

Searching for Truth
Valued Senior Member
Since the world is a result of chance events in the universe, as the atheists claim, then isn't it possible that we destroy the world, and let the universe have another crack at it, perhaps it'll create a 'peaceful world'. Maybe we will re-EVOL-ve. (EVOL is LOVE backwards) into beings that are more peaceful- anyways if everything was just in the state of 'energy' we would all just be One- and at peace with each other. :m:

Is there a reason why someone shouldn't do this? And anyway, why should anyone give a damn about any of you, its not like something will happen to them after they die? They'll simply be recycled into the circle of life....

I don't see anything in Atheism that would stop them from doing this....... Afterall we're just disposable junk- good thing we're biodegradable...:m:

Peace be unto you ;)
Holy Crap!!! :eek: DOG is also GOD backwards. Do you think its just a coincidence??? :shrug:

Hmm.... I was trying to separate the word "love" on purpose because the point about destroying the world was to create a more peaceful "loving" world- Did you miss that?

Peace be unto you ;)
I did miss that destroying the world would be the loving thing to do. It went right over my head

Lol, what happened to your understanding of science- matter can not be created or destroyed- it's simply a change in state- if we can live in a different state as one we all love each other lol. You destroy everything and then everything becomes one- oh yeah we all reach nirvana together :eek:

If someone wants to do this with good intention Atheists shouldn't be against it- for one why does it matter- we're just biodegradable junk.

Peace be unto you ;)
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One day all life on this world will be destroyed as the sun expands and engulfs our planet. Will evolution evolve a more peaceful loving world? Maybe. Maybe it'll do exactly the opposite.
One day all life on this world will be destroyed as the sun expands and engulfs our planet. Will evolution evolve a more peaceful loving world? Maybe. Maybe it'll do exactly the opposite.

So its worth a shot....:rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)
Is there a reason why someone shouldn't do this? And anyway, why should anyone give a damn about any of you, its not like something will happen to them after they die? They'll simply be recycled into the circle of life....

I find it silly that you think just because someone believes that you are in fact dead when you die, that they wouldnt give a damn about those people living around them.

I dont think it would matter if the worl were destroyed based on this line of thinking. If it was then we certainly be around to experience the results. :shrug:
I find it silly that you think just because someone believes that you are in fact dead when you die, that they wouldnt give a damn about those people living around them.

Actually what I said was that they would want to create a better world by destroying this one, so they are 'giving a damn' about others. But they wouldn't care about doing it because its not really 'bad' or even if it is, nothing will happen to them because they were going to die anyways.

I dont think it would matter if the worl were destroyed based on this line of thinking. If it was then we certainly be around to experience the results.

Its not that the world would be 'destroyed based on this line of thinking' but that it doesn't even matter if the world is destroyed or not. If someone decided to blow up everything, then its all good because its not like any of us really have a meaning to live. We're just chemical reactions that went boom :D Why is life even important, who gives a damn. Someone who became tired of life just destroys everything, Atheism has nothing to say?

Everything is destroyed and all an Atheist has to say is a shrug? [WTF].....Atheism is indifferent about someone destroying everything?....hmm.....[WTF]

Peace be unto you ;)
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No, I am just trying to figure out why you would pose such a question to a group of people that for the most part do not believe in a life after death. Its like asking someone who has never owned a car how they would feel if their license got revoked.....
No, I am just trying to figure out why you would pose such a question to a group of people that for the most part do not believe in a life after death. Its like asking someone who has never owned a car how they would feel if their license got revoked.....

Lol.... Okay I see what you mean, but apart from that you don't have problem having someone destroy everything?

Also to elaborate a bit.... you don't believe in life after death, I accept that. But nothing about Atheism state/believe that life can not re-emerge. Now if an Atheist thought that I can simply destroy everything then another form of life could remerge that is more peaceful.... It is still kind of 'life after death' the difference is you have no knowledge if you will remerge in another 'life' and you won't have your memories or anything but in the end there will be a more peaceful world. Kind of like a personal sacrifice for the good of the world- no one will complain about a 'we want peace' (first of all they will not exist, second of all the new life could be peaceful)? On top there are no repercussions even if life doesn't form again because then all of 'us' will basically be atom/energy floating around.

And by the way if you didn't realize we're talking about population re-evol-ution not you simply. Everything is destroyed, another miracle happens and life re-emerges and evolution takes place and creates a peaceful life-form. Of course your memories won't be preserved but that is not even the thing that is being contended it is simply the creation of a 'peaceful world'- destroying the 'not so peaceful world' is an option- but you Atheists have no say in it expect a shrug? Because we're all just biodegradable, meaningless junk :shrug:

Its kind of like, we're all going to die anyways and we are biodegradable junk, so maybe if we recycle (kill) everyone then there is a potential for more peaceful life form- kind of like increasing the mutation rate. Sure you won't exist, but at least the next 'population' will be better off.

Peace be unto you ;)
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And anyway, why should anyone give a damn about any of you, its not like something will happen to them after they die? They'll simply be recycled into the circle of life....

Gee, that's not very nice. I'm killable, in other words, even though I may spawn the person who could bring about world peace?

Quit focusing on death. What is it amongst the religious, why does death fascinate them? It's totally bizarre. Start thinking about life, the only thing you can be sure of is that you have one. There are no guarantees for any more even if that book you're reading says so. Do you consider yourself a model representative of your faith?