enterprising industrialist for instance, the president might grant you an interview) and approach them through a mutual friend

“ Without a shred of evidence? ”

if by evidence you mean the empirical variety, its probably an indication you should go back to theory before launching into an analysis of values/conclusion ”
And how's that? By evidence I mean a body of work that can be independently verified by neutral parties that consists of physical, documentary, and/or experimentally verifiable predictions.
given that the claims of physicists are verified by other physicists and not say house boat manufacturers, what do you mean by “independently verified”?

Predictions of the behavior of this system you call "god" that are explicit and repeatable and have no more "mundane" explanation. You can't do this, can you?
certainly – but it all requires a suitable foundation of qualification, much like there is no question of getting into an analysis of the credibility of physics without a substantial foundation of knowledge
“ "God exists - fore sure man!" (the gall!)
"HE exists on another plane" (the arrogance!)
"HE Loves you" (the unmitigated arrogance!)
"Believe or spend eternity in HELL!" (WTF???) ”

and if you don't have direct perception that god does not exist what combination of gall and unmitigated arrogance is driving your statements? ”
I do! I indeed have direct perception that nothing in the universe warrants the intellectually bankrupt leap to a mysterious "creator" to explain any damn thing.
colourful adjectives aside, you do realize that what you have is “inference” and not “direct perception” don’t you?

Do you not see the difference here? I'm making a simple assertion that there is no more compelling evidence for a god than there is for a fat man bringing gifts to children in december.
a high school drop out could say the similar things about the credibility of electrons

Also, do you not understand the concept that "direct subjective perception" is useless to a neutral third party trying to verify a claim?
Eyewitness testimony is recoginized as the worst, last resort in law. Habeus Corpus my friend.
yes, therefore there is a focus on claims on the knowledge base that drives sense perception – that’s why there is a special emphasis on say the “direct perception” of forensic scientists in issues of law

aside from engineering a more flattering platform on which you can launch your opinions, it still remains unclear why you turf out the foundations for establishing theistic perception, .... it all seems to bear a striking resemblance to a high school drop outs complete rejection of the foundations of physics
“ What incredible level of egomania and self righteousness makes these people so incredibly sure of themselves? ”

you also seem to be convinced that god does not exist since they are most obviously wrong - perhaps you should ask yourself .... ”
You silly dude. You keep trying this tactic of the strawman. I do not ever say that "god does not exist" in a serious discussion.
you have serious discussions somewhere else other than this forum?

Again and again, I say "show me some compelling objective evidence".
you do realize that even a court of law recognizes the inherent connection between “evidence” and “qualification” – that’s why they call on forensic scientists in certain situations as opposed to janitors
What I am 100% convinced of is that there is no such compelling objective evidence.
Surgeons must also be thankful that the medical profession doesn’t rely on your knowledge base and qualification for discerning the facts in the operation theatre too ....
“ I can be certain that I have seen no objective evidence, now or throughout history, that undeniably shows that a god of some kind exists. ”

and if you also have a similar blank slate when it comes to the nature of god's non-existence .... ”
is this your serious or non-serious side?
“ Everything they believe is based on speculation. ”

.... the moment you make statements like this you have just tarred yourself with the same brush ”
Bullshit! I don't "believe" anything!
so you don’t believe that theists make claims based on speculation?

I have "opinions" on certain things that are as yet unproven or speculative.
aka “beliefs”

How can you begin to compare me saying "I believe that gravitons may exist based on theoretical predictions" to you saying "I believe in god"?
both god and gravity have foundations of knowledge – the fact that you tagged “theoretical predictions” to gravitons and left god as a blank indicates your bias

I don't claim that gravitons exist at all. You claim that god absolutely exists. Intellectually utterly dishonest.
if you want to separate knowledge base from claims, I suggest you take your arguments to day care centres
“ There are a few books that read like pure mythology. That's it. ”

like "the god delusion"? ”
Ha! No. Like the bible, quran, etc...
and if a high school drop out wanted to add “Advanced Physics for the new millennium” in such a collection of fables, what would you say to counter him?
“ Why don't people worship Zeus anymore? ”

depending on whether you want to argue religious practice has progressed or regressed since then, you could say they have moved on to better/worse things ”
And what evidence, pray tell, caused them to abandon one god for another?
the persons in the position of direct perception were defeated by others and thus they lost their credibility
“ “ There's an overwhelming amount of ancient literature on him compared to other gods. ”

spoken by a person who's limit of theistic knowledge is determined by the gideon institute or seminary libraries? ”
Excuse me? I don't even know what the gideon institute is.
you know – those guys who give out miniature bibles you need a microscope to read (oh, that’s right, you never opened the cover) and put bibles in motel rooms all over the world

And why would I ever go near a seminary?
if you want to make statements like

“ There's an overwhelming amount of ancient literature on him (Zeus)compared to other gods. ”

it could be in your interest

And why, exactly would a large body of theistic "knowledge" help me in any way?
does it help to know something about something if you want to refute it?
Or is it simply more efficient just to refute it without bothering with all those pesky book thingmadings?

Since you claim that only "direct (subjective) perception" shows that god exists?
well, to go back to the top of the post, it reads

you - What exactly gives believers the gall to insist that what they "believe" is true? ”

me - the same element that drives the statements such as "China exists" - direct perception or inductive knowledge

I've read several buddhist texts, the bible, some books on ancient roman and greek mythology, lot's of web research, and have had a general interest in theology since I was a young pup.
do universities dish out qualifications on the basis of getting students to tick off how many books they have read or do they devise various means (pracs, exams, etc) to test whether the prospective candidate has developed the said qualities presented in books?

How's your science background? Ever read any Darwin? Feynman? Einstien? Hawking? Sagan? Pinker? Asimov (on chemistry and physics), Dawkins (on genetics)? Ever get an engineering degree? Ever generate a beam of "electrons" and watch it bend in the earths magnetic field (which I could show you)?

I have.
if you ever encounter a high school drop out who doesn’t believe in electrons you can most certainly convince them of the truth (provided they are not simply interested in asserting their agenda or plastering you with ad homs)

(in other words I don’t recall ever challenging the claims of science – at least those claims that can be demonstrated from cause through to effect)

That's another thing. You seem to think that it's important that I can't "show" you an electron.
it’s a response to you thinking that it is important that I “show” you god

Nobody cares.
I see
electrons simply make their way into university curriculums to fill out a few vacant modules ...

Even physicists can't "show" electrons to each other. All that really matters is that there is an "entity" we label "electron" and that it can be weighed, it's properties exactly measured (to many decimal places) and it's behavior predicted (barring certain quantum restrictions).
so in other words electrons have “qualities” and the perception of these qualities depends on successfully acquiring the relevant “qualifications” ??

So, no one cares about your "it takes massive training to even be aware of god" statements.
if you want to say things like “nobody cares about electrons”, “nobody cares about god” etc you tend not to portray yourself as not very inquisitive

So, now you'll say "how do you know that it isn't god all around you, responsible for trees and rocks and consciousness..."
erm – god is all around

SB 4.31.16 Just as the sunshine is nondifferent from the sun, the cosmic manifestation is also nondifferent from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Supreme Personality is therefore all-pervasive within this material creation. When the senses are active, they appear to be part and parcel of the body, but when the body is asleep, their activities are unmanifest. Similarly, the whole cosmic creation appears different and yet nondifferent from the Supreme Person.

given your knowledge base, hardly surprising

And neither do you.
regardless whether you want to say “I know God does not exist” in a mood of triviality or “I know you do not know god exists” in a mood seriousness, you remain a fool for as long as you cannot answer “How do you know?” – take note below for an example of how to know someone doesn’t know ....

What I do know is that as far as we can currently investigate, trees and rocks are made of measurable entities called protons and electrons and consciousness is a manifestation of the complex interaction of protons and electrons in the form of neurons.
Can you take some protons and electrons and make some consciousness?
If you can’t, we can know that you are bluffing

Your leap to "godness" is the leap of a fool at the command of a shaman.
you are a greater fool because you dress around in a grass skirt in the name of science
you have serious discussions somewhere else other than this forum?
I forgot what a complete asshat you are.

You haven't answered one of my questions directly or responded in any way but to totally sidestep the point and trivialize it. As always.

This isn't a discussion. It's you ignoring the valid points brought up by others and wasting my time.
BTW, you have zero qualifications to question my statements regarding engineering and science and the nature of the universe. I know more about the observable world and the underlying foundations of "consciousness" than you ever will. I've apparently ponedered these things far deeper than you, as is demonstrated by the insubstantial nature of your responses.

You and your fucking electrons and highschool dropouts. So, you don't accept the existence of anything that you can't see with your eyes? Electrons, chromosomes, atoms, "air", the round earth (unless you've seen it from space? Are you an astronaut LG?), china, the president, radio waves, magnetic fields, cells, bacteria (germs for those of you stuck in the middle ages).

So LG, just curious, but what is your explanation for how the circuits in your computer work? As an electrical engineer with 22 years of design experience, would you believe me? (note: it has something to do with "electrons")

Here's a simple question LG. Let's see if you can handle a simple question (probably not).

Could I prove to you that electrons exist?

Try not to sidestep the question please.