Reporting on Gods Visit

You have no evidence. My question was whether or not belief without evidence is enough to condemn. Only through the using of religion is such unjust thinking unobjectionable. No reputable court of law would convict a person on belief without evidence. God couldn’t even be a witness. No address to send a subpoena. If God did have an address that a court of law could use, then God could be placed on trial charging him with genocide and crimes against humanity.

A sign on the road Says speed limit 100kmh.

A driver passes it and continues doing 140kmh

Police car stops driver gives fine 250$

Driver goes to court contesting the fine.

Court rules that adequate notice was given.

The Authority has decided that a sign on the side of the road saying "Speed limit 100kmh" is enough notification for drivers. Irrespective of the driver who contends that doing 140km along that road is safe and acceptable behaviour. The drivers disagreement with the authority comes to nothing. He will pay the fine.

I know, nobody is allowed to disagree without facing conviction. A guilty verdict should be based in fact not belief. You talk as though the bible was absolute fact when the actual evidence provided through science and archeology has proven its not.

Take a book that is known to be inaccurate and condemn or convict people using the false information it contains. According to the book of Genesis the earth is flat. Before anybody can be condemned or convicted or sent to hell a flat earth must be produced first. Religion's sense of justice is not.

What you agree with and what you disagree with is up to you. The sign is there. The message that God deems adequate is there. Read it as you pass in life, do what you will to do.

So Be It.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Sorry, I misunderstood. AF is okay. You served your country and that is honorable.

I just wanted to make sure... what threw you off was that I knew about Wog...most people don't...heck I didn't even know it till after I was out of the AF
Believe as your desires lead you to believe. In the end though the ultimate reality will not be dismissed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

You should be defending humankind, instead. You don't understand justice.
So Adstar,
Are you telling me we should 'believe' that primative mans perceptions are the right ones?
Most know man wrote the books, so mans perceptions of current events at the time had many stories to tell. We all percieve things differently, as did our ancestors.
I don't know what the truth is, but I know I deffinately am not gonna put all my eggs in primative mans perceptions!
The events throughout most religous stories are likely based on real events, but how the events were percieved, and what actually took place is not likely the same story!
I don't pretend to know, I just explore as much possible explainations as I can find.
So Adstar, Are you telling me we should 'believe' that primative mans perceptions are the right ones? Most know man wrote the books, so mans perceptions of current events at the time had many stories to tell. We all percieve things differently, as did our ancestors. I don't know what the truth is, but I know I deffinately am not gonna put all my eggs in primative mans perceptions! The events throughout most religous stories are likely based on real events, but how the events were percieved, and what actually took place is not likely the same story! I don't pretend to know, I just explore as much possible explainations as I can find.
M*W: I believe ancient man (ie. nomads traveling at night) created those religious stories (myths and legends) and based their primative perceptions on their fascination of the night skies, and from the movement of the planets (greater and lesser gods), constellations (A&E, the GoE, the Serpent, the Ark, and King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (zodiac), and the stars (falling angels), etc..
You should be defending humankind, instead. You don't understand justice.

Defend humankind? Humankind is guilty as charged.

All it has as an option is to accept the mercy of the court.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So Adstar,
Are you telling me we should 'believe' that primative mans perceptions are the right ones?

Primitive man?? No mate the men of scriptures where very much the same as us. They had the same faults; played the same unwise games that modern man plays. Only difference between them and us is we play with toys that can cause more damage. With the growth of knowledge so with the growth of sorrows.

I don't know what the truth is, but I know I deffinately am not gonna put all my eggs in primative mans perceptions!

The men where not primitive and they where guided by God in their words.

The events throughout most religous stories are likely based on real events, but how the events were percieved, and what actually took place is not likely the same story!
I don't pretend to know, I just explore as much possible explainations as I can find.

And you think you are somehow safe to go on in a lifetime exploration? You think that if you just keep exploring then you will not have to commit to anything and in that way you can be free to think and do as you please all your life? You think that in the end you can stand before God and say. Hey i searched for you all my life so you cannot reject me for not finding you, cause i looked?

If God gives the message He wants to give you and you pass it by without acceptance then you have rejected the message that saves you. And in that your eternal rejection will be justified.

There are a lot of people who find safety in a policy of lifetime searching to avoid a decision. But in fact their decision not to make a decision is a rejection of the decision God wants them to make.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Defend humankind? Humankind is guilty as charged.

All it has as an option is to accept the mercy of the court.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Peter, Paul and Mary wrote a song.
Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the Autumn mist
In a land called Connerly

Does that make Puff the Magic Dragon real?

You have nothing more than that fairytale as evidence while accusing humanity. You're most unfair.
The Problem is with you. He knows you.

Do you think God is beholden to you. Do you think God is under an obligation to make one believe Him when the one hates His truth?

If you do then your sadly mistaken.

You wanna set your bar and snap your fingers to make God jump for one who hates the love of the truth??? Your kidding.

Are you the arbiter of what god says or does? Do you know exactly what he'll do or say in the future? How do you know these things? Do you talk to god as well? Are you on intimate terms with god?

Please explain how you know these things if you haven't met god?
Are you the arbiter of what god says or does? Do you know exactly what he'll do or say in the future? How do you know these things? Do you talk to god as well? Are you on intimate terms with god?

Please explain how you know these things if you haven't met god?

i do know god, and what Adstar is saying here is true. i've reiterated it a 100 times for you and quite frankly it's common sense. if you don't want to know god or have anything to do with god, why do you expect god to waste time? it's god we're talking about. god doesn't do anything in futility. god's not at all interested in your folly. god is interested in sincerety and in a relationship.
i do know god, and what Adstar is saying here is true. i've reiterated it a 100 times for you and quite frankly it's common sense. if you don't want to know god or have anything to do with god, why do you expect god to waste time? it's god we're talking about. god doesn't do anything in futility. god's not at all interested in your folly. god is interested in sincerety and in a relationship.

Typical cop out. God doesn't want to visit me and it's all my fault. As if anything I do is going to control what god does and doesn't do. That doesn't wash in the least.

You've already answered the question of whether or not god visit's you, Lori. We know he doesn't and you're making the whole thing up, this post helps solidify that conclusion. Sorry.
Typical cop out. God doesn't want to visit me and it's all my fault. As if anything I do is going to control what god does and doesn't do. That doesn't wash in the least.

You've already answered the question of whether or not god visit's you, Lori. We know he doesn't and you're making the whole thing up, this post helps solidify that conclusion. Sorry.

you don't want to know god. you attest in arrogance and obstinance that if someone else says they do they're lying. tell me, hypothetically even for the sake of discussion...why in the hell would god want anything to do with you?
you don't want to know god. you attest in arrogance and obstinance that if someone else says they do they're lying. tell me, hypothetically even for the sake of discussion...why in the hell would god want anything to do with you?

Lori, you need not confirm your charade any longer. The question has been answered. You're making it all up. Thanks for playing. :wave: