Reporting on Gods Visit

Apparently. I know that you are a believer and that you were being funny, but that's it.

I don't think he's a believer, he's "making a point" with you while simultaneously being an asshole to Lori. The true atheist.
Apparently. I know that you are a believer and that you were being funny, but that's it.

my apologies... there isn't that face to face thing and i forget that you aren't in the US

the first step in being a believer is not listening to what everyone else is saying about'll know the ones that are right on when you run across them and it's a slim field

you don't need them to cloud your vision
Because you haven't given me any reasons to. Damn it Lori, don't be so naive.

why wouldn't you believe it unless you had a reason not to, and that goes for what anybody tells you? :bugeye:
my apologies... there isn't that face to face thing and i forget that you aren't in the US

the first step in being a believer is not listening to what everyone else is saying about'll know the ones that are right on when you run across them and it's a slim field

you don't need them to cloud your vision
Ok. So you are a theist or not ?
I'm being an asshole to Lori ?? How ? :bugeye:

you WERE being an asshole yesterday. you're lucky i couldn't reach you or i'd have given you a good spanking. but you apologized, so it's all good now.
lol That's backwards. You believe something when it's at least plausible.
And not believing it's true is not the same as believing it's not true, by the way.

Yes, depending on what they tell me of course.

so as long as something agrees with your existing paradigms, you believe it. otherwise you assume someone to be lying? i'm pretty sure the term for that is closeminded.