Real time Telepathic test, and development exercise


Registered Senior Member
In another thread There was a discussion entered into about the telepathic ability which I have coined as Empressing.

In that thread [Communications with other dimensions] I discussed with forum member Crunchy Cat what empressing was by my description and how I have achieved certain results with my wife in a rigourous testing environment.

For those who wish to read the description this link to the thread in question will help:

I have a proposition I would like to put forward that will prove helpful to me and certainly interesting to other participants.


This experiment involves a minumum of 3 participants.
1] Sender [Myself]
2] Reciever
3] Confirmer

In brief what is involved is that I would send a number for example between 200 and 400 to the Confirmer and the Reciever will post to the thread what he knows or believes that number to be. The confirmer will then open the e-mail and post the number in the forum regardless of whether it is right or wrong.

Both reciever and confirmer are to be chosen.

For example If member Crunchy Cat is interested I would like him to be the Reciever. I would then like him to choose any one from the board to be a confirmer.

I would further suggest that the confirmer be known as a skeptic, posssibly member 'Q' might be a candidate.

Of course this is essentially an experiment that requires a certain amount of good faith as it is unable to be conclusive regardless of the results.

Process description
I shall Draw a number on a piece of paper, and send that number electronically to the confirmer in an e-mail or PM.
The Reciever will then post to the thread the number he feels it might be.
The confirmer will then post the number recieved in his e-mail to the forum.
This process will necessarilly take 24 hours for one cycle.
So only one "send" will occur every 24 hours.
[this is to avoid time issues due to location]

It is anticipated that the reciever will discuss his feelings and what he has experienced including nul results.
It is also anticipated that guessing the number is to be avoided if possible.

Should prove interesting?

A minimum 10 cycles would be IMO a fair initial experient duration.

Any thoughts or better ideas are welcome :)
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Senders post:
Number sent.

Recievers Post:

Confirmers post:

Summary discussion by reciever.

"Well I didn't feel anything particlar, in fact felt a little silly. I posted that number because I ..............."
Prince, Do you think the process involved is adequate?
Are there any critical improvements that you could suggest?
How will you analyse the data?
Do near misses count? What counts as a near miss?
Pete said:
How will you analyse the data?
Do near misses count? What counts as a near miss?
As far as curiocity is concerned we leave that to the curious, but as far as data assessment is concerned a near miss is a miss. No grey areas are premitted.

Near misses as far as I am concerned with this type of test can only be counted as a definite miss.

If I send 111 and the reciever posts 112 then that is a miss. However if a pattern forms and say he [ the reciever ] is always 2 units out on either side then this would be curious and possibly change the way the send is done, but still as far as the test is concerned it would not be considered as a hit.

100% accuracy is the ambition and most likely not going to be met but the results would be a benefit to further research on my part and possibly 100% can be attained later in another test.

One of the biggest pronlems I found with my wife as reciever is the temptation to guess and even second guess the number sent. The reciever tries too hard and chokes the result. Once the guessing starts it gets harder and harder to recieve properly. [ subjective interpretations distort the objectiveness of the number sent.] So speculation needs to be kept to a minimum.

If the reciever relaxes and pretends this is an every day event the results are more benificial. However regardless I assume total responsibility for success or failure as I am the sender and it is how this is managed that determines the outcome the most.
QQ will be doing some coaching and analysis on this end. We will be sharing the same physical location. [ same PC]
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As I myself have challenged others to a test such as this, I see no problem at all with it. It is completely adequate in my mind.

Furthermore, whatever you need me for I shall be happy to oblige, be it sender or confirmer. Just tell me when and I shall be available in that 24 hour period.
Prince_James said:

As I myself have challenged others to a test such as this, I see no problem at all with it. It is completely adequate in my mind.

Furthermore, whatever you need me for I shall be happy to oblige, be it sender or confirmer. Just tell me when and I shall be available in that 24 hour period.

Further to the above process description I am considering that each test cycle include a batch of 4 numbers so that there is more comparative analysis available for each 24 hour cycle.

so in total 40 numbers between a given range. Am thinking between 100 and 401 giving a total population of 300 numbers to choose from.
This of course needs to be firmed up prior to testing.

I'll also use a random source for the numbers selection. Each number gained using a complete population.
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Good morning Ozzie,

Thanks for the offer and I whole heartedly accept the role of receiver! Similarly, I noted that Prince James is very interested in participating in this experiment and after reviewing his posting history, I have seen enough evidence to inidicate that he has the willingness and ability to correctly take on the role of a confirmer.

I am fine with 4 number sends a day for 10 days with a 300 choice range. It might be easier to collaborate further detail between the 3 of us over email and I am also fine using the message board to do so. I'll PM you my email address shortly.

Do it here so we can see.

Oh, and I offer my assistance if it's desired.
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Further to the above process description I am considering that each test cycle include a batch of 4 numbers so that there is more comparative analysis available for each 24 hour cycle.

so in total 40 numbers between a given range. Am thinking between 100 and 401 giving a total population of 300 numbers to choose from.
This of course needs to be firmed up prior to testing.

I'll also use a random source for the numbers selection. Each number gained using a complete population.

This would be wise. It would give us a wider pool of results to go with in a shorter amount of time.

Crunchy Cat:

I am most glad you accept me into the test!

To both:

But I think Wes is right, we ought to keep as many things possible here on the board. That way it can be seen by everyone. Of course, barring the actual number giving, which shall come to me via what? PM over here on the message board? That may be rather conveinent with us all, specifically with the possibility that e-mails could be lost.
I think my suggested use of email was mis-interpreted. The results will and must be posted on SciForums. The use of email is easier to collaborate on the detail of the experiment design; after which, the agreed upon details can be posted on SciForums as well. Sorry if my intent was mis-leading.
Prince_James said:
Crunchy Cat:

I am most glad you accept me into the test!

You're welcome and I do expect that we'll both do everything in our power to ensure the experiment proceeds honestly, smoothly, and objectively.


No, I knew what you meant. I think we should simply do all the details here, so there is no question to all those who are watching what everything is about.

But yes, let's hope for a succesful test brought about by our efforts to assure objective results based on honesty and without problems inhibiting the experiment.
I must admit I am heartened to see such enthuisiasm.
For purposes of transperancy:
There are 3 reasons I am willing to participate in a trial.
1] Up until this trial all other formal trials have been done in the privacy of my home with my partner. As mentionaed in my "Help with tensing" thread the greatest issue I face is the issue of performance anxiety. This leads to a situation where fear causes teh mind and body to become tense, like locking the muscles around a joint of two bones.

The anxiety is experienced because of the empathically emulating other persons subconscious anxieties and curiocities.
These empathic interactions mean that even in the privacy of my own home there is a continuous sense of being on a stage, in the subconscious view of the world [universe]

This trial increases the subconscous interest but at the same time increases conscious interest. Thus doing this trial is a bit like grabbing the bull by it's horns and confronting the issue of tensing. Hopefully I will learn from this trial to cope better with the inherant anxieties.

2] To me it is important that no conditions be placed on any one paticipating. They must be free to exit the trial at any time and do so without prejudice. Not only must they be free to do so but most importantly feel free to do so.
Crunchy Cat as the reciever needs to maintain full violition during the trial as I know that if I threaten his freewill in any oppressive fashion his reaction will be to react inversely to that which is desired. The trial will become more likely to fail as a benefit to any one.

So as part of my training this freewill issue will be para mount in my mind. [ another form of reflexive anxiety]

3] Part of the problem with this sort of thing is that there is an inherant interest in any extraordinary perceptions and expereinces. Curiocity in the psychic realm is quite intense. At this very moment I can sense a general build up to starting the trial. I am also copig quite well with it.
By doing this trial in public like this and maintining transperancy of action and feelings it affords an ability to identify weaknesses and strengths so that in future these can be resolved.
Possibly you can imagine how strong the "big deal" effect can be. This is evidenced by the continuous stream of hyper posts to both the pseudo science and parapsych forums. The "big deal" effect is a very tangible adrenal outcome.

The motivation in doing this trial for me is to learn from the experience so that finaly this issue of confirmable and evidenced psychic reality can be be provided. [ at some time in the future]
The ultimate benefit being for all those suffering psycho topic type illnesses such as paranoid Schizophrenia. If in the near future they can be given appropriate therapies with the knowledge of psychic realities they will I believe benefit greatly. Schizophrenia can be thus treated as a potentially curable illness.

It needs to be understood that even if this trial permits a certain evidence of psychic experience it is not adequate on it's own as proof of psychic pheno. Further trials in more contained environments would be needed. We may assume there is no fraud but others will not have such insight.

Any way, it is sufficient to say that any feed back placed on the board would be welcome as the trial proceeds and even after the 10 cylces have been completed.

Next step:


The proposed trial includes 10 cycles, each of 24 hour duration, thus total trial time is 10 days.
Every cycle consists of a sending of 4 numbers which I shall randomly generate with a value of 101 ~ 400.
So the number 101 and the number 400 are included in the population pool of numbers.
That each number will be a selection from the entire pool [ no deductions from the pool]
Repetition of the same number in the batch of 4 numbers is possible.

so to be clear the range of numbers is >100 and <401

I will send the numbers to Prince, He will not not open the mail until Crunchy Cat has posted his results. Once Crunchy Cat has posted his results, Prince will open the mail and diligently post those numbers in correct order.
Each number will be assigned the alfa A,B,C, and D.
so we have a posting of
A - ???
B - ???
C - ???
D - ???
Once the confirmers post is made there will be opportunity to discuss that cycle. [ This is the most important part of the trial for me and even if there is nothing to report, the non reslult is also important]

The time of sending the numbers will be around midday Eastern standard time [ Sydney Melbourne ] however I do anticipate because of the time differencs this can not be fixed. I wish to relax on the issue of time. If the cycles are not a uniform 24 hours and we place no undue emphasis on timing I feel the results would be more beneficial.

So generally speaking the cycles will be daily.
If we can all agree we can commence tomorrow [ approximtely 24 hours from now] using this same thread.

The other very important thing to realise is that all I will be doing is generating the 4 numbers and writing them onto a white board. I will not be directly empressing to Crunchy Cat in real time unless this is available through the course of the day. This is very different to the direct empressing I have done with my partner.

BTW there is nothing stopping other people from posting. This is to be allowed for, and not rejected if it occurs. Please do not enter into arguements about keeping people out of the thread.

Crunchy Cat it is really about you being confident about what numbers you see rather than what numbers you select. There is no rush and normal activies should be mantained. Just relax and avoid guessing if possible. At some time during the cycle you will recieve the numbers if you are open to them.

So Crunchy Cat what say you?
Prince: What say you?
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Crunchy Cat said:
I think my suggested use of email was mis-interpreted. The results will and must be posted on SciForums. The use of email is easier to collaborate on the detail of the experiment design; after which, the agreed upon details can be posted on SciForums as well. Sorry if my intent was mis-leading.

Whilst I don't think it really matters in function as a matter of interest I feel any discussion would be best kept to the forum. However I do appreciate the gesture and good-will demonstrated by sending me your e-mail.

For any persons wishing my e-mail it is

Once again, I find myself in perfect agreement with the purposed experiment and am ready to begin. But just to be certain: I shall be receiving the number list in PM here on SciForums, yes?

Two other things...

For information related to time: I live in New York City (GM -5:00) with a schedule that brings me on routinely in the afternoon on weekdays, and throughout the evening and into the very late night/early morning weekdays and weekend.

My motivations: I participate in this, first and foremost, for the furthering of science. To attain to the knowledge of whether psychic phenomenon are real or not is an endeavour most noble in itself and potentially limitless in the fruits it could bear.
Prince_James said:

Once again, I find myself in perfect agreement with the purposed experiment and am ready to begin. But just to be certain: I shall be receiving the number list in PM here on SciForums, yes?

Two other things...

For information related to time: I live in New York City (GM -5:00) with a schedule that brings me on routinely in the afternoon on weekdays, and throughout the evening and into the very late night/early morning weekdays and weekend.

My motivations: I participate in this, first and foremost, for the furthering of science. To attain to the knowledge of whether psychic phenomenon are real or not is an endeavour most noble in itself and potentially limitless in the fruits it could bear.

Yes. the numbers will be sent to you via sciforums PM system.

Your motivations are realistic and they are to be respected.

the timing should work out fine

A note to every body involved please allow for possible breakdowns in technology......e-mails and PMs can get disrupted.