
I'm not saying I don't believe them entirely. I would have to analyze the information they are giving. Historical details don't count, as they are part of the historical record, or they could not be confirmed.

Issuing information, by itself isn't proof of any kind.

I personally believe in reincarnation, but not the orthodox kind. My belief is based on Zen Buddhism which implies that the thing we think of as our own thought patterns are actually inherited from culture. And our bodies are based on ever recycling molecules. So, the body gets born again out of the mother, father and the food she eats, and that body's mind fills with the culture in which it finds itself.
I would go one step further and say it is encoded into our D.N.A. . Past down generation to generation . So in away I believe in reincarnation , but only as far as saying we are a reflection of the past . We carry the memories of the past generations through our parents , there parents and so on . A genetic disposition to be like our ancestors. How far back does it go? Your guess is good as mine , but I can tell you this . I read some ones ancient writings about thought on German personality traits , About him self and his community and me being of German descent was astonished at how much the writings mirrored my own thought. As I am pretty aware of charlatan activity " cold readings or even the red car phenomenon of buying a red car and seeing more red cars after you do . This was like I my self wrote what I was reading . Very strange and this lead Me to believe we have a genetic disposition and the roots of it go back 1000s of years . Maybe more.
Of course this also ties into my thoughts in onomastics were your name plays a big roll too. Yet it is typically your parents that give you your name and by this it is locking you into the genetic past in a predetermined stream of events . Like we live in the grove of a record on a turn table and it is extremely hard to skip out of the groove. Now can anyone prove you have free will and this is not so? How can you show you could of made a choice other than the one you made.
This is a little off track yet it still is related by the idea that we are reincarnations through or family trees . As far as being a rat next time ? I don't think so
I personally believe in reincarnation, but not the orthodox kind. My belief is based on Zen Buddhism which implies that the thing we think of as our own thought patterns are actually inherited from culture. And our bodies are based on ever recycling molecules. So, the body gets born again out of the mother, father and the food she eats, and that body's mind fills with the culture in which it finds itself.

I agree completely with this, but this seems the physics and science approach and I wouldn't consider it reincarnation.
Welcome back, Me-Ki-Gal.
Thanx my man . I missed you . By the way there is a rumor floating that I am pretending to be a girl . I am a man just to clear up any doubt. Mekigal is the original name for Michael . So as it is said anyway and the Gal= Great. Not that it matters much . Being a girl or a man that is . You other Men still need to do the dishes if you know what is good for you and like it too
I Hear the lava is flowing. My wife is watching it close on the news seeing she saw the lava flows when she was there several months ago .

When your dead your dead except SciWriter and me are going to live for ever by the work we do
My thing is why does everyone who had a past life was a king or something? Do peasants reincarnate?
AFAIK Hinduism is the only major religion that incorporates reincarnation in its theology, and those who take reincarnation seriously most definitely believe that everyone undergoes it. Even the lower animals, since if you're really an asshole you might come back as a rat, a cockroach or a flatworm.

Considering that up until the closing decades of the 19th century, 99% (or more) of humans were farmers, it is indeed amusing that very few of the people who claim to have memories of a past life remember being farmers. Depending on the era, a considerable number were also slaves, and I haven't heard of anyone remembering that experience either.

This in itself casts doubt on the veracity of the claims: they are statistically unbelievable.

Oh yeah, and people who speak English usually remember past lives in which they spoke English. The English-speaking community was a whole lot smaller before the colonial era, so it's hard to imagine how all those anglophones fit on Britannia. ;)
how do you propose to scientifically determine the truth?
The Rule of Laplace is an important component of the scientific method, and it reminds us that extraordinary assertions must be supported by extraordinary evidence before we are obliged to treat them with respect. Saying things that any serious devotee of this particular brand of woo-woo could have easily looked up in historical documents just ain't extraordinary evidence.

The key issue here is not the memories people claim to have. Even under a lie detector they could be dreams, psychoses or hypnotic suggestions that the person honestly believes to be true. The key issue is the biological mechanism by which memories are transmitted from a dead person to a living person. No one has the faintest idea how this might work.

Considering that some of these people are the same ones who deny abiogenesis, which, even though it has not been completely explained, still has a considerable accretion of evidence, it's amusing that they embrace reincarnation, for which there is no respectable evidence at all.
In truth, this kind of thing is a cottage industry in India.
It's also catching on in America. I know a couple who went to a "past life regression specialist." And the lady helped them discover that they had been lovers in a previous century! Wow, what are the odds?
Do you every single person in the history of the world, who expressed this experience, are liars?
No. As I noted above, many of them are sincere. Many people have vivid dreams which meld into memories as time passes. And lately it's been discovered that the memory of virtually every one of us is so flawed that after a time quite a bit of what we think we remember is false.
Do you have reliable evidence to support that negative assertion?
You don't understand the scientific method. The burden of proof is always on the person making the positive assertion. Otherwise science would come to a standstill, as we would be required to dissipate our resources disproving every bit of crackpottery and scientific fraud that is presented.
They've proven their claim by issuing information. If they are telling the truth, and you don't believe them, what more would you like them to do?
As I noted above, they need to explain how this shit works.
Mekigal is the original name for Michael.
In what language??? Certainly not Ancient Hebrew, which is universally cited as the source of the name--and of most names ending in -el, which is a contraction of eloh, "God." Ezekiel, Israel, Raphael, etc. Mi-kha-el is a contraction of Mi kəmow 'elohim? "Who is like god/the gods?"
Month of the Me-Ki-Gal festival . " Cuneiform Digital library Journal 200:1
Early Dynastic Dedication inscription from Nippur Me-Ki-Gal Farra ?
I think it can from a guy on the Sumerian Kings list first though . My guess is a King named Mesh-ki ang Gasher but that is speculation . The origonal place I got it was a book called ( Don't hurt Me if I mess ki gag the tittle )
" The Origins of the Phoenicians and the Brits " The Author I think, don't hold Me to the flame was a guy named Lawrence Waldo or Waldo Lawrence. I don't know ask Me again and I will look it up and write it down so I don't forget .
Now Islam interprets the Angel Micheal as Mekigal in the English language. At least some scholars in California did when they translated the Al-aqaid into English and you can find the usage in the Punjabi language too. The whole thing goes to my speculation that peoples migrated from Pakistan to Germany around 300 B.C. and the name morphed, Yet the Hebrew didn't use Michael I don't think? It was Malku or something from what I remember ( Can't remember , maybe you know ? ) Now what is peculiar to Me is the Bush People in Australia are said to use the name Mekigar as the name of there holy people ( Magic Men / or Woman) Now that was strange to Me. You should see how they get that way . It is from eating Poop . Yeah Eating human feces. I heard that I got a little vomit in my mouth . Not good . Now in Creole language they use the Term Meki Man. It means The one who does something good . Something like that
Any way it all could be bull , but I like it and I like what it says about it . That one book even uses my own spelling as a translation of Mekigal to Mikel . Yeah my dad did that . He said it was because the e makes the i long and that is how it should be spelled. I had no Idea other countries spelled it that way until I joined the information age at the end of 2007 when the world crashed to its knees . Anyway no big deal my man . You play Guitar Rocker . Me play Guitar Good . Me and Mary working the show good . See you on the circuit bro myster Rocker
I once had a dream years back where I was cut down with sword--slain by a warrior. Would that be considered a past-life experience? :shrug: It's just a curiosity because my dreams are usually contemporary.
Logically reincarnation doesn't make sense.

7 billion people are alive now.
When there was only 10 million people on Earth, where were the other 6,990,000,000 'souls' that are in use today?

Obviously they weren't humans. So that implies they were either other animals or that there is a long gap between death and the next rebirth.

And were do you draw the line between when one species becomes another? Do they suddenly become 'able' to reincarnate?

There are several other threads on reincarnation where this has been addressed more than once.

Then they are just fooling themselves or trying to pull one over on everyone to get attention they need or want. People do strange things for attention and this reincarnation thing is just another way for them to do that.

Whatever happened to "Be kind to yourself always" -?
What you're saying above is neither kind to yourself, nor to others.
If someone told you they jumped over the widest part of the Nile, would you believe them?
They honestly believe they are telling the truth.

They've proven their claim by issuing information.
If they are telling the truth, and you don't believe them,
what more would you like them to do?


Let's turn this around:

You claim X.
A person doubts you.
If you are telling the truth, and the other person doesn't believe you,
what more do you think you should do?
What do you think they should do?
Because there's no way anyone can find out if they are saying the truth. Let us say I say that in 200 BC I was at a certain place and time, is there anything you can supply me with to verify that I was really there? :shrug:

Then if you can verify that I was where did you get your information from and couldn't I gave researched that exact same area that you did to verify what I said? That would then give me all the details that you found and make it look as if I were actually there but wasn't only gathered the same information from the same place that you did.

Surely a person's stance about something needs to be based on more than the mere testimony of others.

I believe in reincarnation. But my belief in reincarnation is not even remotely based on, not even inspired by testimonies of other people. Testimony doesn't have a high value in my system.

I believe in reincarnation because reincarnation provides a far more palatable (even if still horrifying) explanation of the strife between living beings than the Theory of Evolution and other mainstream explanations (e.g. "only the strong survive" and "we are born, we live, we die").

Do you [believe] every single person in the history of the world, who expressed this experience, are liars?

No. As I noted above, many of them are sincere. Many people have vivid dreams which meld into memories as time passes. And lately it's been discovered that the memory of virtually every one of us is so flawed that after a time quite a bit of what we think we remember is false.

How can you just explain this away so easily without even giving consideration
that it may be true?
After all, it nothing new.
The cyclical phenomenon is so present in our understanding of the world, why
would it suddenly stop at what is understood to be reincarnation?

What is so difficult to accept about it?


I'm not saying I don't believe them entirely. I would have to analyze the information they are giving. Historical details don't count, as they are part of the historical record, or they could not be confirmed.

It's like the question ''does god exist'', there's no amount of external proof of evidence that can convince anyone. Either you accept it (instead of belief), or not. Either way it doesn't matter..

I personally believe in reincarnation, but not the orthodox kind. My belief is based on Zen Buddhism which implies that the thing we think of as our own thought patterns are actually inherited from culture. And our bodies are based on ever recycling molecules. So, the body gets born again out of the mother, father and the food she eats, and that body's mind fills with the culture in which it finds itself.

But what represents the ''incarnation''?
IOW how does the philosophy account for the 'mind' and/or 'personality'?
Presumably the body is what is incarnated into (if that make sense).


But represent the ''incarnation''?
IOW how does the philosophy account for the 'mind' and/or 'personality'?

It says not to bother yourself with it if all you can do is speculate about it; speculation will only drive you mad.

(Although not all Buddhist schools agree on this approach to the questions of selfhood.)

If someone told you they jumped over the widest part of the Nile, would you believe them?

Absolutely not.
But we know that is physically impossible.

They honestly believe they are telling the truth.

The two scenarios cannot be compared.

It says not to bother yourself with it if all you can do is speculate about it; speculation will only drive you mad.

(Although not all Buddhist schools agree on this approach to the questions of selfhood.)

That's what I think.
If it occurs, it will happen.
