Religion Is Logic


Seen from their limitet logic, it is logical
Logic is not dependent on subjective perception. Either something is true or false or the conclusion is valid or invalid. Or alternatively one simply has inadequate information to determine any outcome.

I think the terms “logic and logical” here are being used in a very imprecise manner. In a technical sense their conclusions are no more than speculations, that they say “it seems logical to me” has no connection to real logic. You seem to be confusing the two.

? the question is not if it is true or not, the question is if it is logical to you.... so if you have been told that if a bird poops on you and you experince it.... then it would be logical to you that it was a sign from god.
I hope you didn’t miss my point and you can see the difference between a logical deduction and the stupidity of miss-assigning cause and effect.

we are talking about logic..... not truth
What’s the difference? The heart of logic is to be able to determine what is true or not.

to those whos logic goes beyond religious beliefs, but it is still logical to those with religious beliefs
As pointed out already it is simply a misuse and /or misunderstanding of what is meant by logic.
Logic is a state of singular understanding. If it isn't, then its a mass of limited understanding.

Logic is not dependent on subjective perception. Either something is true or false or the conclusion is valid or invalid. Or alternatively one simply has inadequate information to determine any outcome.

I think the terms “logic and logical” here are being used in a very imprecise manner. In a technical sense their conclusions are no more than speculations, that they say “it seems logical to me” has no connection to real logic. You seem to be confusing the two.

I hope you didn’t miss my point and you can see the difference between a logical deduction and the stupidity of miss-assigning cause and effect.

What’s the difference? The heart of logic is to be able to determine what is true or not.

As pointed out already it is simply a misuse and /or misunderstanding of what is meant by logic.

Thanks for your input.
But let me try to say it in other words.
math is logic..... right?
the kind of math you learn in say ground school is logic... 1+1=2
The kind of math you learn at the university is also logic... but you have to have a higher level of understanding to see the logic.. Right?

So... if we take two persons, one who only has a ground school education, and one who has an university education.
The one who has the ground school will be able to understand the logic of math to a certain point, when this point is reached what comes after is up to speckulation. Some "ground schooler" might get it right by using their logic, some will never understand higher levels of logic mabye because the choose not to.
The one with the university edu. will be able to understand logic at a much higher level.
What do religions basicly do?
They explain how the world around us work, from a limited point of view.
What do sciencs do?
It explain how the world around us works, from a higher point of view.

When religions started they were using the kind of logic they had achived at that time. if we compare it to the ex. with gronud school and uni. edu.
They were using kindergarden logic. But it is still some form of logic, just a very low form seen from our point of view.
Reiku -


Well for instance, the average human uses logic day in and day out. It's very singular this way. But for large groups of people, logic can be warped and very distorted.

It's funny i should mention this. Yinyang told me a theory which sounds very similar today.
But let me try to say it in other words.
math is logic..... right?
the kind of math you learn in say ground school is logic... 1+1=2
The kind of math you learn at the university is also logic... but you have to have a higher level of understanding to see the logic.. Right?

So... if we take two persons, one who only has a ground school education, and one who has an university education.
The one who has the ground school will be able to understand the logic of math to a certain point, when this point is reached what comes after is up to speckulation. Some "ground schooler" might get it right by using their logic, some will never understand higher levels of logic mabye because the choose not to.
The one with the university edu. will be able to understand logic at a much higher level.
What do religions basicly do?
They explain how the world around us work, from a limited point of view.
What do sciencs do?
It explain how the world around us works, from a higher point of view.

When religions started they were using the kind of logic they had achived at that time. if we compare it to the ex. with gronud school and uni. edu.
They were using kindergarden logic. But it is still some form of logic, just a very low form seen from our point of view.
Logic is a tool. To use it one must start with assumptions.
It is the accuracy of the assumptions that is in question, not really the logic.

One can start from any assumptions and arrive at a "logical" conclusion (if logic is applied correctly) - but the conclusion is of little value if the assumptions are incorrect or inaccurate to begin with.

Take the following two assumptions:
1. All apples are Blue
2. I have an apple.

The apple I hold is blue.

This is a logical conclusion based on the assumptions - but it is of little value in the real world - as the assumptions (one or more) are inaccurate.

Thus with religion - if one starts with inaccurate assumptions then the conclusions are devalued to real-world scenarios, and applicable only to the starting assumptions.

The questions then become: what are the assumptions, and are they valid / accurate.

Most religions start with one basic assumption: God exists
Starting from that assumption, their conclusions might be logical - just of questionable value to those that don't hold the assumption as valid.
Might makes right... This is the sole logic of religon... I need not speak further of this because if you listened in history class the Cathloics owned over 1/3 of the world.
For what seems like a follower of Taosim, you express very unTaoist behavior, YinYangDK

Are you confirming that you and theism are seperate? The goal is to be one with the universe, in complete harmony and balance and cause no Abstraction, as was said in the Tao te Ching; you do not do this.
religion was invented to keep society at bay also because no one understood how the world worked they needed a reason for it so they imagined god (their imaginary frind in the sky)

i'mm an atheist (I'm only 13 so my arguments arent that strong)
religion was invented to keep society at bay also because no one understood how the world worked they needed a reason for it so they imagined god (their imaginary frind in the sky)

i'mm an atheist (I'm only 13 so my arguments arent that strong)
M*W: Well, I am impressed with you! You are mature for your age. Don't discount yourself. You have a lot of wisdom.

Please. That hardly shows wisdom, but a single point of view, which shouldn't be read into too much.
M*W: Well, I am impressed with you! You are mature for your age. Don't discount yourself. You have a lot of wisdom.

I was an atheist when i was 13, but when i was 17 i started to understand what religions were talking about when they were talking about god, so i couldn't be an atheist anymore. But now when i understand what "god" is i can't be a theist either, because Hindus say that the self is god.
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Please. That hardly shows wisdom, but a single point of view, which shouldn't be read into too much.
M*W: Reiku: For a 13 year-old, I think he's on the right track. He should be encouraged for his enlightened thinking instead of being confused.

Yorda: You are a victim of disenlightenment. You have gone backward in your thinking, and that's a problem. You're stuck in your own manure.
For what seems like a follower of Taosim, you express very unTaoist behavior, YinYangDK

Are you confirming that you and theism are seperate? The goal is to be one with the universe, in complete harmony and balance and cause no Abstraction, as was said in the Tao te Ching; you do not do this.

Well..... I might seem like a follower of Taosim because Í use the handel Yinyang..... but Im not.
Q. What is Yinyang a symbol of?
A. two opposites, 0/1.

This is from another thread: : Subcultures : Pseudoscience : Does Time Move At All?
I belive that time is not a factor.
Time is precived backwards.
Time is the past.

You can not change the past and there for you can not change time.

Everything happens in the precent, RIGHT NOW.
You can not change what you did 1 sek. ago or yesterday.

Our minds can remember and learn from the past.
And that is what we call time.

We know from past expirence that it takes an average acorn , time , to grow into a tree.
What it depence on is : (a)potential and

If a+b=1 Then

Everything is binary, either something happens or it don´t.
1 it happens, 0 it don´t.

What it depence on is; what potentials does it have and are the circumstances fulfilled. If this is so then 1.
If not fulfilled then 0.

We can speed up "time" by changing the circumstances.
If an acorn have optimale circumstances it will grow quicker, because it is easier to achive the potential.
religion was invented to keep society at bay also because no one understood how the world worked they needed a reason for it so they imagined god (their imaginary frind in the sky)

i'mm an atheist (I'm only 13 so my arguments arent that strong)

How do you know that religion was invented to keep society at bay?

Any primative culture known to man, have at some point in time looked at the world and thought..... " WOW... How was this made?"

Today We know what tectonic plates are and that mountains at made when two tectonic plates crash into eachother.

Here is something along the lines of what a "caveman" could logically think:

I can make molehill, but I would never be able to make a mountain... so how was the mountain made?
Who ever made it must have been huge!

This could very well be the way the idea of gods came to be.
I was an atheist when i was 13, but when i was 17 i started to understand what religions were talking about when they were talking about god, so i couldn't be an atheist anymore. But now when i understand what "god" is i can't be a theist either, because Hindus say that the self is god.

By your logic, everyone is a god.
So stop beliving in gods and start beliving in your self.

This would still make you an atheist. (no matter how much you call your self a god)
Reiku: For a 13 year-old, I think he's on the right track. He should be encouraged for his enlightened thinking instead of being confused.

Yep he is on the right track.......... He has accepted that he is an atheist, what he needs now is to develop his logic.
Because the world is made of 4 elements, there are 4 main religions. Christianity and Islam mostly say that God is separate from us. In Christianity God is a person, in Islam, God is more abstract. In Hinduism the definition of God gets even more watered down so the self is the same as God. And Buddhists who are more down to earth get rid of that confusion altogether and say that there are no gods, and that's why Buddhism is all about the self and self-realization a.k.a. God-realization.

In the Zodiac of religions Christianity is fire, Islam is wind, Hinduism is water and Buddhism is earth.

This would still make you an atheist. (no matter how much you call your self a god)

By your logic, Hindus are atheists. Does it have to be either theist or atheist? Reality is not just black or white. Atheism and theism are "two" different perspectives of the same reality.
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