Scalar waves on other ways to control the weather???

phlogistician said:
Where have I ever said that? Having worked in a University research department for four years, I know damned well there's secret technology being developed, but being kept secret largely for Intellectual Property concerns, before patenting, NOT to deny people access to it!

me::yes that's that. and i am exploring that tere is a top secret thing going on too.

No, you wouldn't mean a proven source of secrets now would you?

me::a proven source of secrets? i have reasons to be intrigued by the plausibility of various diverse sources i have read that point to that, yes.

Matter has mass, and a property of mass is that mass attracts mass. To get round this, we'd have to first discover exactly which property of matter it is that causes mass, and see if we can make matter without that property. Well, that is a big task, solving the gravitational riddlle, for one, and then actually custom making matter, so it won't interact in a gravitational manner with other matter. We can do something similar in biochemistry at present, and make L-type isomers of sugars and oils that people can't digest, but whether we'll ever make an non gravitional matter 'isomer' is another thing entirely. It may just be fundamentally undoable. Either way, it will be the scientists you so distrust who discover how to do it, not a bunch of acid popping whackos.

me::i don't distrust many more times. Lsten. i distrust sciencism. science&State.

and you just had to be derogatory about people who use Acid didn't yo? why IS this? please explain. soon i a startinga different thread where we may may feel freer discussing thewse aspects. gonna call it Springtime for Sciencism

Free energy. Nope, this is the new Alchemists dream! [[[[[[hah...which is where science oriinates!]]]]]]] Energy requires a potential difference, so all we could hope to achieve here is somehow to tap into energy already stored in the Universe somehow. Well, there is only matter and energy, so I think we already have our 'free' energy. It's called matter, and to get at it, we need to develop nuclear fusion. Of course, it's never actually 'free' because there's no such thing, everything has an activation energy, if it didn't, the reaction would already have taken place long ago, see, and we wouldn't have been there to harness the output.

me:i suddenly feel like a time traveller....and no Phlo, i aint Trippin

You aren't blinded BY science duendy, but you are blind TO science. There's a big difference. You could learn enough to see your own folly if you had the inclination. I don't think there's a single physics student who hasn't had a 'fuck me' moment when they learned relativity or quantum mechanics. You think scientists aren't open minded, well we are open minded enough to get brain fucked every now and again, isn't that enough?

oh lawwwdy, how u underestimate me dude.
duendy said:
oh lawwwdy, how u underestimate me dude.

That, I'm afraid, is impossible.

And as it appears you have angle brackets [ and ] on that ntl: digital set top box of yours, why don't you use them properly?
Duendy said:
understand that what 'we KNOW' now would also seem totally impossible to classical scientists (even so beyond their ken as to be 'invisible' if you get me).
Hmmm, not exactly. How we do it and how much may seem impossible but the fundamentals are still there. We've built on their foundations rather than torn down what they did. The principles have held, which is why science is a viable concern.
Oli said:
Duendy said:

Hmmm, not exactly. How we do it and how much may seem impossible but the fundamentals are still there. We've built on their foundations rather than torn down what they did. The principles have held, which is why science is a viable concern.
but it was a traumatic struggle Oli, as authors, such as Fritjof Capra etc have informed us. Like any emerging paradigm, there is much trauma involved for the ones who cant accept and/or cling to old ways of seeing and beliving etc. tis is how it was for people trained in classical science.

once had a private email conversation with the physcisist, Nick Herbert, and i asked him if he understood QM, and he replied in so many words, no, and neither do other physicists, they just use it.

i know what you mean. that classical science hasn't been entirely abandoned, and tat it has seem to be limited in other domains. but if you went back to before te actual emergence of CP, ten i am very sure if ou tred to discuss what is known now you would be met with a silence of incredulity----what you sai would be TABOO

i was using tis analogy to try and suggest that that attitude may be shared with certainsceptics now regarding thepossibilities of advanced technology. it is a taboo. and taboos have various ways of showing themselves--you can have total silence as if you haven't said anthing, hostility, ridicule, etc etc