Retired Drug Dogs


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
I think this is an excellent idea. I just wonder that if the dogs find drugs, the the company required to call the cops? Probably not since they let the parents make the final search.

Sniffer dogs in teenage bedrooms

Retired sniffer dogs that have spent years on police patrol are now working in the private sector in the US - sniffing out teenagers' bedrooms.

Parents can rent a dog and handler for $200 (£125) an hour from Sniff Dogs, a firm operating in New Jersey and Ohio.

The dogs are highly trained and can detect illegal drugs.

The company says the animals can smell marijuana from up to 15 feet away (5m) and residue on clothing from drugs smoked two days earlier.

The dogs sit when they detect the drugs but they leave the final inspection to the parents.....
This is great. Now when you ship your stuff you can really make sure its sealed tight.
good point:p

Orleander this has to be the most stupid idea i have ever herd of.
...Orleander this has to be the most stupid idea i have ever herd of.

Then you need to re-read some of your posts.

If my kid is bringing illegal drugs into my home, items I can get arrested for, then I have every right to have the dogs in the house.
If my child is using meth, heroin, cocaine, etc, then I have an obligation as a parent know about it.
My mother would ask me, and the two of us always had an open, honest relationship.
She would never get these dogs or search through my stuff, because she raised me to be honest, she was always honest with me, she didn't judge me, was always fair and always made me feel like I could tell her anything.

I plan on raising my children the same way.

I will trust them, give them reason to trust me and allow them some freedom to make decisions, because I did the best I could at raising them.
one raven: hear hear:)
orleadner, i really do pitty your children you know, they must have apsolutly no trust in you. You are trying to be more of a cop than a mother and your falling into the same trap goverments everywhere have (in there case because its popular, whats your excuse?), drugs arnt a law and order issue. They are a symptiom of a deeper mental illness in 99% of cases. Futher more almost all mental illness develops in late adolessants and insted of watching for signs of distress and giving your children a trusting enviroment that they can come to you when they are in destress your going to play the "tough on crime" cop. Good luck with your "war on drugs", i just hope it doesnt get your children killed
...I will trust them, give them reason to trust me and allow them some freedom to make decisions, because I did the best I could at raising them.

I agree and I have kids I trust. Not every parent does. I think its a nice option to have.

If I thought my kids were involved with these drugs, I'd want to know ASAP.
Health Serv Res. 2005 February; 40(1): 117–134.
doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2005.00345.x. PMCID: PMC1361129

Copyright © 2005 Health Research and Education Trust. All rights reserved
Self-Medication of Mental Health Problems: New Evidence from a National Survey
Katherine M Harris and Mark J Edlund
Address correspondence to Katherine Harris, Ph.D., Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 16-105, Rockville, MD 20856. Mark J. Edlund is with the Center for Mental Healthcare and Outcomes Research, Central Arakansas Veterans Healthcare System, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR.

Substance use varies with past year unmet need for mental health care and mental health care use in ways consistent with the self-medication hypothesis. Results suggest that timely screening and treatment of mental health problems may prevent the development of substance-use disorders among those with mental disorders. Further research should identify subgroups of individuals for whom timely and appropriate mental health treatment would prevent the development of substance-use disorders.

That was one study i found with a quick google search
I agree and I have kids I trust. Not every parent does. I think its a nice option to have.

You seem to be contradicting yourself.

You agree with what I said, and have kids that you trust, but you said:

If my kid is bringing illegal drugs into my home, items I can get arrested for, then I have every right to have the dogs in the house.
If my child is using meth, heroin, cocaine, etc, then I have an obligation as a parent know about it.
Um ....

Orleander said:

If my child is using meth, heroin, cocaine, etc, then I have an obligation as a parent know about it.

If you need a dog to tell you if your kid is using meth, heroin, or cocaine ... okay, I'm not sure what goes on the second part of that sentence.
I seriously doubt it.

I'd say most drug use is casual and a sign of nothng other than someone enjoys drugs.

i may have screwed up but im sure i wrote ADICTION, nope aparently not. My mestake

99% of drug ADICTIONS can be linked to underlying and undertreated mental illness
that is genuinly terrible,i wouldve never talked to my parents again if they had subjected me to that.
If my kid is bringing illegal drugs into my home,... then I have an obligation as a parent know about it.

Exactly! They should definitely be cutting you a deal at cost instead of holding back.

i wouldve never talked to my parents again if they had subjected me to that.

Had a good friend who really enjoyed recreational psychedelics whose mom was scared to death he would "use drugs." So once a month she had him tested. He just stopped smoking pot the week before and continued on his merry way since the drug test she gave him didn't test for anything he liked except pot.

At first he was pissed, but eventually he realized she was just another victim of the drug war and was just worried about him. It meant there were things about his life she couldn't share in but they got along ok otherwise.

Oh and for the "drugs are bad" crew, he works as a research biochemist and is finishing work on his PhD.
swarm i never said drugs are bad PER SAY, I DO contest that the untreated mental illness that lots of adolesants strugle with is a poor inditment of our sociaty
swarm i never said drugs are bad PER SAY

Relax, I wasn't talking to you then. But the current climate means inevitably my friend is thought of as some kind of vapid "druggie" and I like to head that sort of thing off before I have to listen to it again.

Of course I do have a dead head friend who does come across as a vapid druggie even though she has a PhD in biophysics so I guess even there looks can be deceiving.

I guess what I'm saying is just because vapid people do drugs, don't blame their vapidness on the drugs.

I'm not sure I believe in "untreated mental illness" suddenly being an epidemic. Part of being a teen is struggling with adolescence that doesn't mean they need "treatment."
umm what about sizophrenia?, that is probably the most comon self medicated with illicit substances. Depression and anxiaty tends to be self medicated with smokes and achole in general

However your free to disagree, read the paper i posted and argue your case (with surporting evidence of course)
Why not just do random drug testing every so often? That way you kids won't know when it is coming and won't be tempted to do anything. Just get them to do a urine test into a bottle and send it to a lab and for a few dollars/pounds you'll have your answer as to what they are doing.
cosmic as i have said (now for the third time) most drug adictions are related to undiognosed mental illness. You honestly think that your child would have the trust nessary to aproch you to talk about what they are feeling if you violate there trust like that?

you can piss and bitch that you have a right all you want but adolessants are becoming autonomious wether they want to or not and trust that they can confide in you at that stage of development is MORE IMPORTANT THAN AT ANY OTHER STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT.

so on the off chance they MAY have tried smoking a joint your going to compleatly destroy the trust you have spent there entire lives building.

Is it really that important?