respect for the dead?

I think that dead or alive, every body or living thing should be respected and loved.
Not one of us has the right to place judgment on anyone...
Everyone has the capabilities to do wrong.
It's just that some people are weaker than others and people hate people for that.

Instead of hating, since you're all such good people, try helping.
Think of others how you would want to be thought of.
Treat others how you would want to be treated.
You never know what someone has lived through.
Everyone has the capabilities to do wrong.
It's just that some people are weaker than others and people hate people for that.

Instead of hating, since you're all such good people, try helping.
Think of others how you would want to be thought of.
Treat others how you would want to be treated.
You never know what someone has lived through.

What a wonderful idealistic approach to life. But unfortunately, reality gets in the way of that all the time ....and I do mean all the time!

Idealism works because of the word "IF" ........if everyone was nice, it would be a wonderful world. Well, golly, that's true ...but every is NOT nice. See how the "IF" word works ..makes everything just perfect, wonderful, special, lovely, etc.

Baron Max
What a wonderful idealistic approach to life. But unfortunately, reality gets in the way of that all the time ....and I do mean all the time!

Idealism works because of the word "IF" ........if everyone was nice, it would be a wonderful world. Well, golly, that's true ...but every is NOT nice. See how the "IF" word works ..makes everything just perfect, wonderful, special, lovely, etc.

Baron Max

Oh, really?

Well, not for me. Not for me at all.
You could make any feeling become real. I could feel any way I wanted to right now...
Are you saying that someone or thing control's you? Besides yourself?
Whoever thought of the word idealism wasn't ambitious enough for reality.
Oh, really? Well, not for me. Not for me at all. You could make any feeling become real. I could feel any way I wanted to right now...

Yeah, you probably could/can. But, and it's a big BUT, you can't change the other people around you. And thus, you can't control the things that happen to you or to others. So ...even your dreamy, lovely, ideal, "IF" world would come crashing down on you ....due to reality getting in the way of YOUR idealisms.

Are you saying that someone or thing control's you? Besides yourself? ...

In a word, yes. But it's subtle. They don't "control" you in the sense that you mean, but a shitty driver can turn and make you have to turn to dodge him. Thus, he's "controlled" you. And there's gazillions of just such happenings in your world every single day do not live in a vacuum. Thins and people all around you "control" you all the time.

Baron Max
That's so weird you said something about a shitty driver because, today I had to dodge to the left to avoid this person from hitting me while I drive. I made it out of that. lol
But even if I did get hit and died, I'd still be okay. There is Heaven to look forward to...
I guess it's just my faith.