*(*Sacramental Religious Experience*)*

QueenTiye said:
The one post contains a link which had a bunch of posts from a prior iteration of the board.

Fascist-mysticism? Explain the term?

te idea that one's 'ordinary' atate is lacking, or wrong, ad that the 'best' state is a 'mystical' state. Hence people pressurred in some godawful bravenewworld that they must BE 'mystical'.
this idea is very reminiscent of the current oppressive paradigm of 'normalcy' , whereby any 'deviation' from this supposed State-sanctioned 'idea' mentalstate is pathologized as 'mental illness'. Ie., any behaviour deemed non-acceptable. And ten is said to be a biological disease which needs medical intervention, drugs, ECT, lobotomy etc.

So, what i see with your idea, which you tell us is neurotheology is that idea 'glorifed' as it were. that's why i have so much distaste for it .

Thevery idea of it is also built on patriarchl metaphysical assumptions of teir being a 'Father-God-Creator' or a 'onness mystical ideal'

If you care to read what i've put down in this thread from beginning of it, and also check the first link titled --here it is again. i feel this is a MUST read, to really explain in-depth what i mean:
From Orphism to Gnosticism www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/ukraine/231/dionysian/orphism.html

Yu see the Indigenous world view and th mystical world view are very different. forte latter, it is usually the abstracted ideal of some pure spiritual goal--whther that might be the Orphic desire to escape te organism and Nature, or te Vedantic desire to merge into a 'oneness'----these ideals are abstracs. whereas the Indigenos insight is more Earth-centred. no desire to escape. for Nature is wonderful AS IT IS. hat MAKES it be miserable, and dewtrys its balance, are mindsets like patriarchal
belief systems such as mysticism, monotheism, ad materialism, etc all of which DENIGRATE natural world and natural being.
So in tis context of Earth-centred Indigenous understanding, sacramental experience is not to become 'purer' or al-the-time mystical, but rather as a CELEBRATION of life and death and regeneration and Nature
duendy said:
so coninuing then.........what do i define as the PAtrix? How does one detect, see, feel it. For I sense it is all around!! An adequate analogy is it is like the water fish swim in. DO fish notice the actual water? Maybe they do, i don't know, and noone knows how a fish feels. And i am in no way implying anything sinister about the water fish swim in, except what the 'patrix' does to thewater in name of progess!

Th patrix formed from a long long history of indoctrination. And by long I am meaning thousands of years!

As mentioned bove, its presence can be very well evidenced in the Genesis myth of the prohibitio of the 'Fruit' in the Garden of Eden, and the expulsion of humanity from 'Paradise'.
It is easier to SEE this patrix when we realize that the 'original sin' MEANS the eating of the Fruit of the Tree/sacraments, forbidden by 'God'--head office of Patrix inc.
Of course woman is blamed, for the Old Religion was from the Goddess Stream. So in effect this upstart 'God'/male elite is simply demonizing that very ancient Religion of the Earth.

WHY is it demonizing the religion of the Earth?
Well in the invididual and community is at ease wit Earth, with Nature, and wit the cycles of Nature, what need of she/he they of some sky-god and male elite telling them how to LIVE. telling them rules, most of which are oppressive and self-contradictory, and war mongery, and divisive.
Simultanesously we have the mystical concept of 'spirit' trapped in Nature, and seeking relase through various 'purification' rituals.
All of these bliefs, all stemjing from same patriarchal root-idea GUILT the individual. are designed o make us DIS-trust our selves, our depth.
For if we are all distrustful of ourselves, and angst-ridden, in conflict between 'good' and 'bad' we is prfect SHEEP for the self-imposed heep HERDERS!

heard of 'divide and conquer'?
pciture tat old clich caricature pic of the catholic person. on one shoulder he got an angel and on other a demon. and he is piggy in the middle isn't he? caught up in WHo to listen to, 'Jesus' or the 'Devil'---so his state is a constant angst--forever in conflict between these two xtremes. Catholic guilt...?

How does this torment translate/modify itself ino post-Churchian times/the modern secular world?
Well now rthe opressors have dispensed with tat strategy as such. but it still lingers there Unconsciously!!!
NOWit is the person is between 'sane' and 'insane'...errrrm picture th caricature. on one shoulder is mr/mrs 'success'--gotit all,the house, te suv, th constant sex, the kids, rthe long life, the mod cons, and the smug smile----on other shoulder is the utterly depressed person, in despair, broke, down an out, outcaste, poverty stricken, ghetto dweller, 'schizophrenic', scapegoat...!
me))actually it is not just one man who is has/is exposing the mental health movement. HAve you heard of Fred Baughman?

Yeah I have, books concerning his 'opinion' sell for a tidy sum of $40 and yet fails on many levels. He argues that ADHD is a fraud because no abnormality in the brain can be detected. Strangely enough, neither can any abnormality be detected with depression - and yet it is still just as valid a disorder to which drugs can be prescribed.

However, these two people are giving their opinion on two largely different things, and they are still refuted by the overwhelming mass majority of professionals. If you believe it's some mass conspiracy, then I cannot really say much that is going to help.

Actually, there have been several oter threads at these forums wherr i have gone to much effort to challenge your such beliefs as your regarding bio psychiatry---errr, where were you? do you just hang out in religious forum?

Yes. Now I don't know where you work or if you work, but for argument sake let's just say you work at McDonalds. Would you really want to go on a forum and talk about hamburgers all night? It's unlikely - and as religious debate is where my interest lies, I generally stay on this section.

so let me put you straight. i believe mental illness is a myth.

Might I ask what professional qualification allows you to make that statement with any credibility whatsoever? Your belief is as meaningless as belief in mermaids - that's coming from a professional.

this is Baugman's speciality

And there are thousands upon thousands of others with this speciality, and yet seemingly none of them agree. What I ask is why you take the word of 1 man over the word of everyone else.

And our reference to him being co-founder of scientology is complete nonesense. if you care to search tat term --cult's namenwith him, you should get a spokesperson for him at his site refute his being a scientologist

Of course they have to deny it. If he was considered a crackpot nobody would buy his books.. imagine all that lost profit.

me)))but you haven't....? and they most certainly are not baseless.

But they are.. unless you can justify your statements. I previously gave you that chance and you declined. Tell me how the opinion of one or two people in any way gives justification against the refutations of everyone else.

me)))what? you think i dont know this?

That's not what my statement implied. Indeed it was a question.. Pay attention.

me)))))i am not anti medical science as such. but its model is based on a mechanical understanding of the organism and health. when its way has become all that is available it is oppressive and without feeling.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "all that is available". What else would you suggest that saves lives? Of course take into account that nobody forces you into any positions. You don't have to go and see doctors, shrinks, teachers, bankers or anyone else. It probably wont do you much good if you don't, but you still have the choice.

YES thisplanet IS small and has LIMITED resources. tousands of PTHER species are suffering due t our numbers and a mechanical mindset which is dominant on this planet.

I agree that many other species suffer needlessly because of man - but I do not personally see how 'sacramental' experiences are going to help change any of that - other than everyone being in such a 'weak' state that they can't get up and do anything.

me))iam not saying people shouldn't live longer. you are so simplistic.

Hardly, but I can only respond to what you say. You seemed kind of bitter at people that want to live longer.. or even mention that people now live longer.

pople generally feel that they HAVE to live longer

'Have' to or 'want' to?

many very old people are kept tickin on yes their lives are dire. tis is a cultural pressure to cling on no matter what.

Is that "cultural pressure" or genetic fight for survival?

me))you lot means materialisitc positivists. one's whose religion seems to
be science

Religion? No. Respect for science.. certainly. It has put men on the moon, allows you the ability to talk to people on the other side of the planet, cured a billion diseases, and always strived to move mankind forward.

Nothing else can ever make that claim. Religion hasn't, and using hallucinogens certainly hasn't.

tat fo all your deification of science and its brave new world of longer and longer life. for many peole on rthis planet including the Western world have to live miserable lives and die young

They always have and they always will Duendy - even in the times when people were running round naked, eating hallucinogens. What science does is try to help limit the amount of people that are living miserable lives and dying younger. Taking drugs does the opposite.. indeed if you get into it in a big way it pretty much guarantees a miserable life where you'll die younger.
SnakeLord said:
Yeah I have, books concerning his 'opinion' sell for a tidy sum of $40 and yet fails on many levels. He argues that ADHD is a fraud because no abnormality in the brain can be detected. Strangely enough, neither can any abnormality be detected with depression - and yet it is still just as valid a disorder to which drugs can be prescribed.

me))no abnormality means no disease to be treated with drugs! He and Azasz are not just giving their 'opinions', tey etal are showing up your pseudoscience scam for what it is. aughman has just published a new book all about te evil scam you people do which diagnoses and harms, and in some cases KILLS, and stigamtizes millions of children!

However, these two people are giving their opinion on two largely different things, and they are still refuted by the overwhelming mass majority of professionals. If you believe it's some mass conspiracy, then I cannot really say much that is going to help.

me)))never ASKEDyou for help. you and your people are the LAST people on Earth i would ask or go to for help. and Szasz and aughman are NOT giving different opinions about things. they BOTH assert that mental illness is a MYTH which is is.

Yes. Now I don't know where you work or if you work, but for argument sake let's just say you work at McDonalds. Would you really want to go on a forum and talk about hamburgers all night? It's unlikely - and as religious debate is where my interest lies, I generally stay on this section.

me)))so err why are you talkin bout it here then? why ARE you here then. seems to me you are pushin your myth.

Might I ask what professional qualification allows you to make that statement with any credibility whatsoever? Your belief is as meaningless as belief in mermaids - that's coming from a professional.

me))))))here it comes. the AUTHORITY, ie: who are littel YOU to question whether you have a biological mental disease or not!"---and people believe it ti'll get worse when you lose rights and these pople are in contol wit you behind locked doors. checkout www.mindreedom.org where psychiatric survivors ALSo have a tale to tell!

And there are thousands upon thousands of others with this speciality, and yet seemingly none of them agree. What I ask is why you take the word of 1 man over the word of everyone else.

me)))i am not takin word of '1' man, but more tan several who are the ones with guts to reveal what your shm controlling myth is ll about. Thomas Szasz goes into tis METICULOUSLY in the book a imentioned titled The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparison of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement. any intelligent people are actually now beginning to wake up to what's been going on, and continues to go on, espcially with MILIONS of our children who cannpt defend thmselves against these shysters, and parents can be ythreatened to not comply with their authority. I am on praivate mailing list qit Dr Baughman, and have seen some the parents despairing letters.

Of course they have to deny it. If he was considered a crackpot nobody would buy his books.. imagine all that lost profit.

me))Heis most definately not a 'crackpot'---hah how apt coming from a shrink!

But they are.. unless you can justify your statements. I previously gave you that chance and you declined. Tell me how the opinion of one or two people in any way gives justification against the refutations of everyone else.

me))))oh , i hae lready said fellah. take tis up wit Dr Buaghman, and transfer communicational results to here. lets see who ends up with egg on the face. he has challenfed head of APA to PROVE tat mental illness is disease and was ignored, etc etc. so look snakelord your constant whining to justify yur pofession is takin over my thread. YOu KNOW my position now, accept it!

That's not what my statement implied. Indeed it was a question.. Pay attention.

me)))who are YOU tellin to pay attention? gpo and do your power ting on someone else.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "all that is available". What else would you suggest that saves lives? Of course take into account that nobody forces you into any positions. You don't have to go and see doctors, shrinks, teachers, bankers or anyone else. It probably wont do you much good if you don't, but you still have the choice.

me))))good food, good environment, intelligent people who understand Natureis intelligent and not a meaningless machine...etc

I agree that many other species suffer needlessly because of man - but I do not personally see how 'sacramental' experiences are going to help change any of that - other than everyone being in such a 'weak' state that they can't get up and do anything.

me))))ohhh you know nothin about it. you haven't even HAD psychedelic experience. here some homework.......hah

Hardly, but I can only respond to what you say. You seemed kind of bitter at people that want to live longer.. or even mention that people now live longer.

me))am i hell bitter. and you ask ME yto pay attention. your lucky i've given ya this much! thers nuthin forcin me yu know

'Have' to or 'want' to?

me)))))have to-----a book by Grof and Halifax---they were aloowed to administer LSD to terminally ill people. they found that tose who had deep experience found they didn't need to 'hang on' any more!

Is that "cultural pressure" or genetic fight for survival?

me)))))))cultural pressure to cling on at al costs. ie., some cultures like rthe Eskimo, old peple see suicide as an honour

Religion? No. Respect for science.. certainly. It has put men on the moon, allows you the ability to talk to people on the other side of the planet, cured a billion diseases, and always strived to move mankind forward.

me)))))))what you want me to say. you've made yer mind up. dont listen.........have already explained tis!

Nothing else can ever make that claim. Religion hasn't, and using hallucinogens certainly hasn't.
me)))to you no. cause you have axeto grind. you come here for confrontation. so its hard for you to understand me. and as sid ironically no not what you speak of --regardin pychedelic experience

They always have and they always will Duendy - even in the times when people were running round naked, eating hallucinogens. What science does is try to help limit the amount of people that are living miserable lives and dying younger. Taking drugs does the opposite.. indeed if you get into it in a big way it pretty much guarantees a miserable life where you'll die younger.
ohhhh dear. says who? says propaganda that puts ALL drugs into one 'nasty basket' cept ypur pharme-shrink drugs , that IS!! which are VERY toxic. and are given without informed consent. hypocrisy!!
also.....you'd aked me how i can just listen to '1 man' and come to the understanding about mental health myth?....andi actually understated my learnings about this. saying 'more tha several people'....hah hell no. i am talkin years of research included, and experience, that sees your myth as part of the patriarchal mindset. actualy this should be very clear so far with what i've explored from post one, and other stuff i'veput out at these forums

just thought i'd clarify this
me))no abnormality means no disease to be treated with drugs!

You take one rather pitiful sentence from a book and walk round with it like you know what you're talking about. On the one hand I find it somewhat amusing, but on the other realise the dangers of anyone being able to publish a book.

He and Azasz are not just giving their 'opinions', tey etal are showing up your pseudoscience scam for what it is. aughman has just published a new book all about te evil scam you people do which diagnoses and harms, and in some cases KILLS, and stigamtizes millions of children!

Sure, 25 people have died from methylphenidate. Unfortunately these things happen in rare circumstances. I know of an 18 year old girl that went out and got drunk for her birthday and ended up dying of alcohol poisoning. That doesn't instantly mean we accuse beer companies of scamming, or say nobody should ever drink alcohol.

The fact Duendy is that methylphenidate is incredibly effective against ADHD - which exists regardless to what Szasz or Baughman might say on the matter. The issue would lie with rush diagnoses or prescribing wrong amounts. As New Scientists says:

'This in microcosm is what is wrong with the US healthcare system, which tends to over-medicate those who have health insurance, leaving the rest to make do with healthcare that would embarrass some developing countries.'

While certainly a serious issue, as I'm not American, it's not something I can really comment on. However, their failings does not make the medical profession "a scam".

me)))never ASKEDyou for help. you and your people are the LAST people on Earth i would ask or go to for help.

All that from reading a couple of books heh.. You'd probably never use the internet if you read two books on 'hackers' and identity fraud.

me)))so err why are you talkin bout it here then?

err.. because you brought it up?

me))))))here it comes. the AUTHORITY, ie: who are littel YOU to question whether you have a biological mental disease or not!"---and people believe it ti'll get worse when you lose rights and these pople are in contol wit you behind locked doors. checkout www.mindreedom.org where psychiatric survivors ALSo have a tale to tell!

That's not an answer to the question. It seems you're doing a good job of running away from something you can't answer, but little else. Once again just incase you misunderstood the question:

Might I ask what professional qualification allows you to make that statement with any credibility whatsoever?

me)))i am not takin word of '1' man, but more tan several

More than several? I am impressed.

me))))oh , i hae lready said fellah. take tis up wit Dr Buaghman, and transfer communicational results to here.

There's little need to. Him and his kind, (*i'd rather make a million selling books to the gullible and naive than actually help anyone*), have already been put in their places. So someone out in the middle of nowhere finds their book at the local brik a brak sale and buy's every word without question.. it's not really an issue.

me)))who are YOU tellin to pay attention?

I was telling YOU to pay attention. You'd know that if you were paying attention.

me))))good food, good environment, intelligent people who understand Natureis intelligent and not a meaningless machine...etc

Sure, I can appreciate all of that, but it's not going to help that much if you have cancer.

me))))ohhh you know nothin about it. you haven't even HAD psychedelic experience. here some homework.......hah

Why would I need to? Looking at the effect it has on people and the damage it does is sufficient enough. That's also why it's against the law. I suppose the law makers are just scamming?

me)))))have to-----a book by Grof and Halifax---they were aloowed to administer LSD to terminally ill people. they found that tose who had deep experience found they didn't need to 'hang on' any more!

No kidding. I knew a guy that ate some 'shrooms, fell out his window and died. He didn't 'hang on' at all. Drugs have those kind of effects. Indeed statstics show that 70-90% of suicide attempts are done by those taking drugs.

Eskimo, old peple see suicide as an honour


ohhhh dear. says who? says propaganda that puts ALL drugs into one 'nasty basket' cept ypur pharme-shrink drugs , that IS!! which are VERY toxic.

Wrong again. You will find that all prescribed drugs will come with a long list of possible side effects and reactions, the dangers of taking if you shouldn't, or of taking with alcohol etc etc etc.

The difference is you are advertising drugs - openly telling people to use them. I would tell someone not to even take a headache tablet unless they absolutely have to. Of course, I don't personally get paid for the medicine or drugs someone buys and as such have no reason to prescribe it unless there is a valid reason to do so. You instead would just prefer to live with your little naive conspiracy theory without taking the time to actually understand the issue. Still, that's your right.
SnakeLord said:
You take one rather pitiful sentence from a book and walk round with it like you know what you're talking about. On the one hand I find it somewhat amusing, but on the other realise the dangers of anyone being able to publish a book.

me)))))one's tempted to say 'so laugh off!' but i feel you are going to be a constant source of typical State/Psychiatry propaganda!

Sure, 25 people have died from methylphenidate. Unfortunately these things happen in rare circumstances. I know of an 18 year old girl that went out and got drunk for her birthday and ended up dying of alcohol poisoning. That doesn't instantly mean we accuse beer companies of scamming, or say nobody should ever drink alcohol.

me)))ohhhh great analogy, not! that girl, of hopefully legal age can CHOOSE to drink and fal off a roof or whatever, a child pressurized by phony labels, pressurized from school, Statem and even sometimes family--not a hope in hell of any fukin choice!
And how you just state casually the 'low' number ofdeaths as... 'collateral damage or what? hafve YOU LOST a child from being diagnosed wit a phony disease??

The fact Duendy is that methylphenidate is incredibly effective against ADHD - which exists regardless to what Szasz or Baughman might say on the matter. The issue would lie with rush diagnoses or prescribing wrong amounts. As New Scientists says:

'This in microcosm is what is wrong with the US healthcare system, which tends to over-medicate those who have health insurance, leaving the rest to make do with healthcare that would embarrass some developing countries.'

me))Listen: There is no such disease as 'ADHD'! Behaviour is not a disease.

While certainly a serious issue, as I'm not American, it's not something I can really comment on. However, their failings does not make the medical profession "a scam".

me)))))psychiatry is NOT medical science!

All that from reading a couple of books heh.. You'd probably never use the internet if you read two books on 'hackers' and identity fraud.

me)))))You arrogant psychiatrist.

err.. because you brought it up?

me))oh i see, of course it's in the RELIGIOUS forum, your fave isn't it. How you must love psychoanalying the religionists here and 'normalizing' them sentence by friggin sentence. what a buzz....!

That's not an answer to the question. It seems you're doing a good job of running away from something you can't answer, but little else. Once again just incase you misunderstood the question:

Might I ask what professional qualification allows you to make that statement with any credibility whatsoever?

me)))))i'm homeless. now go fuk off!

More than several? I am impressed.

me))))is that right mr sarky pants?

There's little need to. Him and his kind, (*i'd rather make a million selling books to the gullible and naive than actually help anyone*), have already been put in their places. So someone out in the middle of nowhere finds their book at the local brik a brak sale and buy's every word without question.. it's not really an issue.

me)))))competition hey. tough!

I was telling YOU to pay attention. You'd know that if you were paying attention.

me))))))there is nuthin to pay attention TO but snarlin!

Sure, I can appreciate all of that, but it's not going to help that much if you have cancer.

me))))))if one has a REAL biological disease of course tey dont want to die, though some might want to commit suicide. i am sick of your arrogant westernocetric attitude struttin out as it do. and ironically in a world of despair thanks to the mindset you glorify.

Why would I need to? Looking at the effect it has on people and the damage it does is sufficient enough. That's also why it's against the law. I suppose the law makers are just scamming?

me))))))Look fool. sacraments have been taken in a sacred way by al peoples over this globe since time immemorial. i amTRYING to pay respcts to tis and educate that tey idn't just begin in the 1960s wit LSD, but are central to the flowering of mythology, and philosophy, and arts, and so on.
Of course there can be abuse. People brought up in tis culure are having to be indoctrinated wit the very attitue you are admirably showing here. it DOESN'TWORK. the so called war on [[[SOME]]]drugs aint wokin!....though covertly , it is for the powers that be!

No kidding. I knew a guy that ate some 'shrooms, fell out his window and died. He didn't 'hang on' at all. Drugs have those kind of effects. Indeed statstics show that 70-90% of suicide attempts are done by those taking drugs.

me)))ha! see how your shit works. just a bit above you try and justify to us that children dying in double figures is a small thing for some phony disease, yt give us some reffer madness shit about one person jumpin out of a winda on shrooms..cant yu do better than that old rope. sheeesh
I hVE had more tan several psychedelic experiences, and not once had urge to risk my life. you do not lose your senses. in fact you become much more feeling alive and aware. to of course like wit anything there will be risks. like bad set and setting, etc, in 1960s part of the typical patriarchal negative propaganda included LSD trippers staring in the sun till they went blind.......Crap!


Wrong again. You will find that all prescribed drugs will come with a long list of possible side effects and reactions, the dangers of taking if you shouldn't, or of taking with alcohol etc etc etc.

me)))oh not the sharpest pencil in the rack isyu. i meant informed consent as is they do not HAVE a disease!

The difference is you are advertising drugs - openly telling people to use them. I would tell someone not to even take a headache tablet unless they absolutely have to. Of course, I don't personally get paid for the medicine or drugs someone buys and as such have no reason to prescribe it unless there is a valid reason to do so. You instead would just prefer to live with your little naive conspiracy theory without taking the time to actually understand the issue. Still, that's your right.
Yes and i spose you feel you are plicng here in your hitecoat no doubt. well , look. i am talking in an intelligent way about sacraments that are central to eligious exprience, mythology, religion, througout millenia. and i have dne the research bout this. dont care if you believe tis or not. IF people after reading, and exploring wish to explore for themselves more in-depth what i am putting down here, and even try scraments, THAT IS THEIR FREEDOM!
but i feel you are going to be a constant source of typical State/Psychiatry propaganda!

Yes yes, it's all propaganda. We're all out to get you.. You really are quite a paranoid individual aren't you? Wanna buy some medicine?

And how you just state casually the 'low' number ofdeaths as... 'collateral damage or what?

I think you need to take it into perspective. There are probably more deaths due to motorcycle accidents every day in your city than there are total number of deaths from the total usage of methylphenidate. Should we ban motorcycles? Hell, I heard of a guy who's computer blew up and killed him. Should we stop using computers? The annual shark victim death rate is higher than the total death rate of methylphenidate. Should we go and extinctify every shark or perhaps stop people from swimming? I wouldn't specifically call those victims "collateral", but there's no call to jump off the deep end and start trying to insult an entire profession because of it.

hafve YOU LOST a child from being diagnosed wit a phony disease??

No, but I have lost a child. You?

There is no such disease as 'ADHD'! Behaviour is not a disease.

I see. Neither is depression. So when anyone says they're depressed you call them a liar? There is illness and there is disease - two largely different things.

me)))))psychiatry is NOT medical science!

I see. Just to hear your opinion on the matter.. what is it?

me)))))You arrogant psychiatrist.

Surely arrogance is thinking you, uneducated in the field, can speak for the entire psychiatric profession?

Funnily enough every time I call you on it, or question your justifications you just insult me a little more and move on to something else.

oh i see, of course it's in the RELIGIOUS forum, your fave isn't it


How you must love psychoanalying the religionists here and 'normalizing' them sentence by friggin sentence. what a buzz....!

It has it's moments, although I personally fail to see the relevance.

me)))))i'm homeless. now go fuk off!

Alas that's not really an answer either. Third time lucky perhaps..

Might I ask what professional qualification allows you to make that statement with any credibility whatsoever?

world of despair

Can I ask where you live? You keep bringing up some problem with westerners and world's of despair - which I generally disagree with. Yes, bad shit happens - but by and by people appear to be quite happy... here at least.

me))))))Look fool.

What was it you were saying about childish insults earlier? Pots and kettles spring to mind.

sacraments have been taken in a sacred way by al peoples over this globe since time immemorial.

Ok, I don't dispute that.

i amTRYING to pay respcts to tis

Drug taking is something to be respectful of? Why exactly?

and educate that tey idn't just begin in the 1960s wit LSD

You think you're onto something new? Lol.

me)))ha! see how your shit works. just a bit above you try and justify to us that children dying in double figures is a small thing for some phony disease

Considering there are currently around 4 million people in America alone being prescribed, 25 deaths isn't really worth getting so panicky about. More people than that died last year from choking on Maltesers.

Admittedly there were also several cases of people suffering hallucination, but then that seems to be something you support and indeed actively encourage.

Look at the actual results and you'll see there's nothing phony about it.

i meant informed consent as is they do not HAVE a disease!

What are you talking about? Here at least, people are informed, are given choices, are made aware of risks, and will go through other available methods first and foremost, (such as changing diets, cutting out sugar etc) - and do have a genuine illness. Your uninformed statements do not change anything, whether you put an exclamation mark on the end or not.
SnakeLord said:
Yes yes, it's all propaganda. We're all out to get you.. You really are quite a paranoid individual aren't you? Wanna buy some medicine?

me)))))exactly! that's what you do.

I think you need to take it into perspective. There are probably more deaths due to motorcycle accidents every day in your city than there are total number of deaths from the total usage of methylphenidate. Should we ban motorcycles? Hell, I heard of a guy who's computer blew up and killed him. Should we stop using computers? The annual shark victim death rate is higher than the total death rate of methylphenidate. Should we go and extinctify every shark or perhaps stop people from swimming? I wouldn't specifically call those victims "collateral", but there's no call to jump off the deep end and start trying to insult an entire profession because of it.

me))yet next breath you justify war on drugs cause of some rare tale about a person jumping of a roof 'on shrooms'

No, but I have lost a child. You?

me))I a sorry about that.
No i haven't .
And therefore surely you can empathize much more wit any parent whose lost a child, espcially after false psychiatric diagnoses.

I see. Neither is depression. So when anyone says they're depressed you call them a liar? There is illness and there is disease - two largely different things.

me))))))please explain this difference between 'illness' and 'disease' as it refers to 'depression' more fully?
use whatever technica terms you choose, and i will pass it on to Dr Bughman to see what he thinks of it, and will--if he agrees---share his opinion about what you say.

I see. Just to hear your opinion on the matter.. what is it?

me)))you have alreaady heard it many times now. i am not a parrot.

Surely arrogance is thinking you, uneducated in the field, can speak for the entire psychiatric profession?

me)))Szasz and Baughman are qualified and you reject THEIR qualified opinion. Is this not true?

Funnily enough every time I call you on it, or question your justifications you just insult me a little more and move on to something else.

me))))your whole ATTITUDE is insulting--from the first.


It has it's moments, although I personally fail to see the relevance.

Alas that's not really an answer either. Third time lucky perhaps..

Might I ask what professional qualification allows you to make that statement with any credibility whatsoever?

me)))see above

Can I ask where you live? You keep bringing up some problem with westerners and world's of despair - which I generally disagree with. Yes, bad shit happens - but by and by people appear to be quite happy... here at least.

me))))you must live a veery very sheltered life not to be aware what dire circumnstances we as a species, and other species, are going throug on planet Earth in these unprecedented times.

What was it you were saying about childish insults earlier? Pots and kettles spring to mind.

me))))apply your own 'wisdom'!

Ok, I don't dispute that.

me)))))wel if not. what are you makin such a song and dance about...?

Drug taking is something to be respectful of? Why exactly?

me)))we are talking about sacraments. please read what i have said in this thread up to now. i am not your prsonal parrot.

You think you're onto something new? Lol.

me))))mock all you like. i dont see anyone else at these forums talking about tis. and what i am saying DOES have original flava in comprison wit example Leary, McKenna, Ott, etc. you will just have to keep tuned, i aint STARTED yet!

Considering there are currently around 4 million people in America alone being prescribed, 25 deaths isn't really worth getting so panicky about. More people than that died last year from choking on Maltesers.

me)))))))go tell the parents!!! and you seem quite cocksure about that statistic u luck out of the air.....AND, asi say, you will justify tose deaths, yet justify the war on psychedelics because of propaganda about pople jumping off rooves, and looking into the sun, etc.

Admittedly there were also several cases of people suffering hallucination, but then that seems to be something you support and indeed actively encourage.

me))))suffering hallucination?? you dont suffer hallucination. AND actually psychedelics are true hallucnogens--where term means what it says. B hallucination meaning 'seeing something that isn't there'. the drugs that particularly have that effect are the solanaceous vegetation/drugs such as Datura, Henbane, etc.

Look at the actual results and you'll see there's nothing phony about it.

What are you talking about? Here at least, people are informed, are given choices, are made aware of risks, and will go through other available methods first and foremost, (such as changing diets, cutting out sugar etc) - and do have a genuine illness. Your uninformed statements do not change anything, whether you put an exclamation mark on the end or not.
the bottom line is this: ADHD doesn't EXIST! and neither does mental illness as defined by phony psyhiatric 'science' to mean biological disease. So eferytime you deal with a 'patient' you are mis-informing them. Ad i dont care how many of you are doing this, and making money out of tis. it is a major scam. UNprecedented scam. Just because you seem ignorant that it IS dosn't justify it in any way!
sorry typo...meant to say that psychedelics are NOT true hallucinogens--if by that term you mean they create hallucinations. The sibstances that o are termed solanaceous drugs, such as Datura, Henbane, so, for example, on the latter it COULD be possibly to see a polar bear with sunglasses on sat in an armchair...
Psychedelics are more like mutidimensional microscopes
duendy said:
Picture that old cliche caricature image of the Catholic person. The favourite of cartoonists.
On one shoulder he has an 'angel' and on other a 'demon'. And HE, the Catholic, is piggy in the middle isn't he? Caught up in WHo to listen to, 'Jesus' or the 'Devil'---so his state is a constant angst--forever in conflict between these two xtremes. Catholic guilt...?

How does this torment translate/modify itself ino post-Churchian times/the modern secular world?
Well now the opressors have dispensed with that strategy as such. but it still lingers there Unconsciously!!!
NOW the social controlling strategy is the person in between 'sane'/'mental health' and 'insane'/'mental illness'...errrrm picture the caricature. on one shoulder is mr/mrs 'success'--got it all,the house, the suv, prestige, power, money, the constant sex, the kids, the long life, the mod cons, and the smug smile----on other shoulder is the utterly 'depressed' person, in despair, broke, down an out, outcaste, poverty stricken, ghetto dweller, 'schizophrenic', scapegoat...!

...So the latter is the 'other' to be feaered. The 'ghetto' the secular 'hell'. THINK about it. In a culture tat has dispensed with the social controlling need for some cpncept of a post-mortem 'hell', now has its real actuality---in the 'Projects', the 'slums', 'Flavellas' , 'ghettos' 'council estates'. Where 'YOU' may end up IFyou dont do what the authorities want you to do, like believe in teir materialistic philosophy of success and consumerism ad 'education'.

Then of course is te truly dire poverty of the 'un-developed'- world. That also is a very powerful version of hell. real hell of starvation, covered in flies, bloated-bely children with sunken eyes that many Westerners will watch on the news whilst stuffin their faces with foods from all over the world in the 'free market'.

Many people, especially 'educated' people accept all of this as natural, and having nothing to do with 'us'. And carry on beliving in the very materialistic ideology which fuels this world state of affairs.

So the PAtrix is that attitude indoctrinated! A rigid sense, callous, cynical experience of reality. This is all I am saying. Ad sacraments tend to dis-solve rigidity, and allow, if even for a short while a deeper sense of what is going on. A looking and feeling behind the scenes of the games being played.
Alan Watts called our social situation we find ourselves in a 'Double Bind':
"Th Judaic-Christian idea of salvation means precisely membership in a community, the Communion of Saints...the Body of Christ...acceting the religion of bondage of the Christian subgroup [ie., in actuality!]...
NOW one of the most important Christian conventions is the view of man as...the skin-encapsulated ego, the separate soul and its fleshy vehicle together constituting a personality which is unique and ultimately valuable in the sight of God/..This is historical basis of the Western style of individuality, giving us te sensation of ourselves as isolated islands of consciousness confronted with objective experiences which are quite "other". We have developed this sensation to a particularly acute degree. But the system of conventions which inculcates this sensation ALSO requires this definately isolated ego to act as a member of a body and to submit without reserve to the social pattern of the church. The tension so generated however...is..unworkable as any flat self-contradiction." ((Psychotherapy East & West, Alan Watts)))
duendy said:
te idea that one's 'ordinary' atate is lacking, or wrong, ad that the 'best' state is a 'mystical' state. Hence people pressurred in some godawful bravenewworld that they must BE 'mystical'.

That would be a misunderstanding of my words, though I understand how I could be misinterpreted. I make no claims for the ideas of those who wrote the study to which I refer.

The ability to "have mystical experiences" is quite different from the state of "being" mystical. The idea is that having a mystical experience - often only one is needed, radically transforms one's relationship with one's environment, the world, etc. And, that this transformation is such as makes people more social, more open to others, more tolerant, etc.... and also has positive influence on the brain - yields ecstatic feelings, etc. This is all theorized - and in keeping with said theory - the question is - what about people who "can't" have even one such experience? The suggestion is that medicinals can help people have such an experience.

this idea is very reminiscent of the current oppressive paradigm of 'normalcy' , whereby any 'deviation' from this supposed State-sanctioned 'idea' mentalstate is pathologized as 'mental illness'. Ie., any behaviour deemed non-acceptable. And ten is said to be a biological disease which needs medical intervention, drugs, ECT, lobotomy etc.

So, what i see with your idea, which you tell us is neurotheology is that idea 'glorifed' as it were. that's why i have so much distaste for it .

OK - so you disbelieve that there is such a state as health that can have deviations which need correction. I disagree with that opinion, but at least we understand each other!

If you care to read what i've put down in this thread from beginning of it, and also check the first link titled --here it is again. i feel this is a MUST read, to really explain in-depth what i mean:
From Orphism to Gnosticism www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/ukraine/231/dionysian/orphism.html

Yu see the Indigenous world view and th mystical world view are very different. forte latter, it is usually the abstracted ideal of some pure spiritual goal--whther that might be the Orphic desire to escape te organism and Nature, or te Vedantic desire to merge into a 'oneness'----these ideals are abstracs. whereas the Indigenos insight is more Earth-centred. no desire to escape. for Nature is wonderful AS IT IS. hat MAKES it be miserable, and dewtrys its balance, are mindsets like patriarchal
belief systems such as mysticism, monotheism, ad materialism, etc all of which DENIGRATE natural world and natural being.
So in tis context of Earth-centred Indigenous understanding, sacramental experience is not to become 'purer' or al-the-time mystical, but rather as a CELEBRATION of life and death and regeneration and Nature

I will certainly read the link. I may take away some different enterpretations. For instance - I fail to see how an earth-centered faith is less interested in "oneness" than a patriarchal God-centered one. But I will first read the linked article to see what it says.

"Underlying much of New Age thinking is sort of feudal mysticism, a male spiritualist imperialism....
Much of the thinking and commonly held ideas of the New Age movement in fact originate wit te Theosophists...[Beliefs] in the inherent superiority of the white race...made tese mediums emphasize the goodness of light, whiteness and of fire......
This belief in the 'male' spirit trapped in matter....
[E]ntrance into a physical body was, to the anti-sexual Blavatsky, the real Fall...
Theosophical dogma also stresses conflict between 'spirit' and 'matter'...
Thi is where Blavatsky showed her true reactionary and imperialist self...extermination of [other races] was seen as the inevitable conesquences of teir inferiority.
...Blavasky advized [Annie Besant] it was more important to study te 'laws of karma' tan to work for social reform!...Apparently [Besant] saw the caste system as Karmic justice and did not oppose it...It was Blavatsky's teachings on the root races that fired the imaginations of the German Nazis as tey were setting out to make way for a Nordic sixth root super-race...[involving] the genocide of yet more peoples." ((New Age & Armegeddon, Monica Sjoo)))

morning glory seeds arrived today

planning a ritual to enhance the experience any suggestions?
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ellion said:

morning glory seeds arrived today

planning a ritual to enhance the experience any suggestions?
Definately dancing.
free form dancing, especially preceeding the takin of the sacrament.
Dancing is wonderfil. it is all organism, mindbody really letting go rythmically

Beaware when you are dancing of psycholoical blocks to how you are moving. as you become aware you may notice you will 'move' through the rigidity and start opening up more
so set and setting is dancing and celebration and Nature. is the inspiration to open up to your being with Nature......to dissolve any rigidities that may exit throug flowing with Eros.......v ery air pores Nature charged with erotic intensity

Try and have access to being able to experience Nature....and REAAAALLLLY open up to it. look at it, feel leaves, dance, allow yourself to aing chant cry giggle, drool in awe and wonder and delight etc--if you feel good and not self-conscious anyone can see you. try and pick a secluded part of Nature
duendy said:
"Underlying much of New Age thinking is sort of feudal mysticism, a male spiritualist imperialism....
Much of the thinking and commonly held ideas of the New Age movement in fact originate with the Theosophists...[Beliefs] in the inherent superiority of the white race...made these mediums emphasize the goodness of light, whiteness and of fire......
This belief in the 'male' spirit trapped in matter....
[E]ntrance into a physical body was, to the anti-sexual Blavatsky, the real Fall...
Theosophical dogma also stresses conflict between 'spirit' and 'matter'...
Thi is where Blavatsky showed her true reactionary and imperialist self...extermination of [other races] was seen as the inevitable conesquences of their inferiority.
...Blavasky advized [Annie Besant] it was more important to study the 'laws of karma' than to work for social reform!...Apparently [Besant] saw the caste system as Karmic justice and did not oppose it...It was Blavatsky's teachings on the root races that fired the imaginations of the German Nazis as they were setting out to make way for a Nordic sixth root super-race...[involving] the genocide of yet more peoples." ((New Age & Armegeddon, Monica Sjoo)))

I intend with this exploration to include exploration about more hidden forces that many call conspiracy theories and thenpull covers up over their heads agin, metaphorically speaking-ish

For example, i am understanding that most of the belief systems secret and hidden all stem from the same patriarchal root---by 'patriarchal' i mean, male supremacist, which also involves a power-over attitude towards organism, woman, darker-skinned peoples, and Nature

Take the Illuminati. When i began researching about them--whether you believe or not, i chose TO try and understand what all the fuss was about--i eventually made quite a starting discovery. I found that seemingly ALL the online websites talking about them, and mosly condemning them are Christian sites...!!....and althogh i am no fan of the Illuminati--if what's said is true, etc--i couldn't help thinking 'pots callin te kettle black'!

i tried and tried to find one lone non-Christian--even an ATHIEST voice which expored about te Illuminati. i tried various different termed searches at googles billions of pages search engine. ZILTCH!.....so this flummAXED ME.

I even contacted a fairly prolific Feminist website source centre and asked its owner if she knoew of ONEfeminist who explores about this,and her reply was no, bt that just challenging the patriarchy is enough. .....well, yeaaah, i thought, biut at now i want M O R E!

So it's , i spose left to me right now to begin a preliminary investigation about this here. This wont in any way lose sight of main topic, i assure you. because as said, it is really about the patriarchy and their oppression against Earth-oriented lifestyles.
As is known, members of the elite join a 'club' called Skull and Bones. And you find that that philosophy is commensurate with Luciferian philosophy.

Basically the Luciferian mythic interpretation of the Hebrew tale of the Garden of Eden is that the 'Serpent'='Lucifer' 'Bringer of Light'----and that he 'rightly' tells Eve and Adam to eat the Fruit of the Tree of the KNowledge of Good and Evil, because by doing so the defying eaters shall be 'gods', knowing good and evil.
For Luciferians, then, the baddie is 'God' who they name 'Adonay'--and view him as a god who tries to keep humans under his control, rather than allow them to become gods......And their symbol for what happens when they do do the deed-of eating the Fruit- is that their '3rd eye is opened' and guess what symbolizes this eye.....?whyy the eye on te top of their pyramid symbol, which is on the American 1$ note! etc.,
For this mindset, such 'occultic' knowledge is for the small powerful elite/Illuminati, at the very pinnacle of a pyramid-organized hierarchy.

Now as I have explored above, the real meaning of te 'Fruit' in the Garden of Eden is that it is symbolizes a psychedelic sacrament, and the patriarchal writers' INTENTION was to demonize the much more ancient Goddess Earth-centred religious rituals, and worldview, of Indigenous peoples

So, we have 3 interpretations going on:

The literalist one, which most people at this forum seems to believe.....! of an actual Garden, an actual 'God' a real Adam and Eve etc.;

The deeper INTENTION of the myth which is really a negative propaganda slander against the Goddess, women, etc., Indigenous worldview, and lifestyle and religious ritual which involved partaking of sacraments;

and the Lucierian occultic one, which rtebels against the creator-god patriarchal interpretation, and the Indigenous meaning, which is Earth-centred

The latter worldview and religion is far more ancient than the other two patriarchal interpretations