samcdkey on Islam

samcdkey said:
My resorting to violence is a character flaw, not a religious one.

Then, it would appear your religion is failing you twice.
(Q) said:
Then, it would appear your religion is failing you twice.

In truth, it is the other way around. Before I adopted the principles of Islam, I was impatient and quick to anger and violence. In fact the last incidence of violence was in my early 20s, when in response to being fondled by a stranger I beat the crap out of him.

After I studied religion, I realised that losing my temper was actually a sign of weakness, since it gains me nothing and loses me my moral high ground. Since that realisation more than 10 years ago, I have found that I gain much more by using words rather than action and I believe I am better for it. I have realised that there are more facets to people than are immediately obvious and that more people react rather than act. Nowadays, I try to get people to act rather than react. Of course, I am only human and sometimes, I still lose my temper. I believe I could still fight if required. But I do not see the need for it anymore.

edit: just an aside, but it is difficult for me to get really angry now with someone after I understand them. I begin to see their point of view and though I get frustrated at not getting my point across, I cannot seem to get angry anymore. I may disagree totally with them and consider them complete asses, but I would not attack them. Another advantage of religious philosophy, wouldn't you know? ;)
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Ahmed Osman said:
I do admire the knowledge of Samcdkey of the Quran and Hadiths - it is also admirable that she has done the Hajj - however , she has learned the Holy Scriptures like a computer or tape recorder - she can reproduce the Holy Text, but she does not understand the Spirit of the Holy Writing and do not let it enter into her heart ..........

That is very sad , with her knowledge she could be a star of guidance for other people, if only she would let the knowledge enter her heart ....

What is even worse - Samcdkey chooses what she want to obey from the Holy Writings and disregard the rest - very sad indeed !!!!

The Holy Quran says : Then is it only a part of the Book , that ye believe in , and do ye reject the rest ? But what is the reward for those amongst you, who behave like this but disgrace in this life ? And on the day of judgment
they shall be consigned to the most grievous penalty !!!!!!!!!!!

It sounds like Samcdkey has gained the BEST qualities from following her religion of choice. Or from what I can see after reading many of her posts.

I firmly believe all religions share the same core message, "achieving a closer relationship with the divine or supreme being" but so many religions have the message distorted by all the 're-written texts,changing the message to suit the writer(s) or other man made authority at the time.So in other words all the man written nonsense of "what God wants",etc all for the glorious purpose of keeping the masses in line! ( Wow...what a great idea! *lol)
Why not focus on the universal messages of peace,humility,compassion,love, fairness and selfless service!

For me ,following the egyptian spiritual path of Ushet Rekhat or Goddess of Wisdom (Aset) allows me to do that...for samcdkey it's the finer aspects of Islam.
No disrespect intended here but I would like to know about the virgins that seem to part of the Islamic faith.

First, are virgins really a prize for martyrdom? Secondly, if they are, then where do they come from...are they Godmade on the spot or are they the souls of some dear departed virgins? sex after death part of the muslim faith...if so then this may be something worth looking into?

Martyrdom for eternal post mortem sex?...seems like either an advanced form of necrophilia or a real incentive to die.
PsychoticEpisode said:
No disrespect intended here but I would like to know about the virgins that seem to part of the Islamic faith.

First, are virgins really a prize for martyrdom? Secondly, if they are, then where do they come from...are they Godmade on the spot or are they the souls of some dear departed virgins? sex after death part of the muslim faith...if so then this may be something worth looking into?

Martyrdom for eternal post mortem sex?...seems like either an advanced form of necrophilia or a real incentive to die.

Sam if you ever get around to writing that essay this would be a good question to include, since it seems to crop up all the time and be th e object of numerous political cartoons

..... although the q may require a bit of rephrasing ...
PsychoticEpisode said:
No disrespect intended here but I would like to know about the virgins that seem to part of the Islamic faith.

First, are virgins really a prize for martyrdom? Secondly, if they are, then where do they come from...are they Godmade on the spot or are they the souls of some dear departed virgins? sex after death part of the muslim faith...if so then this may be something worth looking into?

Martyrdom for eternal post mortem sex?...seems like either an advanced form of necrophilia or a real incentive to die.
Hi Psychotic

I hope you are well.

I dnt really think Virgins are that bigger deal in Islam. You only hear about it when it comes to suicide bombing, which is so nicely highlighted in the western tabloid press.

But the problem with suicide bombing is as follows ( i have mentioned these before)

1)It is the worst sin to kill
2) Suicide is also a great sin
3) there is no shortcut to heavan

This can go on but their the main reasons why suicide bombing is wrong.

This virigjn non-senese comes from these whabbi dicks quoting one line of the quran out of context
PsychoticEpisode said:
No disrespect intended here but I would like to know about the virgins that seem to part of the Islamic faith.

First, are virgins really a prize for martyrdom? Secondly, if they are, then where do they come from...are they Godmade on the spot or are they the souls of some dear departed virgins? sex after death part of the muslim faith...if so then this may be something worth looking into?

Martyrdom for eternal post mortem sex?...seems like either an advanced form of necrophilia or a real incentive to die.

Hey Psycho

I dont have clue where these virgins come from

Sam..... sorry to tread on your toes.

Sam pls expand on my post before
Mohammed himself led raids on unsuspecting travelers, to rob and kill, after he became power hungry in Medina. Justified then by Allah changing his word so that these activities would be blessed. Go figure, God changes his message to accommodate Mohammed, so says Mohammed. He became frustrated in Mecca where fame did not feed his ego. Though fairly successful in Mecca at gaining adherants to the new monotheistic belief, it simply was not enough. Going to Medina proved to be the ego boost that Mohammed may have sought. Or it could have been the poison to his ego that twisted the fate of the movement. Either way, things changed significantly in medina for Mohammed, islam, muslims, and those unfortunately in contact with them. Notice how slowly islam spread though the original Meccan style message of peace and dedication to the one true God, but then took off when Mohammed introduced violence, thievery, murder, probably rape, into the permissable acts of muslims. So, this is also where the infamous surra states that muslims shall seek out the infidel to convert or kill. Since this surra happened chronologically after the more peaceful Mecca surras, it overshadows the former. Mohammed personally gave islam its model of violent action. It is not a new radical development, the founder himself introduced it and practiced it 'successfully' enough to have islam spread by the sword to much of the unsuspecting middle east. Islam spread to subjugate people to Mohammed's ego and rule.

Any claims by moderates or pacifists to say that islam has been distorted into a violent religion are liars and fools, obviously ignorant of their own history.

Apathy Condemned

[5:79] They did not enjoin one another from committing evil. Miserable indeed is what they did.

[5:80] You would see many of them allying themselves with those who disbelieve. Miserable indeed is what their hands have sent forth on behalf of their souls. GOD is angry with them and, consequently, they will abide forever in retribution.

[5:81] Had they believed in GOD, and the prophet, and in what was revealed to him herein, they would not have befriended them. But many of them are evil.

A Statement of Fact

[5:82] You will find that the worst enemies of the believers are the Jews and the idol worshipers. And you will find that the closest people in friendship to the believers are those who say, "We are Christian." This is because they have priests and monks among them, and they are not arrogant.

[5:83] When they hear what was revealed to the messenger, you see their eyes flooding with tears as they recognize the truth therein, and they say, "Our Lord, we have believed, so count us among the witnesses.

[5:84] "Why should we not believe in GOD, and in the truth that has come to us, and hope that our Lord may admit us with the righteous people?"

[5:85] GOD has rewarded them for saying this; He will admit them into gardens with flowing streams. They abide therein forever. Such is the reward for the righteous.

[5:86] As for those who disbelieve and reject our revelations, they are the dwellers of Hell.

Quite frankly Mr. Pipes, the real problem in any argument is that the person arguing picks out only one thing to reinfore hi/her point and ignores all facts surrounding it. Surra 5 must be read and understood in its entirey and only then will any one given verse make perfectly logical sense.

In your quote of Surra 9 verse 5, you quote it as " Then fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them. And seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them."

But in my version of the Quran, Surra 9 verse 5 states "Once the Sacred Months are past, (and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idol worshipers when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), you shall let them go. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. "

I believe these two comparisons are quite different; don't you?
nova900 said:
It sounds like Samcdkey has gained the BEST qualities from following her religion of choice. Or from what I can see after reading many of her posts.

I firmly believe all religions share the same core message, "achieving a closer relationship with the divine or supreme being" but so many religions have the message distorted by all the 're-written texts,changing the message to suit the writer(s) or other man made authority at the time.So in other words all the man written nonsense of "what God wants",etc all for the glorious purpose of keeping the masses in line! ( Wow...what a great idea! *lol)
Why not focus on the universal messages of peace,humility,compassion,love, fairness and selfless service!

For me ,following the egyptian spiritual path of Ushet Rekhat or Goddess of Wisdom (Aset) allows me to do that...for samcdkey it's the finer aspects of Islam.

Christianity and Islam are equally violent. They are not violent because the lifestyle or belief system was wrong in theory, they are violent because both of these belief systems, were controlled by men, and male dominated, and because at that time period violence was neccessary.

The key to islam, is the same key to christianity, is the same key to buddhism, and any enlightened person will see and feel with intuition what the truth is.

It's not important what religion you choose, if you seek enlightenment, you'll find it no matter what path you take. Any religion can make someone into a better person, the problem is ORGANIZED religion, not religion, ORGANIZED religion.

However, if there were no organized religion humans would have wiped themselves out centuries ago so thank god for for ORGANIZED religion while also thanking satan. In the end, even people who know the truth, can only live their own life, for their own purpose. Religion simply helps a person discover their purpose and value life.
Vega said:
Mohammed himself led raids on unsuspecting travelers, to rob and kill, after he became power hungry in Medina. Justified then by Allah changing his word so that these activities would be blessed. Go figure, God changes his message to accommodate Mohammed, so says Mohammed. He became frustrated in Mecca where fame did not feed his ego. Though fairly successful in Mecca at gaining adherants to the new monotheistic belief, it simply was not enough. Going to Medina proved to be the ego boost that Mohammed may have sought. Or it could have been the poison to his ego that twisted the fate of the movement. Either way, things changed significantly in medina for Mohammed, islam, muslims, and those unfortunately in contact with them. Notice how slowly islam spread though the original Meccan style message of peace and dedication to the one true God, but then took off when Mohammed introduced violence, thievery, murder, probably rape, into the permissable acts of muslims. So, this is also where the infamous surra states that muslims shall seek out the infidel to convert or kill. Since this surra happened chronologically after the more peaceful Mecca surras, it overshadows the former. Mohammed personally gave islam its model of violent action. It is not a new radical development, the founder himself introduced it and practiced it 'successfully' enough to have islam spread by the sword to much of the unsuspecting middle east. Islam spread to subjugate people to Mohammed's ego and rule.

Any claims by moderates or pacifists to say that islam has been distorted into a violent religion are liars and fools, obviously ignorant of their own history.

Apathy Condemned

[5:79] They did not enjoin one another from committing evil. Miserable indeed is what they did.

[5:80] You would see many of them allying themselves with those who disbelieve. Miserable indeed is what their hands have sent forth on behalf of their souls. GOD is angry with them and, consequently, they will abide forever in retribution.

[5:81] Had they believed in GOD, and the prophet, and in what was revealed to him herein, they would not have befriended them. But many of them are evil.

A Statement of Fact

[5:82] You will find that the worst enemies of the believers are the Jews and the idol worshipers. And you will find that the closest people in friendship to the believers are those who say, "We are Christian." This is because they have priests and monks among them, and they are not arrogant.

[5:83] When they hear what was revealed to the messenger, you see their eyes flooding with tears as they recognize the truth therein, and they say, "Our Lord, we have believed, so count us among the witnesses.

[5:84] "Why should we not believe in GOD, and in the truth that has come to us, and hope that our Lord may admit us with the righteous people?"

[5:85] GOD has rewarded them for saying this; He will admit them into gardens with flowing streams. They abide therein forever. Such is the reward for the righteous.

[5:86] As for those who disbelieve and reject our revelations, they are the dwellers of Hell.

Quite frankly Mr. Pipes, the real problem in any argument is that the person arguing picks out only one thing to reinfore hi/her point and ignores all facts surrounding it. Surra 5 must be read and understood in its entirey and only then will any one given verse make perfectly logical sense.

In your quote of Surra 9 verse 5, you quote it as " Then fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them. And seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them."

But in my version of the Quran, Surra 9 verse 5 states "Once the Sacred Months are past, (and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idol worshipers when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), you shall let them go. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. "

I believe these two comparisons are quite different; don't you?

Christianity is very much the same way, you've heard of the crusades.
The crusades were in the middle ages!!!. Christianity has reformed since then from its violent past. Islam is still living the middle ages!
Vega said:
Mohammed himself led raids on unsuspecting travelers, to rob and kill, after he became power hungry in Medina. Justified then by Allah changing his word so that these activities would be blessed. Go figure, God changes his message to accommodate Mohammed, so says Mohammed. He became frustrated in Mecca where fame did not feed his ego. Though fairly successful in Mecca at gaining adherants to the new monotheistic belief, it simply was not enough. Going to Medina proved to be the ego boost that Mohammed may have sought. Or it could have been the poison to his ego that twisted the fate of the movement. Either way, things changed significantly in medina for Mohammed, islam, muslims, and those unfortunately in contact with them. Notice how slowly islam spread though the original Meccan style message of peace and dedication to the one true God, but then took off when Mohammed introduced violence, thievery, murder, probably rape, into the permissable acts of muslims. So, this is also where the infamous surra states that muslims shall seek out the infidel to convert or kill. Since this surra happened chronologically after the more peaceful Mecca surras, it overshadows the former. Mohammed personally gave islam its model of violent action. It is not a new radical development, the founder himself introduced it and practiced it 'successfully' enough to have islam spread by the sword to much of the unsuspecting middle east. Islam spread to subjugate people to Mohammed's ego and rule.

Any claims by moderates or pacifists to say that islam has been distorted into a violent religion are liars and fools, obviously ignorant of their own history.

What is your source for this information?
Vega said:
The crusades were in the middle ages!!!. Christianity has reformed since then from its violent past. Islam is still living the middle ages!

Do you mean to say that all cultures in the world except Islam are living in the 21st century? Or do you mean to say that all cultures which do not conform to Western values are intrinsically wrong?

And if Islam is so violent, why are only a few Muslims violent? Why not all 1.5 billion of them?
Vega said:
The crusades were in the middle ages!!!. Christianity has reformed since then from its violent past. Islam is still living the middle ages!
this hate for islam is being spawned by the russian KGB.
bush reiterated over and over and over that the war on terrorism was against evil and that he doesn't hold any religion accountable.

sure there are islamic terrorists. but saying that you must also say there are christian terrorists and hindu terrorists and buddhist terrorists.

this rift between islam and christianity only serves to divide, and divided we fall.
Vega said:
Apathy Condemned

[5:79] They did not enjoin one another from committing evil. Miserable indeed is what they did.

[5:80] You would see many of them allying themselves with those who disbelieve. Miserable indeed is what their hands have sent forth on behalf of their souls. GOD is angry with them and, consequently, they will abide forever in retribution.

[5:81] Had they believed in GOD, and the prophet, and in what was revealed to him herein, they would not have befriended them. But many of them are evil.

A Statement of Fact

[5:82] You will find that the worst enemies of the believers are the Jews and the idol worshipers. And you will find that the closest people in friendship to the believers are those who say, "We are Christian." This is because they have priests and monks among them, and they are not arrogant.

[5:83] When they hear what was revealed to the messenger, you see their eyes flooding with tears as they recognize the truth therein, and they say, "Our Lord, we have believed, so count us among the witnesses.

[5:84] "Why should we not believe in GOD, and in the truth that has come to us, and hope that our Lord may admit us with the righteous people?"

[5:85] GOD has rewarded them for saying this; He will admit them into gardens with flowing streams. They abide therein forever. Such is the reward for the righteous.

[5:86] As for those who disbelieve and reject our revelations, they are the dwellers of Hell.

Quite frankly Mr. Pipes, the real problem in any argument is that the person arguing picks out only one thing to reinfore hi/her point and ignores all facts surrounding it. Surra 5 must be read and understood in its entirey and only then will any one given verse make perfectly logical sense.

In your quote of Surra 9 verse 5, you quote it as " Then fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them. And seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them."

But in my version of the Quran, Surra 9 verse 5 states "Once the Sacred Months are past, (and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idol worshipers when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), you shall let them go. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. "

I believe these two comparisons are quite different; don't you?

Yes the comparisons are quite different.

I got my Quran from the Islamic studies institute in Medina.

Where did you get yours?
leopold99 said:
this hate for islam is being spawned by the russian KGB.
bush reiterated over and over and over that the war on terrorism was against evil and that he doesn't hold any religion accountable.

sure there are islamic terrorists. but saying that you must also say there are christian terrorists and hindu terrorists and buddhist terrorists.

this rift between islam and christianity only serves to divide, and divided we fall.

Where do the Russians come in? :confused:

Actually I suspect that there is a deliberate campaign of misinformation being propagated. What Arab leaders say is twisted in the Western media to give the worst possible connotation. Even like Vega has copy pasted here, the versions of Quranic verses with no reference to history or inclination, make it look like the Muslims are violent and want nothing more than to kill the Jews or Christians. It is obvious that these people do not want the focus to be on the terrorists, but want to shift it away from the criminals for some reason.

Something is surely going on here.
samcdkey said:
I am older and wiser than you

Maybe you are older - I am 48 and Imam in Egypt ...
You probably also is more intelligent than me - but wiser in the Essence of
Islam ??? - perhaps you are, only Allah knows .....
samcdkey said:
Hi Ahmad:

Sorry about losing my temper the other day.

I would advise you to learn Arabic before reaching conclusions about what the Quran said.

This is the position of a learned Islamic scholar on your question.

I was never really angry with you for your temperament - after all you had just been called a racist by another - and you were probably pretty hotheaded after that - actually it is a good thing to stand up and fight for , what you believe in ..... ;)

Whatever possesed you to think , that I do not know arabic ?
English is the language , that I have problems with - you probably have noticed my spellingerrors - and wrong constructions of sentences :)

All what you have just quoted , just says this :
ALLWAYS treat other people kindly and just - nonmuslims as well as muslims !!
It is not a freeticket to close intimate friendship with jews and christians !!

Anyway - do not take my word for it - samcdkey - contact your own Imam
in your own country - show him this website , and let him read the posts -
I am quite sure , he has a pure heart , and will guide you to the right path of our faith :)

Salaam ....
Ahmed Osman said:
Maybe you are older - I am 48 and Imam in Egypt ...
You probably also is more intelligent than me - but wiser in the Essence of
Islam ??? - perhaps you are, only Allah knows .....
Hey Mr Ahmed Osman,

Hows it going?

I did not think you Imams from Egypt had time for the internet espically forum sights like this.

come on now you are slacking!!!!!
Ahmed Osman said:
Maybe you are older - I am 48 and Imam in Egypt ...
You probably also is more intelligent than me - but wiser in the Essence of
Islam ??? - perhaps you are, only Allah knows .....

Oh dear. In that case, Ana Asifa.

I am 36. But if you are an imam in Egypt, I am surprised that you use this translation of the Quranic verses to mean such. I have met Egyptian doctors who used to take the role of imam in our hospital in Saudi Arabia and they never expressed such sentiments as yours.