Scalar waves on other ways to control the weather???

Specifically, it was quoting Hipparchia at the top of the page, but it was replying to the general tenor of the whole thread :D
phlogistician said:
The fact that you think you are being controlled by science says more about your fears and self image than it does about science, duendy.

me::hummmmm's noone more controlled by science than you are phlo. they really done got ya.
i would be a liiar to say i dont feel oppressed by scientism. cause i am. cause so is everyone cause it is the paradigm? so are many many manychildren who have no rights to even defend themselves from your favourite people. which is why i try and bring it to te attention of people who will LISTEN. even if it's just one. i am not dictating. i am encouraging people not to just be gullible in te face of scince' but to question its authority when it goes places it shouldn't, etc

Do you use hallucinogens as an escape from your paranoid nightmare?

me:: it is a fallact to believe paychedelics are an 'escape'. they are far from tat. they help us plunge DEEPER into reality. it can be extremely awesome. for tis world ISa parnoid hell for many people. and they are right to feel that!

But surely, you know that LSD was used extensively by the CIA in 50's, duendy?

me::cause i do soft lad. MKULTRA an all that

Subjects dosed up and observed, to learn about interrogation techniques?

me::yes. all in the name of science and prediction and CONTROL. evil fkers!

Do you think that using LSD is an escape, or a bond?

asmi said. itis far from escape. and used intelligently will bond the experiencer wit Nature and community. Scientism as did/does the Church ALIENATES the individual from Nature and community
Do you no see the contradiction in your position though duendy? A synthetic hallucinogen made by scientists, who you allege try and control your perception of reality, allows you to "plunge DEEPER into reality".

Well, which is it? You seem to be talking out of both sides of your mouth at once!
phlogistician said:
Do you no see the contradiction in your position though duendy?

me::no. what?

A synthetic hallucinogen made by scientists,

me::syntesized by no othere than Albert Hofmann, whonactually was supposedly originally looking for a cure for migraine!...i tus find his chance find abspultely hilarious on a cosmic lvel of humour.....Also, dont presume that 'LSD' was discovered only then, 1943. no, LSD is also found in the hallucinogenic Morning Glory seeds, and Claviceps purpurea (which grows on rye or barley)etc

who you allege try and control your perception of reality, allows you to "plunge DEEPER into reality".

me::as i have already pointed out in repnse your earlier questions about CIA mindcontol abominations known as MKULTRA,....just because tey chose to use such a sacred sacrament in such a way does not mean that tose intelligent enough to realize psychedelics potential for exploration will be swayed by such propaganda. tough much harm would have been done to teir victms at that time for sure

plunging deep into realiy means conforntation with your feelings etc and tus humankinds feelings and Nature's feeling and so on. in this dimension you usually can see right through false propaganda whose intent it is to just exploit and harm the individual etc

butin order to integrqte insights, you also have to use logic and intuition post psychdelia...obviously. it is continual exploration. a conTINual plunging into reality, rather than makin do with superfical semantic acceptance

Well, which is it? You seem to be talking out of both sides of your mouth at once!

you mean forked tongue? tat's what some Native Americans noticed about their invaders didn' they?
Hallucinogens have an interesting history, I won't doubt that. If I recall correctly, LSD was synthesised because Ergot had been used by midwives to alleviate pain of childbirth.

Ergot, was possibly responsible for the Salem witch trials too. Superstition and hallucinogens don't make a good combination therefore. Witches aren't real, but enough people taking enough drugs managed to convince themselves that they were. See a parallel here?

Your claim of hallucinogens to be sacred is amusing,. I'm sure you have a very powerful experience while using them, but others do'nt see them as sacred, or helping them see god, so you have to admit that this is just your subjective experience, not the truth, not universal, but a trip. A meaningless trip.
phlogistician said:
Hallucinogens have an interesting history, I won't doubt that. If I recall correctly, LSD was synthesised because Ergot had been used by midwives to alleviate pain of childbirth.

me::nope not familiar with that. i will allow it to be part of your strange collection of 'facts'

Ergot, was possibly responsible for the Salem witch trials too. Superstition and hallucinogens don't make a good combination therefore. Witches aren't real, but enough people taking enough drugs managed to convince themselves that they were. See a parallel here?

me::no. not at all. it i justone of many explantions. so i go for te most plasuible ones. yours dnt seem tat at all. actually te term 'witch' was designed as propaganda by the Inquisition.........though no doubt conutrydwellers --especially women--wse-women were very knowing of good herbs and potions for various things including ecstasy/ .
then, like now, with te war on drugs, would have been a major part
of te perseuction by the Chruch as it was for their ancient predecessors.
you see big corporations dont like competition...!

Your claim of hallucinogens to be sacred is amusing,. I'm sure you have a very powerful experience while using them, but others do'nt see them as sacred, or helping them see god, so you have to admit that this is just your subjective experience, not the truth, not universal, but a trip. A meaningless trip.
who where are these 'others' of yours you use for your sudden 'facts' pray?

you ask is my experience with psychedelics 'merely subjective' not te 'truth' not 'universal'...but a 'meaningless trip'....this from someone who has't even HAD a trip.
hmmmmmmm VERY scientific i must say

heh..yo reveal yourself dude wid eery sentence you write. actually psycedelic experience is awwwesomly meaningful. and you are caught up in a dualism between 'subjective' and 'objective' yu didn't read that article i linked shaman_too recenty ...all about the 'hard problem' in science.....?
whyyyyy do i waste ma time?
On Ergot and Salem;

I think that drives my point home, that you will argue a point, just because I repeat it. Caught you out again old man, the facts stand.

As to subjective experience, well, you obviously don't understand the term if you are arguing against it! You assert I haven't had a 'trip'. But I have, and I explained that, just that mine were not caused by LSD, but by endorphins, amongst others. But you seem to have discounted my experiences, which says a lot about you, and _your_ arrogance, duendy!
phlogistician said:
On Ergot and Salem;
me:::hahaaah you are so predictable. about te ergot. tisis true. after i typed it i KNEW that you would come wit proofs about ergot!...i KNEW you would latch onto that. tell you why....i am very aware of erogt on connection with te Salem phenomena and LSD. but i dismissed it as irrrelevant for this disussion. i knoew however you would use that ommision so you could parade your strutty mr facts-man stuff
yes i know ...i saw a docu. about it too so.....i dismissed it because i knew you were suggesting that ALL 'witchcraft' can bee limited to that explanation. it cant.

I think that drives my point home, that you will argue a point, just because I repeat it. Caught you out again old man, the facts stand.

me::caugght me out....not. i could see your future dude

As to subjective experience, well, you obviously don't understand the term if you are arguing against it! You assert I haven't had a 'trip'. But I have, and I explained that, just that mine were not caused by LSD, but by endorphins, amongst others.

me:::i am very sorry, and i dontmean in any way to underestimate your spiritual? experience, but tat is NOT A Trip. if you dont beieve me, have one. i am not saying the latter is better. tat'd be too silly. bit like claiming some event means ALL events are like that. get me?

But you seem to have discounted my experiences, which says a lot about you, and _your_ arrogance, duendy!

and you buster!
duendy said:
me:::LSD is not the only psychedelic.
psyhcedelics intelligently used inspire radical change. they help you see through the machinations of oppressiv culture and alo help us gain insight about the awesome Intelligence of Nature.
The idea that hallucinogenic drugs will provide you with special insights into the universe is speculative.

How can taking drugs help you understand the "Intelligence of Nature" ? What do you mean by intelligence of nature? It sounds like a meaningless new age term.
duendy said:
which is what we need cause our culture is logic-heavy.
Yes it would be so much better if everyone was more illogical. :)
duendy said:
it dogmtaizes thatNature is mute, and we are te champions cause we can make and drip atom bombs etc. so you get strutting egg heads dictating what reality is.
Nature is mute? More new age talk?
duendy said:
psychedelics really bypass all tis indoctrination--if opened to. one tough cnt trip all the time. tat's be awful. so yo get insights and inegrate. but tere has to be a combined education about Nature--checkout about Ecoliteracy by Fritjof Capra...about how things are being run politically, and about its drug war and war on allow yourself and others to have freedom to explore ecstatic expression
Again you talk about nature. What education of nature can come from getting messed up?

There has been some interesting art and music that has perhaps been inspired by hallucinogens but an understanding of nature? No. Learn biology instead.
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Ah, duendy, you've got your ego showing again. You're gonna have to swallow what you said about Salem, as I don't buy your cop out story.

Anyway, back on topic, how do scalar waves control the weather, duendy?
shaman_ said:
The idea that hallucinogenic drugs will provide you with special insights into the universe is speculative.

me::depends what you mean by 'special insight' mean for industry....for the furtherance of whitey power. what?...IF you mean insight that shows the union betwen the indiovidual andthe environment then that is what i am meanin. however if you took te time to research you'd find that many creatives including scientists, and famous ones at that, have had their insightsinspired via psychedelic experience......we are taliking about facilitators which open up the bodymind. no litle thing

How can taking drugs help you understand the "Intelligence of Nature" ? What do you mean by intelligence of nature? It sounds like a meaningless new age term.

me::ahhhh 'new age'....that is anothe thread. the new age are up their sunshine beaming arses. they are a sinister bunch of people veryconnected with the Illuminati. so dont go assuming i am wanna them. i am not.
what do i mean by Intelligence of Nature? i recommend you read Fritjof Capra about 'ecoliteracy'...that is tthe scienceof it. experientially is the LIVING of it. tesenusal eeling of feeling compltely in-alientated in Nature with te aid of psychdelic inspiration, and then applying those deep insigts and integrating them so as to open up to Nature.

generally science has told us--in its scientismic way (phlosgistician)--that Nature is accident, that consciousness is epiphenomenon of complex matter, that ...etc. you have been constantly indoctrinated wit this myth since you began school so much so you even underestimate you psychedelic experience and seem to embrace their myth. that is up to you....of course science shows the vast intelligence of Nature. but it wont generally see the relavance of concciounses as being apart of Nature. it wont have it that Nature is sentient though it DOES stiol have the 'mind/body' problem....hint hint!

Yes it would be so much better if everyone was more illogical. :)

me::no that is you putting words into my mouth. frpm where i am sanding, you, phlo and others here who call me andothers woo woo, beLIEVE you are being logical. but are not logical to dig you are cut off from a deeper aspect of yourself. this is caused by your indoctrination which is what i am poining out. as the church ha this catch 22 imapsse that IF you have spiritual experience which is contrary to teir faith it must be the 'devil' it is wit sciencism which demands 'evidence' not realizing that that LANGUAGE is LIMITED for the questions being asked and exlored...?!

Nature is mute? More new age talk?

me::it means that science believes Nature is not sentient

Again you talk about nature. What education of nature can come from getting messed up?
me::what do you mean. that makes no sense to me?

There has been some interesting art and music that has perhaps been inspired by hallucinogens but an understanding of nature? No. Learn biology instead.
bolloks. total bolloks. and presumptious and arrogant and very very uneducated
phlogistician said:
Ah, duendy, you've got your ego showing again. You're gonna have to swallow what you said about Salem, as I don't buy your cop out story.
me:: whati told you is te utter truth. of course you the so-called scpetic wont believ me. so...ergot to ya

Anyway, back on topic, how do scalar waves control the weather, duendy?
bit late wouodn't you say you ole specialist you. actually qe are exploring it in our own way be mining your very ontological assurities etc
Duendy I can see we will never agree regarding hallucinogens. I genuinely hope you find what you are looking for.

Of course I still think you have a totally distorted view of science.
'the utter truth' duendy? Got your ego out yet again! That is what all this has ever been about, you thinking you are special because of your previous mental health problems and hallucinantions. Well, no, you're just some basket case that does too many drugs. I'm bored of you now. You've had plenty of opportunities to actually say something apart from rhetoric, but chosen to just spout psycho babble instead.

Cheerio, I'm sure we'l lcross blades in another thread, another time. I'm off to spend some time with some sane people for a while.
phlogistician said:
me::haha..whats tis? your goin away one-up speech ?

phlo:'the utter truth' duendy? Got your ego out yet again! That is what all this has ever been about, you thinking you are special because of your previous mental health problems and hallucinantions.

me::when havei ever said to yu ihave had pst 'mental health' problems? if i speak out against the mental health scam bolloks, this doesn't hafve to mean i have 'mental health problems does it? or maybe so in your strange strange 'always-right' world

phlo: Well, no, you're just some basket case that does too many drugs.

me::charmin!...what total idots like yourself always do when they dont really know but make out they do is...first ting, if they find out you toke or take psychedelics assume you are a drug abusing person with nothing of any import to say....hah, well phlo, what fukin drugs do YOU take, you cheeky uncouth get? booze, meds, coke, ciggies, coffee. all drugs. everyone in this culture is takin some kinda drug, did't you know this. But cause you cant really say anything use that tactic. which is pathetic and shows up your dodgy character for what it really is even more. well done!

phlo:: well not ALL. dont want to fall into your trap wit your 'ALL' shit I'm bored of you now.

me::i was bored wid you right from te beginniin. what a soddin knowitall

phlo:: You've had plenty of opportunities to actually say something apart from rhetoric, but chosen to just spout psycho babble instead.

me:: rhetoric is your middle name. you spout off precisely noting. a few dead references from dusty old orther peoples ideas...nuthin origianl, and interspersed with abuse, which you have displayed in this post adequately.

Cheerio, I'm sure we'l lcross blades in another thread, another time. I'm off to spend some time with some sane people for a while.
pity your sanity. it is so ....dead
phlogistician said:
Duendy, are you saying you havent' had any personal experience with mental health practitioners, ever?
we all are every day. it is thikc with em. as i say the paradigmis defended By them. so in tat context, yes.
If however, you mean have i been forcibly incarcerated and forcibly drugged and given ECT and gondknows what, tank god no.

what about yourself?
duendy said:
we all are every day. it is thikc with em. as i say the paradigmis defended By them. so in tat context, yes.
If however, you mean have i been forcibly incarcerated and forcibly drugged and given ECT and gondknows what, tank god no.

what about yourself?

I didn't ask of the experience hd been that dramatic, duendy, I asked if you'd ever met professionally with a mental health practitioner. Answering a rephrased question, implies you are skirting the issue.

Myself, no, I have never needed to seek, nor been referred to psychological help ever.
phlogistician said:
I didn't ask of the experience hd been that dramatic, duendy, I asked if you'd ever met professionally with a mental health practitioner. Answering a rephrased question, implies you are skirting the issue.

yes i have. and have had many exchanges wit mental health practitioners online. why are you askin?
to what 'issue' are you referring??

Myself, no, I have never needed to seek, nor been referred to psychological help ever.
how very sane of you