Riddle Me This

Not Hugh the Manatee.. It's The Hugh Manatee!

Oh, the Hugh Manatee!! :eek:

Very nice.

I heard "they both produce flat notes".
That's a good one. I hadn't heard that.

You are super hungry and really in the mood for dessert. There are 12 identical looking cupcakes. One of these cupcakes has a different weight from all the others and that's the one you want to eat. You also have a two-pan balance for comparing weights. Using the balance in the smallest number of times possible, determine which cupcake has the unique weight, and also determine whether it is heavier or lighter than the others. How many times will you have to weight the cupcakes to find the heaviest one?
How many times will I have to weigh each cupcake? Only once; the heavier one will be immediately evident.
Weigh them three times to find the lighter cupcake. First weigh 6 on each side of the balance. Second set the heavier set of 6 aside and put 3 of the remaining 6 on each side of the balance. Third with three cupcakes remaining compare the weight of any two of them to find which is the lighter. If the two that you are comparing are the same weight the other is the one you want and if they arent the same weight you have the answer.