
You did? How so? Do you want to take revenge on someone? Why and for what?

Now I am curious...;) :)
Ah ha, a Freudian slip. Now we know that Adam is out for revenge.

But who is the victim?

The mystery deepens.
...outside, nervous brumbies jostled in the corrall while a furtive wind seemed to whisper danger. Inside, reflections from the fireplace danced across the iced vodka pressed to his forehead. Alone in the dim light, Adam was gazing with undisguised fear at...
As Adam slowly regained consciousness he became aware of the hard unforgiving floor and a searing pain emanating from the back of his head. As he began to slowly look around, the searing pain became a throbbing that felt like his head was about to explode. He stopped moving momentarily until the agony subsided. He lay still and listened to his surroundings. The room was eerily silent, and the dim light had been extinguished. He found himself in almost total darkness with only the yellow warm flickering light from the fireplace as the only aid to sight. The warm glow was somehow comforting. A sharp sound rang out from the other room and Adam’s heart immediately began to thump, adding further discomfort to his already painful throbbing head. He realized he was not alone and knew he had to regain enough strength to move from his vulnerable and prostrate position on the floor. He moved his hand away from his body with the intention of pushing himself up from the floor, but he felt something sharp and cold. The glass he had been holding earlier lay smashed on the floor around him and the pieces were twinkling from the firelight. He slowly turned himself over onto his stomach and pushed himself up until he could stand. The pain was intense and as he massaged the back of his head he realized from the sticky wetness that he was bleeding. A feeling of nausea and dizziness swept through his body and the desire to just lie down was overwhelming, but he knew he was in danger if he stayed in the room, he had to leave, and quickly. As he moved across the room he could hear more noises from the other room. Should he look or should he escape while he could? Before he could decide what action to take the door was flung open and there before him stood…………….
I hit NEW THREAD when I emant to hit REPLY, was posting in the a thread about Xev and Cthulhu.
Well, tough. You now own this superb thread and we are all wanting to know about your revenge fetishes.

It's kinda like puttin' a fart in a box. You never know what it will grow up to be....

As Cris said, you now own this frankenstein. Good luck with your creation....:D
…Mike Tyson. “The stew’s getting’ cold,” he lisped in his trademark high-pitched, almost baby-like voice. “Where’s the salt?” At the mention of food, Adams already troubled stomach heaved nervously. It was then that he came to the realization that the blood in his hair was not caused by a blow, but from a bite that had completely removed his…
Originally posted by Adam
I hit NEW THREAD when I emant to hit REPLY, .....

I thought you did revenge to hit the wrong "button" of your beloved girlfrend, --you always mention in your posts--...
Because she just hit the wrong "button" of yours.... Ouch!
*…Mike Tyson. “The stew’s getting’ cold,” he lisped in his trademark high-pitched, almost baby-like voice. “Where’s the salt?” At the mention of food, Adams already troubled stomach heaved nervously. It was then that he came to the realization that the blood in his hair was not caused by a blow, but from a bite that had completely removed his…*

left-ear. In shock he reached his hand to feel if the rest of his head was still intact. Then...Oh heavens!! There was a big bloody whole where his nose used to be. 'What happened, what happened'...he tought while a great fear made his heart beat like a drum! Blood was dripping on the floor and he turned around and stood face to face with...
he turned around and stood face to face with...

Michael Jackson! And Mikey said "Son, what the gods name happened to yo nose?" "Ive got just the doctor for you, come with me." And the noseless pair went moonwalkin down the street humming the tune to Beat IT, they entered the docs office when suddenlyyy....

Sorry guys, couldnt resist:D
...When suddenly Adam (who was now his old self after the fresh air) noticed the polished brass plate on the door

Dr Ruth

dan, dan dar!!!!

The diminutive Dr immediately swooped on the pair

"Ah you young bois haf had ze luffers tiff no? I can see zis by ze absence of ze ear unt za nose. Zis I feel is za classic rrrrrrape fantzy zat vent horrrrrribly wrrrrong. Come, sit, tell me vot ze prrrrroblem iss and holt hants zers gut bois.

The boys ran for the door only to be stopped by steel shutters that sprang from the floor

Nein leibchens you can't escape da surchery of dr Rrrrrrrroos so qvickly.

And with a manic cackle she pulled out a rubber phallus to demonstrate the correct use of the condom.

Mike was busily hammering on the steel with no effect at all (The big wuss!), while Adam, now weak from loss of blood found he could only succumb to the diatribe on the pros and cons of the squeeze method......
...which poorly failed. Heavily sweating, muttering and cursing by himself, he crawled up to the the old witch. Clawing he wanted to get to her throat. Dr. Ruth though, not the first the best, sprang away in the nick of time. Adam gave a loud cry of anger and despair, feeling his last strength fading away.

'Holy heavens!', he sighed, 'What the hell am I to do now?'

In the meantime, good old Michael had regained some courage and hestitating he came a little closer and tried to pul Adam up from the floor. Argh, what a bad move. This scene is turning into a Thriller!

Dr. Ruth had changed the rubber phallus for a long, ssshhhaaarrrppp knife! Insanely grinning she sneaked up to Adam and Michael...
bbc & banshee

AAAHAAAHHHHAAAAA!!! Please... stop it....... the pain..... the tears wont stop...... I cant stop friggin laughin..... If I could stop.... Id probably think of something else to say..... BUT I CANT!!!!!

So lay back on ze couch....Gut.

Now, tell me, Adam, how long haf you harboured zis unkontrollable urge for revenge?

I think Eric Cartman said it best.
"Revenge is so, so sweet"

Adam sank into the plush leather couch, paid for by years of duping the public into thinking they have problems.

"Well, It all started when I had my gender reassignment surgery. That sonofabitch surgeon," Adams prosthetic adams apple glinted with perspiration in the light of the lava lamp. "I used to be called beryl and I lived in a trailer park in alabama. I always knew there was something wrong and after months of counselling it was discovered I needed a partial frontal labotomy to cheer me up. T
he surgeon read the frontal thing wrong and when I woke up, There it was. No precious boobs, no curvy figure and voluptuous hips. Instead there was a welcome-mat chest and a schlong like a chop suey roll.

I'll get him you see if I don't!!"

Dr Ruth turned to Mike..
"Unt how about you, vot iss your connection in zis?"

The big hung of meat suddenly broke down into big baby tears


He collapsed on the floor and began to suck the thumb of his big red glove.....

...Adam awoke and jerked upright in bed with a start; a sheen of sweat on his forehead, his Micky Mouse pajamas soaked through and clinging to his back. Quickly feeling his head and crotch, he realized with a quiet sob of relief that it had all been a terrible dream. Lowering his feet into his Froggie slippers, he padded down the hall to the dining room. The remains of dinner, haggas and goat's milk, remained half eaten on the table. As his gaze slid across the dishes, his eyes came to rest on the second glass. The glass with the lipstick stain on the rim. Her glass. His spine straightened and his eyes hardened as he remembered...