Right and wrong is determined by God

James, you keep asking why people find the video offensive, yet no one has been offended (to my knowledge).

Yeah, "to your knowledge". But what does that mean? How many people have you talked to about it? How many people have read it and been terribly offended, yet you not even know about? Would you expect everyone who might have been offended to come forward, join the forum, just to notify you that they were offended?

Baron Max
I am deeply deeply offended. I'm not allowed to make fun of atheists in fact a very funny thread I thought of all by myself was deleted as soon as it was posted. I am offended that the admin of the site makes fun of theists but supports special rights for atheists. :mad:
.... I am offended that the admin of the site makes fun of theists but supports special rights for atheists.

And if you want to get the admins of this site really, really pissed off, just start ridiculing gay sex acts and making fun of gays!! Ooooooh, they all go off the deep end on that one!

And yet, no one is supposed to be offended by what they post?

Baron Max
I am deeply deeply offended. I'm not allowed to make fun of atheists in fact a very funny thread I thought of all by myself was deleted as soon as it was posted. I am offended that the admin of the site makes fun of theists but supports special rights for atheists. :mad:

I give you full right to make fun of my atheism anytime you wish, Sam. Feel free. Although, I'm not sure what kind of fun can be gleaned from a lack of belief in fairy tales? :shrug:

Ya' know, James, I think the thing that bothers me the most about you posting the OP is that you actually did it. You, the guy who claims to love all people...

You've got the wrong guy.

James, billions of people in the world are Christians who believe in the God that you denigrated by posting that video.

You still haven't explained to me how you think the video denigrates the beliefs of Christians.

And ya' know something else, James? It also bothers me that, even when I pointed out how you might be offending all those people...

But you haven't. How might I be offending these people? More to the point, since you can't speak for faceless people, how have I offended YOU?

This is the third time I have asked.

And it's even worse, in my view, if James didn't realize, didn't know, that it "might" offend some people. See? He knew that people would be offended, and that's why he did it.

Nonsense. Please answer my questions.


I gave an explanation, it was deleted.

You couldn't explain yourself in a way that stuck to the forum rules? Ah, ok then. Why don't you PM me your explanation?

Jan Ardena:

you keep asking why people find the video offensive, yet no one has been offended (to my knowledge).

Baron Max and SAM claimed to have been offended.

As for the video, the humour is silly (which may be its aim), the type of material I have come to expect from angry atheists.

You think British comedians Mitchell and Webb are angry atheists?
And if you want to get the admins of this site really, really pissed off, just start ridiculing gay sex acts and making fun of gays!! Ooooooh, they all go off the deep end on that one!

And yet, no one is supposed to be offended by what they post?

Baron Max

I do find it annoying how overwhelmingly communist/liberal this site is.
2 Corinthians 12:10 "That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

If you are truly offended by the message itself, in light of this verse, it seems that James R. is ironically empowering you- if he were intending the video as an offense, which I'm quite sure isn't the case.

1 Corinthians 16:22 "If anyone does not love the Lord-a curse be on him. Come, O Lord!"

I'm obliged to point out how Christians have stigmatized people like James with curses and pejorative epithets of "wickedness" and "depravity", so for you to be offended seems out of place. Your "deep deep offense" came off as contrived and spiteful if you were speaking as an "offended christian", but seeing as you did not seem to be upset with the content (which was the core of the issue) but with an alleged abuse of moderator power...you're comments seem needless. I, like (Q), invite you to make fun of nontheists (me in particular), but I should warn you, you'll be hard pressed to find derisive material in the reason most of us align our lives with.

At any rate, is what is good only good because god says it is (and is thus completely arbitrary) or is it essentially good whether or not god recognizes or endorses those things himself? If the former, morality in christianity is not absolute (iow, what is good 3000 years ago is good today) because most of OT law is irrelevant to today's new covenant (Hebrews 7:12) and the religious are guilty of a similar form of moral relativism they try to label others with. OR if it is the later which is true, then God had nothing to do with morality and what is good would exist apart from God. It would have nothing to do with him. In one, you lose the concept of absolutes so beloved by the religious...and in the other God is your divine endorser of the finest aspects of man made morality, which is also evolving with the times (zeitgeist). So which one is it? Or is it a third option I've failed to consider?
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With Q's indulgence, I would be pleased to offer up my convictions of atheism/primism for comment, derision and ridicule along with others of my bretheren. In fact I have posted here and a multitude of other forums seeking these attentions............to little and sometimes no avail.
Perhaps the theistic denizens of this forum are made of sterner stuff. Why do we post here? To proselytise and evangelise or to engage in comment, argument, analysis and criticism? There are at least two sides to every issue and it is that division that brings us here. There is little to be gained by filling our posts with circumlocutory declarations of respect and saintly tolerance..........education-wise or entertainment-wise.

OriginalBiggles, Prime
If I find a video making fun of gays, posting comments and remarks ridiculing gays and their behavior, will you allow it to stand as you've allowed this one to remain? Same thing, right?
And yet when I called gays "homo" one time, simply because I got tired of typing "homosexual", James R. threaten me with banning because he said that gays found that term offensive.
And, oh, please don't make the remark about it being "natural" and that gays are born that way and can't help how they feel ......because if you do, I'm going to ask for some proof of that. ...like a "gay gene", perhaps??
Baron Max
did you know that homosexuality does exists in nature,and even animals do it
doesnt that make it natural?


You couldn't explain yourself in a way that stuck to the forum rules? Ah, ok then. Why don't you PM me your explanation?
Nah the religion moderator is way too easily off-ended.
You're an admin, surely you can read deleted posts? See post#62

I give you full right to make fun of my atheism anytime you wish, Sam. Feel free. Although, I'm not sure what kind of fun can be gleaned from a lack of belief in fairy tales? :shrug:

Oh are you an atheist now? Hard to tell what your current non-position on any issue is.
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Max: You still haven't explained to me how you think the video denigrates the beliefs of Christians.

But you haven't. How might I be offending these people? More to the point, since you can't speak for faceless people, how have I offended YOU? ...

I've learned a lot about you in this thread, James. And interestingly, I've learned a lot about some other people, too.

From the comment above, I've also learned that no one can stand up for anyone else unless they, too, have been offended in some way. Attorneys can't speak for the victims of verbal abuse; forum moderators can't punish anyone for offensive language unless they, too, have been offended by it.

Interestingly, too, is that I've discovered that no one should ever be offended by anything. ...and yet, I wonder how many people have been banned from this site for "offensive" posts or comments or words????

Baron Max
Now hold on a second here.

Originally Posted by (Q)
Although, I'm not sure what kind of fun can be gleaned from a lack of belief in fairy tales?

Atheists believe in evolution.
Now hold on a second here.

Atheists believe in evolution.

We also believe the sun will rise in the morning and set in the evening. As you can see, we have our faiths, too.

I'm assuming you don't believe in evolution?
2 Corinthians 12:10 "That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

If you are truly offended by the message itself, in light of this verse, it seems that James R. is ironically empowering you-even if he were intending the video as an offense, which I'm quite sure isn't the case.

1 Corinthians 16:22 "If anyone does not love the Lord-a curse be on him. Come, O Lord!"

I'm obliged to point out how Christians have stigmatized people like James with curses and pejorative epithets of "wickedness" and "depravity", so for you to be offended seems out of place. Your "deep deep offense" came off as contrived and spiteful if you were speaking as an "offended christian", but seeing as you did not seem to be upset with the content (which was the core of the issue) but with an alleged abuse of moderator power...you're comments seem needless. I, like (Q), invite you to make fun of nontheists (me in particular), but I should warn you, you'll be hard pressed to find derisive material in the reason most of us align our lives with.

At any rate, is what is good only good because god says it is (and is thus completely arbitrary) or is it essentially good whether or not god recognizes or endorses those things himself? If the former, morality in christianity is not absolute (iow, what is good 3000 years ago is good today) because most of OT law is irrelevant to today's new covenant (Hebrews 7:12) and the religious are guilty of a similar form moral relativism they try to label others with. OR if it is the later which is true, then God had nothing to do with morality and what is good would exist apart from God. It would have nothing to do with him. In one, you lose the concept of absolutes so beloved by the religious...and in the other God is your divine endorser of the finest aspects of man made morality, which is also evolving with the times (zeitgeist). So which one is it? Or is it a third option I've failed to consider?

Welcome to the show.

How many of you all, learned a bit from 'Sin'?
Sin said:
you're comments seem needless

Its why I had specifically asked James to tell us if we should be offended or not. <deleted>

On this site everything but the atheist POV is "needless"
On this site? None, apparently.

Except as a source of entertainment to the atheists here, who can feel better about themselves by demeaning the beliefs of others