*(*Sacramental Religious Experience*)*

So it is te Indigenous Earth-centred worldview which is the most ancient.

And there happened a patriarchal attack on it--a male-supremist assault.

A worship of a sky-god seen as above Nature; environmental degradation due to over grazing, etc...etc
A mindset came a bout that wanted to control Nature and peoples who respected Nature. To force them to believe in a sky god

The did this thoug various means, but cental was subvertingIndigenous mythology to their own ends. A Ward Rutherord reveals in his book, Shamanism: Foundation
of Magic, The pariarchal invaders would have teir sky god '-marry' the Goddess. ie., 'man on top'!

so, ddn't a concept of male god feature in te more earth-centred worldview?
Yes, as son/lover/consort of the Goddess

He was the ever living, ever dying ever regenerating lover of the Goddess, representing masculine fertility which dynamically eroticizes Nature and is a meansof producing forms, and also represents the 'phallic' psychedelic mushroom
which inspires erotic energies, and deep love for Nature

What te patriarchal mindset wants is to CONTROL Nature and escape from it. For wheter te desire is actual drems of escape into a wholly 'spiritual' realm or to 'put right' Nature, BOTH are a desire to escape from Nature as it is in its organic state

for example, jungle is self sufficient as it were, in no need of 'man'. Ther Nature is intelligent, organic. And this was the way for many many millions of years before humans 'appeared'