Religious integrity

Fair enough.

And I may be nitpicking here, but red and blue are very personal. I happen to be colorblind, so my red and blue are not your red and blue. :)

but do you wear your red and blue or that which is red and blue to existence; even with your difference?

eg.... gay's, like the same; being of a 'blind' issue by choice over reality

so i question; what is best for the total; what is correct, equally or what is preferred by desire?
That's the point, isn't it? I wear what I think is red. Whether it's read or not.

and so if 'objective truth' is a good foundation for any (religious or otherwise) integrity;

can we agree, we must allow knowledge to evolve; be open to learn?

Even if it ruins our own beliefs and/or accepted paradigm?
and so if 'objective truth' is a good foundation for any (religious or otherwise) integrity;

can we agree, we must allow knowledge to evolve; be open to learn?

Even if it ruins our own beliefs and/or accepted paradigm?

I believe that one of the most certain signs of intelligence is the ability to change your own mind. That is to say, if the evidence changes, as will my opinion. Should we discover the Higgs-Boson particle tomorrow, and it changes our understanding of physics entirely, then we will be open to that change.

It's kind of funny, too, how some religious folks cite those changes in paradigm as a weakness. Truth is, it's our greatest strength. We know we don't have all the answers, and we allow the evidence to shape our opinions, rather than simply buying wholesale the poorly-translated scribblings of Bronze Age tribesmen from the desert.
I believe that one of the most certain signs of intelligence is the ability to change your own mind. That is to say, if the evidence changes, as will my opinion. Should we discover the Higgs-Boson particle tomorrow, and it changes our understanding of physics entirely, then we will be open to that change.

It's kind of funny, too, how some religious folks cite those changes in paradigm as a weakness. Truth is, it's our greatest strength. We know we don't have all the answers, and we allow the evidence to shape our opinions, rather than simply buying wholesale the poorly-translated scribblings of Bronze Age tribesmen from the desert.

thanks, as i hope to bump into more like you; willing to change for the good of knowledge and understanding. (our future)

i will and always have been willing to learn and change (hence why i can stand up straight and know/represent that, both camps (sciences and theologies), are a weeeeeeee bit short of 'understanding'.)

Neither are infallible because of the people, not the intent of the discipline.

as when i speak of evolution, i start off with atoms and energy versus adam and eve

and when i speak of gravity, i start with the entanglement of mass caused by em

the rules to correct both camps are found within observing 'life' and the energy of living structures (the 'progression' is perfectly represented by the 'golden ratio' and evidenced throughout archeology; evidence)

the amount of material, now, available is huge
thanks, as i hope to bump into more like you; willing to change for the good of knowledge and understanding. (our future)

i will and always have been willing to learn and change (hence why i can stand up straight and know/represent that, both camps (sciences and theologies), are a weeeeeeee bit short of 'understanding'.)

Neither are infallible because of the people, not the intent of the discipline.

as when i speak of evolution, i start off with atoms and energy versus adam and eve

and when i speak of gravity, i start with the entanglement of mass caused by em

the rules to correct both camps are found within observing 'life' and the energy of living structures (the 'progression' is perfectly represented by the 'golden ratio' and evidenced throughout archeology; evidence)

the amount of material, now, available is huge

I agree. While I find it unfortunate that people still believe in the Abrahamic religions, I appreciate their right to believe in whatever they want. I understand that my country's foundation of keeping church and state separate enables the religious, not only myself, to be free of persecution for believing whatever it is we believe.

We live in a very interesting time. More and more people are openly denouncing faith of any variety, and it's opening up the door for earnest discussions about the nature of faith. That's something we've never really seen before. Or at least not on this scale.
I agree. While I find it unfortunate that people still believe in the Abrahamic religions, I appreciate their right to believe in whatever they want. I understand that my country's foundation of keeping church and state separate enables the religious, not only myself, to be free of persecution for believing whatever it is we believe.

We live in a very interesting time. More and more people are openly denouncing faith of any variety, and it's opening up the door for earnest discussions about the nature of faith. That's something we've never really seen before. Or at least not on this scale.
i think it is kind of cool

such that oppression and suppression cannot exist on a universal scale of old

'we the people' will exceed, what the old tried to maintain as absolute.

this is our time!

the old failed, and need to step aside; or else!
i think it is kind of cool

such that oppression and suppression cannot exist on a universal scale of old

'we the people' will exceed, what the old tried to maintain as absolute.

this is our time!

the old failed, and need to step aside; or else!

Unfortunately, when the Abrahamic religions do eventually fail, they will just be replaced by new ones. They will be more modern, and more in-tune with today's (or tomorrow's) society, but they will be religions all the same.

Our species seems to be hard-wired for faith. It's likely because we are answer-seekers, and as such we take comfort in having answers. Science can't answer everything, obviously, and so we will never fail to retreat into institutions that offer exactly that.
Unfortunately, when the Abrahamic religions do eventually fail, they will just be replaced by new ones.

not gonna happen, ever again.
Our species seems to be hard-wired for faith. It's likely because we are answer-seekers, and as such we take comfort in having answers. Science can't answer everything, obviously, and so we will never fail to retreat into institutions that offer exactly that.

you bet we all seekers by nature

but please have a weeeeee bit of faith, in mankind. As you should know if the progression is a real observable truth, then EVENTUALLY someone had to hit the nail on the head.

guess who?

not gonna happen, ever again.

Sure it will. People create new religions all the time. Have you ever heard of the Raelians? It's a UFO religion. It's real, and it's pretty damn big.

you bet we all seekers by nature

but please have a weeeeee bit of faith, in mankind. As you should know if the progression is a real observable truth, then EVENTUALLY someone had to hit the nail on the head.

guess who?

It's not about having faith in humanity. It's about understanding our hardware. We're meant to have faith. Not everyone does, but the majority of humans do, for whatever reason, and that can't be ignored. It's not going to change, either. Homo sapiens will have religion as long as they exist.
Sure it will. People create new religions all the time. Have you ever heard of the Raelians? It's a UFO religion. It's real, and it's pretty damn big.

and do they know life and how we exist upon mass, within existence itself?

so if they and you knew this, would/will you ever need a religion?

will your kids?

if everyone was clearly honest and taught the truth; religions would fall (the globe over)

It's not about having faith in humanity. It's about understanding our hardware.
and we can think, learn, and create.

being aware of that hardware is how we can understand what we are.

We're meant to have faith.
to you perhaps

i trust, that i exist; from there, i learn!

and to be honest about what is, then to be confident that all of mankind is seeking the truth and once the absolute principles are understood; then mankind can be 'free'

once and for all

Not everyone does, but the majority of humans do, for whatever reason, and that can't be ignored.
never said it/they should or would.

but them folks will be returned to the dirt while the next can evolve. And once the absolute is in existence, then nothing can stop the final result

"existence comprehending itself" (mankind becoming aware, in fact)

It's not going to change, either.

if you actually believe that, then step aside

Homo sapiens will have religion as long as they exist.

if that is your choice, then go lay by your dish!

you can cave in to the 'beliefs' of mankind requires 'beliefs'

but i will never!

'we' are mankind and 'we' don't have to accept any BS, from anyone that is retaining beliefs over reality!

As to me, if people are lying, then they be dying; by their own choice!

(time proves; that the unevolved, will eventually go extinct)
and do they know life and how we exist upon mass, within existence itself?

so if they and you knew this, would/will you ever need a religion?

will your kids?

if everyone was clearly honest and taught the truth; religions would fall (the globe over)

and we can think, learn, and create.

being aware of that hardware is how we can understand what we are.

to you perhaps

i trust, that i exist; from there, i learn!

and to be honest about what is, then to be confident that all of mankind is seeking the truth and once the absolute principles are understood; then mankind can be 'free'

once and for all

never said it/they should or would.

but them folks will be returned to the dirt while the next can evolve. And once the absolute is in existence, then nothing can stop the final result

"existence comprehending itself" (mankind becoming aware, in fact)

if you actually believe that, then step aside

if that is your choice, then go lay by your dish!

you can cave in to the 'beliefs' of mankind requires 'beliefs'

but i will never!

'we' are mankind and 'we' don't have to accept any BS, from anyone that is retaining beliefs over reality!

As to me, if people are lying, then they be dying; by their own choice!

(time proves; that the unevolved, will eventually go extinct)

So all you've demonstrated here is that you're as unwilling to change your mind as the religious folks you criticize. You're also about as knowledgeable in the field as they are, as well. :rolleyes:

There are so many factors you aren't taking into account here that it's not even worth discussing. You're also completely failing to see that there are some incredible truths out there right now that are available to everyone, and there are still billions of religious people in the world. One of your crimes against intelligence is your underestimation of man's ability to be stupid.
So all you've demonstrated here is that you're as unwilling to change your mind as the religious folks you criticize. You're also about as knowledgeable in the field as they are, as well. :rolleyes:
hey dog.................

not a line in there says anything about NOT CHANGING or evolving with knowledge;

what you just posted shared you are the pot (being ignorant and complacent; then calling another such)

i live for the future to progress, and you mad at what? not thinking like you?

There are so many factors you aren't taking into account here that it's not even worth discussing.

then why you and i talking, if you have no intent of addressing items, directly....

this post you put up is a rant and has nothing in it except the 'i don't wanna'

cannot You're also completely failing to see that there are some incredible truths out there right now that are available to everyone,

that is all i do...............

live within them 'truths' of material evidence

most everything i ever claim or state is tied to evidence, or i would not be posting

some claim integrity, i try with every bit of my capacity to maintain it!

and there are still billions of religious people in the world. One of your crimes against intelligence is your underestimation of man's ability to be stupid.

you are providing an example, that i am well aware of

but you fail in the exact opposite; you do not trust that the core principles of reality will supercede dogma.

you do not trust us (mankind/we the people) will eventually be capable, equal and whipe out the ignorance of beliefs.

i look at the 'good' of our species and perhaps you lost faith in 'us'
