respect for the dead?

Asguard - I agree with you. It's ridiculous the way people act as if being dead suddenly makes you a great person, whereas it's fine to criticize someone who's still alive. WTF?
Well the OP only specifically mentioned Michael Jackson, and my comments were generally made about all dead people. So I don't understand where you're going with that.

However, even if the deceased were famous, I don't see why loved-ones can only be 'going through the motions' and NOT showing genuine emotion. Even fans deserve more credit than you give them. Sure, there may be an element of me-too-ism involved, but I for one was pretty upset when I heard MJ had died.

I wasn't referring to Michael Jackson, his friends, family or fans. He is mentioned in the OP. The OP is not about him in particular.
The OP did not ONLY specify Michael Jackson. It is clearly about people in general & the silly idea of not speaking ill of the dead regardless of whether it is appropriate.
And why does everyone fall all over themselves to 'respect' or please dead men and dead men's wishes?

They're not here.... They can't hear you, and they don't care.
And why does everyone fall all over themselves to 'respect' or please dead men and dead men's wishes?

They're not here.... They can't hear you, and they don't care.

Hmm, I don't know ...but the Muslims seem pretty damned upset if you say anything about Mohammed or draw caricatures of him!

Baron Max
I think I already said what I needed to say.

So to your view, we should just dump all the dead human bodies in a mass graves and bulldoze it over and forget the bastards, is that it? Show no respect for the dead bodies ......nor respect for the people who once loved those dead people?

Baron Max
If a person is nice , I respect them in both life and death . If a person is nasty, I hate them in both life and death ...lool. Am I supposed to like a dead rapist, a dead terrorist, a dead murderer.....etc..?!. Of course no .
If a person is nice , I respect them in both life and death . If a person is nasty, I hate them in both life and death ...lool. Am I supposed to like a dead rapist, a dead terrorist, a dead murderer.....etc..?!. Of course no .

I find that somewhat understandable.

But look at it from another perspective .....why should you show disrespect for the person in front of his family and friends? You might hate the dead guy, but does that mean you also hate his family, too? So would it harm you in any way to show a little respect for the dead guy even if you hated his guts?

Baron Max
I would show his family 'respect' by keeping my mouth shut were I in front of them, but definately not for him.
barron, what was your post after the video of sudam's hanging again?
i cant quite recall it
barron, what was your post after the video of sudam's hanging again?
i cant quite recall it

Doesn't matter ....and it doesn't change anything that I said in the post above, either. ...and that doesn't change what I might have said about Sadman Hussy's hanging, either.

Baron Max
hmmmm, what should I do?

There is a WWII vet buried next to my father-in-law. No one ever brings him flowers or any sign that he was thought of. He was married with 2 daughters.
We plant flowers on his grave because my mother-in-law didn't want this WWII vet to be forgotten.
I worry that his family doesn't do anything because he was a horrible man.
Should I continue my mother-in-law's tradition?
Yes, you should. You don't he was a horrible man....

Putting flowers on graves is a lovely old custom that seems to be falling by the wayside with younger people.
hmmmm, what should I do?

There is a WWII vet buried next to my father-in-law. No one ever brings him flowers or any sign that he was thought of. He was married with 2 daughters.
We plant flowers on his grave because my mother-in-law didn't want this WWII vet to be forgotten.
I worry that his family doesn't do anything because he was a horrible man.
Should I continue my mother-in-law's tradition?

Yes, definitely continue the tradition ....and be proud of it. You might also contact the Veterans Administration or the local VFW post ...they might be able/willing to help you with expenses, etc. And I'm sure that they'd be happy to hear about your story ...please tell 'em.

Baron Max
this has come up a few times recently, but most specifically with Jackson's death. How much "respect" do we owe to the dead?

For instance there was a former NT minster who died a couple of years ago. Now there is no dought that he gave alot to the territory BUT police we in the proccess of charging him with a series of rapes when he died. The goverment HAD planned to give him a state funeral but canceled it after complaints from the victoms. Then there is the jackson issue, an alleged peadophile and yet now that hes dead anyone who points that out is critized.

I mean when osama dies are we all going to be expected to say "what a great man, did alot for the community" ect ect.

So what, the persons dead, that doesnt errase the pain they caused to other people and this "just cellebrate what they did right" has the potentual to actually INCREASE there pain as they watch someone who hurt them showered with honors from the public (and goverments, public figures ect)

if you didn't respect them in life, why should you respect them in death?

Does death give you the automatic respect icon? I think its crap actually, the press have slated him for being a peado and now he is dead they think he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
hmmmm, what should I do?

There is a WWII vet buried next to my father-in-law. No one ever brings him flowers or any sign that he was thought of. He was married with 2 daughters.
We plant flowers on his grave because my mother-in-law didn't want this WWII vet to be forgotten.
I worry that his family doesn't do anything because he was a horrible man.
Should I continue my mother-in-law's tradition?

yeah definalty continue the tradition, the war heros are people that i respect, and they shouldnt be forgotten, and for him to have 2 daughters and not bother is disgusting! (but perhaps for good reasons they dont bother, we wont know i guess)