Religion, Dinosaurs, A.I. and Aliens

What are you talking about?! Humans are animals, members of the kingdom animalia.

Funny, this brings back some old arguements I had with my mother. She was a devoted Christian. I would go to school and they taught me that I was an animal. I would go home and tell my mother that we were animals and she would go through the roof.

To this day, I clearly remember her responses. She would get enraged, and proclaim that we were humans not animals. I would tell my teacher that my mother told me we were not animals, we were human. My teacher's response was subdued compared to my mothers response. But my teacher insisted that I was an animal and if I answered otherwise on my tests, the answer would be wrong. So as a kid, it was perplexing. I could not understand why my location should affect my status in the world. But it was a lesson I learned, at school I was an animal. At home I was a human. :) It was just another of those mysteries of my youth that remained unexplained for a period of time.

I think of myself as a Christian and I have no problem with evolution. I view evolution and religion as two ends of the same string. Both seek to know the face of God. However, I know a good number of Chrisitans who find Christianity inconsistent with evolution and some of the sciences and take a very narrow and strict intrepretation of the Bible. In their view God created all of the animals of the world at the same time. Some like the dinosaurs died out. But they did not evolve. So everything living today, lived at the instant of creation. Now that does not fully explain the issue. But that is how I have heard it explained. The differences get chalked up in the one of those mysteries column.

On the subject of Aliens, I don't think it is a problem for most Christian sects. Catholics have embraced the idea of aliens and are not threatened by it.
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What "Charlton Heston video"?
And was it proof or was it typical TV-style unsupported crap?

The video in the comaprative religion forum. That was the first i have seen or heard of that but it is documentary style. 'The visitor' linked a 5 or 6 movies it is the first link.
The video in the comaprative religion forum. That was the first i have seen or heard of that but it is documentary style. 'The visitor' linked a 5 or 6 movies it is the first link.
Why didn't you say so. Referring to a link in a different thread without saying it's in a different thread is rather silly.
So, like I said: "typical TV-style unsupported crap".
It was pseudoscientific nonsense used as a mouthpiece for known cranks.
The program was widely criticized by the scientific community. Donald Johanson said it was "absolutely shameful, and it sort of sets us back 100 years".[2] Jim Foley of TalkOrigins called it a "pseudo-scientific mishmash of discredited claims and crackpot ideas"

The show did not include comments from even one token reputable scientist.
The next segment featured Carl Baugh, who talked about the supposed human footprints found alongside dinosaur tracks at the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas. The voice-over introduced him as archaeologist Carl Baugh, but the on-screen title referred to him as anthropologist Carl Baugh. In real life, however, Baugh is best known as Reverend Carl Baugh.
No mention was made of the painstaking research performed by Glen Kuban, Ronnie Hastings, Laurie Godfrey and others a decade ago, which showed conclusively that these trackways are made by dinosaurs. When mud fills in the toes of a fresh tridactyl dinosaur print, the resultant track can look similar to a human’s

So, one more time: what "proof" that humans and dinosaurs co-existed?

Oh yeah, The Visitor even credited the show incorrectly: it was NBC, the BBC doesn't stoop to such tripe.
It was pseudoscientific nonsense used as a mouthpiece for known cranks.

Oh yeah, The Visitor even credited the show incorrectly: it was NBC, the BBC doesn't stoop to such tripe.
Your pointing out I quoted the wrong network source? That's your big arguement?
Ha, Ha, Ha.....!!!

That shows just how little proof you really have. That's all you had to go with? How pathetic.
You have no idea what you are talking about.

Sure, the program was widely criticised by the scientific community.
The information contained within blows the lid off all of their cover stories.

It wasn't about dinosaurs living with man, That was only the first few minites.
The real topic was the great ancient civilizations that existed here before us both the scientific and religious communities are denying.
They are neither one telling their followers the truth. You think I'm on the religious side?
Oh no. They've all got blood on their hands. Both sides have killed innocent people to keep this thing a secret.

Calling me a known crank....Thank You.

I wouldn't be associated with the so-called "scientific community" if they paid me a billion dollars.

The world history they promote has been proven to be nothing but lies, and anyone who stands up to them and exposes truth is ostracized.
You can keep your doctor degrees in the scientific community just as you can keep them in the religious one.

Dr. holier than thou, reverend holy Dr. so and so...It's all the same thing. A closed system.

Patting each other on the back, while hiding the truth and murdering to keep it hidden.

Then they brainwash little flunkies like you to spew their propaganda.
Like spreading rose pedals before their holy feet.
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Sure, the program was widely criticised by the scientific community.
The information contained within blows the lid off all of their cover stories.
The word you were looking for was "misinformation".

Calling me a known crank....Thank You.
Try re-reading my post. I wasn't referring to you.

I wouldn't be associated with the so-called "scientific community" if they paid me a billion dollars.
Evidently. You appear to not know what science actually is.

The world history they promote has been proven to be nothing but lies, and anyone who stands up to them and exposes truth is ostracized.
Only to the extremely gullible and acknowledgeable.
You can keep your doctor degrees in the scientific community just as you can keep them in the religious one.

Patting each other on the back, while hiding the truth and murdering to keep it hidden.
My, you're deeper into the crank theories than I thought you were.

Then they brainwash little flunkies like you to spew their propaganda.

as for us as muslims(not the fanatiques ones), we do beleive in aliens, and in an aline life, so wan't be a problem for us, it's not logical to think that in the hall univerce, we are alone.
the dinausors thing, i don't know if it is even mentioned, but maybe they are, i don't know, i don't know all, or even much,
Evidently. You appear to not know what science actually is.

Your not even capable of putting up a good argument.
Please, go home kid or leave the expose' to the grown ups.
Now you've drug the other thread over into this one. OK, look...
I'm trying not to turn this into a insult war... so I'll apologise if I've offended you.
If you can settle down for a minite and listen, I'll go over this one more time.

I said over on the other thread "all the official Ministers of Science are also Chief Defenders of the Faith".
That is true. It applies here as well.
This isn't just about dinosaurs and man living at the same time anymore.
We are way beyond that now.

It also isn't a question of if "Creationists" or "Evolutionist" are correct.
They are both in on this massive cover-up.

There is a "terrible secret" they are hiding about our true history.
And because they kept you from learning about's about to repeat.
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Your not even capable of putting up a good argument.
I'm not trying to "put up" any sort of argument.

Now you've drug the other thread over into this one. OK, look...
Not me. Sifreak make some ridiculous comment, John99 claimed the link supported Sifreak's statement.

It isn't a question of if "Creationists" or "Evolutionist" are correct.
They are both in on this massive cover-up.
Balls. There is no "cover up".

There is a "terrible secret" they are hiding about our true history.
No there isn't.

And because they kept you from learning about it...
No they haven't.

Pfft, why do always edit your posts after I've replied?

I'm trying not to turn this into a insult war... so I'll apologise if I've offended you.
You haven't offended me, but you HAVE shown yourself up...
Please, go home kid or leave the expose' to the grown ups.
Kid? Grown-ups? I've been reading the stuff you're supporting for close to 5 decades... :rolleyes:
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Pfft, why do always edit your posts after I've replied?

You just did it too.
I find my posts always need a little editing. They come out like a rough first draft.
It's not related to the replies.

Perhaps you just replied too quick.
Why don't you stop and think a little while before you type?
You know...let your brain do the walking instead of your fingers for once.

Digest what you've just read, before you type an automatic rebuttal.
If you continue to refute everything, no one will believe a single word you say.
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You just did it too.
For the sole reason that I wanted to answer your edit without posting a second time directly after my last.

Why don't you stop and think a little while before you type?
You know...let your brain do the walking instead of your fingers for once.
Ah you see... Why do people tend to assume I don't think? Maybe it says something about everyone else's speed of thinking, hmmm?

Digest what you've just read, before you type an automatic rebuttal.
Like that, for instance. It's far from automatic and far from "undigested".

If you continue to refute everything, no one will believe a single word you say.
I'll stop refuting once you post something that doesn't require it.
What kind of stunt do you think you pulled over on post # 165?
John didn't post any of that de-bunk nonsense you put in quotes.

You drug that senseless fodder in from some woo-woo site of yours and tried to pass it off as him siding with you.

That's really desperate

The special was really full of factual information about the way the scientific community put a "knowledge filter" on everything.
I've had my differences with Graham Hancock on things in the past, but I thought he did a great job in this documentary, "The Mysterious Origins of Man".
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What kind of stunt do you think you pulled over on post # 165?
John didn't post any of that de-bunk nonsense you put in quotes.
I see you had a failure of comprehension.
John99 specifically used that video as a reference. The quotes I gave were comments on the video as indicated by the links underneath them - at no time did I imply that John had written them.

You drug that senseless foder in from so woo-woo site of your own and tried to pass it off as him siding with you.
Wrong. See my comment above: what I quoted was refutations of the (woo woo) Heston "documentary" and thereby showing explicitly that John and I were on opposing sides of the argument.

That's really desperate.
Maybe if you'd bothered actually reading you'd see there was nothing desperate about it.
John gave the video as a source for the claim that dinosaurs and humans coexisted (post #161, a reply to my post #160) and as should have been obvious to anyone capable of reading the quotes were pointing out that the video in question was far from scientific, thus showing that the "proof" was no such thing.
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The Visitor,

There is a "terrible secret" they are hiding about our true history.
And because they kept you from learning about's about to repeat.

Can you fill me in on what this terrible secret about our true history is ?
The Visitor,
Can you fill me in on what this terrible secret about our true history is ?
I've said that I wouldn't talk about it in a public forum on the other thread.
This much you should be able to get on your own by comparison.
In the movie, what was the "terrible secret" implied to mean?

-That the apes were really not the first ones to develop a civilization.
-They were really slaves who only outlived their master's destruction.
-Their sacred scrolls though they contained the truth, were being interpreted to omit this.
-It was done in an attempt to prevent them from suffering the same fate.

But that's not how history works is it? It didn't work for them and it won't work for us either.

Covering up history always has the opposite effect.
It only guarantees the outcome will be the same because no one could learn from it.
So...since there is an active cover-up, that is the intended outcome then.
There can be no doubt.
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I've said I wouldn't talk about it in a public forum on the other thread.
This much you should get on your own by comparison.
In the movie, what was it implied to mean?

That the apes were really not the first ones to develop a civilization, they were really slave who outlived their master's destruction. Their sacred scrolls though they contained the truth, were being interpreted to omit this. It was done in an attempt to prevent them from sufferring the same fate.

But that's not how history works is it?
Covering it up has the opposite only guarrentees the outcome will be the same because no one could learn from it.
That's not the part I won't talk about though.

Why can't you provide specifics ?

I am not watching a movie. Please in your own words or if you already have described any of it in detail then link me there.

Sorry, I guess some aren't familiar with it. I'll copy this down and change it a little for you.

-Mankind (us as today's dominate species) were really not the first ones to develop a civilization here.
-Mankind were really slaves who were spared and outlived their master's destruction.
-Mankind's sacred scrolls though they contained the truth, were being interpreted to omit this.
-Some (that have participated in the cover-up) may beleive it will prevent mankind from suffering the same fate.

But that's not how history works is it? It didn't work for them and it won't work for us either.
Covering up history always has the opposite effect.
It only guarantees the outcome will be the same because no one could learn from it.

So...since there is an active cover-up, that is the intended outcome then.
There can be no doubt.

However that's not the part I won't talk about though.
It has to do with the manner in which mankind were made slaves.
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Sorry, I guess some aren't familiar with it. I'll copy this down and change it a little for you.

-Man was really not the first ones to develop a civilization here.
-Man (one species anyway) were really slaves who only outlived their master's destruction.
-Man's sacred scrolls though they contained the truth, were being interpreted to omit this.
-It was originally done (some may have participated) in an attempt to prevent (man) from suffering the same fate.

But that's not how history works is it? It didn't work for them and it won't work for us either.
Covering up history always has the opposite effect.
It only guarantees the outcome will be the same because no one could learn from it.

So...since there is an active cover-up, that is the intended outcome then.
There can be no doubt.

However that's not the part I won't talk about though.
It has to do with the manner in which mankind were made slaves.

Describe civilization. How advanced ?

Who, what was the master ?

Man's sacred scrolls ? Explain please.
Sorry. It is an interesting subject. I enjoy it.
These things are just my opinion, I'm not saying I'm the "man from earth" here.
I may have said too much already.

Knowledge just for knowledge sake is worthless.
It will only make you worse.
If you keep asking for truth, you'd better be ready to abide by what you find.
Someday you may just get what you asked for.
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