Religious Tolerance

superluminal said:
Baron, Your arguments re "love" are in the subjective world of human emotion. Not the objective world of phenomena (e.g. god answers prayers, god is responsible for my health or lack of it, etc...) I will no longer address that issue.

Too tough for you, huh? Even though "love" is obviously a belief, even though "love" is a major factor in many of human decisions, even though "love" is often considered the cause of many things in our lives? You just dismiss any discussion of it in conjunction to the beliefs in god(s)?

Baron Max
superluminal said:
Your statement is the very essence of irrationality. How can anyone rationally support a belief in such an "entity"? I have an invisible, ethereal, pink elephant living in my house. He leaves no trace, yet I insist that he is "real". Am I rational? Why did I even propose the existence of such a thing? Why did ancient humans propose the existence of a god?

The purpose of the post was to question. There is absolutely no point in asking a theist to provide physical evidence for something they believe to be supernatural. The idea of God deals with the origin of everything; you cannot simplify His idea to that of something like an invisible elephant living in the imagination.

What do you believe? That precious science will discovery the unifying theory and explain how everything came to be?

I tire of explaining the obvious. You don't seem to understand anything I say.

Hmmm, let's reword that a bit, okay? "God" is purely subjective thing and no one expects the rules of evidence to apply.

You are correct. There IS no difference. Therefore, god has no place in the workings of the objective world. Do not tell me that god, or love, cures disease by praying or wishing for it to.
superluminal said:
I do accuse you of not being versed in the METHOD of science sir. You may have facts, but your critical thinking abilities are suspect. Your drawings look like nonsense to me.

The typical response of the weak mind.

why am i not surprised.

superluminal said:
Do not tell me that god, or love, cures disease by praying or wishing for it to.

Well, there are many, many physicians who'd argue with you about that!! Many hospitals encourage "love" and praying with patients and it's been shown to have wonderous effects on the patients' health and wellbeing.

Interesting, too, is that it's been shown conclusively that having pets, dogs and cats, in nursing homes practically rejuvenates the elderly and they do things that they never could or would before the pet arrived. Is it love? Is it god? Is it belief?

You're pretty quick to judge ...which is a sure sign of lack of tolerance of others. Which is what this thread is all about.

Baron Max
FallingSkyward said: cannot simplify His idea to that of something like an invisible elephant living in the imagination.


What do you believe? That precious science will discovery the unifying theory and explain how everything came to be?

"precious" science? Science, my deluded friend, provides you with your very way of living. It's proven. God did nothing to change the way of life for humans since the beginning of recorded history. How old are you? If you're over 30, you'd be dead of natural causes in a pre-science era. You're welcome for you life, which science has provided where the god idea has failed miserably.

And yes, science may discover the unifying principle behind the universe.
Mosheh Thezion said:
The typical response of the weak mind.

why am i not surprised.


Hmmm. Why not explain a simple scientific idea to me, like, say, the evolution of eyes in invertebrates? Or why experiment is essential to the scientific method?
Baron Max said:
and it's been shown to have wonderous effects on the patients' health and wellbeing.

No, it hasn't. On average, prayer shows no statistical effect on the state of test groups vs control groups.

Interesting, too, is that it's been shown conclusively that having pets, dogs and cats, in nursing homes practically rejuvenates the elderly and they do things that they never could or would before the pet arrived. Is it love? Is it god? Is it belief?

That's just the human body's amazing ability to generate endorphins and other hormones given the right stimulous. Yes, "love" and pets do help. But it's purely biochemical.

You're pretty quick to judge ...which is a sure sign of lack of tolerance of others. Which is what this thread is all about.

Baron Max

Quick? We've discussed this before Baron, and I've had 43 years to form my judgments. They are well seasoned, thank you very much.
superluminal said:
And yes, science may discover the unifying principle behind the universe.

Yeah, and it may NOT! Or worse for your case, they may discover that "unifying principle", and they'll call it "god".

I still, however, find it very, very interesting how you can be so IN-tolerant of the beliefs of others. ...even if you believe those beliefs are irrational. You come across as probably the most intolerant person that I've ever responded to on this forum, and that's saying a LOT!

Baron Max
superluminal said:
Hmmm. Why not explain a simple scientific idea to me, like, say, the evolution of eyes in invertebrates? Or why experiment is essential to the scientific method?

it is easy too act as if you are knowledgable by the use of meaningless challenges over minor details...

such is an easy way to seem tall when inside you feel small and unwilling to even read 3 little pages.....

you make no attempt to actually understand and yet you pronouce in a loud vioce how foolish it is.

i need not debate anything with you sir... i do not see the point further.

if you cannot challange the foundation i have handed you... then i am wasting my time.

i will give you more than the eyes...

superluminal said:
and I've had 43 years to form my judgments. They are well seasoned, thank you very much.

And your ability to be tolerant of others has obviously suffered greatly. I wonder it you consider your "well-seasoned" judgements worth your totally intolerance of others?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Yeah, and it may NOT! Or worse for your case, they may discover that "unifying principle", and they'll call it "god".

Why would that be bad for my case? Can't you read? If there is strong scientific evidence for a creator, then I'll accept it! If it has predictive and explanatory power that fits the observed natural world, why wouldn't I?

I still, however, find it very, very interesting how you can be so IN-tolerant of the beliefs of others. ...even if you believe those beliefs are irrational. You come across as probably the most intolerant person that I've ever responded to on this forum, and that's saying a LOT!

Baron Max

Again, you don't read, do you? I am intolerant of theism in public life. I don't care what people want to believe in private!

Your opinion of me seems more relevant to the fact that I question the mush-minded thought processes of "believers" and that questioning threatens their cozy little fantasy world. Sort of like crushing the Santa fantasies of a young child. Is that how theists see themselves? As helpless children who can't defen themselves against big, bad science? Tough.

OK, let's start simple. What is a "+Pos Photon" mentioned in the beginning of your paper?

"...species seem to just appear in th fossil record, at different times, without having been evolved up..."

Either an outright lie by you, or an indication (as I suspect) that you know NOTHING about evolutionary biology or science in general.
superluminal said:
Can you not read either? The article regards a scientific question of the propensity of humans to believe. It dosen't present "evidence" of "god in the genes". It presents evidence that god is a genetic propensity of the human imagination.
my point is that these people have a legit reason for believing in a god.

for you to tell them they are wrong for doing so is unscientific