
He doesn't consider himself an atheist but a pantheist/deist, though his is anti-religious. But this is hardly his apparent "sole basis for existence."

Maher is vehemently anti-Bush/anti-conservative as well as a proponent of pseudoscientific nonsense like complimentary and alternative medicine and PETA and such.

He's a nut, to be sure. But funny. Which is a bigger reason (in his mind anyway) for existence.
Atheists come in all guises these days.

FINALLY!!! That was my point long time ago with my thread "Atheists and stampcollectors" and finally you GOT it!!! Took quite a few months, but hey, who am I to judge you?

Congratulations for your enlightment....
I saw the movie. What a surprise, full of fabrications and sleight of hand editing to conform to Mahler's bias.

And this guy is supposed to be funny?
Yup full of fabrications. I found it most enlighteneing that his idea of Jewish extremism was the Orthodox Jews who refuse to recognise Israel [peacefully] rather than the violent Israeli occupation of Palestine because God gave them the land. And his tarring and feathering of Iran based on disseminating the false translation of his speech was another useful indicator of his bias.
It was kind of interesting. Earlier i was giving an opinion on weather it should be a t.v special.

Weather it should be a TV special? I can't imagine you'd rain praise on that option. I sincerely believe a dark cloud would hang over it even if it were a TV special.

...Tornadoes... meant whether...:D
There's a difference between bias and fabrication. As bias goes, you sure seem to have one of your own.

Yeah, I am biased against those who present a false premise. For example, Mahler completely missed the fact that the majority of deaths in the last century have been by self proclaimed atheists.
Weather it should be a TV special? I can't imagine you'd rain praise on that option. I sincerely believe a dark cloud would hang over it even if it were a TV special.

...Tornadoes... meant whether...:D

Yeah, I am biased against those who present a false premise. For example, Mahler completely missed the fact that the majority of deaths in the last century have been by self proclaimed atheists.

Again, :rolleyes:

Talk about misrepresenting the fact. No, forget that, talk about completely ignoring the facts.

How in the hell did you become a moderator here? Who would be careless enough to make such a decision?
Ignoring the facts? Anti-religious and areligious people have killed more people in this century than religious people. Thats a fact.
Ignoring the facts? Anti-religious and areligious people have killed more people in this century than religious people. Thats a fact.

No, it isn't a fact. It's a fabrication, once again, by you in order to advance your ignorant agenda.
No, it isn't a fact. It's a fabrication, once again, by you in order to advance your ignorant agenda.

Look it up.

Athiests debunking atheist murder is like creationists debunking evolution.
A murder by a atheist is as much a result of his beliefs [especially when targeting the religious] as murder by a theist is considered a result of his.