Saying You Fool will take you to hell according to the Bible !!

What do you bow down to face when you pray? If I am a pagan then you are a rock worshipper :D
You are such a supreme ignorant, we face The holy city of MECCA and the first house built by Abraham to worship Allah inside Mecca, it is not a rock, it is a house of worship !

here it is:

Ka’aba The House Of Allah

And here is a picture of this holy house without the black cover from down:

and here is another picture:


The Holy Mosque in Mecca in which the KA'ABA is located.
Isn't it the stone on which Abraham was supposed to sacrifice his son? My point is simply don't go calling atheists pagans or anything else when you have no idea what you are talking about and I won't call you a rock worshipper that is fair isn't it.
Hey Path ( Vienna ):

This is NOT the stone in which Abraham tried to sacrifice his son, the black house you see in the middle is NOT rock,it is HOUSE a MOSQUE covered with black textile with gold on the sides.

and OH ! I thought you were christian !! I did not know you renounced christianity suddenly and became an atheist !!!

Please get some education about what Muslims worship before you make general statements.
Proud_Muslim said:
Hey Path ( Vienna ):

This is NOT the stone in which Abraham tried to sacrifice his son, the black house you see in the middle is NOT rock,it is HOUSE a MOSQUE covered with black textile with gold on the sides.

and OH ! I thought you were christian !! I did not know you renounced christianity suddenly and became an atheist !!!

Please get some education about what Muslims worship before you make general statements.
It seems I know more about islam than you do ;)

History of the Ka'aba

The Ka'aba located in the holy Islamic city, Mecca, is a massive black meteorite, and the sacred stone of the Islamic faith. Muhammad deemed the meteorite was a sacred stone in 630 AD. Wherever a Muslim is located, they are instructed to pray towards Mecca and the Ka'aba. Every Muslim must make a pilgrimage to the Ka'aba once in their lifetime. The pilgrimage represents the ultimate in spiritual fulfillment. During the worship at the Ka'aba the pilgrims circle the shrine seven times, and then all make their way to kiss the sacred shrine. The prayer towards the Ka'aba and the pilgrimage to Mecca create a distinct unity between the Muslim people.


The Ka'aba is an oblong stone building located approximately in the center of the quadrangle of the Grand Mosque in the Holy City of Makkah. The front and back walls are 40 feet in length; the side walls are 35 feet long; the height of the walls is 50 feet.

Set in a silver surround in the east corner of the Ka'aba, some four feet above ground level, is the Black Stone. This sacred Stone, the focal point of the Hajj, is the only remnant of the shrine which Abraham built when it was given to Abraham by the angel Gabriel.

The Stone (which may be of meteoric origin) is believed to go back still further, to the time of the first man, Adam.

The Kaaba in the mosque known as Masjid al Haram in Makkah is one of the holy places of Islam. It is a small brick building in the shape of a cube. The structure is 50 ft. high (15.24 m), the shorter walls are about 35 ft long (10.67 m) and the longest walls are 40 ft. long (12.19 m). It is covered by golden lettered and black silk cloth, known as the Kiswa, which is replaced yearly [1] [2]. It contains the Hajar el Aswad (the sacred "Black Stone"), which is presumed by most sources to be a meteorite remnant


It was nearly 3 am in the Masjid al Haram when I started the first tawaf around the Ka’aba. There must have been no more than 50 people there, the weekend visitors leave on Friday night and this wasn’t the Hajj season. We circumambulated the Ka’aba in a two or three files, kissing the Hajr-al-Aswad, touching the Yemeni Rukn with ease.


I could give you 10 pages of links but is it really needed?
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Great ! After I explained to you with pictures what is KAA'BA you start already providing links !! cool !! there is hope for you after all.
Yeah I'm nice like that ;) Nice to finally have you agree with me :cool:
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Proud_Muslim said:
Great !! did you know now the difference between the KAA'BA and the black stone ???????? :rolleyes:
Yes the KAA'BA is built around the sacred black rock to protect it, just like my hamster cage is built around my sacred (to me at least) brown hamster :cool:

This sacred Stone, the focal point of the Hajj

From the one of the excerpts cited earlier.
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Rappaccini said:
So... you Mohammedans adulate a rock?
The rock is the objective of one of the five pillars of islam. So rock is OK but heavy metal is right out. :D

Hey hows your jinn today? Send my regards.
path said:
The rock is the objective of one of the five pillars of islam. So rock is OK but heavy metal is right out.

Who said the rock is the objective of one of the five pillars of ISLAM ?? you retard !!

Hey hows your jinn today? Send my regards.

They will get you at night while you are sleeping, we believe that female jinns sometimes rape male humans !! so watch out !! :D
Proud_Muslim said:
Who said the rock is the objective of one of the five pillars of ISLAM ?? you retard !!
Islam ;) you genius!!

They will get you at night while you are sleeping, we believe that female jinns sometimes rape male humans !! so watch out !! :D

Now your talkin' sparky! :D
And for the Low low price of 450 saudi rials you can kiss the rock, space is limited so don't delay act today!



purty ain't it
What is 450 rials too much? PM you will notice I am only commenting on muslim source material they pretty much speak for themselves. If anyone is wrong here it is your muslim brothers go and check the links I have posted your problem is with them if you disagree not me. After all I am only a kaffir

PS. don't you think the Hajr-al-Aswad bears an uncanny resemblance to the all seeing eye of Sauron? :D