Religious integrity


I am finding that the best way to be able to represent your integrity is good, would be to read the material.

Meaning; if any person wanted to support or disagree with any theology; would it seem correct to have read all the material and understand it?

where i am coming from is many share information based on what they were taught and point to the verifying source but for some reason to actually read through the provided material it contradicts what was represented by the very party.

what is 'religious integrity'?
Admitting the claims for the supernatural are false.

but but butt.... what about omnipotence and magic? Can't they be the last word?

could you imagine being back in the 1st century with walkie talkies and a friend like me, (with a mean streak)

we could have ruled the world; cuz we were 'talkin to God,' and no one would know the difference

who could explain what the magic 'arc' (receiver/transmitter) was?

but it talked and wanted girls to be all making children by me, first.

maybe i should start a religion?
but but butt.... what about omnipotence and magic?

Concepts for the delusional to use when trying to explain how things work.

could you imagine being back in the 1st century with walkie talkies and a friend like me, (with a mean streak)

we could have ruled the world; cuz we were 'talkin to God,' and no one would know the difference

who could explain what the magic 'arc' (receiver/transmitter) was?

I could. No magic required, no gods, no bullshit. Just simple explanations to things that can be explained.

maybe i should start a religion?

Just what the world needs, more cults.
Concepts for the delusional to use when trying to explain how things work.

makes sense
not in the 1st century; no one could cuz the words had not even 'evolved' back then to describe even a nuclear sub

No magic required, no gods, no bullshit. Just simple explanations to things that can be explained.

Just what the world needs, more cults.

i guess humor is your least favorite subject

could you imagine being back in the 1st century with walkie talkies and a friend like me, (with a mean streak)

we could have ruled the world; cuz we were 'talkin to God,' and no one would know the difference

You could, but the truth would actually be you talking on the radio with your friend.
Religious integrity, is being able to discriminate between truth and false, matter and spirit.

who could explain what the magic 'arc' (receiver/transmitter) was?

You wouldn't need to explain what they were, you only need know that you are a fraud.
Eventually your deceitful character would give you away, to someone who had developed religious integrity.

maybe i should start a religion?

You better hurry, I hear that at some point all religions are going to come under the control of the pope. :)

In my opinion, religious integrity is the same as any other form of integrity. ie standing up for what you believe in.

You could, but the truth would actually be you talking on the radio with your friend.
Religious integrity, is being able to discriminate between truth and false, matter and spirit.

they said bushes that burn can talk inthe bible, at least i could provide evidence as to how i did it.

You wouldn't need to explain what they were, you only need know that you are a fraud.

now you can see my point

Eventually your deceitful character would give you away, to someone who had developed religious integrity.

so is religious integrity based on explainable evidence or the BS of people who just say what is true.

Looks to me like the religious quacks must follow lies in order to keep their list of anti truths.

at least anyone can see where you will fit in the prophecies

8How do ye say, We [are] wise, And the law of Jehovah [is] with us? Surely, lo, falsely it hath wrought, The false pen of scribes.
I am finding that the best way to be able to represent your integrity is good, would be to read the material.

Meaning; if any person wanted to support or disagree with any theology; would it seem correct to have read all the material and understand it?

where i am coming from is many share information based on what they were taught and point to the verifying source but for some reason to actually read through the provided material it contradicts what was represented by the very party.

what is 'religious integrity'?

It's the intellectual and emotional honesty to take responsibility for how you think and act, not simply dumping it all on your religion, and also realizing religion is PART of life, not one's whole life. People with religious integrity think about things for themselves rather than just simply following others because they share the same religion or are "higher ups" in that religion, and don't confuse their religion with its representatives.

I don't think a moderator said you can't quote something which supports your view or that you can't make short quotes which help express your view.
I suspect, as is usual with theists, you're greatly exaggerrating the restriction.
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they said bushes that burn can talk inthe bible, at least i could provide evidence as to how i did it.

Two points;

Your statement doesn't make any sense.
And who says; bushes that burn can talk in the bible.

now you can see my point

But the FACT is, you would be a fraud. We all know that.
How do you KNOW that God is made up?

jan said:
Eventually your deceitful character would give you away, to someone who had developed religious integrity.

so is religious integrity based on explainable evidence or the BS of people who just say what is true.

1) Going back to the actual point, your deceit would be the evidence one would use to know you are lying.

2) If folk just say "what is true", then it's not BS. :)

Looks to me like the religious quacks must follow lies in order to keep their list of anti truths.

And what of the non-religious quacks?

at least anyone can see where you will fit in the prophecies

Is this statement really necessary?

8How do ye say, We [are] wise, And the law of Jehovah [is] with us? Surely, lo, falsely it hath wrought, The false pen of scribes.

What do you think that means?


Integrity inherently involves being honest,

i agree with this part

open, clear & consistent.
'open and clear' means very little as language is often a barrier between math and comprehension too; eg... what the blank is........... 'uncertainty' or 'random' or 'chaos'.

'consistent" is always good but without 'trial and error' how do we learn?

without having both the intent and the duty to observe your acheivements and losses, how could knowledge or understanding evolve?

'religious integrity' is different in this context of isolating the words 'integrity' because the 'religious' consider their opinions set in stone (the 'word')

so the thread idea is; is that integrity based on what is written or what is taught?

the differences are huge!
Two points;

Your statement doesn't make any sense.
And who says; bushes that burn can talk in the bible.
The burning bush is where Moses is supposed to have received 'the law' (commandments) (Torah, OT, 5 books of Moses)

the whole abrahamic chain of religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam; the three ladies) came from this foundation.

perhaps you are not aware of the western theologies, jan?

did you not know this is where the bible is derived from?


But the FACT is, you would be a fraud.
for sharing the little basics, apparently, you did not know?

We all know that.
How do you KNOW that God is made up?
because every word used by mankind, mankind made up; just basic common sense, (for the honest)

1) Going back to the actual point, your deceit would be the evidence one would use to know you are lying.
about what?

show me!

2) If folk just say "what is true", then it's not BS. :)

i agree, i already know bushes don't talk and it sound to me like you know the same but apparently didn't know the literature called 'bible'.

so you must agree, the integrity behind some beliefs is practically funny

do you have something to add?

or do you prefer calling me a liar for teaching you items that everyone should already know?

And what of the non-religious quacks?
i don't know any personally

most are just responsible for their own actions and once in a while from the crowd one may step up and say something when a misrepresentation is made.

most of the 'good' don't believe it is a right to misrepresent and not be held accountable.

that is why the militant religious just killed them, in the old days (inquisitions)

heck in some beliefs, to draw a picture of a prophet and your dead.

and even now look at the middle-east..

as it is all based on the 'three ladies' arguing over a stupid rock in the middle of the desert.

Is this statement really necessary?
To me it is, as i am pointing out that the selfish who isolate from truth are the very 'bad guys' written about in the biblical literature; you are one of them just by maintaining your quest to combat truth ('anti-christs') (my opinion)

reality is as it is, i don't care about "politically correct"

this is a forum on religion, we all know many will be contested.

i personally care more to at least let folks read 'truth' and face it within, than let the corrupt just step on the minds of thinking folk seeking real answers

What do you think that means?


do you mean this

How do ye say, We [are] wise, And the law of Jehovah [is] with us? Surely, lo, falsely it hath wrought, The false pen of scribes.

the people of beliefs say they got is right and will lie about it based the 'false pen of scribes'..... (that frame of truth is all over most every religious text and is all over the bible too)

i am not a scribe! I didn't write the old works.

But them before made many false claims, in many religions; all over the world

what you are getting from me is the real mckoy................... eg... find me lying; just once, please! (with evidence and supporting material; ps.... i was born 6/66, so that one is moot)

i may not know everything, but when i post, be certain, you getting about as much depth and research then any you have ever met.
The burning bush is where Moses is supposed to have received 'the law' (commandments) (Torah, OT, 5 books of Moses)...what you are getting from me is the real mckoy................... eg... find me lying; just once, please! (with evidence and supporting material; ps.... i was born 6/66, so that one is moot)

Incorrect. The burning bush was the place from where the Angel of the Lord spoke to Moses, commissioning him to lead Israel out of Eqypt into Canaan (Exodus chap 3 ). The Law was given to Moses om Mt. Sinai after they left Eqypt (Exodus chap 19 & 20 ).

i may not know everything, but when i post, be certain, you getting about as much depth and research then any you have ever met.
;2282155]The burning bush is where Moses is supposed to have received 'the law' (commandments) (Torah, OT, 5 books of Moses)

the whole abrahamic chain of religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam; the three ladies) came from this foundation.

perhaps you are not aware of the western theologies, jan?

did you not know this is where the bible is derived from?

You said "They said...bushes that burn can talk......
I don't know about burning bushes, but you got your ass singed by Photizo.


jan said:
But the FACT is, you would be a fraud

for sharing the little basics, apparently, you did not know?

You said it in your response to (Q). :rolleyes:

because every word used by mankind, mankind made up; just basic common sense, (for the honest)

Define "made up"?

about what?

show me!

For crying out.... go back and read the response I mentioned.

i agree, i already know bushes don't talk and it sound to me like you know the same but apparently didn't know the literature called 'bible'.

I wasn't discussing the bible with you, I was merely interested in your statement.
The bush in question, didn't burn, as it was not consumed by the flames.

so you must agree, the integrity behind some beliefs is practically funny

Anything can be funny if you put your own spin on it, to make it appear so.
One of the funniest beliefs I find is the one where everything we percieve is
a manifestation of primeval goo.

do you have something to add?

or do you prefer calling me a liar for teaching you items that everyone should already know?

Seeing as there is a choice I will take the latter, it is far more entertaining
on all fronts.

To me it is, as i am pointing out that the selfish who isolate from truth are the very 'bad guys' written about in the biblical literature; you are one of them just by maintaining your quest to combat truth ('anti-christs') (my opinion)

Make a list of what it is you believe, in the bible.

this is a forum on religion, we all know many will be contested.

Give me a shout when the contesting starts.

i may not know everything, but when i post, be certain, you getting about as much depth and research then any you have ever met.

I disagree, your dogma prevails.
