Religion and Intelligence


In search of Immortality
Valued Senior Member
A more up to date article showing that the more intelligent then the less religious. & religion.htm

The simplest and most parsimonious explanation is that religion is a set of logical and factual claims, and those with the most logic and facts at their disposal are rejecting it largely on those grounds.

First thing i would like to know what populations were sampled....I doubt the data is really conclusive.

Yes, alot of the rich and famous, scientsits and "geniuses" dont believe in GOD is because they think they have better explanations. They think "wow, im so great i dont need a god to humble my self before". Pride. The most dangerous sin in the catholic church,(and in my opinion too) Pride tells us not to pick up trash when we see it. Pride tells us not to defend the weak. Pride is what built the tower of babel.
Originally posted by Cris
A more up to date article showing that the more intelligent then the less religious.

Yes, I enjoyed that, especially as Mr. G W Bush is a Christian :D
Originally posted by Agent Smith
First thing i would like to know what populations were sampled....I doubt the data is really conclusive.
The first thing I would like to know is whether or not you read the link provided.
The question here is really what does personal mean? There are some authors, believing in God, that will use the description of being religious as false piety.
Also the survey does not cover all possible beliefs so
many scientist may have refused to answer it.
Other really intelligent scientists may have refused
to waste their time answering it.
Originally posted by okinrus
The question here is really what does personal mean? There are some authors, believing in God, that will use the description of being religious as false piety.
Also the survey does not cover all possible beliefs so
many scientist may have refused to answer it.
Other really intelligent scientists may have refused
to waste their time answering it.
You're right okinrus, surveys, statistics and suchlike can be made to prove anything.

It's the same rule for any kind of "intelligence report" which are used today
Originally posted by okinrus
Also the survey does not cover all possible beliefs so
many scientist may have refused to answer it.
Other really intelligent scientists may have refused
to waste their time answering it.
Why would scientists, whose job it is to expand the realm of knowledge, ignore such a serious survey because they were uninterested? Although there is no way to know if some super-smart scientists did not answer it, i don't think it is likely that they would do so because it would seem a "waste" of their time. I would say that if there is any inclination to deal with christianity it would be because christianity is the only major religion (that i am familiar with) that seeks to undermine true science with its surreptitious imposter "creation science".
Originally posted by Agent Smith

Yes, alot of the rich and famous, scientsits and "geniuses" dont believe in GOD is because they think they have better explanations. They think "wow, im so great i dont need a god to humble my self before". Pride. The most dangerous sin in the catholic church,(and in my opinion too) Pride tells us not to pick up trash when we see it. Pride tells us not to defend the weak. Pride is what built the tower of babel.

Have you talked to these scientists, geniuses, or others from this "rich and famous" elite? Did they tell you how great they were themselves? Or even why they don't believe in god? Or could it be that you are making a broad generalisation based on your own limited experience, and such reveals that things are not as clear cut as your church has led you to believe? In time perhaps...
I havent talked to them but i got some things from books, interviews etc. I kind of do what scientists do. Observe and infer.
Why would scientists, whose job it is to expand the realm of knowledge, ignore such a serious survey because they were uninterested? Although there is no way to know if some super-smart scientists did not answer it, i don't think it is likely that they would do so because it would seem a "waste" of their time. I would say that if there is any inclination to deal with christianity it would be because christianity is the only major religion (that i am familiar with) that seeks to undermine true science with its surreptitious imposter "creation science".
Most christian scientists have a more
liberal and less fundamentalist view point.

The creation accounts of both Islam and Christianity are almost word for word the same. "Creation science" does not
represent all christians. However we have to
reconize what parts of science are guesses. The big
bang is only a guess and does not really solve
the original problem. Also just because the universe
is expanding does not mean that God could not create
the universe from a seed.

Evolution can be observed and
even the bible says "Like father like son" a few times.
Only our physical makeup is determined genetically.
6 day creation, Noah's ark, Abraham and Moses. Also the
last day accounts are similar to relevation.

The stories are slightly different and in general
are not as comprehensive as the bible.
Also some of the stories are similar to legends out side
of the bible. Compare
to Satan not bowing to Adam in the Quran.

The prophet Enoch describe in the book of Enoch
also is very similar to Muhammed.
Religion and intelligence are not mutually exclusive of one another, they just don't get along very well.:D When you try to have an intelligent conversation with a religious person, everything goes very well as long as they are talking, but the minute you try to express an opposing view, they will shout you down and refuse to listen. I guess their faith isn't strong enough to allow another person to think differently than them.:rolleyes:
I wish I could remember a quote I heard a long time ago.
Something tells me it was Mark Twain.

In response to someone asking him if he is a religious man he replied, "No, I am an intelligent (or maybe it was thinking) man."

Does anyone know about the quote I am unsuccessfully trying to remember?
Originally posted by Agent Smith
I havent talked to them but i got some things from books, interviews etc. I kind of do what scientists do. Observe and infer.

Well then, your inference skills are indeed something to be reckoned with. What books? what interviews? What types of sources? were they reliable, or heavily christian-influenced? Are you sure that you are making your educated guesses with all the correct information? Scientists are not supposed to jump to conclusions.
Yes, but unfortunately

Unfortunately, our best and brightest scientists generally follow the money. Remember that in the US money talks, and the "most intelligent" decisions are subjectively assessed.

Cris, what do you think explains the lack of contribution of these people to a peaceful and harmonious world? Is it just that stupid people want to get along with one another?

Because it's a fascinating abstraction, and I'm quite sure that you would agree that we can use a few more of those intelligent atheistic scientists at Sciforums.

TIassa :cool:
Originally posted by okinrus
Most christian scientists have a more
liberal and less fundamentalist view point.

The creation accounts of both Islam and Christianity are almost word for word the same. "Creation science" does not
represent all christians. However we have to
reconize what parts of science are guesses.

There is a problem that all freethinkers have encountered, nothing seems to represent "all christians." Is there anything standard to hold all of you accountable? To me, whenever one christian group claims truth over another credibility is quickly eroded away.
You could say that most of science is guesses. But science explains things after rigorous, empirical investigation, selecting the most plausible explanation out of many.
There is a problem that all freethinkers have encountered, nothing seems to represent "all christians." Is there anything standard to hold all of you accountable? To me, whenever one christian group claims truth over another credibility is quickly eroded away.
You could say that most of science is guesses. But science explains things after rigorous, empirical investigation, selecting the most plausible explanation out of many.
Well with religion it's better to believe a slightly wrong
view with all heart than to doubt the truth.
All christians should believe in the bible and believe what the
apostles taught. Christians should
investicate the history and writings of the
different sects along with the bible.
Excel to be average!

Originally posted by okinrus
Well with religion it's better to believe a slightly wrong
view with all heart than to doubt the truth.

Are you aiming to be a mediocre christian? Get it right to some degree but then give up even if it isn't perfect? Is god just looking for effort? When building a house do you place most of the boards in the right place and hope it turns out all right? That might be a dangerous place to inhabit. I would rather be an exacting freethinker than a washed out christian.

Please, if you realize you don't have the entire truth don't act as if you do.

All christians should believe in the bible and believe what the
apostles taught. Christians should
investicate the history and writings of the
different sects along with the bible.
I agree, they ought to analyze their sources with a historical eye.