Reporting on Gods Visit

Do you? Aren't you the one who would prefer to live in a theist-free world?

I'm not comfortable living in a society made up of people who think like you.

I see, you prefer a world of intellectual retards and liars.
Are you kidding? The man is an unmitigated and vicious bigot.

No, you are the bigot sam, it's written in your holy books to be a bigot. You have no opinions for me to be bigoted against, only delusions. One cannot be bigoted to delusions.
You lied, as did (Q) when he started this thread to report on God's visit.

He couldn't even tell us how he would recognise it if God did come to visit

Please describe in detail what I lied about?
i discuss my experiences and opinions and thoughts. and he attacks them all.

that's the dynamic in a nutshell.

That's not true. You claim to talk with gods, which clearly demonstrates you're lying or probably insane. Take your choice.
lori is entitled to believe whatever she damn well please... I don't deny her that..

but when others start putting their report card on god's action in her hands ..there's a problem..

sam's would be like me listening to your political views

One can believe anything they want. When a person makes those beliefs public and continually insist God is behind him/her then those beliefs are open to inspection. If those beliefs are failing even in the most liberal of examinations then as the saying goes “if it doesn’t fit then one must acquit.
All that (Q) and Enmos have proved is that they respond to sincerity with lies and/or vicious abuse and this is apparently what they consider as appropriate behaviour since even lying is justified to make their point.

Really? It's funny that if Lori went to any religious leader and she told them her story, they too would conclude she is lying or insane.
Really? It's funny that if Lori went to any religious leader and she told them her story, they too would conclude she is lying or insane.

How many religious leaders have you been to?
Really? It's funny that if Lori went to any religious leader and she told them her story, they too would conclude she is lying or insane.

you're probably right Q. so what does that equate you to?
Really? It's funny that if Lori went to any religious leader and she told them her story, they too would conclude she is lying or insane.

They would more likely patronize her and try to get in her pants.
They would more likely patronize her and try to get in her pants.

This post is a good one and so true. Now and then I hear about a man of the cloth running off with the wife of another man. Desire became a fire while listening to the choir.
religious leaders are in to old woman with cellulite now...?
what happened to lil' boys ?

The laws in the U.S. had to be changed in every state to hold some of the clergy accountable because of their preference for lil' boys. Some churches have filed for bankruptcy because the judgements were more than they could pay.
religious leaders are in to old woman with cellulite now...?
what happened to lil' boys ?

I think after staying celibate for as long as they can just about anything will do. Think prison.

But I wouldn't say Lori has cellulite or is an old woman. She seems to photograph very well.
you're probably right Q. so what does that equate you to?

It has nothing to do with me at all. It's just that even religious leaders (most of them) aren't stupid enough to go around telling everyone they have conversations with gods.
someone who gets blame or is said to have credit for things that are beyond their control

Huh? That's one weird definition for 'God'.

why because it doesn't include all of your attributes?

of god has either done everything or nothing at all?