What building has the most stories?
You were on the bottom rungI fell from a 50 foot ladder. How was I not hurt?
A hole?What has no weight but can sink a ship?
A library, probably.What building has the most stories?
Tuesday, Thursday, Tomorrow and Today.Which 4 days start with the letter t?
The doctors are his sisters.3 doctors claim Sam is their brother. Sam claims he has no brothers.
My name.What belongs to you but others use it more than you?
Mount Rushmore.What rock group has 4 men who do not sing?
Your right arm?What can you hold in your right hand but not in your left?
A window.What ancient invention enables us to see thru walls?
The one with the lions.You are forced to enter 1 of 3 rooms. Do you choose the 1 with several angry insane murderers or the 1 with a raging inferno or the 1 with 6 lions who haven't eaten in years?
Short answer is that they're usually both full of sh**.What do politicians & diapers have in common?
.A hole?
A library, probably.
Tuesday, Thursday, Tomorrow and Today.
The doctors are his sisters.
My name.
Mount Rushmore.
Your right arm?
A window.
The one with the lions.
If they haven't eaten in years they won't be alive.
Short answer is that they're usually both full of sh**.
Longer answer is from Mark Twain: "politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason."
Your breathWhat is harder to catch the faster you run?