Religion, Dinosaurs, A.I. and Aliens

Sorry. It is an interesting subject. I enjoy it.
I wouldn't dig to deep though. You may not like what you find.

Knowledge just for knowledge's sake is worthless.
It will only make you worse.
If you keep asking for truth, you'd better be ready to abide by what you find.
Someday you may just get what you asked for.

Enlighten me.

Can you answer my previous questions.

Describe civilization. How advanced ?

Who, what was the master ?

Man's sacred scrolls ? Explain please.
Enlighten me.
Who, what was the master ?
Man's sacred scrolls ? Explain please.
As for it being mentioned in the sacred scrolls, there are many instances from many cultures.
Oppenheimer quoted from a Hindu text at the famous A-bomb test.

Christianity has this ancient reference to our history buried in their scriptures also.
Read the entire chapter of Ezekiel 31 paying particular attention to the metaphoric usage of the "trees".
Also pay close attention to "beasts of the field" and "fowls of heaven".
Keep in mind what I said and see what you come up with.
Oppenheimer quoted from a Hindu text at the famous A-bomb test.
So what?
The particular phraseology of that quote suited the prevailing mood of the physicists involved at the time.
It wasn't a statement of his belief that the text was true.

If he'd quoted from Winnie The Pooh would you claim that had any particular significance?
So what?
The particular phraseology of that quote suited the prevailing mood of the physicists involved at the time.
It wasn't a statement of his belief that the text was true.

If he'd quoted from Winnie The Pooh would you claim that had any particular significance?
Really. Lot of Hindu's on the Manhatten project were there?
I'd have gave the hundred acre wood it a good looking over before I just dismissed it as nothing.
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Ah, so you think Oppenheimer actually believed he had become death?
Like I said, the quote was apt for the mood. Nothing more.
Ah, so you think Oppenheimer actually believed he had become death?
Like I said, the quote was apt for the mood. Nothing more.
The reference to becoming the "destroyer of worlds" was to a past nuclear destruction mentioned in the texts.

Focus... stay on the subject here.
I'm getting Dejavu here. Remember post # 99?
No wonder you're acting a little dizzy.
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We haven't brought up his dismissal this time. So what's post 106 got to do with it?
And it still doesn't address the fact that any reference to a "past nuclear destruction" is in your mind and not, as far as we know, in his.
We haven't brought up his dismissal this time. So what's post 106 got to do with it?
And it still doesn't address the fact that any reference to a "past nuclear destruction" is in your mind and not, as far as we know, in his.
Sorry, It was #99. Not #106.

Anyway, Heston's video is the glue that holds it together.
We now know dinosaurs and man did walk together.
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As for it being mentioned in the sacred scrolls, there are many instances from many cultures.
Oppenheimer quoted from a Hindu text at the famous A-bomb test.

Christianity has this ancient reference to our history buried in their scriptures also.
Read the entire chapter of Ezekiel 31 paying particular attention to the metaphoric usage of the "trees".
Also pay close attention to "beasts of the field" and "fowls of heaven".
Keep in mind what I said and see what you come up with.

Instead, why don't you explain to me how they come to have any significant meaning.

What time of our history is being buried in their scriptures.

Where is your evidence of this time before man before man before dinosaurs etc etc.
Too quick again. It was #99. Not #106
So once again you've posted and then thought about what you wanted to say.

Okay, post #99. So what?
Even you, in that post, claimed that the quote was
as if to say "my god what have we done?"
I.e. not an actual reference to any "previous nuclear destruction".
So what's your point?
The Visitor,

The reference to becoming the "destroyer of worlds" was to a past nuclear destruction mentioned in the texts

Specifics please. Where in the texts does it mention past nuclear destruction.

If Oppenheimer was part of the hidden agenda to keep the truth from the people and he truly believed in what you are suggesting (that he knew of this secret past), why would he make such a statement ?

All you have is that nobody can disprove your theory much like nobody can disprove mine that there are invisible elves.
Instead, why don't you explain to me how they come to have any significant meaning.

What time of our history is being buried in their scriptures.
Did you read Ezekiel 31? The trees were a metaphor.
They referred to people that existed in Eden.
The Assyrian mentioned there was the possibly the greatest empire to ever exist on earth.
The Baalbek stones under the Roman temple of Jupiter are much older. Not Roman.
It's possibly the same Assyrian kingdom Ezekiel 31 mentioned being destroyed in Eden.
That's just one clue.
There's so much you have to see to piece history together I won't attempt to explain more.
You'll have to find it for yourself or you really don't want to know.
Did you read Ezekiel 31? The trees were a metaphor.
They referred to people that existed in Eden.
The Assyrian mentioned there was the possibly the greatest empire to ever exist on earth.
The Baalbek stones under the Roman temple of Jupiter are much older. Not Roman.
It's possibly the same Assyrian kingdom Ezekiel 31 mentioned being destroyed in Eden.
That's just one clue.
There's so much you have to see to piece history together I won't attempt to explain more.
You'll have to find it for yourself or you really don't want to know.

So where in any of the above will show that there was a nuclear annihilation of these locations ?

The idea of earlier civilizations is not suprising, we will continue to unearth more. But what leads you to believe that any of them had the capability to detroy each other with nuclear weapons ?
Visitor, i have been very busy with friends over today so just checking back and forth. Tbh, you research is not pointing to a more intelligent civ. than we are because the evidence is just not there. However, i do agree that there may have very well been earlier civs virtually unknown to us and most likely was. I have thought this for years though ad even came to this conclusion of the possibility on my own. As you may know i dont ascribe to evolution in its entirety but maybe a more loose interpretation of it. not that it is that important to me because one way or another.....certainly not a person 'of the book' so to speak either.

I am going to look into your links furhter, this is very intriguing.
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So where in any of the above will show that there was a nuclear annihilation of these locations?

What I mentioned were two very different events. They are not related in my opinion.
I never said the Baalbek Assyrian destruction was nuclear.
The Ezekiel 31 reference was to show the possibilty of a pre-Adamic civilization mentioned in the Bible.
It would seem to compare closely to the stories from Sumerian clay tablets.

This is denied by Biblical scholars because it places a great civilzation already florishing in and around the Garden of Eden about the same time as Adam.
Proving fundamental interpretations of the Bible wrong with scriptures from the Bible itself.
The Assyrian destruction was much older and referred to something that happened between 5,000-12,000 B.C.
This had more to do with the fall of a spiritual hierarchy and the manner of mankind's slavery in my opinion.

The nuclear destruction I mentioned from the Hindu texts happened much later. The Raman Empire just before the great flood.
Many ancient Indus Valley cities still register radiation. That was what Oppenheimer referred to about 3,000 B.C.
As I said you must have confused two different events.
I've given you plenty to research. Good talking to you.
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