Religion and Intelligence


Actually i am somewhat tired of pointing out that above logic is not correct in different threads.
Curious that I have not come across such comments.

Why an all-powerful God should have the knowledge of future (that is yet to happen and does not exist) if he is able to decide the future based on certain event. He can decide either way and there is none to restrict Him, other than Himself (by way of commitment to free will he gifted away), to decide future in anyway.
If he hasn’t decided what he is going to do then he isn’t omniscient then. Omniscience means all knowing, including the future.

If he isn’t omniscient then how is the book of revelation to be explained?

If i have infinite source of money why should i bother to have a budget plan as to how to control the expenditure..?
True but the claim for omniscience does imply that God has planned the spending of every last cent.

All you are saying is that God does not have the abilities that Christianity has claimed he has.
Originally posted by Cris
Curious that I have not come across such comments.


That was a general comment.

I thought you were following the thread.
more recent thread :

i understand, it is immpossible for you to go thro all the threads.

If he hasn’t decided what he is going to do then he isn’t omniscient then. Omniscience means all knowing, including the future.

Why it is so. Future would be nothing but what he is going to decide. It is just not predecided. All knowing is right. But future doesn't come into this 'All'. it does not exist until it happens as he decides.

If he isn’t omniscient then how is the book of revelation to be explained?
Revelation is the word of God..? I am not sure. what is the effect of human free will on the revelation..?

True but the claim for omniscience does imply that God has planned the spending of every last cent.

All knowing God need not plan anything, moreso if he is all powerful.
Okinrus - a couple of notes

Also just about none of the numbers in revelation
should be taken literally.
Whereas you and I might agree on that, and, as it stands, many atheists can agree with that exact sentence, we run into a problem in the observable fact that many Christians of varying persuasions actually do believe in the Revelation numbers literally.

Seventh-Day Adventists, for instance; part of their predecessors, the Millerites, have already seen their apocalypse come and go; I don't think there are any more Millerites these days - such is the price of literalism.

The entire millenarian idea that just expired was based on direct interpretation of the Revelations; such is the price of literalism.

And some people still do believe in those numbers; there are other ways to interpret them, and I'm not sure when the next "Apocalypse" is due, but it's not too far in the future.

Interestingly enough, I once asked a post-Catholic millenarian apocalyptic why she chose to reproduce; the answer didn't make any sense to me; it had something to do with sharing love until the child died in the Apocalypse at age 7.

Some questions just shouldn't be asked under the circumstances. That was one of them.

But I wanted to spend a couple of minutes on Divine Providence as well.

- The Testimony of Universal Belief

This is a persuasive argument by the Church implying that the reality of Divine Providence can be found by examining the (nearly) universal human belief in some form of Providence. Yet they go too far when speaking of a "superhuman being"; this is a Christocentric notion, as Christians tend to imagine some form of interactive, perfect version of a human (for we are made in His image). Elsewhere in religions, the Ultimate Reality defies description. And that's important, because while even atheists have a sense of Providence, they're (generally) aware that it's a psychological parlor trick for considering circumstances and probability while justifying hope; I know an atheist who still insists that gamblers can manufacture "hot streaks" at games like craps, who still insists that he has a "system" that works on slot machines at any casino. His sense of Providence has nothing to do with a superhuman being; it is merely a sense of interaction, of influence, amid a coldly amoral reality.

And if we accept the Testimony of Universal Belief as any reinforcement of the notion of Divine Providence, we are left with a belief in some over-ruling power, divine or quasi-divine in character, which general description may require closer scrutiny under some circumstances.

And what of the "Testimony of Universal Belief" when applied functionally? Anyone who looks knows there's something going on in Iraq, but people tend to disagree on what the facts actually inform. Does any of it bring us the missing weapons of mass destruction?

In the meantime, it looks as if such arguments as the "Testimony of Universal Belief", which is also the nearest thing to a factual consideration appearing in the Catholic Encyclopedia entry on Divine Providence, are meant to support one of the most convoluted and useless theological ideas I've ever read:
Providence in general, or foresight, is a function of the virtue of prudence, and may be defined as the practical reason, adapting means to an end. As applied to God , Providence is God Himself considered in that act by which in His wisdom He so orders all events within the universe that the end for which it was created may be realized. That end is that all creatures should manifest the glory of God , and in particular that man should glorify Him, recognizing in nature the work of His hand, serving Him in obedience and love, and thereby attaining to the full development of his nature and to eternal happiness in God . The universe is a system of real beings created by God and directed by Him to this supreme end, the concurrence of God being necessary for all natural operations, whether of things animate or inanimate, and still more so for operations of the supernatural order. God preserves the universe in being; He acts in and with every creature in each and all its activities. In spite of sin, which is due to the wilful perversion of human liberty, acting with the concurrence, but contrary to the purpose and intention of God and in spite of evil which is the consequence of sin, He directs all, even evil and sin itself, to the final end for which the universe was created. All these operations on God's part, with the exception of creation, are attributed in Catholic theology to Divine Providence.
I mean, they really, really tried to cover everything there, but this gets back to a fundamental notion I've argued at Sciforums before that religions are dogmatic manifestations of human ignorance. The whole Universe, the nature and meaning of Life itself--presuming there is a fundamental nature of or purpose to Life, a stretch of a presumption, but one which is adequately argued for by the Testimony of Universal Belief ... er ... oh, well. At any rate, the whole Universe, the nature and meaning of Life--these are great mysteries upon which human beings have a tendency to dwell in their thoughts. And it seems that in those considerations, people tend to anthropomorphize what they fear; they tend to fear because they don't know or understand something. Critics of redemptionist religion (e.g. Christianity) tend to use such notions to assert that religions are crutches against fear, and while it is true to a certain demonstrable extent (see Psalm 23, New American Bible. Revised Standard Version, or its most familiar form, King James Version) such criticism does not go far enough in its examination of the nature of religion.

Lysander Spooner notes that a people cannot award to a government any rights or powers that the people themselves do not hold at the outset. It is not a deep philosophical argument, but a simple observation of nature.

In a similar fashion, people, in concocting their gods, create them in the human image, in response to human concerns, and endow the deities with all the power of the mysteries of the Universe--that is, the power of the unknown. People anthropomorphize their ignorance and then put their trust in it; this does not seem a practically efficient state of affairs, I admit.

Think about it: what we understand with science is "natural" to people. What people have not devised testing methods for remains somehow "super"-natural.

Humans govern by fear; why should their gods be any different?

We govern by fear, we sell by fear, we love by fear. And, in religion, we worship our fear which is spawned by our ignorance, the true source of our gods.

Tiassa :cool:
Humans govern by fear; why should their gods be any different?

We govern by fear, we sell by fear, we love by fear. And, in religion, we worship our fear which is spawned by our ignorance, the true source of our gods.
Well people end up fearing judgement. I see
religious ignorance as a refusal to accept God's wisdom.

We govern by fear, we sell by fear, we love by fear. And, in religion, we worship our fear which is spawned by our ignorance, the true source of our gods.
I'm not sure what you mean by "love by fear".
I've heard of many marriage that stood together only
by fear, but I would hardly say that's love. It's impossible
to truely worship something that you do not understand.
So understanding must come within. At the same
time Jesus says that we must come like a child before
Jesus said to her, “Believe me woman, the hour is coming when you will worship God neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You people worship what you do not understand. We worship what we understand, because salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; and indeed the Father seeks such people to worship him. God is Spirit, and those who worship God must worship in Spirit and truth.”

Future would be nothing but what he is going to decide. It is just not predecided. All knowing is right. But future doesn't come into this 'All'. it does not exist until it happens as he decides.
So prophecies are impossible then, as atheists have always said, right?

All knowing God need not plan anything, moreso if he is all powerful.
Ah ha, now we understand why the universe is in such chaos, nothing has been planned.

But you are out on a limb with this approach that omniscience doesn’t include the future. It means knowledge of everything and that includes infallible certainty about the future.
God's Omniscience: God Knows All Things
A Definition of Omniscience

The attribute of God by which God perfectly and eternally knows all things which can be known, past, present, and future. God knows how best to attain His desired ends.
Jesus said to her, “Believe me woman, the hour is coming when you will worship God neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You people worship what you do not understand. We worship what we understand, because salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; and indeed the Father seeks such people to worship him. God is Spirit, and those who worship God must worship in Spirit and truth.”
John 4:21-24 (NAB)
Originally posted by Cris
So prophecies are impossible then, as atheists have always said, right?

Now you are letting me plunge in to scripture..

Sometime back you asked about restricted free will..

There is a limit for free will of humans. As a society it is a bit more restricted. Being aware of this boundary of the free will factor God can decide to have schedule , nothing is going to stop him. Now thats in the domain of His own free will. Again there is no need to have such a schedule, it is just a fore warning to mankind for its own sake.
Ah ha, now we understand why the universe is in such chaos, nothing has been planned.

I don't think free will of human has any influence on most part of the universe, that simply follows the natural laws constituted by God. For an all knowing , all powerful god nothing can be chaos.

But you are out on a limb with this approach that omniscience doesn’t include the future. It means knowledge of everything and that includes infallible certainty about the future.
God's Omniscience: God Knows All Things
A Definition of Omniscience

The attribute of God by which God perfectly and eternally knows all things which can be known, past, present, and future. God knows how best to attain His desired ends.

Certainity of future from the perspective of whom..? There is no uncertainity for God as he is deciding the future in whatever ways he likes. Future is just an extrapolation and it is not real until it happens.
Interesting ....

Well people end up fearing judgement. I see
religious ignorance as a refusal to accept God's wisdom.
What an odd response.
I'm not sure what you mean by "love by fear".
I've heard of many marriage that stood together only
by fear, but I would hardly say that's love.
This does not, in light of the other portion of your response, surprise me.

But watch how "love" manifests itself between people. You'll be amazed, when you get right down to it, what human beings ask each other to consider "love". We "love" what calms us against our fears. People put up with each other for amazing reasons; what seems like something to fear is overwhelmed by a more subtle, more fundamental fear that usually has something to do with the fear of being alone and ignorant and therefore lost in the Universe. In other words, it has something to do with being afraid of being human.
It's impossible
to truely worship something that you do not understand.
So understanding must come within. At the same
time Jesus says that we must come like a child before
And if that's enough for a person, then that's enough for a person. But living in a theological shoebox just doesn't suit some people.

Tiassa :cool:
I wouldn't dare call you ignorant Tiassa.
Those who do not accept wisdom from whatever
source are truely ignorant. I just hold that God
is the source of all wisdom and truth.

But watch how "love" manifests itself between people. You'll be amazed, when you get right down to it, what human beings ask each other to consider "love". We "love" what calms us against our fears. People put up with each other for amazing reasons; what seems like something to fear is overwhelmed by a more subtle, more fundamental fear that usually has something to do with the fear of being alone and ignorant and therefore lost in the Universe. In other words, it has something to do with being afraid of being human.
Well I do not see these traits as being the real reason
for love. OK in a loving relationship we can use fear of hell to overcome sin but only if we allow ourselves use it. Otherwise
we just have fear of hell and no love.

And if that's enough for a person, then that's enough for a person. But living in a theological shoebox just doesn't suit some people.
Well there things that we have to accept. We cannot
prove that truth exist.
Why climb the mountain?

Well there things that we have to accept. We cannot
prove that truth exist.
Just because we haven't found it yet is no reason to call off the search.

Tiassa :cool:

There is a limit for free will of humans.
Why? Either we have free will or we don’t. I’ve seen very heated assertions from countless Christians here over the past few years that people definitely have free will. And primarily the complete freedom to choose between good and evil and to choose between Jesus and death. This is a key requisite for the validity of Christianity. If you are now saying that this alleged free will is restricted in some way then you are negating the validity of Christianity.

As a society it is a bit more restricted.

Being aware of this boundary of the free will factor God can decide to have schedule , nothing is going to stop him. Now thats in the domain of His own free will. Again there is no need to have such a schedule, it is just a fore warning to mankind for its own sake.
None of that made any meaningful sense.

For an all knowing , all powerful god nothing can be chaos.
Why not? Knowing something and having the power to do something doesn’t indicate whether such power and knowledge will be used. Perhaps allowing the chaos of wars, destruction, evil, terrible diseases, and death to exist is the way God wants to run his universe with perhaps the hope that something good might appear eventually. Who are you to know how God runs things? Note also that all that chaos is entirely consistent with a universe where God does not exist.

Certainity of future from the perspective of whom..?
Ours of course since we are constrained by a temporal dimension. Presumably since it is claimed that God is omnipotent he is not inhibited by such constraints, future can have little meaning to him.

There is no uncertainity for God as he is deciding the future in whatever ways he likes.
How do you know? The god of Deism does no such thing. Why is your god different?

But if the story of Adam and Eve isn’t true then the reason why Jesus came to save humanity becomes nonsense as well.

Not necessarily because..

It was Adam’s sins that condemned the rest of humanity to death and created the need for a savior and the justification for Christianity.

...the "official" church version as to so-called Adam's sin may not be the true one. It's just an interpretation. The same goes for Jesus' mission.
Originally posted by Cris
Why? Either we have free will or we don’t. I’ve seen very heated assertions from countless Christians here over the past few years that people definitely have free will. And primarily the complete freedom to choose between good and evil and to choose between Jesus and death. This is a key requisite for the validity of Christianity. If you are now saying that this alleged free will is restricted in some way then you are negating the validity of Christianity.
Perhaps your understanding of free will is flawed. Free will is not only to choose left or right. One can will to fly up if he has means. otherwise end up in hospital. that is the restriction enforced by way of natural laws.

Too bad your atheism is based on religious validity.

None of that made any meaningful sense.
I understand there is no meaningful sense to drag on this argument further.

Why not? Knowing something and having the power to do something doesn’t indicate whether such power and knowledge will be used.
If not used then does that mean they don't exist or false..?

Perhaps allowing the chaos of wars, destruction, evil, terrible diseases, and death to exist is the way God wants to run his universe with perhaps the hope that something good might appear eventually.
We can prevent the action of humans. We can prevent or atleast escape the natural disasters and diseases using the free will over generations. Why God need to have a hope as if an ordinary human when he can his own way.?

Who are you to know how God runs things?
Sounds like Jewish clergy asking Jesus..?!! oh, i am not Jesus and i am an ordinary man trying to understand God.

Note also that all that chaos is entirely consistent with a universe where God does not exist.
..or when God does not interfere in laws of nature or actions out of the damned free will of humans.

Ours of course since we are constrained by a temporal dimension. Presumably since it is claimed that God is omnipotent he is not inhibited by such constraints, future can have little meaning to him.
We are talking about God or ourselves..?

How do you know? The god of Deism does no such thing. Why is your god different?
There is nothing like my God or your God. God is god Himself.