religion and war

I am for adaptable nationalism because it protects by objective threat of force what I subjectively value and own and isn't inflexible to the wants and needs of the inside or outside world.

What is adaptable nationalism? How can you subjectively own something? What are the differences between the inside and outside of the world?
I think peace and war are human characteristics and the question is what legitimizes these best. Ironically, religious reasons seem to have been used to legitimize both more frequently than secular reasons.

Where's the irony?

By "secular" I'm in no way saying "atheistic," but rather reasons that are independent from religion, such as greed and capitalism. But even purely capitalistic and greedy motivations to go to war can find legitimacy in religious ideology, used to align popular approval.

So politicians are able to manipulate facts to get their constituents to accept a doctrine.....interesting theory.

Such methods of propaganda were frequently used in the Cold War as politicians made analogies of communism with atheism and godlessness to create a feeling of hatred among their constituencies, who they knew to be self-described christians.

Who is they in this sentence?
Is that your atheistically unbiased point of view?:p

You asked for an opinion and I gave you one.

All for democracy. Ends not means, etc.

I don't think the present situation is the 'End' that was sought after. Do you?

Crunchy Cat said:
IMO, all societies should have access to objective information concerning human behavior, human psychological needs, human biology, human temperment, human sexuality, etc. In fact, objective information about anything should probably be made available to all socieities.

samcdkey said:
Oh boy! You are in lala land. Do you think that they are not accessible in Muslim countries? You do know that most doctors and scientists in the ME are trained in the West? I for one would like to see more ME and Asian media in the West, just a daily dose of reality, rather than all the "reality shows".

Accessibility of objective information can be deduced by its acceptance / usage and I wont ask why are most doctors and scientists in the ME trained in the West if those materials are so accessible in Muslim countries.

I know you 'feel' that you are an expert on this because you are a Muslim woman living in the West and the reality of Islam as a whole is quite different.
Have you ever lived in the ME?

That sounds like fun.

Too much of a coward, I'm afraid.:p

It is, I find myself quite fascinated by her psychology. Well, eventually you might want a baby and a husband to make that happen for you... ya' know... sometime before you're out of eggs. Marriage is a great step for that kind of thing.
You asked for an opinion and I gave you one.

Thank you
I don't think the present situation is the 'End' that was sought after. Do you?

Sort of the thing happens when you focus on unrealistic ends without any knowledge of what you are getting into

Accessibility of objective information can be deduced by its acceptance / usage and I wont ask why are most doctors and scientists in the ME trained in the West if those materials are so accessible in Muslim countries.

Same reason so many Asians are still trained here. Money, resources and perception of available expertise.
I know you 'feel' that you are an expert on this because you are a Muslim woman living in the West and the reality of Islam as a whole is quite different.
Have you ever lived in the ME?

Just two years in the West, five years in Saudi Arabia and the rest of it in Asia.

It is, I find myself quite fascinated by her psychology. Well, eventually you might want a baby and a husband to make that happen for you... ya' know... sometime before you're out of eggs. Marriage is a great step for that kind of thing.

Thanks. I'll be sure to keep it in mind.:p
Hell you couldn't even tell I was treating you like an idiot!

At least (Q) can tell when I'm yanking his chains.;)

So the answer to my question is 'no', you don't know. The moment you chose to take a stab at me is where the communication broke. I dismissed it as fluff, unimportant, silliness, and my responses showed that.

Would you prefer that I retaliate? Should I put you on the looney-retard pedistal for accepting a fairytale as truth and dismiss your responses with Satire? Should I insult you by stating that your being single isn't by choice? Should I collect your contradictions, put them side by side, and say that's ok sweetie... let the smart people handle it? What about all the questions you ignored / didn't see... should I offer you help in reading comprehension or how to make an observation? How about general sarcasm? Wow you know how to search the internet and post a link all by yourself... good job! :rolleyes: Boy if I didn't know that you were a Muslim female, I might think you were actually educated! :cool: What about the outright mean? Find out personal information and then expose it like comedy central?

Would you want these things?
What is adaptable nationalism?

A little term I coined on the fly :). Nationalism that adapts to the internal environment (i.e. the needs of its people) and the external environment (i.e. the rest of the world).

How can you subjectively own something?

I think the better question might be how can you objectively own anything? Ownership is a subjective notion where someone can say 'I own this' and other people will not try to own it because they recognize that you own it.

Reality doesn't grant or deny ownership rights to people. Its purely psychological.

What are the differences between the inside and outside of the world?

The inside world are the people whose values are protected by threat of force. The outside world is everyone else (the ones whom the threat applies too).
Sort of the thing happens when you focus on unrealistic ends without any knowledge of what you are getting into

Quite correct.

Same reason so many Asians are still trained here. Money, resources and perception of available expertise.

I don't think for example most Japanese doctors are trained in the states. Similarly, Japan has shown alot of signs of accepting and using objective information (quite well I might add).

Just two years in the West, five years in Saudi Arabia and the rest of it in Asia.

How have the experiences differed for you?
A little term I coined on the fly :). Nationalism that adapts to the internal environment (i.e. the needs of its people) and the external environment (i.e. the rest of the world).

I think the better question might be how can you objectively own anything? Ownership is a subjective notion where someone can say 'I own this' and other people will not try to own it because they recognize that you own it.

Reality doesn't grant or deny ownership rights to people. Its purely psychological.

The inside world are the people whose values are protected by threat of force. The outside world is everyone else (the ones whom the threat applies too).

these all seem like notions to me
So the answer to my question is 'no', you don't know. The moment you chose to take a stab at me is where the communication broke. I dismissed it as fluff, unimportant, silliness, and my responses showed that.

Would you prefer that I retaliate? Should I put you on the looney-retard pedistal for accepting a fairytale as truth and dismiss your responses with Satire? Should I insult you by stating that your being single isn't by choice? Should I collect your contradictions, put them side by side, and say that's ok sweetie... let the smart people handle it? What about all the questions you ignored / didn't see... should I offer you help in reading comprehension or how to make an observation? How about general sarcasm? Wow you know how to search the internet and post a link all by yourself... good job! :rolleyes: Boy if I didn't know that you were a Muslim female, I might think you were actually educated! :cool: What about the outright mean? Find out personal information and then expose it like comedy central?

Would you want these things?

Just wanted to indicate that bidirectional communication is not always effective, not unless both parties are willing to invest equally, with an equal desire to understand the other persons pov.

Talk is cheap, its when you have to get down and dirty that it really counts. And I usually provoke people because how they react to it gives me a better idea of where they come from than all the viewpoints they think they embrace.

Talking about memes and communication based on some random ideas, forming conclusions about a culture or people you seem to know very little about, with an inability to broaden your perspective to embrace that people may actually have different approaches to life based on their culture, their values and their priorities rather than your own is not communication, no matter how you dress it up. Approach anyone with an attitude like that where you want to "help them" by educating them and you'll not get very far. Might miss out quite a bit if you engage in superficialities, without an idea of where people are coming from.

I've read some posts from very educated, very well read senior members on this forum that give off the stench of bias, because they have allowed media and information from one sided sources to color their thinking, such that they are unable to see in their own thinking the same fallacies they constantly keep pointing out in others. To the extent that the very ideals they claim to defend are left by the roadside when their prejudices are aroused.

Does not make for a rosy picture where any communication between the West and Islam is concerned, I'm afraid, because both sides have their culture colored glasses which seem unable to penetrate beyond their ideas of what society should represent.

As for your "threats". Go right ahead. I am always ready to put my money where my mouth is. :)
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I don't think for example most Japanese doctors are trained in the states. Similarly, Japan has shown alot of signs of accepting and using objective information (quite well I might add).

Is there any evidence for this claim?
How have the experiences differed for you?

I have discovered that the ME is not as bad as I had thought it was, and I have been disappointed by American bias and policies.
Just wanted to indicate that bidirectional communication is not always effective, not unless both parties are willing to invest equally, with an equal desire to understand the other persons pov.

IMO, how to communicate should be an part of the educational process.

Talk is cheap, its when you have to get down and dirty that it really counts. And I usually provoke people because how they react to it gives me a better idea of where they come from than all the viewpoints they think they embrace.

I can understand the reasoning. Provoking people also can get you a false response. It's not a guarantee that the provocation is going to get you a desired result.

Talking about memes and communication based on some random ideas, forming conclusions about a culture or people you seem to know very little about, with an inability to broaden your perspective to embrace that people may actually have different approaches to life based on their culture, their values and their priorities rather than your own is not communication, no matter how you dress it up. Approach anyone with an attitude like that where you want to "help them" by educating them and you'll not get very far. Might miss out quite a bit if you engage in superficialities, without an idea of where people are coming from.

I understand what you are saying and I think you have alot of assumptions about my knowledge, motives, and objectives on this subforum.

I've read some posts from very educated, very well read senior members on this forum that give off the stench of bias, because they have allowed media and information from one sided sources to color their thinking, such that they are unable to see in their own thinking the same fallacies they constantly keep pointing out in others. To the extent that the very ideals they claim to defend are left by the roadside when their prejudices are aroused.

Does not make for a rosy picture where any communication between the West and Islam is concerned, I'm afraid, because both sides have their culture colored glasses which seem unable to penetrate beyond their ideas of what society should represent.

Nobody can escape bias Sam... nobody. As much as it may be an authors responsibility to be as non-biased as he can, the reader has a responsibility for dismissing bias.

Tell me one thing Sam. Is it your opinion that Islam as a whole communicates openly, directly, and freely within its ranks?
Show me how.

The basis of the thread is to determine atheistic views of nationalism. You mentioned "adaptive nationialism", which you defended as self-coined. Apparently, this is an ideal for you, not your view on nationalism.
Is there any evidence for this claim?.

Yes there is. Here is a very small sampling of the Medical training facilities that Japan owns and maintains:

Kobe University School of Medicine
Osaka University Medical School
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Tsukuba University Hospital
University Hospitals and Medical Colleges in Japan
University of Tokyo Hospital

The existence of such facilities is the result of demand for such training. As far as using objective knowledge is concerned... do I really need to show what they have done with electical, chemical, and mechanical engineering?

I have discovered that the ME is not as bad as I had thought it was, and I have been disappointed by American bias and policies.

What did you like about the ME and what didn't you like? What are the top bias and policy disappointments in the U.S.?
IMO, how to communicate should be an part of the educational process.

Not really, one does not learn to communicate merely by being better educated, but with having a greater desire to listen rather than speak.
I can understand the reasoning. Provoking people also can get you a false response. It's not a guarantee that the provocation is going to get you a desired result.

Perhaps, but most people when provoked give better clues to their character and motives. One hour of play, etc.

I understand what you are saying and I think you have alot of assumptions about my knowledge, motives, and objectives on this subforum.

If your posts don't represent your knowledge motives or objectives, then so be it.

Nobody can escape bias Sam... nobody. As much as it may be an authors responsibility to be as non-biased as he can, the reader has a responsibility for dismissing bias.

Sure, but a willingness to embrace a different point of view determines how selective your bias is. It is not so difficult, in these times, to obtain a variety of sources of information before jumping to conclusions
Tell me one thing Sam. Is it your opinion that Islam as a whole communicates openly, directly, and freely within its ranks?

Yes it does. Do you realise that in 1400 years all the various sects of Islam with their opposing points of view have fought with each other only on political grounds, not religious or ideological ones? That Muslims vary from very very orthodox sects to extremely liberal ones, with dialogue as the only means of disagreement? That Muslims are free to choose any sect of Islam, any one or more of the schools of jurisprudence, that they coexist with a wide variety of beliefs?

Are you confusing politics with religion?
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It would get pretty real if you brought that attitude with you to a bank.

That's human enforcement again. Space-time for example doesn't know or care that you 'own' a car. It will not protect it from theft. It will not catch your car's thief.
Yes there is. Here is a very small sampling of the Medical training facilities that Japan owns and maintains:

Kobe University School of Medicine
Osaka University Medical School
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Tsukuba University Hospital
University Hospitals and Medical Colleges in Japan
University of Tokyo Hospital

The existence of such facilities is the result of demand for such training. As far as using objective knowledge is concerned... do I really need to show what they have done with electical, chemical, and mechanical engineering?

How many of these were built after 1945? And was all the technology Japanese from the beginning? What was the US/Western contribution to the transfer of technology to Japan post WWII?

What did you like about the ME and what didn't you like? What are the top bias and policy disappointments in the U.S.?

Very long stories both of them.

Suffice to say, I realised a lot of information outside the ME about the ME is based on our notions of what we think they should live like. Most of them do not share these notions and are happy with their lifestyles. Where they are unhappy, it is usually because external influences control their governments and make their lives miserable. Is everybody equally happy? No, but they are free to leave, if they so wish.

As for US policy, the short story is that selfless acts are not the norm and political manipulation is, at the cost of human lives and social conflict elsewhere. Not a pretty picture at all.

war is about money/power/empires control of the most land and rescouces, its like playing age of empires but ina larger scale, you get the most gold stone wood and food and you take over there land then you win the game,

Not really, one does not learn to communicate merely by being better educated, but with having a greater desire to listen rather than speak.

I disagree. There are alot of factors that go into good communication and listening is only part of it.

Perhaps, but most people when provoked give better clues to their character and motives. One hour of play, etc.

It's a possibility.

Sure, but a willingness to embrace a different point of view determines how selective your bias is. It is not so difficult, in these times, to obtain a variety of sources of information before jumping to conclusions

I have a friend in the technical support industry. He's been doing the work for some 20+ years and he told me about a really big account of his that was extremely upset with him. This guy does some kind of technical support for software developers and the account was mad at him because he dismissed their point of view on virtually all their technical issues. Often the developers from the account would say "I have this specific problem, this is the reason, and I need this solution". My friend would usually dismiss most to all of what they said and go in what the developer thought was an entirely alien direction. So here he was talking with some upset upper managers and getting chewed out because he repeatedly dismissed their developers point of view. My friend asked these managers if he was ever incorrect in his analysis of what the problem was, what the cause of the problem was, and what the fix to the problem was. They didn't know so they want back to their developers and asked. The answer was 'no' across the board.

I thought this story was very interesting because it showed that a point of view can be wrapped up in its own bias and doesn't necesessarily warrant embracing it. My friend seemed to have objective reality on his side and was the one to consult a 'variety of information' before jumping to conclusions... but he did dismiss the POVs.

Yes it does. Do you realise that in 1400 years all the various sects of Islam with their opposing points of view have fought with each other only on political grounds, not religious or ideological ones? That Muslims vary from very very orthodox sects to extremely liberal ones, with dialogue as the only means of disagreement?

Are you confusing politics with religion?

I'm confused about this statement. Isn't religion/ideology bound to Islamic politics (i.e. they don't have a separation of the proverbial Church and State)? Sharia comes to mind...