Religion Is Logic

Because the world is made of 4 elements, there are 4 main religions. Christianity and Islam mostly say that God is separate from us. In Christianity God is a person, in Islam, God is more abstract. In Hinduism the definition of God gets even more watered down so the self is the same as God. And Buddhists who are more down to earth get rid of that confusion altogether and say that there are no gods, and that's why Buddhism is all about the self and self-realization a.k.a. God-realization.

In the Zodiac of religions Christianity is fire, Islam is wind, Hinduism is water and Buddhism is earth.

By your logic, Hindus are atheists. Does it have to be either theist or atheist? Reality is not just black or white. Atheism and theism are "two" different perspectives of the same reality.

what you descripe here is evolved logic.
-Christianity: lowest form, God must be a person.
-Islam: second to lowest, God is is here somewhere we just do not know where.
-Hinduism:thrid to lowest, I am god and so are you.
-Buddhism: forth to lowest, there is no god.
because we think we are not whole, we project ourselves into separate beings like males, females and gods... so that we can find ourselves outside ourselves. but we can never find ourjoy outside ourselves because we are already here.

what you descripe here is evolved logic.
-Christianity: lowest form, God must be a person.
-Islam: second to lowest, God is is here somewhere we just do not know where.
-Hinduism:thrid to lowest, I am god and so are you.
-Buddhism: forth to lowest, there is no god.

if god exists or not just depends on how you define god. for me, god simply means the creator. and... some other things maybe. i don't think god has to be worshipped, because god is perfect. but i don't have a problem with people who want to worship

i have to be more theistic than atheistic on this forum to balance the yin and yang because most people on this forum are atheists
because we think we are not whole, we project ourselves into separate beings like males, females and gods... so that we can find ourselves outside ourselves. but we can never find ourjoy outside ourselves because we are already here.

if god exists or not just depends on how you define god. for me, god simply means the creator. and... some other things maybe. i don't think god has to be worshipped, because god is perfect. but i don't have a problem with people who want to worship

i have to be more theistic than atheistic on this forum to balance the yin and yang because most people on this forum are atheists

Why worship some "abstract" "watered down " "person", instead of worshiping the logic of man?
That is the difference between religion and sciencs.
what you descripe here is evolved logic.
-Christianity: lowest form, God must be a person.
-Islam: second to lowest, God is is here somewhere we just do not know where.
-Hinduism:thrid to lowest, I am god and so are you.
-Buddhism: forth to lowest, there is no god.

before christianity there was sun-worship. or moon or some other object. "god" was seen as an object. that's the most primitive understanding of "god".

"primitive" people need something concrete. like an object. physical evidence.

god is life. all worship is life worship. i am life.
before christianity there was sun-worship. or moon or some other object. "god" was seen as an object. that's the most primitive understanding of "god".

"primitive" people need something concrete. like an object. physical evidence.

god is life. all worship is life worship. i am life.

All worship is life worship

how much has life improved since everyone worshiped gods, up untill now where more and more people "worships" scienc?

How much potential did any one human have back then opposed to today?
how much has life improved since everyone worshiped gods, up untill now where more and more people "worships" scienc?

Some people don't need to worship gods, because they worship other things in life, mainly males or females. Sex is the biggest religion in the world. The principle of sexual relation ship and God-relationship is the same: to find myself outside my self.

When people have sex, they have a baby, and when people have a relation with god, after going to church and doing prayers etc (ie. sex) many times, they are reborn as a child.. of god.
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