Satan: Virtuous


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
What does satan really represent? It's all metaphorical, of course. And what does satan represent?

Satan represents the rebellion against senseless authority. And Satan represents indulgence. And Satan represents absolute, unbounded freedom. Satan represents making yourself a god, the only god, of yourself.

This is satan. And satan is...bad?:confused:
What does satan really represent? It's all metaphorical, of course. And what does satan represent?
Selfish pursuits.

Meaning most all of nature follow a specific rule "to live" and will instinctively do what is takes to survive.

But mankind, is of choice and can go well beyond that scope of doing for survival.

Satan represents the rebellion against senseless authority.

what authority? God is not an outside entity looking at man like pets. That is the 'zeus' kind of God (created by mankind) and not even existing in reality. That creation of a God on a thrown is of man's assessments as throughout history the rulers were often on a thrown, ruling, judging and giving or taking what life they chose.

TO oberseve as Einstein did, (i believe HE is 'the garden').... then to observe all of nature (existence) itself as God, then God's 'authority' are the laws of nature rather than some dude sitting on a thrown as mankind has often painted as the picture. (like a pharoah)

And Satan represents indulgence.
and mankind (consciousness) is the only thing in existence that can take beyond what is within nature.

we created airplanes, nuclear weapons and the 'invisible hand' but satan as an entity of existence as being a cause can be likened to the selfishness of mankinds pursuits over the laws of nature (hence mankind "left the garden")

Mankind began to think, they controlled or 'owned' nature.

And Satan represents absolute, unbounded freedom.
freedom of choice is what we all have.....

using that 'freedom' to take for self, isolating self from reality, or simply do anything that is a 'loss to the common' is the same capacity as every human being to be a satan.

Equally each makes their own choices and why so much focus on 'good and bad' is what religious moral obligations were all about. Most all religions know each person can defeat bad by just being honest with your choices.

Satan represents making yourself a god, the only god, of yourself.
if you go in the back yard, plant a tree, water it and it grows, then as you sit with a chain saw in your hand, you are a god to that tree and all the critter in it.

same as lying to someone: you put a fib into the mind of that person and now how they observe that scenario is bound to that 'creation' of a person

i can choose to combine my seed with another to make a baby: i can create life!

These scenarios share just how powerful human being can be within nature.

That is what most need to understand; that we ARE responsible for our actions and whether of good or bad, we live in them 'doings' after we no longer have choice.

The good will live (that tree will ooosually live well beyond a person) and to give of your time and energy to 'support life to continue' then you live in them gifts because of your choice

The bad............ will eventually fade to extinction. (that is how God/nature works)

Prehaps try genesis 3
2And the woman saith unto the serpent, `Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we do eat,

3and of the fruit of the tree which [is] in the midst of the garden God hath said, Ye do not eat of it, nor touch it, lest ye die.'

4And the serpent saith unto the woman, `Dying, ye do not die,

5for God doth know that in the day of your eating of it -- your eyes have been opened, and ye have been as God, knowing good and evil.'


20And the man calleth his wife's name Eve: for she hath been mother of all living.

21And Jehovah God doth make to the man and to his wife coats of skin, and doth clothe them.

22And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' --

the story is about choice being born

the so called serpant did not fib; mankind is still alive and like 22 shares, the boss was happy, to say the least.

but look at what is written versus how people think it is meant

the various intrepretations have ruined the truth of the matter

as i can clearly see, that the jehovah god isn't mad.... he seemed proud if you asked me

21And Jehovah God doth make to the man and to his wife coats of skin, and doth clothe them.

22And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,'

We all alive, so adam and eve did not die

we have choice

we are aware of compassion

we can create life

we have the very ability to understand good and evil ourselves!

all that is left, is offering the comprehension so each can know "equally" how to do good rather than bad

i believe this can be understood by having the comprehension of "what life is"

and i say: light is life (the life of mass is the energy upon the mass)

from that, the unfolding of truth is grounded in reality versus opinions

that is why the last chapter is so focused on 'light' (energy upon mass)
What does satan really represent? It's all metaphorical, of course. And what does satan represent?

Satan represents the rebellion against senseless authority. And Satan represents indulgence. And Satan represents absolute, unbounded freedom. Satan represents making yourself a god, the only god, of yourself.

This is satan. And satan is...bad?:confused:

I've always liked Satan. He's sort of a Biblical version of Oliver Twist. Whenever God wants to regulate our free will to death he generally steps in to help us demonstrate the injustice of such action.
Satan represents the ills of surfeit. And the need for moderation.
I disagree, Norsefire.

If Satan really is all about boundless freedom, decadence and indulgence, why is Hell the way it is? Why would a 'God' of immorality want to punish like-minded individuals?
In many ways, the Devil is as controlling as God, but in possession of much less power and territory. He delights in playing his sadistic games with those he has trapped in his domain, and desperately tries to tempt those who aren't to come and join him. Despite all this, he remains mostly alone and abandoned by all those who once loved him in heaven.

Based on this, Satan ultimately represents resentment, duplicity and pain.
I disagree, Norsefire.

If Satan really is all about boundless freedom, decadence and indulgence, why is Hell the way it is? Why would a 'God' of immorality want to punish like-minded individuals?
In many ways, the Devil is as controlling as God, but in possession of much less power and territory. He delights in playing his sadistic games with those he has trapped in his domain, and desperately tries to tempt those who aren't to come and join him. Despite all this, he remains mostly alone and abandoned by all those who once loved him in heaven.

Based on this, Satan ultimately represents resentment, duplicity and pain.

The devil encourages indulgence (for instance, Adam and Eve)
The devil represents the power of the ego

Now, the devil is just a metaphor. But if we want to discuss him as a character, he is only controlling if you allow him to be. It is up to you to grow and impose your ego. If you are weak enough to allow him to control you then that is your fault.

Satan does encourage individuality and freedom and indulgence, but it is up to you to achieve these things; that is why in satanism there is no place for the weak.
What does satan really represent? It's all metaphorical, of course. And what does satan represent?

Satan represents the rebellion against senseless authority. And Satan represents indulgence. And Satan represents absolute, unbounded freedom. Satan represents making yourself a god, the only god, of yourself.

This is satan. And satan is...bad?:confused:

Yes satan is bad because satan like yourself can never be a god. Neither you nor satan have the capability to be God. Your agreement with satan (to be your own god) is the spirit of rebellion that will never and can never be. Evil vanity and pride comes before destruction.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If an almighty god made another god do something or allowed it to do something, the ALMIGHTY god is responsible.

Yes God is responsible for giving people the option to either accepting or rejecting Him. But in giving others that gift (a great gift indeed) He has also given them the responsibility for that decision.

The wonderful ability to accept God would mean nothing if the possibility of rejecting God was never an option.

People here demonstrate that ability in full. Even showing their acceptance of satan freely.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
shaytaan (satan), or his real name iblis (diablos), is the avowed enemy of mankind. Cursed by God and all of creation, because of his disobedience of God and the laws of God. He is an entity, whose only influence over man is the power of suggestion (whispering). God has made man too powerful to be controlled by the devil, unless if man himself freely follows his suggestions. Thus, God allows the shaytaan some spite, as His will is to test man's power of self-control and righteousness. shaytaan represents evil, wickedness, disobedience to God, perversion, injustice, deception, immorality, slavery of self (ego), false pride, racism, and other social and personal ills. In the end, both shaytaan and those humans who follow him, will both be punished. shaytaan like evil men, will be a denizen and sufferer of hell (jahannum), not its master as some believe. Indeed, a terrible and fitting end for a vile creature and avowed enemy of man.
Satan is already in the naughty corner..
Could you guys please just leave him the hell alone ?