She was dismissed for the "disclosure".
Who gave you the right to "divine" why she was dismissed. Here were go with your Ouija board revelations again...
A United States Geological Survey scientist...was removed from her position and black listed for publishing her findings....
6 minutes 23 seconds into part one... meet USGS scientist Virginia Steen-McIntyre.
Cynthia Irwin-Williams led the team that first excavated the site in 1962[6] The dig is often associated with Virginia Steen-McIntyre because of her continuing efforts to publicize her findings and opinions. However, the site was actually discovered by Juan Armenta Camacho and Irwin-Williams. Steen-McIntyre joined the team in 1966 as a graduate student, at the request of project geologist Hal Malde. The excavation was associated with the U.S. Geological Survey.
That's when the trouble started...
In mid-1969, Szabo, Malde and Irwin-Williams[1] published their first paper about dating the excavation site. The stone tools were discovered in situ in a strata that also contained animal remains. Radiocarbon dating of the animal remains produced an age of over 35,000ybp. Uranium dating produced an age of 260,000 ybp, +/- 60,000 years.
The authors admitted that they had no definitive explanation for the anomalous results. However, Malde suggested the tool-bearing strata had possibly been eroded by an ancient stream bed, thus combining older and newer strata and complicating dating.
They attempted damage control....
In 1973, Steen-MacIntyre, Malde and Roald Fryxell returned to Hueyatalco to re-examine the geographic strata and more accurately determine an age for the tool-bearing strata. They were able to rule out Malde's stream bed hypothesis.[8] Moreover, the team undertook an exhaustive analysis of volcanic ash and pumice from the original excavation site and the surrounding region. Using the zircon fission-track dating method, geochemist C.W. Naeser dated samples of ash from Hueyatlaco's tool-bearing strata to 370,000 ybp +/- 240,000 years.[8]
The confirmation of an anomalously distant age for human habitation at the Hueyatlaco site led to tension between Irwin-Williams and the other team members. Malde and Fryxell announced the findings at a Geological Society of America meeting, admitting that they could not account for the anomalous results. Irwin-Williams responded by describing their announcement as "irresponsible".
Given the substantial margin of error for the fission-track findings, and the then-new method of uranium dating, Irwin-Williams asserted that Hueyatlaco had not been accurately dated to her satisfaction....
In a letter to Quaternary Research, Irwin-Williams objected to several points in the article by Steen-McIntyre et al.; Malde and Steen-McIntyre responded with a point-by-point rebuttal.
For the next several years, the excavation team were often at odds as they discussed how to move forward with the Hueyatlaco findings. Malde and Steen-McIntyre argued that the 200,000 ybp findings were valid, while Irwin-Williams argued in favor or a more recent -- though still somewhat controversial -- figure of 20,000 ybp. Webb and Clark[8] suggest that her promoting the 20,000ybp date is "particularly puzzling," as it was unsupported by any evidence the team uncovered.
The delays forced Steen-McIntyre to write her doctoral dissertation not on Hueyatlaco as planned, but rather on the dating of volcanic ash in geographic strata.
Despite leading the original excavations, Irwin-Williams never published a final report on the site....
In 1996, Steen-McIntyre appeared on the television special
"The Mysterious Origins of Man." Narrated by Charlton Heston, in which she claims that some of original research team were harassed, viewed as incompetent, or saw their careers hampered due to their involvement in such a controversial and anomalous investigation....
Then in 2004, nearly 40 years later the scientific community finally admitted their error; after ruining the careers of those who dare challenged them....
What a shame.