Religious integrity

Practice what you preach is about as simple as I can make religious integrity be. Integrity is lost when those who are predisposed to play by a set of rules break them.
Practice what you preach is about as simple as I can make religious integrity be. Integrity is lost when those who are predisposed to play by a set of rules break them.

that is pretty sound.

eg.............. thou shalt not fib!

i say, mankind would NEVER have an issue with religion if that rule was followed.

how many agree?

which is funny, as the majority of the religious of Torah, bible, OT; ALL believe a burning bush gave up the commands

I suppose you have a source for that?

so your opinion is different. Perhaps you can tell us where the commandments came from.

Notorius B.I.G.

but realiy don't work on magical creations from a god;
Nobody said it did. :shrug:

show us something rational about god talking to one person over another?

Show us something rational about everything being born out of primeval goo?

It says man became aware of choice, used words to describe, the garden (nature) provides and mankind has and is capable of good and bad. (and can live forever in what 'they' do (we the people))

You mean, that's what you think it says.
You don't really understand the full meaning of what it says, because
your dogma won't allow it.

I suppose you have a source for that?
see post 22

Show us something rational about everything being born out of primeval goo?
what goo?

do you mean the religious idea?

Genesis 1
1In the beginning of God's preparing the heavens and the earth --

2the earth hath existed waste and void, and darkness [is] on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God fluttering on the face of the waters,

3and God saith, `Let light be;' and light is.

or perhaps the evolution from atoms and energy over time?

You mean, that's what you think it says.
You don't really understand the full meaning of what it says, because
your dogma won't allow it.

now these kinds of posts are stupid.

for one, i wrote what i thought; as my opinion

it represents no one, nor a dogma, nor by doggy religious folks nor ignorant scientific folks and definitely not plagerized from anyone on this earth

it was an opinion that allows each to perhaps comprehend the metaphor of the story.

if you can offer something that is clearer, then anyone can read it

but you are just getting stupid, beyond belief

see post 22

So let me get this straight.
You quote the text in question, then say;
"that is where the torah was (OT) is supposed to have come from".
That's your source?

what goo?
the evolution from atoms and energy over time?

Yes, the one that brought forth conciousness, art, poetry, philosophy, religion, etc

now these kinds of posts are stupid.

for one, i wrote what i thought; as my opinion

I'm not denying that.
The reality is, your mind will not go any further than what
it is set to (mind-set).

it represents no one, nor a dogma, nor by doggy religious folks nor ignorant scientific folks and definitely not plagerized from anyone on this earth

The basis of your belief system is macro-evolution.
So the idea of spirit, and matter, matter being manifested by spirit, or spirit being in control of matter cannot be entertained by you, because your dogma holds that everything is matter, including spirit. You are basically, an atheist.

it was an opinion that allows each to perhaps comprehend the metaphor of the story.

Which you have brickwall limited it to macro-evol being the key to the story.
Hence, you cannot go any further.

if you can offer something that is clearer, then anyone can read it

I already have, some will understand it, some won't.
The open-minded will understand it regardless of their belief.

but you are just getting stupid, beyond belief

You are not open-minded.
When you are able to talk about God without resorting to belittlement, from the point of view of the actual scripture, the person you are discussing with.
That will be a good sign of the development of open-mindedness.

So let me get this straight.
You quote the text in question, then say;
"that is where the torah was (OT) is supposed to have come from".
That's your source?
For the religious belief? YES!

There is no other source (that i am aware of) for the core beliefs of the 'three' religions of Abraham; Torah/OT based "genesis".

(zoroasterism is within Islam; as that it is the one large religion that combines the east and west)
Yes, the one that brought forth conciousness, art, poetry, philosophy, religion, etc

then we on the same page if from atoms and energy versus adam and eve (genesis)

In quran, it is written when the truth comes (end times), it will be like a 'second creation' (which to me, WILL reflect the evolution)

I'm not denying that.
The reality is, your mind will not go any further than what
it is set to (mind-set).
my MIND-SET is that each child born should be given the most pure and absolute of truth, so that they have a chance to understand life without having to go thru what 'WE ALL HAVE" (having to weed thru the truth about life itself)

neither the sciences or religions have it right

both have their 'beliefs'

The basis of your belief system is macro-evolution.
Not me!

micro or planck in scale is where the rules reveal themselves. From how atoms and energy associate to consciousnes and much of the unknown phenomenon in between.

the difference between me and most is i prefer causality over acceptance of laws. Meaning, the 2LOT was incorporated (a macro analogy) to the qubit of energy (planck scale), which is the greatest error in physics.

Heat is not an energy! It is a property of mass caused by energy (light) upon mass. (the spirit of mass is light; metaphorically addressed)

(it is also the literal reality of what energy is; foundation of the paradigm shift)
So the idea of spirit, and matter, matter being manifested by spirit, or spirit being in control of matter cannot be entertained by you, because your dogma holds that everything is matter, including spirit. You are basically, an atheist.
E=mc2 shared that when you bust up an atom, the missing mass is just em (light) in all her illustrious wavelengths.

Mass is simply em (light) affixed in time; always has been.

To you i am in dogma, but in reality have both feet holding onto the earth.

Every line i post is grounded in ONE SCOPE of truth:

If existence only operates ONE way; then the math is the "name" to know.

that 'name' is the math to represent the trinity (mass, energy and time); the process of.

The 'big ToE'

You are not open-minded.
i learn, but i will not believe in something just because others do unless i can ground the ideology to nature/reality.

Meaning; i will keep both feet planted firmly before ever accepting an opinion as truth. I trust reality and will remain honest to reality over any opinion; pope, professor and/or governing person.

if you have an opinion about knowledge and the thread, i would love to read something i never saw before

but please, quit all the labeling of me as an atheist, dogma, or whatever namesake you like to use to isolate a person; as i am non of the above!

i am honest and will learn and share; like it, don't like it, whine about it; i could care less as i don't work for you; i work for the children, our future!

When you are able to talk about God without resorting to belittlement, from the point of view of the actual scripture, the person you are discussing with.
That will be a good sign of the development of open-mindedness.


i will belittle any who fib

as there is NO right to fibbing, ever!

anyone who is too prideful to be fair and honest, i can address, on my own, with or without your approval

when you find an item you believe i should read to assist in developing, then please share it.

otherwise to label me a dogma kind of guy, shares you don't read.
)i will belittle any who fib

as there is NO right to fibbing, ever!

anyone who is too prideful to be fair and honest, i can address, on my own, with or without your approval

when you find an item you believe i should read to assist in developing, then please share it.

otherwise to label me a dogma kind of guy, shares you don't read.

I belittle any who claim not to fib.
Anyone who says they never lie is lying.
There is a right to lie when it concerns someone asking something which is none of their damn business or when something is being unfairly forced on someone.
Usually, honesty is best but there are exceptions. Attempting to absolutely never lie is, at best, foolish & probably selfdeceptive. It's impractical & sometimes harmful.
where are all these 'great' answers coming from?
From my evolved brain.

...One of the funniest beliefs I find is the one where everything we percieve is a manifestation of primeval goo...
You know what else is funny?
- How matter can attract other matter over vast distances with an invisible force.
- How different arrangements of protons, neutrons, and electrons can result in substances as different as water and uranium.
- How a star can self destruct, but we continue to see it in the sky for billions of years.

I could go on. Scientific facts are often counter-intuitive.

You know what else is funny?
- How matter can attract other matter over vast distances with an invisible force.
- How different arrangements of protons, neutrons, and electrons can result in substances as different as water and uranium.
- How a star can self destruct, but we continue to see it in the sky for billions of years.

I could go on. Scientific facts are often counter-intuitive.

That doesn't seem as funny to me.

I'm not really sure there is such a thing as religious integrity. Sure, maybe before we knew what made the sky go "BOOM", or what made the earth shake. But today? Today, when we know about weather systems and plate techtonics? No, sir.

You can't have integrity when the belief in said religion requires you to ignore your reasoning mind.

The closest one can come is to keep their religion to themselves, and out of our political and education systems.
I'm not really sure there is such a thing as religious integrity. Sure, maybe before we knew what made the sky go "BOOM", or what made the earth shake. But today? Today, when we know about weather systems and plate techtonics? No, sir.

You can't have integrity when the belief in said religion requires you to ignore your reasoning mind.

The closest one can come is to keep their religion to themselves, and out of our political and education systems.

how about putting religion into the history lessons and leave the integrity to the people.

religions don't run our lives unless we let them

honesty compassion and integity are what we all can maintain without anyone telling us what to think!
how about putting religion into the history lessons and leave the integrity to the people.

religions don't run our lives unless we let them

honesty compassion and integity are what we all can maintain without anyone telling us what to think!

I would agree with all that if it weren't clear that religion is still very much a part of human society, and likely will always be.

There is an evolutionary benefit to faith, I think. Even if it's mere delusion, the need for it is obvious in some people.

What we have to strive toward is a society where the secular temper the religious, and keep faith and religious ideology out of government and education. That's the best we can hope for.

For the record, I'm not saying the monotheistic religions of today won't someday disappear--they all almost certainly will--but I do believe that they will be replaced with new religions that cater to their modern fears.
I would agree with all that if it weren't clear that religion is still very much a part of human society, and likely will always be.

There is an evolutionary benefit to faith, I think. Even if it's mere delusion, the need for it is obvious in some people.

What we have to strive toward is a society where the secular temper the religious, and keep faith and religious ideology out of government and education. That's the best we can hope for.

For the record, I'm not saying the monotheistic religions of today won't someday disappear--they all almost certainly will--but I do believe that they will be replaced with new religions that cater to their modern fears.

i think i am falling in love with you!

There is an evolutionary benefit to faith

and like history, there are lessons we all can learn

sure beliefs will always be a part of history, just like Ptolemy's universe was the mathematical model for about 1500 years.

the point is, them trial and error lessons are a part of us all.

yet, to know the evolution is progressing, then also realize a day will/would come that the absolute truth, the foundation and comprehensible principles will unfold. (the revealing of old literature (from the historical docs hint hint))

to have that 'faith' makes a bunch of sense and then each can have a sort of additional HOPE, that is grounded (that one day mankind will understand)

i consider this a huge step; having faith that one day the children will know the truth that is pure to existence versus just opinions

and the funniest part of the whole issue is that within most every religion, within 'their' literature; the root of faith is that ONE day, the truth WILL exist. (end times...etc.... to read within, (western beliefs) there is commenting about 'x' upon the head: i say that is knowledge)

but the 'believers' for the most part, are completely unaware of this truth.

some say; "NO don't get a mark, its from the beast"

but do they have theirs?

rev 22

3and any curse there shall not be any more, and the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him,

4and they shall see His face, and His name [is] upon their foreheads,

so do all the 'good and bad' have their own mark?

but lets try it my way; with knowledge

try the idea of carbon 12.. (chemical isotope)

all life is of carbon, right?

6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons

so no matter what, knowledge is what marks; the evolution of, is what sets mankind free!

ps.... that one don't wash off!
I'm sure one day we'll learn where we come from. And I guarantee it will be more awe-inspiring and breathtaking than any god ever created by any confused and primitive society.

And that answer will raise more questions.

And those questions will spawn new mythologies. Or even solidfy old ones.

And the cycle continues!
I'm sure one day we'll learn where we come from. And I guarantee it will be more awe-inspiring and breathtaking than any god ever created by any confused and primitive society.

And that answer will raise more questions.

And those questions will spawn new mythologies. Or even solidfy old ones.

And the cycle continues!

but (hang on) BUT.......... if (IF) the absolute in truth was written. Something like an owners manual for each kid out-of-the-shoot, was capable of observing; then 'truth' can and will exist and then could never be destroyed or oppressed again!

Such as if you know, you were life upon mass and your very existence depended on what you do; you personally would be involved with making sure as many as you even came into contact with would be just as capable too.

Reality can be taught as purely as a language; in that each word represents a purpose; rather then a misleading opinion.

In a sense, when each associate, they would know their actions represent who they are; and to be a 'loss to the common' them cancers also become extinct, eventually.

so i'm a dreamer........... :rolleyes:
On integrity:

The closest one can come is to keep their religion to themselves, and out of our political and education systems.

I, and I'm sure several of us, couldn't agree more.

Although I think I've heard that one before.
(might have to repeat it for Jan)
but (hang on) BUT.......... if (IF) the absolute in truth was written. Something like an owners manual for each kid out-of-the-shoot, was capable of observing; then 'truth' can and will exist and then could never be destroyed or oppressed again!

You're losing me a little bit...well, OK, you're losing me a I'll just discuss this line I've quoted.

I'm not exactly sure what "absolute truth" you're speaking of, or if it even exists in such a cut-and-dry manner. For all we know, Homo sapiens is as incapable of comprehending it (or perhaps of even asking the right question) as a chimp is of comprehending fiction.

But even if it does, don't underestimate the ability of man to deceive itself. Consider that we know today that the Biblical flood story is nothing more than a retelling of the Epic of Gilgamesh, and that there is every possibility that the New Testament is simply a retelling of the Old Testament, and yet there are still billions of believers. Consider the progress we've made in our understanding of biology, and people still consider something as instinctual as sexuality to be a choice, of all things.

We fool ourselves all the time. Hell, for all the talking I do, I cannot help but believe in karma. As dumb as that sounds, and as much as it often embarasses me to admit, I often find myself behaving in certain ways because I fear the old rule of "What goes around comes around." Even though I know, in my rational mind, that the idea is ridiculous.
You're losing me a little bit...well, OK, you're losing me a I'll just discuss this line I've quoted.

I'm not exactly sure what "absolute truth" you're speaking of, or if it even exists in such a cut-and-dry manner. For all we know, Homo sapiens is as incapable of comprehending it (or perhaps of even asking the right question) as a chimp is of comprehending fiction.
to me, the absolute is the knowledge born from objective truth.

such that red is red and blue is blue; nothing personal about it

rocks are dirt and light is em

life is purposed to continue, and we are alive

we want to live, we want to know how it works (every person ever born has questioned, what am i doing here?)

But even if it does, don't underestimate the ability of man to deceive itself.
i agree

Consider that we know today that the Biblical flood story is nothing more than a retelling of the Epic of Gilgamesh, and that there is every possibility that the New Testament is simply a retelling of the Old Testament, and yet there are still billions of believers. Consider the progress we've made in our understanding of biology, and people still consider something as instinctual as sexuality to be a choice, of all things.

We fool ourselves all the time.
i agree

knowledge evolved, even past the regression (the bible story absorbing the old metaphor; but you saw the image and are now even more aware of the possibility and evolution of both corruption and progression of knowledge)

Hell, for all the talking I do, I cannot help but believe in karma. As dumb as that sounds, and as much as it often embarasses me to admit, I often find myself behaving in certain ways because I fear the old rule of "What goes around comes around." Even though I know, in my rational mind, that the idea is ridiculous.

the term may be rediculous but not the reality of it.

think of poles of a magnet; in the middle, there is a balance, at each pole they have their opposite. Ride the roller coaster and feel the highs and lows.

it is natural in all areas of mother nature

ps....(i would trust your experiences over your predeterminations otherwise you may lose the chance at knowing the possibilities; learning the unknown)
to me, the absolute is the knowledge born from objective truth.

such that red is red and blue is blue; nothing personal about it

Fair enough.

And I may be nitpicking here, but red and blue are very personal. I happen to be colorblind, so my red and blue are not your red and blue. :)