Redux: Rape, Abortion, and "Personhood"

Do I support the proposition? (see post #2)

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Setting that aside, perhaps you should check out EF's post:

3. "46% of women who had abortions had not used contraceptives in the month they became pregnant"​
That means 54% "of women who had abortions had not used contraceptives in the month they became pregnant". What does this say to your assertion "If they used responsible contraception then perhaps some concessions could be made"? Are you saying that you support 54% of all abortions?

ElectricFetus said:
I thank you for the effort, but try to click the link: "Among those women [the 56%], 76% of pill users and 49% of condom users report having used their method inconsistently, while 13% of pill users and 14% of condom users report correct use."

...As for abortion again nothing to do with how irresponsible the women were, which we have statistically evidence a majority of them were. ...
You're right - I should slow down and read more carefully. My point to Syne still stands, just not as strongly... :eek:

Yes, there are women who do not readily recognize they are pregnant: How could any woman not know she was pregnant until she gave birth? A new study suggests it's more common than you think

Study: Free Birth Control Slashes Abortion Rates

This finds that readily accessible Contraceptive Choice drastically reduces abortions. It also finds that readily accessible contraceptive options often lead to choices of long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) methods, which has close to 100% effectiveness and is significantly less prone to inconsistent use.

In addition, ready access to pregnancy tests as a part of the contraceptive regimen would provide earlier warning. Again, if a woman is sexually active, knowing that no birth control method is 100% effective and that pregnancy symptoms may not be as obvious, the responsible thing to do is pee on a stick once a month or so.
If you are a 13 year old girl who has only just started menstruating, and you are sitting there counting the days, sure.

The only thing that I noticed out of sorts was this obsession with eating salad (and I realised this was unusual after I had found out I was pregnant and it was a case of 'oh, that's why I was so obsessed with salad') and feeling like I had the flu. I didn't even think pregnant until the doctor then asked me when was the last time I had my period. And I still didn't think it was that and was still convinced it was the flu until she made me do the pee test just in case and it came back positive, because we had used contraception.

And I was then sent for a scan and blood test to confirm everything that afternoon and I was just past 8 weeks.

So by your reasoning, my window of opportunity would have passed before I even knew I was pregnant.:rolleyes: After all, we used contraception. In fact, I remember the dread because I had still been taking the pill up to that point and even had a few glasses of wine and had eaten sushi and brie in that time.. There are some women who do not find out or realise they are pregnant until much later, because they continue to menstruate, may be overweight, so they don't notice their stomach growing bigger, or they have no symptoms at all.

It is unrealistic and frankly idiotic to set a date of 8 weeks.

So if they are religious or unable to access contraception, and are forced to use the rhythm method, they are not responsible?

Also, brainwaves cannot be detected until 12 weeks but "brainwaves" actually start from around week 5 to 6. That is when the primal parts of the brain form and start to function.

But once again, the "responsible" argument. Which keeps on failing.

See my reply to Randwolf about the statistics on readily available contraceptives, irresponsibility, and the HUGE imposition of simply peeing on a stick once a month or so. :bugeye:

The religious who do not believe in contraceptives also do not believe in abortion, so that point is completely moot.

And fetal brain waves can be both "detected and recorded" at about 40 days, so unless you have a reference to cite otherwise, you are just talking out of your ass.
Yes Syne that a very interesting study and I thank you for bring actual science into this instead of personal opinion or personal experience claimed to be "statistical fact".

Yes I think the birth control angle needs to be pushed on pro-lifers, at this stage the most pragmatic way they could reduce the "murder" of "people" is by getting contraceptive usage up and thus abortions/ excuse me "baby murder" down. But why just women, fuck I would jump at a free vasectomy, heck they even have those easily reversible ones where they stuff tiny plugs in your vasa deferens.
Yes Syne that a very interesting study and I thank you for bring actual science into this instead of personal opinion or personal experience claimed to be "statistical fact".

Yes I think the birth control angle needs to be pushed on pro-lifers, at this stage the most pragmatic way they could reduce the "murder" of "people" is by getting contraceptive usage up and thus abortions/ excuse me "baby murder" down. But why just women, fuck I would jump at a free vasectomy, heck they even have those easily reversible ones where they stuff tiny plugs in your vasa deferens.

I do not know that it needs to be "pushed" per se, as those who disapprove of contraception already disapprove of abortion. Maybe just help them avoid hypocrisy.

No reason to limit contraception availability to women at all.

Pro-choicers often tout the predisposition of unintended children for crime and mental illness, but abortion does not address this issue because it is pro-choice. Pro-choice necessarily includes the choice to carry an unintended pregnancy to term. The only strategy for avoiding unintended pregnancies is contraception.
See my reply to Randwolf about the statistics on readily available contraceptives, irresponsibility, and the HUGE imposition of simply peeing on a stick once a month or so. :bugeye:
Oh here we go again. The irresponsible argument. Is this you not being misogynistic again?

And now expecting women to pee on a stick every 28 days to make sure she isn't pregnant before she has her period. Firstly, pregnancy tests will do what exactly? As explained, the greater majority of "pregnancies" end before the woman even knows she is pregnant. In other words, more fertilised eggs end up in the sanitary pad than not. So your argument of how dare women be inconvenienced with being forced by society to pee on a stick a few days after she ovulates will do what exactly? Cause severe undue stress on women when the tests come back positive and then they get their period. Which for many, will cause unnecessary grief and stress.

Secondly, expecting women to pee on a stick every month to check if she is pregnant so she can plan and decide for an abortion before then.. Some tests can tell you if you are pregnant within a few days after 'conception', before it even implants in the uterus even. So by your reckoning, you expect women to pee on a stick every 28 days, even earlier than that, to check if they are pregnant so they can check to see if they are pregnant so they can start booking their abortions before the week 8 mark. Many women are unable to decide in that time frame. It gives them a matter of days to decide, to discuss it with their spouse, partner or the baby's father, to decide if they will be able to work or go to school.. Since you know, it's a pretty big fucking decision.

I think it would be distinctly irresponsible to give anyone such little time to make such a big decision.

I get it, I really do get it, you're the type of guy who doesn't think women are smart and responsible enough to know and understand their own bodies, so you think your standards of what women should do is better. Trust me, we all get what kind of guy you are. And as I said, you can pee on a stick every month if you want to make sure you aren't pregnant and give yourself 2 weeks to decide if you are going to have an abortion or not. That is your choice and your body. Don't foist your misogynistic views on others.

The religious who do not believe in contraceptives also do not believe in abortion, so that point is completely moot.
Which by your own standards, religious women who have sex with their husbands without contraception are distinctly irresponsible. But by your stupid standards, these women do not believe in abortions, so it's all okay. Yay more women who allow men with your views and beliefs and men like you to control their wombs!

And fetal brain waves can be both "detected and recorded" at about 40 days, so unless you have a reference to cite otherwise, you are just talking out of your ass.
You know what? You are absolutely correct. Brain activity does start at around the 40 day mark. I was under the belief that it started much earlier than that when the brain and nervous system formed. My apologies.

Even though the fetus is now developing areas that will become specific sections of the brain, not until the end of week 5 and into week 6 (usually around forty to forty-three days) does the first electrical brain activity begin to occur. This activity, however, is not coherent activity of the kind that underlies human consciousness, or even the coherent activity seen in a shrimp's nervous system. Just as neural activity is present in clinically brain-dead patients, early neural activity consists of unorganized neuron firing of a primitive kind. Neuronal activity by itself does not represent integrated behavior.




Tell me, do you believe in keeping brain dead people on life support because you believe they are alive?

Since you believe that women should not be allowed to have abortions after 40 days, before most would even know they are even pregnant, forcing women to pee on sticks every months aside, the brain waves at 8 weeks is neural activity that is present in even brain dead people and is just primitive neural activity, less than that of a shrimp's... Nothing conscious. So do you support in keeping brain dead people on life support because they also have neural activity that can be measured like that of a foetus?
And fetal brain waves can be both "detected and recorded" at about 40 days, so unless you have a reference to cite otherwise, you are just talking out of your ass.
Just as primitive form and physiology don’t adequately establish personhood, neither does primitive neural activity.

From 'The Ethical Brain' By Michael S. Gazzaniga
Even though the fetus is now developing areas that will become specific sections of the brain, not until the end of week 5 and into week 6 (usually around forty to forty-three days) does the first electrical brain activity begin to occur. This activity, however, is not coherent activity of the kind that underlies human consciousness, or even the coherent activity seen in a shrimp's nervous system. Just as neural activity is present in clinically brain-dead patients, early neural activity consists of unorganized neuron firing of a primitive kind. Neuronal activity by itself does not represent integrated behavior.

However, in judging a fetus "one of us," and granting it the moral and legal rights of a human being, I put the age much later, at twenty-three weeks, when life is sustainable and that fetus could, with a little help from a neonatal unit, survive and develop into a thinking human being with a normal brain. This is the same age at which the Supreme Court has ruled that the fetus becomes protected from abortion.

The brain at Carnegie Stage 23, which has slowly been developing from roughly the fifteenth day, is hardly a brain that could sustain any serious mental life. If a grown adult had suffered massive brain damage, reducing the brain to this level of development, the patient would be considered brain dead and a candidate for organ donation. Society has defined the point at which an inadequately functioning brain no longer deserves moral status. If we look at the requirements for brain death, and examine how they compare with the developmental sequence, we see that the brain of a third-trimester baby, or perhaps even a second-trimester baby, could be so analyzed.
Oh here we go again. The irresponsible argument. Is this you not being misogynistic again?

There is no argument, as the irresponsible behavior is supported by science (hint, this is called supporting your claim, try it sometime):
• Fifty-four percent of women who have abortions had used a contraceptive method (usually the condom or the pill) during the month they became pregnant. Among those women, 76% of pill users and 49% of condom users report having used their method inconsistently, while 13% of pill users and 14% of condom users report correct use.

Forty-six percent of women who have abortions had not used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant. Of these women, 33% had perceived themselves to be at low risk for pregnancy, 32% had had concerns about contraceptive methods, 26% had had unexpected sex and 1% had been forced to have sex.

• Eight percent of women who have abortions have never used a method of birth control; nonuse is greatest among those who are young, poor, black, Hispanic or less educated.

About half of unintended pregnancies occur among the 11% of women who are at risk for unintended pregnancy but are not using contraceptives. Most of these women have practiced contraception in the past.

And now expecting women to pee on a stick every 28 days to make sure she isn't pregnant before she has her period. Firstly, pregnancy tests will do what exactly? As explained, the greater majority of "pregnancies" end before the woman even knows she is pregnant. In other words, more fertilised eggs end up in the sanitary pad than not. So your argument of how dare women be inconvenienced with being forced by society to pee on a stick a few days after she ovulates will do what exactly? Cause severe undue stress on women when the tests come back positive and then they get their period. Which for many, will cause unnecessary grief and stress.

Who said "a few days after she ovulates"?
Quantitative blood tests and the most sensitive urine tests usually begin to detect hCG shortly after implantation, which can occur anywhere from 8 to 10 days after ovulation.

...It could take up to 12 further days for implantation to occur, meaning even the most sensitive pregnancy tests may give false negatives up to 17 days after the act that caused the pregnancy.

Urine (Home HPT) Pregnancy Test: The urine pregnancy test will usually not become positive in most women until a missed period or about a week after implantation. Many manufacturers of urine pregnancy tests want you to believe that the urine test is usually positive before a missed period, but only about 25% of pregnant women will test positive with the HPT 2 days before a missed period, and about 40% the day before the missed period. On average, a pregnancy will be positive 13.5 days after ovulation, or about the time you expect your menstrual period. -

And I believe women are capable of being educated about what can contribute to false positives. And if women can be educated and are responsible enough to make the decision to abort an unintended pregnancy (your assertion, mind you), why should having earlier warning cause any additional stress or grief?

Are you saying women cannot be educated about pregnancy tests or that they are too sensitive and delicate to be expected to be responsible for such things?

Secondly, expecting women to pee on a stick every month to check if she is pregnant so she can plan and decide for an abortion before then.. Some tests can tell you if you are pregnant within a few days after 'conception', before it even implants in the uterus even.

Many manufacturers of urine pregnancy tests want you to believe that the urine test is usually positive before a missed period, but only about 25% of pregnant women will test positive with the HPT 2 days before a missed period, and about 40% the day before the missed period. -

So it appears this argument suffers from advertising hype.

So by your reckoning, you expect women to pee on a stick every 28 days, even earlier than that, to check if they are pregnant so they can check to see if they are pregnant so they can start booking their abortions before the week 8 mark. Many women are unable to decide in that time frame. It gives them a matter of days to decide, to discuss it with their spouse, partner or the baby's father, to decide if they will be able to work or go to school.. Since you know, it's a pretty big fucking decision.

I think it would be distinctly irresponsible to give anyone such little time to make such a big decision.

So a sexually active woman cannot possibly be expected to have already decided on what she would do in the case of an unintended pregnancy. You would rather them wait until there is actual pressure to make a decision before even contemplating it, huh?

Why do you seem to think women cannot be educated and make informed and responsible decisions in advance?

I get it, I really do get it, you're the type of guy who doesn't think women are smart and responsible enough to know and understand their own bodies, so you think your standards of what women should do is better. Trust me, we all get what kind of guy you are. And as I said, you can pee on a stick every month if you want to make sure you aren't pregnant and give yourself 2 weeks to decide if you are going to have an abortion or not. That is your choice and your body. Don't foist your misogynistic views on others.

You seem to be arguing that women are not "smart and responsible enough" without any help from me. Since you do not seem to have any rational arguments at all, do not foist your man-hating views on others.

Which by your own standards, religious women who have sex with their husbands without contraception are distinctly irresponsible. But by your stupid standards, these women do not believe in abortions, so it's all okay. Yay more women who allow men with your views and beliefs and men like you to control their wombs!

No, these women have made a decision beforehand and are responsible to accept the consequences of that decision. So only women allowing men to control them would be against contraceptives and abortion? Now you sound misogynistic.

And fetal brain waves can be both "detected and recorded" at about 40 days, so unless you have a reference to cite otherwise, you are just talking out of your ass.
You know what? You are absolutely correct. Brain activity does start at around the 40 day mark. I was under the belief that it started much earlier than that when the brain and nervous system formed. My apologies.



Tell me, do you believe in keeping brain dead people on life support because you believe they are alive?

First, look up the definition of brain-death:
Brain death is the irreversible end of brain activity (including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life) due to total necrosis of the cerebral neurons following loss of brain oxygenation. -
But even brain-death, defined as "a dead cerebrum but a living brainstem", is less activity than that of an 8 week fetus:
During weeks 8 to 10, the cerebrum begins its development in earnest. Neurons proliferate and begin their migration throughout the brain. The anterior commissure, which is the first interhemispheric connection (a small one), also develops. Reflexes appear for the first time during this period. - (your source)​
As opposed to:
A brain-dead individual has no clinical evidence of brain function upon physical examination. This includes no response to pain and no cranial nerve reflexes. Reflexes include pupillary response (fixed pupils), oculocephalic reflex, corneal reflex, no response to the caloric reflex test, and no spontaneous respirations. -

So since brain-death is irreversible, there would be no hope in keeping such a person alive. You may be confusing it with a persistent vegetative state.

Since you believe that women should not be allowed to have abortions after 40 days, before most would even know they are even pregnant, forcing women to pee on sticks every months aside, the brain waves at 8 weeks is neural activity that is present in even brain dead people and is just primitive neural activity, less than that of a shrimp's... Nothing conscious. So do you support in keeping brain dead people on life support because they also have neural activity that can be measured like that of a foetus?

Did I say 40 days? 8 weeks time 7 days in a week equals 56 days. You are using "brain dead" very loosely and completely ignoring its irreversibility. Conscious?
Consciousness is the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. -

Awareness is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or sensory patterns. -

Reflexes are evidence of the "ability to perceive, to feel... sensory patterns", hence consciousness. You have even made the argument that the brain is equivalent to the mind:
What constitutes your mind? Where do your thoughts come from? I'll give you a hint.. It's inside your skull. Starts with a "B". -

So by your own argument, brain activity is qualifies.
And? Gazzaniga is "one of the leading researchers in cognitive neuroscience, the study of the neural basis of mind." -

There is a necessary bias there.
Bias? What other basis for the mind is demonstrable?

Gazzaniga states in the article that his emotional views are in conflict with his logical assessment.
As a father, I have a perceptual reaction to the Carnegie developmental stages of a fetus: the image of Stage 23, when the fetus is approximately eight weeks old, suggests a small human being. Until that stage, it is difficult to tell the difference between a pig embryo and a human embryo. But then-bingo-up pops the beginning shape of the human head, and it looks unmistakably like one of us. Again, this is around eight weeks, more than two thirds into the first trimester. I am reacting to a sentiment that wells up in me, a perceptual moment that is stark, defining, and real. And yet, at the level of neuroscientific knowledge, it could easily be argued that my view is nonsensical. The brain at Carnegie Stage 23, which has slowly been developing from roughly the fifteenth day, is hardly a brain that could sustain any serious mental life. If a grown adult had suffered massive brain damage, reducing the brain to this level of development, the patient would be considered brain dead and a candidate for organ donation. Society has defined the point at which an inadequately functioning brain no longer deserves moral status. If we look at the requirements for brain death, and examine how they compare with the developmental sequence, we see that the brain of a third-trimester baby, or perhaps even a second-trimester baby, could be so analyzed. So why would I draw a line at Carnegie Stage 23 when the neuroscientific knowledge makes it clear that the brain at this stage is not ready for prime-time life?

I am trying to make a neuroethical argument here, and I cannot avoid a "gut reaction." Of course, it is my gut reaction, and others may not have it at all. In recognizing it within me, however, I am able to appreciate how difficult these decisions are for many people. Even though I can't imagine, and do not have, a gut reaction to seeing a fourteen-day-old blastocyst, an entity the size of the dot of an i on this page, that dot may serve as a stimulus to the belief system of those who hold that all fertilized eggs are worthy of our respect. Still, I would argue that assigning equivalent moral status to a fourteen-day-old ball of cells and to a premature baby is conceptually forced. Holding them to be the same is a sheer act of personal belief.
The only reason to deny right to life at evidence of fetal brain waves seems to be so pro-abortionists can continue the parasite/viability argument. Such arguments make a non-scientific use of the term "parasite" to justify viability as somehow having anything to do with personhood right to life. This, as well as any intermediate developmental state of the brain, are arbitrary.

It begins by examining the foundational changes that occur during the embryonic period, which in humans extends through the eighth week post conception (gestational week eight, or GW8). By the end of the embryonic period the rudimentary structures of the brain and central nervous system are established and the major compartments of the central and peripheral nervous systems are defined (see Fig. 1).

...Brain development continues for an extended period postnatally. The brain increases in size by four-fold during the preschool period, reaching approximately 90% of adult volume by age 6. -

So if brain development is a factor in personhood, why not wait to grant right to life at age 6? Is the pro-abortion stance on personhood just a confluence of arbitrary milestones? None of these are ethically strong arguments.
An so onto Rush Limbaugh..

There is no argument, as the irresponsible behavior is supported by science (hint, this is called supporting your claim, try it sometime):
• Fifty-four percent of women who have abortions had used a contraceptive method (usually the condom or the pill) during the month they became pregnant. Among those women, 76% of pill users and 49% of condom users report having used their method inconsistently, while 13% of pill users and 14% of condom users report correct use.

Forty-six percent of women who have abortions had not used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant. Of these women, 33% had perceived themselves to be at low risk for pregnancy, 32% had had concerns about contraceptive methods, 26% had had unexpected sex and 1% had been forced to have sex.

• Eight percent of women who have abortions have never used a method of birth control; nonuse is greatest among those who are young, poor, black, Hispanic or less educated.

About half of unintended pregnancies occur among the 11% of women who are at risk for unintended pregnancy but are not using contraceptives. Most of these women have practiced contraception in the past.
What a shame you don't apply this standard to your religious lackeys.

Access to birth control is not always easy or even possible.

  • Funding for the U.S. government's Title X program, which funds low-cost, confidential family planning services, is 61% lower today in constant dollars than it was in 1980.
  • Some state governments have enacted refusal clauses (or so-called "conscience clauses") that permit pharmacists and healthcare providers to refuse to dispense medication, including contraception, when the use of it conflicts with the provider's religious or moral beliefs.
  • The U.S. government has placed obstacles in the path of minors and immigrants seeking emergency contraception ("EC"), despite the scientific evidence supporting the safety and benefits of easy access.
  • Some employers that provide otherwise comprehensive health insurance benefits have refused to provide benefits for certain contraception and related services.


In fact, amongst women who live in poverty, that becomes even harder:

Even though the number of unintended pregnancies in the United States has remained relatively constant, they are becoming increasingly concentrated among low-income women, according to a new report from the Guttmacher Institute.

Between 1994 and 2006, the number of unintended pregnancies among women whose incomes fall below the national poverty line rose by 50 percent. At the same time, however, unintended pregnancies dropped among more economically privileged women.

What is the difference between women who are 'economically privileged' and those who live on or below the poverty line?

Guttmacher’s most recent data, the unintended pregnancy rate for women living below the poverty level is more than five times as high than the rate for the women in the highest income level. In addition to tracking with wealth, higher rates of unintended pregnancy also correlate with lower levels of education.

It’s also clearly a matter of lacking access to or information about effective forms of birth control. Of all of the women in the U.S. who are at risk for an unintended pregnancy, 35 percent say they either inconsistently use contraception or don’t use any form of contraception at all. And that group accounts for 95 percent of all unintended pregnancies each year.

Guttmacher notes that publicly-funded family planning services, like the Planned Parenthood clinics that often partner with states’ Medicaid programs, go a long way toward helping low-income women avoid pregnancy. The large proportion of poorer women who experience unintended pregnancy means that about two-thirds of unintended births are paid for by Medicaid, an estimated $11.1 billion cost in 2006. But without those family planning services, Guttmacher projects that figure would balloon by 60 percent to an estimated $18 billion expense.

Despite the essential role that family planning clinics play, they’re under attack in states across the country. States are slashing their family planning budgets and working hard to defund Planned Parenthood — while simultaneously cutting off low-income women’s abortion access by driving up the cost of the procedure and preventing public insurance programs from paying for it. Most recently, conservatives are even attacking the fact that public insurance programs provide maternity care for single mothers who unintentionally become pregnant outside of marriage, suggesting Medicaid dollars shouldn’t go toward that expense.

Studies have repeatedly shown that, even though easily accessible contraception is essential for helping women manage their reproductive health and stay out of poverty, many women still face barriers to getting it. About 30 percent of U.S. women who don’t currently use a reliable form of birth control say they would start if the pill were available over the counter.

Oh gee, what a surprise.

Right to lifer's are also denying women the ability to access birth control, especially in the more at risk group of women who are poor and unable to access proper education about birth control.

Who said "a few days after she ovulates"?
Some at home pregnancy tests are able to detect even the most minute traces of hCG a couple of days after conception. Even before implantation. Implantation is usually within a week or so and sometimes later... So.. what does that tell you?

Quantitative blood tests and the most sensitive urine tests usually begin to detect hCG shortly after implantation, which can occur anywhere from 8 to 10 days after ovulation.

...It could take up to 12 further days for implantation to occur, meaning even the most sensitive pregnancy tests may give false negatives up to 17 days after the act that caused the pregnancy.

"Could", not, does. Not every woman is the same. Not every woman has the same menstrual cycle. Some are shorter and some are longer.

Urine (Home HPT) Pregnancy Test: The urine pregnancy test will usually not become positive in most women until a missed period or about a week after implantation. Many manufacturers of urine pregnancy tests want you to believe that the urine test is usually positive before a missed period, but only about 25% of pregnant women will test positive with the HPT 2 days before a missed period, and about 40% the day before the missed period. On average, a pregnancy will be positive 13.5 days after ovulation, or about the time you expect your menstrual period. -

Some home pregnancy tests are more sensitive than others. The more sensitive tests may be able to detect low levels of hCG as early as four days before your period is due, or seven days after conception.

A test may be negative for several reasons. You may not be pregnant. Or, you may have ovulated later than you thought, and not be as far along in pregnancy as you thought.

One in 10 women can have very low levels of hCG levels at the time of a missed period. If you have a negative result, but still don’t get your period, test again three days later. If you are pregnant, the levels of hormone may build up enough by then to be picked up by the test.

A blood test can also detect hCG. Blood tests are more sensitive than urine tests and can detect pregnancy from about six to eight days after ovulation. However you will not be offered a blood test for pregnancy until after your period is due, and even then only if there is a medical need.


Not every woman is the same.

Demanding women pee on a stick every month is impractical and frankly, stupid and stressful.

And I believe women are capable of being educated about what can contribute to false positives. And if women can be educated and are responsible enough to make the decision to abort an unintended pregnancy (your assertion, mind you), why should having earlier warning cause any additional stress or grief?

Are you saying women cannot be educated about pregnancy tests or that they are too sensitive and delicate to be expected to be responsible for such things?
As I said, expecting anyone to live on edge each time they have sex and each time their period is due just in case, so they can fit into your criteria of when you think women can access an abortion based solely on what you deem to be brain activity, since it was pointed out to you that most women find out they are pregnant well after 8 weeks (which is the criteria you applied) instead of allowing women to do what is right for them...

As I pointed out earlier, you are the one who has issues with women making decisions for themselves as they see fit. Not I. Applying your standard to me and trying to lie and say this is what I am saying is not going to fly here. If women choose to live as you demand they do and have pregnancy tests every month once they have figured out their ovulation cycle and keep a chart to monitor when they ovulate so they know exactly when to take pregnancy tests if they have sex during that time, then that is their choice. You are free do take your temperature for months on end to determine your ovulation cycle, that is your choice. Not every woman wishes to live that way. Most women have better things to do with their time and in the event they do get pregnant and find they are unable to have a child for whatever reason, then it is their choice to get an abortion.

Many manufacturers of urine pregnancy tests want you to believe that the urine test is usually positive before a missed period, but only about 25% of pregnant women will test positive with the HPT 2 days before a missed period, and about 40% the day before the missed period. -

So it appears this argument suffers from advertising hype.
And again, not every woman's menstrual cycle is the same and not every woman will have the exact same menstrual cycle every month. Many things affect a woman's menstrual cycle, from stress, illness, travel, or nothing at all. Demanding that women, as you put it, pee on a stick every month, is impractical and frankly stupid. Not every woman even has access to those "sticks", let alone birth control due to where they live and also their financial and economic circumstances.

So a sexually active woman cannot possibly be expected to have already decided on what she would do in the case of an unintended pregnancy. You would rather them wait until there is actual pressure to make a decision before even contemplating it, huh?
Yes Syne, women decide if they are going to have an abortion each time they have sex in the event of falling pregnant from that sexual activity.

Do you even know any women?

Many women know when they want to start a family and in the event of finding themselves pregnant before then, some opt for an abortion. Most women, as was pointed out earlier, find out they are pregnant after the 8 week mark and many of those then spend some time deciding what they are going to do. Some, especially women with irregular periods for whatever reasons, do not find out until much later. Demanding every single woman pees on a stick every month, which as even you pointed out, is not always accurate, will cause undue stress (emotional and financial) because you personally have issues with women being allowed to have any control over their own bodies.

Why do you seem to think women cannot be educated and make informed and responsible decisions in advance?
Many women do make the decision of when they want to have a baby you lying and dishonest dolt.

But as has been pointed out, many do not find out until well past your 'brain activity' margin. Women have the right to decide for themselves. Full stop. Nothing more and nothing less. You have no rights or say in the matter. Is that clear enough for you?

You seem to be arguing that women are not "smart and responsible enough" without any help from me. Since you do not seem to have any rational arguments at all, do not foist your man-hating views on others.
Let me remind you Syne, that you are not the first, nor the last misogynist who has tried to use this ridiculous way of debate on this site.

The only person who has been demanding that women are simply incapable of being responsible enough with decisions about their reproductive rights has been you and your lackeys in this thread. No one else has. Do you think you are smart enough to trip me up because I disagree with your ridiculous proposition that women be made to "pee on a stick" every month? Really?

Is there no end to your desire to control women's reproductive cycles, so much so that you want to force them to decide early on when to get an abortion?

Pro-choice is about allowing women to make the choice as they see fit. Not to fit into your misogynistic views of women's rights.

No, these women have made a decision beforehand and are responsible to accept the consequences of that decision. So only women allowing men to control them would be against contraceptives and abortion? Now you sound misogynistic.
And some women's circumstances change later on, after your arbitrary 8 week period, and decide to get an abortion. That is their choice. Not yours.

Demanding women pee on a stick and forcing women to make such decisions to fit into your timeline is misogynistic and shows just how ridiculous your proposition is, because you do not think women can be responsible enough to make such a decision afterwards. How about this, how about you tell your female other half that she has to pee on a stick every month because you want to make sure that if she aborts your offspring, she does it before 8 weeks, because you aren't comfortable with her aborting it when there are brain waves, and see if you ever get sex from her again.

Understand how this is yet another attempt for misogynists to control the reproductive organs and even the reproductive cycle of women? What of women who refuse to pee on the stick every month? Deny them the right to access abortions because it doesn't fit into your ideal of what women are meant to be doing?

First, look up the definition of brain-death:
Brain death is the irreversible end of brain activity (including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life) due to total necrosis of the cerebral neurons following loss of brain oxygenation. -
But even brain-death, defined as "a dead cerebrum but a living brainstem", is less activity than that of an 8 week fetus:
During weeks 8 to 10, the cerebrum begins its development in earnest. Neurons proliferate and begin their migration throughout the brain. The anterior commissure, which is the first interhemispheric connection (a small one), also develops. Reflexes appear for the first time during this period. - (your source)​
As opposed to:
A brain-dead individual has no clinical evidence of brain function upon physical examination. This includes no response to pain and no cranial nerve reflexes. Reflexes include pupillary response (fixed pupils), oculocephalic reflex, corneal reflex, no response to the caloric reflex test, and no spontaneous respirations. -

So since brain-death is irreversible, there would be no hope in keeping such a person alive. You may be confusing it with a persistent vegetative state.

Did I say 40 days? 8 weeks time 7 days in a week equals 56 days. You are using "brain dead" very loosely and completely ignoring its irreversibility. Conscious?
Consciousness is the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. -

Awareness is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or sensory patterns. -

Reflexes are evidence of the "ability to perceive, to feel... sensory patterns", hence consciousness. You have even made the argument that the brain is equivalent to the mind:
What constitutes your mind? Where do your thoughts come from? I'll give you a hint.. It's inside your skull. Starts with a "B". -

So by your own argument, brain activity is qualifies.
Just as the "baby" surviving the 40 weeks is not guaranteed...

Primitive reflexes and the types of neural activity that exists "when there are brainwaves" (which is your criteria for life) also exists in people in a persistent vegetative state. The article I linked above used the term "clinically brain dead".

I get that you deliberately chose to ignore that point for your own reasons, but I'd suggest you stop dodging and weaving actually face up to the arguments you are trying to make here.

The 8 week period or the 'brain waves' period you have destined as being the cut off point is not a foetus or embryo having conscious thoughts. But it's just the neurons firing.

As I asked earlier, and you did not answer, how do you feel about keeping people on life support because there is brain activity? What about people in permanent vegetative state, as also pointed out by ElectricFetus?
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The only reason to deny right to life at evidence of fetal brain waves seems to be so pro-abortionists can continue the parasite/viability argument. Such arguments make a non-scientific use of the term "parasite" to justify viability as somehow having anything to do with personhood right to life. This, as well as any intermediate developmental state of the brain, are arbitrary.

If "some" brain activity warrants full personhood then is it wrong to removed the feeding tube for people who survived coma with extreme brain damage/permanent vegetative state?

So if brain development is a factor in personhood, why not wait to grant right to life at age 6? Is the pro-abortion stance on personhood just a confluence of arbitrary milestones? None of these are ethically strong arguments.

Becoming an independent human being is not arbitrary, hence the parasite clause: a baby can live independent of it mother, a fetus can't.
So if brain development is a factor in personhood, why not wait to grant right to life at age 6? Is the pro-abortion stance on personhood just a confluence of arbitrary milestones? None of these are ethically strong arguments.
When I asked you earlier where you draw the line you indicated it was at some point in the embryonic stage of development.
Capracus said:
Is there any point after conception that you deem acceptable for termination?
-Earlier than 8 weeks (first brain waves). At brain death, we consider the human to no longer have a right to life (and can be terminated), so prior to brain waves it would at least be consistent to grant no right to life.
If personhood is not defined by rudimentary consciousness resulting from minimal cortical function, then by your apparent rationale it would be defined by rudimentary metabolism resulting from fertilization, thereby drawing your line at conception or implantation. Is this your position?
An so onto the man-hater..

What a shame you don't apply this standard to your religious lackeys.

Shame you encourage others to avoid the standard of supporting scientific claims. You need to learn the difference between evidence claims and belief claims. One requires evidence. Can you guess which?

Access to birth control is not always easy or even possible.


In fact, amongst women who live in poverty, that becomes even harder:

What is the difference between women who are 'economically privileged' and those who live on or below the poverty line?

Oh gee, what a surprise.

Right to lifer's are also denying women the ability to access birth control, especially in the more at risk group of women who are poor and unable to access proper education about birth control.

That is exactly why I would advocate better contraceptive access as part of abortion law reforms.

Part of the problem is that the Title X program funds Planned Parenthood and possibly other abortion advocates (though not abortion directly). If these could be definitively separated, there may not be as much resistance to providing funding.

I notice you did not refute the evidence that women are largely irresponsible when using contraceptives.

Some at home pregnancy tests are able to detect even the most minute traces of hCG a couple of days after conception. Even before implantation. Implantation is usually within a week or so and sometimes later... So.. what does that tell you?

That there are choices in pregnancy tests that may be more suitable to this purpose.

Not every woman is the same.

Demanding women pee on a stick every month is impractical and frankly, stupid and stressful.

Again, why would it be any more stressful, assuming a woman is capable of making a decision before being sexually active? Or is peeing on a stick such a HUGE inconvenience to ensure a woman is actually making an ethically defensible choice? Nah, if it requires peeing on a stick, fuck ethics, right?

And I believe women are capable of being educated about what can contribute to false positives. And if women can be educated and are responsible enough to make the decision to abort an unintended pregnancy (your assertion, mind you), why should having earlier warning cause any additional stress or grief?

Are you saying women cannot be educated about pregnancy tests or that they are too sensitive and delicate to be expected to be responsible for such things?
As I said, expecting anyone to live on edge each time they have sex and each time their period is due just in case, so they can fit into your criteria of when you think women can access an abortion based solely on what you deem to be brain activity, since it was pointed out to you that most women find out they are pregnant well after 8 weeks (which is the criteria you applied) instead of allowing women to do what is right for them...

Ethics is not a personal prerogative. And again, how is knowing earlier any different then finding out later? Is it just that women like being oblivious until actually confronted with physical symptoms? That would seem to support the idea that they are irresponsible and that their general approach to the issue is avoidance/denial.

As I pointed out earlier, you are the one who has issues with women making decisions for themselves as they see fit. Not I. Applying your standard to me and trying to lie and say this is what I am saying is not going to fly here. If women choose to live as you demand they do and have pregnancy tests every month once they have figured out their ovulation cycle and keep a chart to monitor when they ovulate so they know exactly when to take pregnancy tests if they have sex during that time, then that is their choice. You are free do take your temperature for months on end to determine your ovulation cycle, that is your choice. Not every woman wishes to live that way. Most women have better things to do with their time and in the event they do get pregnant and find they are unable to have a child for whatever reason, then it is their choice to get an abortion.

Again, ethics is not a personal prerogative, especially where another life is concerned. You are again adding unnecessary crap like determining ovulation cycle. Once a month would likely be sufficient, but if a really responsible woman wanted to up that to twice a month, it is only peeing on a stick after all.

The only argument you seem to make is that personal liberty trumps all ethical considerations.

Not every woman even has access to those "sticks", let alone birth control due to where they live and also their financial and economic circumstances.

Again, I would advocate access as part of abortion law reform.

So a sexually active woman cannot possibly be expected to have already decided on what she would do in the case of an unintended pregnancy. You would rather them wait until there is actual pressure to make a decision before even contemplating it, huh?
Yes Syne, women decide if they are going to have an abortion each time they have sex in the event of falling pregnant from that sexual activity.

Do you even know any women?

Many women know when they want to start a family and in the event of finding themselves pregnant before then, some opt for an abortion. Most women, as was pointed out earlier, find out they are pregnant after the 8 week mark and many of those then spend some time deciding what they are going to do. Some, especially women with irregular periods for whatever reasons, do not find out until much later. Demanding every single woman pees on a stick every month, which as even you pointed out, is not always accurate, will cause undue stress (emotional and financial) because you personally have issues with women being allowed to have any control over their own bodies.

Why are you so dead set against women being responsible? I know that study proved they often are not, but I do believe they are capable of being responsible.

You do know there are women, and even feminists, who are against abortion, and even some because they think abortion is misogynistic. If men can promote abortion and career-driven women, they can avoid the consequences of poor contraceptive choices as well.

Why do you seem to think women cannot be educated and make informed and responsible decisions in advance?
Many women do make the decision of when they want to have a baby you lying and dishonest dolt.

But as has been pointed out, many do not find out until well past your 'brain activity' margin. Women have the right to decide for themselves. Full stop. Nothing more and nothing less. You have no rights or say in the matter. Is that clear enough for you?

Where did I say some women did not plan ahead? I have already shown that the very large majority of unintended pregnancies are irresponsible.

Liberty trumps ethics, huh?

You seem to be arguing that women are not "smart and responsible enough" without any help from me. Since you do not seem to have any rational arguments at all, do not foist your man-hating views on others.
Let me remind you Syne, that you are not the first, nor the last misogynist who has tried to use this ridiculous way of debate on this site.

The only person who has been demanding that women are simply incapable of being responsible enough with decisions about their reproductive rights has been you and your lackeys in this thread. No one else has. Do you think you are smart enough to trip me up because I disagree with your ridiculous proposition that women be made to "pee on a stick" every month? Really?

Is there no end to your desire to control women's reproductive cycles, so much so that you want to force them to decide early on when to get an abortion?

Pro-choice is about allowing women to make the choice as they see fit. Not to fit into your misogynistic views of women's rights.

Really? So now you advocate a woman's right to be completely oblivious to the possible consequences until they are upon her? I would think that a woman would has planned ahead would be much more emotionally and intellectually prepared when/if that time should come. Seems you would rather them be caught completely unaware, even possibly giving birth without being aware of being pregnant (with all the exposure to prenatal risks).

You have not ethical argument aside from misandry, and your man-hating is so intense that you cannot be bothered to even think about the rights of a fetus. They are completely irrelevant, right? Come on, it is all just a gender war to you, right? Fetuses are merely collateral damage.

No, these women have made a decision beforehand and are responsible to accept the consequences of that decision. So only women allowing men to control them would be against contraceptives and abortion? Now you sound misogynistic.
And some women's circumstances change later on, after your arbitrary 8 week period, and decide to get an abortion. That is their choice. Not yours.

I am actually advocating their choice. Just earlier choice. Again you seem to be arguing from a "woman's prerogative to change her mind", which has not ethical weight.

Demanding women pee on a stick and forcing women to make such decisions to fit into your timeline is misogynistic and shows just how ridiculous your proposition is, because you do not think women can be responsible enough to make such a decision afterwards. How about this, how about you tell your female other half that she has to pee on a stick every month because you want to make sure that if she aborts your offspring, she does it before 8 weeks, because you aren't comfortable with her aborting it when there are brain waves, and see if you ever get sex from her again.

Most of my significant others, even the wholly secular ones, tend to be against abortion (and typically from conception). Try again with your man-hating propaganda. And it simply follows that failure to make responsible decisions about contraception would not lend any more responsibility to the last resort decision.

Understand how this is yet another attempt for misogynists to control the reproductive organs and even the reproductive cycle of women? What of women who refuse to pee on the stick every month? Deny them the right to access abortions because it doesn't fit into your ideal of what women are meant to be doing?

When are you going to learn that this is an ethics issue, not a control issue? Oh wait, you are a misandrist, so never.

Primitive reflexes and the types of neural activity that exists "when there are brainwaves" (which is your criteria for life) also exists in brain dead people.

Support that claim.
The only reason to deny right to life at evidence of fetal brain waves seems to be so pro-abortionists can continue the parasite/viability argument. Such arguments make a non-scientific use of the term "parasite" to justify viability as somehow having anything to do with personhood right to life. This, as well as any intermediate developmental state of the brain, are arbitrary.
If "some" brain activity warrants full personhood then is it wrong to removed the feeding tube for people who survived coma with extreme brain damage/permanent vegetative state?

The existence of a small number of diagnosed PVS cases that have eventually resulted in improvement makes defining recovery as "impossible" particularly difficult in a legal sense. -

Misdiagnosis of PVS is not uncommon. One study of 40 patients in the United Kingdom reported that 43% of those patients classified as in a PVS were misdiagnosed and another 33% able to recover whilst the study was underway -

PVS (permanent vegetative state, at about 1 year) is much less definitive, recovery rates depend largely on length of PVS, and misdiagnosis is possible.

None of these ambiguities are at issue with brain death nor fetal brain activity.

So if brain development is a factor in personhood, why not wait to grant right to life at age 6? Is the pro-abortion stance on personhood just a confluence of arbitrary milestones? None of these are ethically strong arguments.
Becoming an independent human being is not arbitrary, hence the parasite clause: a baby can live independent of it mother, a fetus can't.

Unscientific characterization as a parasite is simply not warranted. People who want to disenfranchise some class of people always find scientifically unjustified ways to marginalize their personhood. You have never addressed my earlier scenarios about parasitism.
When I asked you earlier where you draw the line you indicated it was at some point in the embryonic stage of development.If personhood is not defined by rudimentary consciousness resulting from minimal cortical function, then by your apparent rationale it would be defined by rudimentary metabolism resulting from fertilization, thereby drawing your line at conception or implantation. Is this your position?

No idea how you get that from brain activity, at 8 weeks.

Shame you encourage others to avoid the standard of supporting scientific claims. You need to learn the difference between evidence claims and belief claims. One requires evidence. Can you guess which?

I did support my claims Syne. With links.

I suppose if I said that my soul said it was acceptable, then I would not need to provide any proof at all, eh Syne? After all, as you said, one cannot prove that...:rolleyes:

That is exactly why I would advocate better contraceptive access as part of abortion law reforms.
And when you are king of the world, you can do that.


Part of the problem is that the Title X program funds Planned Parenthood and possibly other abortion advocates (though not abortion directly). If these could be definitively separated, there may not be as much resistance to providing funding.

I notice you did not refute the evidence that women are largely irresponsible when using contraceptives.
You want me to call you a misogynist again because you think women are incapable of making responsible decisions when it comes to their own bodies and sex life and sexual and reproductive organs without being told what to do by the likes of you? Not every woman is able to or even remembers to use their contraceptive pill and sometimes it fails and sometimes they are on other medications which affects the pill and sometimes they can't access it and sometimes the condom breaks, etc..

You know what my opinion of your views of women are.

As I said, you are free to tell whomever will sleep with you to pee on a stick every month. Good luck with that though.

Again, why would it be any more stressful, assuming a woman is capable of making a decision before being sexually active? Or is peeing on a stick such a HUGE inconvenience to ensure a woman is actually making an ethically defensible choice? Nah, if it requires peeing on a stick, fuck ethics, right?
Listen to yourself.

You expect women to take pregnancy tests every month to abide by this arbitrary timeline you have for abortions.

You cannot be serious? You're willing to go this far to force women to obey to what you want them to adhere to?

Someone pointed out to me in the last week that your position is one that is so ridiculous that it borders on hilarious. They aren't wrong.

Ethics is not a personal prerogative. And again, how is knowing earlier any different then finding out later? Is it just that women like being oblivious until actually confronted with physical symptoms? That would seem to support the idea that they are irresponsible and that their general approach to the issue is avoidance/denial.
So in your mind, she is irresponsible if she isn't on birth control and she is equally irresponsible if she doesn't pee on a stick every month. Peeing on a stick won't always give a correct result, it is obscenely expensive and it would entail women having to pee on sticks for days on end to double check, because a woman's menstrual cycle often changes for a variety of reasons. And why? Because you believe that she should be making the decision to abort when the brain waves start and because you believe it is more ethical to abort a child before it develops less brain function than a shrimp.

You make it nearly impossible to take you even remotely seriously.

Again, ethics is not a personal prerogative, especially where another life is concerned.
What other "life"?

When "life" begins does appear to be a personal prerogative. Your "brain wave" test is your own. I am sure many would disagree that life begins when the neurons start firing and it has less cognitive consciousness than a shrimp. Yet that is your time stamp on this.. 8 weeks.. Before most women even know they are pregnant..

Some believe life begins at the moment of conception and others believe that contraception is wrong and immoral because their ethics dictate that it is the destruction and prohibition of potential life.

What makes your ethical standards better than anyone else's?

You are again adding unnecessary crap like determining ovulation cycle. Once a month would likely be sufficient, but if a really responsible woman wanted to up that to twice a month, it is only peeing on a stick after all.
You don't know many women, do you?

Not every woman's cycle is even monthly. Some are less than that and some are more. Some are all over the place and get their periods anywhere from between around 20 days to 35 days or more or less depending on a variety of things at different times in their lives. Mine has been as short as 20 days (at least a few times, it was less than that) and as long as 38+ days at various times. Dictating that women can simply pee on a stick once a month clearly shows that you have little understanding or knowledge of a woman's reproductive cycle and how much it often fluctuates that simply peeing on a stick once a month is ineffective and down right stupid.

The only argument you seem to make is that personal liberty trumps all ethical considerations.
Whose ethical considerations?

Yours? How about those who believe life begins at conception? What about others who believe it starts at birth?

Which one is right?

And oh no! Personal liberty! What an evil evil concept that women should have personal liberty and personal liberty over their own reproductive organs! The horror. Oh the humanity! And you wonder why I and others think you are a misogynist?:rolleyes:

Again, I would advocate access as part of abortion law reform.
And when you are king of the world, you can do that. Until then, you can only be king of your own womb.

Why are you so dead set against women being responsible? I know that study proved they often are not, but I do believe they are capable of being responsible.
Oh my fucking god!

Again, is this you not being a misogynist?

You do know there are women, and even feminists, who are against abortion, and even some because they think abortion is misogynistic. If men can promote abortion and career-driven women, they can avoid the consequences of poor contraceptive choices as well.
Yep, and they are free to their opinions. How about you tell those women that you demand they pee on a stick every month. See how you go. :) I dare you.

Where did I say some women did not plan ahead? I have already shown that the very large majority of unintended pregnancies are irresponsible.

Liberty trumps ethics, huh?
Whose ethics?

Really? So now you advocate a woman's right to be completely oblivious to the possible consequences until they are upon her? I would think that a woman would has planned ahead would be much more emotionally and intellectually prepared when/if that time should come. Seems you would rather them be caught completely unaware, even possibly giving birth without being aware of being pregnant (with all the exposure to prenatal risks).

You have not ethical argument aside from misandry, and your man-hating is so intense that you cannot be bothered to even think about the rights of a fetus. They are completely irrelevant, right? Come on, it is all just a gender war to you, right? Fetuses are merely collateral damage.
Here we go again, your dishonesty comes to the fore..

My argument has always been that it is up to women to make the choices and decisions about her sexual and reproductive organs.

Make up as much stuff as you want, you aren't really fooling anyone.

And my man hating.. Because I believe that women should be the ones to decide and make choices about their sexual and reproductive organs. Only a misogynist could deem that as being "man hating".

Keep trying though.

I am actually advocating their choice. Just earlier choice. Again you seem to be arguing from a "woman's prerogative to change her mind", which has not ethical weight.
Fuck my life, I don't know whether to laugh at you and let you dig your own hole any bigger or to point out the stupidity of your misogyny.

You advocate that choice because you do not think women are capable of being responsible enough without the choices you present.

As I said, when you have a womb, then you can make the choices you want regarding it. Until such a time, fuck off out of women's reproductive organs. Clear enough for you?

Most of my significant others, even the wholly secular ones, tend to be against abortion (and typically from conception). Try again with your man-hating propaganda. And it simply follows that failure to make responsible decisions about contraception would not lend any more responsibility to the last resort decision.
Do you tell them they need to pee on sticks every month?

When are you going to learn that this is an ethics issue, not a control issue? Oh wait, you are a misandrist, so never.
And when are you going to learn that you don't get to determine whose ethics are the correct one and that many apply life differently, some earlier and others later and others yet even later. So your expectation that women pee on sticks to fit into your views of when life starts, thereby exerting even more control over the actions of women and further limiting their choice is also an ethical issue because you deny women their rights over their own fucking bodies.

Who the fuck do you think you are? What gives you the rights to force your beliefs and your personal ethics of when life starts on others?

Support that claim.
Learn to read links and corrections.
Already addressed...repetitively. And blatant misandry warrants no further response.
You advocated a threshold for personhood at:Is it at or earlier than first detection of lower brain electrical activity?

Really? You have trouble parsing that?

Termination would be acceptable prior to brain waves. Dumbed down enough for ya?
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