Savage Beating at McDonalds

this is very tame. i've seen far worse in school yards. i'm talking about all out stomping and punching. also, people abuse behind closed doors. people also spank and hit their kids so this is not surprising. it's just that adults are expected to not do this in public to eachother.

You've seen beating that resulted in seizures before?
this is very tame. i've seen far worse in school yards. i'm talking about all out stomping and punching. also, people abuse behind closed doors. people also spank and hit their kids so this is not surprising. it's just that adults are expected to not do this in public to eachother.
Very insightful post, birch. I've got to hand it to you, being that you have a deep and profound understanding of this type of human interaction. :cool:

BTW. Do you ever agree with others opinions? Or is it your standard modus operandi to disagree in principle? Just curious, fireball... ;)
Apparently, the victim might have brought this on his/herself by refusing to leave the women's rest room. She also has a police record. I would have definitely prevented the women from beating her, but she's not so innocent. I would expect most women to freak out when there's a man in their bathroom.

well i wouldn't, and i'm a fucking bitch. i'd have no problem telling some seedy guy to take a hike if he was in my face in a bathroom, but that's obviously not what went on here.

i have a police record.

edit: well, no i don't; it's expunged.

OH! and thank you for saying that you would definitely have prevented the women from beating her!!! yay you!!!
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I live to be a hero, that's just the kind of guy I am. I would have dragged her into a stall and locked the door, those fat bitches would not be much of a challenge.
i also hope this is a rhetorical question. if i had my way every one of those motherfuckers would be hung in a public square right along side the attackers, and perhaps then if people won't stand up and do the right thing because they're brave, then they'll stand up and do the right thing because they're afraid not to.

ah your wonderful good christian values. I'm surprised your so willing to condemn them considering your views on non straights
Apparently, the victim might have brought this on his/herself by refusing to leave the women's rest room.
I'm female of parts...but have looked male enough in the past that people actually had an argument about it once.

And I'm pretty sure I look that male again, I get called sir all the time.
( I'm happy about it, but probably need to let my hair grow a bit for job interviews)

Which restroom would you like me to take a leak in, Spidey? Since apparently there's a possibility I might get my ass kicked in the ladies'?
Even though that's the anatomically correct room?

For people who don't fit into one or the other gender, or are transitioning, or have transitioned but don't "pass" as their true interior gender...
All have to pee and poop, and sometimes that needs to happen when out and about...

And third-gender/androgyne people are pretty much just screwed entirely, I guess? Damn, I'd better avoid drinking much water!

This is is a big problem for the transgender community, folks:

According to Sosin, 25, a resident of Edgewater, “Gender identity and expression is protected under the Illinois Human Rights Act, but everyday, countless transgender people are harassed in public restrooms for not "passing" as male or female. This policing often results in violence against gender-variant people. It can also mean health complications for those who are not allowed regular access to bathrooms.”

I mean, even a crossdresser out in public as female...if the crossdresser goes in the mens' bathroom, they may get their ass kicked. If they go in the ladies' they may get their ass kicked too, although having the cops called is far more usual.

They may end up just going behind a bush for lack of a clearly safe place to go...

Or hold it and go home early or something. All of it embarrassing and miserable.
Gender-variant people shouldn't go through an ordeal to use the toilet, alright?
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Has anyone mentioned The Bystander Effect?

The bystander effect or Genovese syndrome is a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases where individuals do not offer any means of help in an emergency situation to the victim when other people are present. The probability of help has in the past been thought to be inversely related to the number of bystanders; in other words, the greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any one of them will help. The mere presence of other bystanders greatly decreases intervention. This happens because as the number of bystanders increases, any given bystander is less likely to notice the incident, less likely to interpret the incident as a problem, and less likely to assume responsibility for taking action.[1]

Timothy Hart and Ternace Miethe used data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and found that a bystander was present in 65 percent of the violent victimizations in the data. Their presence was most common in cases of physical assaults (68%), which accounted for the majority of these violent victimizations and less likely in robberies (49%) and sexual assaults (28%). The actions of bystanders were most frequently judged by victims as “neither helping nor hurting” (48%), followed by “helping” (37%), “hurting” (10%), and “both helping and hurting” (3%) Half of the attacks that a bystander was present at occurred in the evening and the victim and bystander were strangers.[2]
S.A.M. said:
Has anyone mentioned The Bystander Effect?

I wish more people knew about the bystander effect...I also wish the manager had just taken the assaulted woman back into his office and locked all the doors once he'd gotten the bitches out.

Ineffective nincompoop.

...But my #1 fave transdyke was just telling me about this video-it's not only that the bystanders weren't helping, they were encouraging the girls to beat up the transwoman...and the McDonald's employee videoing apparently put it up on his facebook page with some suitably derogatory comments about trans people...
So, from what I was told it wasn't the bystander effect at work, they wanted the girls to kick the transgirl's ass.
( I just watched the vid with the sound down, so my wife wouldn't get upset, BTW.)
Thats not what I see in the video. I wouldn't be surprised if reports were exaggerated. What surprises me is why no one called 911
This is part of a screenshot taken from the McDonald's employee's website-the one who was filming:


(I didn't want to direct you to the site I found that on, it was VERY NSFW:rolleyes:)

I kind of assume that's why they were all laughing at the one line employee who was trying to help the victim, he might catch trans-cooties or something...(Wife went to store...)
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A transgender woman beaten at a Baltimore County McDonald's spoke out on Saturday, saying that the attack was "definitely a hate crime" and that she's been afraid to go out in public ever since.

"They said, 'That's a dude, that's a dude and she's in the female bathroom,' " said Chrissy Lee Polis, 22, who said she stopped at the Rosedale restaurant to use the restroom. "They spit in my face."

Polis, who said she had a sex-change operation to become a woman, said this isn't the first time that she's been picked on physically because of her sexual identity. She said she's been subjected to beatings and even sexual assaults.
This is why concealed-carry needs to be legal, everywhere.

It's better to have Al Sharpton protesting in front of your house for defending yourself than to be beaten into having a seizure at McDonalds.
Apparently, the victim might have brought this on his/herself by refusing to leave the women's rest room. She also has a police record. I would have definitely prevented the women from beating her, but she's not so innocent. I would expect most women to freak out when there's a man in their bathroom.

I can understand why they may be upset by a man in their bathroom, but that doesn't excuse their behavior.
I wish more people knew about the bystander effect...I also wish the manager had just taken the assaulted woman back into his office and locked all the doors once he'd gotten the bitches out.

Ineffective nincompoop.

...But my #1 fave transdyke was just telling me about this video-it's not only that the bystanders weren't helping, they were encouraging the girls to beat up the transwoman...and the McDonald's employee videoing apparently put it up on his facebook page with some suitably derogatory comments about trans people...
So, from what I was told it wasn't the bystander effect at work, they wanted the girls to kick the transgirl's ass.
( I just watched the vid with the sound down, so my wife wouldn't get upset, BTW.)

I'm not blasting the volume on the video because it's really early and I don't want to wake up my wife. But I didn't really hear people chanting about kicking the guy's ass and I didn't see too many bystanders in the video.
ah your wonderful good christian values. I'm surprised your so willing to condemn them considering your views on non straights

and what are my views on "non straights" pjdude?

not that they're relevant even; we're talking about gender orientation here, not sexual orientation. no, we're really not talking about any orientation here except for hate. a hateful orientation.

and don't hurt yourself trying to figure out what my views are; it's much easier to be bigoted about it. but i will share some results of my views with of my best friends is a flaming lesbian. i've had a lot of gay friends that i've loved dearly. and while working at a restaurant several years ago, had the opportunity to wait on 2 transgendered ladies. they were very polite. i gave them excellent service. and if i had seen anyone in my section so much as look at them funny, i in return would have given those people a look that would have immediately corrected their behavior. it works every time.
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