science disproves biblegod

This article assumes that God exists within His own creation, which is contrary to the belief of every sensible theist. Were we to believe God existed in the universe, we would also believe that God could be found, given the appropriate space-surfing technology. In conclusion, this article is only valid if we assume God is within the universe; saying He resides outside of the universe makes this article null and void.
I have one criticism for the article. It postulates that God is omnipotent. There is no where in the Bible that says God is omnipotent. On the contrary God's power is limited.

Judges 1:19 The LORD was with Judah, and he took possession of the hill country, but could not drive out the inhabitants of the plain, because they had chariots of iron.
This article assumes that God exists within His own creation

He created himself
then he created a place for himself to hang out
then he created a not so special place for us to hang out

Ya I'm just making it up as I go too :yawn:

and how would you test, your god is attributed with those abilities?
no need for a test - if god is determined by theory not to be the cause of all causes ("and the good news is folks that we have just found out that god is bound by the law of relativity") there is no need to progress further with practice
If we believed the Bible was true, it says that God created the universe. It is impossible to create something that you are bound by.

The reason why science cannot test for God is that he exists only in this universe when it manifests itself....

Now, we can hardly take the Bible to validate that Jesus was a manifestation...I wish we could. Or, perhaps the burning bush? No, there is no evidence of God because science cannot test for it....because God does not exist unless it chooses to manifest itself....which doesn't and hasn't happened....according to known archeological and scientific record.

Religious beliefs are all mystical. Take them or leave them.

Still, the existence of God is a valid just doesn't make sense to hold the hypothesis in the absence of evidence.
God is totally a BELIEF system. Either you BELIEVE in the diety or you don't. It cannot be proven one way or the other as to what your beliefs are false or true, it is up to you to decide. Beliefs are made up so as not to be able to be proven or disproven only to br blindly adhered to and deafly followed.

That dude on the website really went far to disprove the Christian God´s existence, lets wait until he disproves all Gods of the World. Maybe then he could be happy ;) knowing that he "proved" that God doesn´t exist, and he can continue living the way he is living right now; no worries about making good to people or anything, now he can just worry about himself, and live a happy big fat life.
That's about as useful as, say, Christenstein's PROOF of god using exactly the same equation... ho hum.

That is one of the most ridiculous articles I have ever read.
E=MC2 is about calculationg (approximately; it could be off by a factor of 2) how much energy is contained in a given amount of mass. That is all it is about.
It has nothing at all whatsoever to do with God. The bible does not define God to have mass.
{Note: Not evertything in science that has energy must also have mass.
Energy fields, such as magnetic fields or electric fields and heat don't have mass but they do have potential energy.}
One cannot evaluate God. He exists on another plane of existence. What we see of Him is a smattering of physical evidence...what He has made, and what He does in a life. He is spirit. Other than that, we have Jesus who demonstrates His character.

Science cannot ever disprove Him. It can only approve Him.
One cannot evaluate God. He exists on another plane of existence.

What we see of Him is a smattering of physical evidence...
Nope, that's an interpretation.

Other than that, we have Jesus who demonstrates His character.

Science cannot ever disprove Him. It can only approve Him.
Now that's funny.
Science approve god?