Render Unto Caesar

Mein Kampf Bestseller in Turkey

Mein Kampf has become a bestseller in the predominately Muslim Turkey. I wonder why? Here's a link to one of the stories:,,1447209,00.html

Here are the covers from Lebanese editions:


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Like I said, I'm not interested in the motivations of the Nazis or their fans. I'm asking if "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" gives implicit freedom to follow dictators and fascists as acceptable. It need not be Hitler, you could say G W Bush if you like and say Jesus would have approved of Abu Ghraib.
Like I said, I'm not interested in the motivations of the Nazis or their fans. I'm asking if "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" gives implicit freedom to follow dictators and fascists as acceptable. It need not be Hitler, you could say G W Bush if you like and say Jesus would have approved of Abu Ghraib.

Well SAM if you will read my explanation, you will find your answer.
I always thought it was obvious what that meant.

1. You can have your religion just dont let it interfere with government.

2. Pay your taxes

3. Separation of church and state.
I always thought it was obvious what that meant.

1. You can have your religion just dont let it interfere with government.

2. Pay your taxes

3. Separation of church and state.

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

Who decides what is Caesar's?
When fascism finds its way to the United States, it will come wrapped in the flag and bearing a cross.
I did and no it does not answer my question in the least.

OK let me add more details.

Christians believe God has given the Church and State their own distinct roles. The church has the responsibility of calling sinners to repentance, of proclaiming forgiveness through the Christ, and of encouraging believers in their Christian living. The State has the duty of keeping good order and peace, of punishing the wrongdoer and of arranging all civil matters in society.

This relation between church and state is preserved only when each remains within their assigned spheres. The church does not exercise civil authority; the state does not become a messenger of God.

Christians therefore, for conscience’ sake, obey the government that rules over them unless that government commands them to disobey God.

For some references, see Romans 13, Acts 5, 1 Timothy 2
OK let me add more details.

Christians believe God has given the Church and State their own distinct roles. The church has the responsibility of calling sinners to repentance, of proclaiming forgiveness through the Christ, and of encouraging believers in their Christian living. The State has the duty of keeping good order and peace, of punishing the wrongdoer and of arranging all civil matters in society.

This relation between church and state is preserved only when each remains within their assigned spheres. The church does not exercise civil authority; the state does not become a messenger of God.

Christians therefore, for conscience’ sake, obey the government that rules over them unless that government commands them to disobey God.

For some references, see Romans 13, Acts 5, 1 Timothy 2

Ah, so by enforcing a law that commands Christians to disobey God, "Caesar" has trespassed on God's domain and in that instance, Christians are allowed to disagree/revolt? As opposed to say if the government was simply taxing ridiculously high amounts, something which is still under Caesar's domain and Christians should obey.

Did I get the gist of it right?

(Heh, I wonder if that means Christian income tax protesters who refuse to pay the income tax are guilty of not listening to Jesus.)
When fascism finds its way to the United States, it will come wrapped in the flag and bearing a cross.

Does history bear that out? Violent, fascist, totalitarian states are Christian?

Let's see, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Ceausescu, Hoxha, Dear Kim Jong-Il....

Nope, doesn't, they all deny the authority of God. In fact they tend to come from left wing ideology do they not? And wo be unto me if I suggest any of these might be atheist. Why, that would be a lie!
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Does history bear that out? Violent, fascist, totalitarian states are Christian?
Yes, the vatican is the largest and oldest fascist institution in the world. They used to own half of Italy, and played a huge role in european politics for centuries, with as much autocratic violence, torture and barbarity as you could possibly ask for.
The quote doesn't mean that fascism will be Christian, but that religion (and patriotism) will be used as a tool to help bring fascism.

No one is arguing the position you're attacking.
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.
Who decides what is Caesar's?

I did and no it does not answer my question in the least.

Look. You might as well ask questions like

Does God exist?
Do we have souls?
Did Jesus exist?
Is the Bible the Word of God?
Who is an adequate messenger of God?
Whom should a person believe about God?
What happens after we die?
Who is the authority on interpreting the Bible?

and so on.

If you are going to ask such questions, or questions like the OP, you either have to blindly believe the answers people give, or decide for yourself and somehow ignore the conflicting information.
This thread seem pretty similar to another one I remeber reading, but that one was about Islam.
"money and paying taxes"

please explain

The question was put to Jesus should the Jews pay taxes to the Romans. Jesus lifted up a roman coin and revealed that the coin belonged to Roman Authorities, just like today, all currency belongs to the state. It is the state that allows people to use currency, the money we have is not ours it is owned by the powers that be on earth. We are just given the clearance to use it, But in the end we are working for the state authorities because they use the currency to control production and to exploit the normal people some 10% some 20% some 50%, So that the elites can live of the labour and effort of the masses. Same as it has always been.

Jesus was making a distinction between money/earthly things and Spiritual/ Godly things. While God allows the exploiters to graze off the backs of the poor and downtrodden He has in fact given them enough rope to hang themselves by their own greed.

James 5
1 Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! 2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days. 4 Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. 5 You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury; you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter. 6 You have condemned, you have murdered the just; he does not resist you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
My question is:

when Jesus preached,

"Render unto Caessar what is Caesars and unto God what is Gods"

does this mean, killing or torturing people is okay if your Caesar demands it?

I'm not interested in the motivations of the Nazis.

No. He was saying what He was saying, Render means to give. He was saying give Caesar his money when Caesar demands it. And give to God your trust.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days