Rational Creationism

you asked for a scientific theory that is in no doubt - I gave you one
yes, but I am still waiting to find out how it doesn't require abiogenesis as a major player

I don't think you understand what macroevolution is.

Firstly I don't really like the term - nor do some other biologists.
For the reason that macroevolution and microevolution are essentially the same thing - same processes, same mechanism, same outcome -

but the difference is that one is empirical and the other isn't
differentiating the two imples that there is some fundamental difference between how they work, when in fact macroevolution is simply microevolution + time.
That's why I used the term consolidated microevolution - I just made it up, but it is a more accurate descriptor to help you get the idea of why separating the two is a non discussion.
its certainly part of the discussion if it involves the validity of empiricism
Secondly macroevolution is only evolution outside the level of species - so one population of milky sapped plants giving rise to two populations of milky sapped plants of the same genus but different species IS macroevolution.
as you are well aware, it is the wider application of macro evolution I am referring to.

Which leads us onto point 3 - another reason why I don't like the term is because it is used to shift the goalposts by creationists who both don't understand what it means, and change what it means when presented with evidence that fits their definition.
on the contrary, its common for people to use the term macroevolution in the sense of its lower rung (species to species) as a means for bluffing over that it has greater implications on the level of genus.

You are doing right now ...

So when presented with evidence of evolution across higher taxonomical levels they shift the definition - show them evidence of the transitions between species of the same genus they ask for transistions between the orders and then classes ad absurdium - the evidence for it is so good the discussion gets reduced to nonsense like "show me nudibranchs giving birth to elephants!!!"
It boils down to the credibility of empiricism.

If you want to rest your case on empirical methodology you are obliged to run with it, and not fill in the gaps with extrapolation, etc

Dunno - suggest one - but if to the very best of our abilities the universe remains - whether created by god or not - indistinuishable from one which he is completely absent from
as indicated by Newton, there is the knowledge that empowers one's act of seeing.
If all claims of knowledge were reduced to the senses and instrumentation, there would be no need for people to go to university.

Actually we don't - we only have a requirement that what he observed can be observed consistently
once you know how to do it ...

I'm still lost on this point you are trying to make - the only consesnus in the example you cite is a general consensus on the units of measurement - not the result or the factors that may effect the result.
There's no consensus that if you place water in a pot on a suitably sized fire it will boil (at around 100 degrees)?
Is there another school of thought that contests this?
yes, but I am still waiting to find out how it doesn't require abiogenesis as a major player

Your question was "What empirical disciplines have contained and removed all shadows of doubt within the physical and biological environment?"

I answered it

If no-one has explained before - the theory of evolution is an explanatory framework that enables us to interpret the evidence of life arising from life.


but the difference is that one is empirical and the other isn't

The word empirical denotes information gained by means of observation, experience, or experiment.

Thereofore consolidated microevolution is empirical

on the contrary, its common for people to use the term macroevolution in the sense of its lower rung (species to species) as a means for bluffing over that it has greater implications on the level of genus.

It's not a bluff - it fits precisely with the definition of the word - this is why I had to point it out to you - to suggest otherwise is to use a plastic definition of the word - changing it when evidence dissappoints you by being there.
Furthermore to suggest that macroevolution can only cause changes at the level of genera makes no logical sense - why would it stop? why suggest it would or does when empirical evidence shows that it doesn't.

Your free to have your own shifting (shifty?) changeable definition of the word or opinion on what it is and what it means if you like - but you aren't entitled to your own special facts - your view is not factual.

You are doing right now ...

It boils down to the credibility of empiricism.

If you want to rest your case on empirical methodology you are obliged to run with it, and not fill in the gaps with extrapolation, etc


as indicated by Newton, there is the knowledge that empowers one's act of seeing.
If all claims of knowledge were reduced to the senses and instrumentation, there would be no need for people to go to university.

More important to knowledge is technique - university teaches technique above knowledge

There's no consensus that if you place water in a pot on a suitably sized fire it will boil (at around 100 degrees)?
Is there another school of thought that contests this?

Sorry you were confusing me - I thought you were implyimng that consensus was arrived at arbitrarily rather than through hard empirical evidence
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
yes, but I am still waiting to find out how it doesn't require abiogenesis as a major player

Your question was "What empirical disciplines have contained and removed all shadows of doubt within the physical and biological environment?"

I answered it

If no-one has explained before - the theory of evolution is an explanatory framework that enables us to interpret the evidence of life arising from life.
evolution theory is jam packed with shadows of doubt within the perimeter of uncertain boundaries ..... abiogenesis as a cause for it one clear example ... the ongoing research in the field of evolution in general is an even clearer one


but the difference is that one is empirical and the other isn't

The word empirical denotes information gained by means of observation, experience, or experiment.

Thereofore consolidated microevolution is empirical
not when it is extrapolated to the greater claims of macro-evolution however.

The evidence that A1 x time = A2 is remarkably distinct from the claim A1 x time = B1

on the contrary, its common for people to use the term macroevolution in the sense of its lower rung (species to species) as a means for bluffing over that it has greater implications on the level of genus.

It's not a bluff - it fits precisely with the definition of the word - this is why I had to point it out to you - to suggest otherwise is to use a plastic definition of the word - changing it when evidence dissappoints you by being there.
Furthermore to suggest that macroevolution can only cause changes at the level of genera makes no logical sense - why would it stop? why suggest it would or does when empirical evidence shows that it doesn't.
first point - is that movement into a different genus is not the only sense of macroevolution

second point - why is it logical to continue it? For instance if you (empirically) determine that 3 men can dig a metre cubed hole in 100 minutes, is it logical that 300 men can dig a metre cubed hole in 1 minute?

IOW is it logical to extrapolate a finding to an unsubstantiated claim?
Or to get more specific, is it logical to call upon arithmetic to solve what is a biological issue?
Your free to have your own shifting (shifty?) changeable definition of the word or opinion on what it is and what it means if you like - but you aren't entitled to your own special facts - your view is not factual.

macroevolution is a term to explain the shift of one species (say an acquatic) to not only an entirely different species but a different genus ( say a land dweller)


You are doing right now ...

It boils down to the credibility of empiricism.

If you want to rest your case on empirical methodology you are obliged to run with it, and not fill in the gaps with extrapolation, etc

only inasmuch as 3 men digging a meter cubed hole is covered ....

as indicated by Newton, there is the knowledge that empowers one's act of seeing.
If all claims of knowledge were reduced to the senses and instrumentation, there would be no need for people to go to university.

More important to knowledge is technique - university teaches technique above knowledge

they teach technique as a subdivision of knowledge

usually it comes after theory and before conclusion/reflection

There's no consensus that if you place water in a pot on a suitably sized fire it will boil (at around 100 degrees)?
Is there another school of thought that contests this?

Sorry you were confusing me - I thought you were implyimng that consensus was arrived at arbitrarily rather than through hard empirical evidence
if it is arbitrary there is no scope for consensus

evolution theory is jam packed with shadows of doubt within the perimeter of uncertain boundaries ..... abiogenesis as a cause for it one clear example ... the ongoing research in the field of evolution in general is an even clearer one

the theory has certain areas that may be uncertain - such a swhat were the physical and biological conditions that led to the evolution of a particular species for example - but the theory itself is beyond doubt.

not when it is extrapolated to the greater claims of macro-evolution however.

yes it is because we have evidence - the presaence of evidence means it is empircal - end of story

first point - is that movement into a different genus is not the only sense of macroevolution

second point - why is it logical to continue it? For instance if you (empirically) determine that 3 men can dig a metre cubed hole in 100 minutes, is it logical that 300 men can dig a metre cubed hole in 1 minute?

Bad example - is it not logical to assume that if I continue to modify a piece of machinery with new parts I will end up with a machine that not only has completely different functions but looks completely different as well.

IOW is it logical to extrapolate a finding to an unsubstantiated claim?
Or to get more specific, is it logical to call upon arithmetic to solve what is a biological issue?

fortunately it is not unsubstantiated - nor is it substantiated purely by mathematics

macroevolution is a term to explain the shift of one species (say an acquatic) to not only an entirely different species but a different genus ( say a land dweller)

Yes - but it doesn't ONLY mean that -if you want a one word definition it would be "speciation"

That said in terms of fossil evidence for evolution we are disctinctly lacking in evidence for small scale microevolution - it exhibits itself mainly as large scale transitions between classes orders and families - so reptiles evolving into birds - fish evolving into reptiles etc - you know - exactly what you would want if you wanted solid empirical evidence of the kind of macroevolution that a creationist would demand.

There are of course a few exceptions of this - the fossil record of the evolutionary lineage of H. sapiens does record many very small scale changes over a relatively short period.

if it is arbitrary there is no scope for consensus

exactly that's why it relies upon empiricism
Originally Posted by lightgigantic

evolution theory is jam packed with shadows of doubt within the perimeter of uncertain boundaries ..... abiogenesis as a cause for it one clear example ... the ongoing research in the field of evolution in general is an even clearer one

the theory has certain areas that may be uncertain - such a swhat were the physical and biological conditions that led to the evolution of a particular species for example - but the theory itself is beyond doubt.
hence "nature" becomes a term of vagueness
not when it is extrapolated to the greater claims of macro-evolution however.

yes it is because we have evidence - the presaence of evidence means it is empircal - end of story
evidence of speciation does not equal evidence (of the wider claims) of macroevolution

first point - is that movement into a different genus is not the only sense of macroevolution

second point - why is it logical to continue it? For instance if you (empirically) determine that 3 men can dig a metre cubed hole in 100 minutes, is it logical that 300 men can dig a metre cubed hole in 1 minute?

Bad example - is it not logical to assume that if I continue to modify a piece of machinery with new parts I will end up with a machine that not only has completely different functions but looks completely different as well.
assuming that one can go on adding parts in a way that isn't subject to any limit, yes.

For instance it wouldn't be logical that you can make a nuclear war head by adding spare parts from a rat trap onto a cheese grater .... it doesn't matter how many rat traps you have.

IOW is it logical to extrapolate a finding to an unsubstantiated claim?
Or to get more specific, is it logical to call upon arithmetic to solve what is a biological issue?

fortunately it is not unsubstantiated - nor is it substantiated purely by mathematics
the fact is this - there is evidence of speciation - or milky sapped plants giving rise to other milky sapped plants - anything else is extrapolation and speculation

macroevolution is a term to explain the shift of one species (say an acquatic) to not only an entirely different species but a different genus ( say a land dweller)

Yes - but it doesn't ONLY mean that -if you want a one word definition it would be "speciation"
perhaps if you are only interested in discussing issues of species (a1 x time = a2) as opposed to genus (a1 x time = b1)
That said in terms of fossil evidence for evolution we are disctinctly lacking in evidence for small scale microevolution - it exhibits itself mainly as large scale transitions between classes orders and families - so reptiles evolving into birds - fish evolving into reptiles etc - you know - exactly what you would want if you wanted solid empirical evidence of the kind of macroevolution that a creationist would demand.
Reading the date of a fossil may be empirical ... shifting out to the significance becomes more an issue of extrapolation. You just have to examine the history of claims made in the name of the fossil record to see the shifting consensus (and there are many contributing issues to this ... the most obvious one being that if you base a body of evidence the size of a pool table as sufficient to determine the state of affairs of the earth's population millions of years ago you are inviting a large margin of error ...)
There are of course a few exceptions of this - the fossil record of the evolutionary lineage of H. sapiens does record many very small scale changes over a relatively short period.
big difference between determining change from the fossil record and determining change in the standard empirical fashion

if it is arbitrary there is no scope for consensus

exactly that's why it relies upon empiricism
how much of the history of the boiling point of water has been as turbulent in comparison to, say, the fossil record?

evidence of speciation does not equal evidence (of the wider claims) of macroevolution

It is but perhaps not specifically - specifically evidence of evolution across higher taxonomical levels is evidence of evolution across higher taxonomical levels.

assuming that one can go on adding parts in a way that isn't subject to any limit, yes.

So exactly like evolution then you mean
It is but perhaps not specifically - specifically evidence of evolution across higher taxonomical levels is evidence of evolution across higher taxonomical levels.
and evidence that 3 men can dig a cubed meter hole in 100 minutes is evidence of what you can expect 300 men to accomplish?

So exactly like evolution then you mean
or exactly like expecting 300 men to dig a cubed metre hole in 1 minute
and evidence that 3 men can dig a cubed meter hole in 100 minutes is evidence of what you can expect 300 men to accomplish?

No that's not what I said - direct evidence of evolution across higher taxonomical levels is direct evidence of evolution across higher taxonomical levels

or exactly like expecting 300 men to dig a cubed metre hole in 1 minute

no because its a bad analogy

... the most obvious one being that if you base a body of evidence the size of a pool table as sufficient to determine the state of affairs of the earth's population millions of years ago you are inviting a large margin of error ..

did you mean to say a body of evidence so large that it would fill severall pool halls emptied of pool tables?
No that's not what I said - direct evidence of evolution across higher taxonomical levels is direct evidence of evolution across higher taxonomical levels
I guess complex issues surround when you extrapolate that to even higher taxonomical levels for which there is no evidence

no because its a bad analogy
extrapolation does have a nasty element to it, doesn't it?

did you mean to say a body of evidence so large that it would fill severall pool halls emptied of pool tables?
several pool halls?
millions of years ago?
of a particular species (or even genus)?

You're not extrapolating again, are you?
I guess complex issues surround when you extrapolate that to even higher taxonomical levels for which there is no evidence

extrapolation does have a nasty element to it, doesn't it?

several pool halls?
millions of years ago?
of a particular species (or even genus)?

You're not extrapolating again, are you?

The abundant direct evidence for consolidated microevolution across higher taxonomical levels requires no extrapolation - that's why it's called direct evidence
The abundant direct evidence for consolidated microevolution across higher taxonomical levels requires no extrapolation - that's why it's called direct evidence
then why talk of aquatics transforming into land dwellers?

Or in short, why is it valid to invite an arithmetic solution to a biological problem?
How is that empirical?
then why talk of aquatics transforming into land dwellers?

Or in short, why is it valid to invite an arithmetic solution to a biological problem?
How is that empirical?

I'm not talking about mathmatical solutions - only hard physical evidence - have been all along - dunno why you get your little head so confused
I'm not talking about mathmatical solutions - only hard physical evidence - have been all along - dunno why you get your little head so confused

the only hard physical evidence is from spindly milky sapped plants giving rise to other spindly milky sapped plants.

Saying that the milky sapped plant is the precursor to an african violet or eucalyptus is something else .... (aka - extrapolation ... unless you can evidence c1 x time = c2, c2x time =c3, c3 x time =d1, etc)

Seriously, I don't know why you are confused about it ....
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except a bunch of well designed things no matter where you stick your nose ....

Where? What? By who?

When ADM designs a modified soybean it is obvious who did it and what they did.

You seem to want to claim designs but you have nothing to show and no designer to step forward.
practically anywhere

practically anything

so unless you see the man who designed the Lamborghini, it remains a product of random forces?

When ADM designs a modified soybean it is obvious who did it and what they did.
ironic how a little bit of background knowledge on the design brief is so enlightening, eh? (at the very least, if you were an illiterate farmer in India, it wouldn't quite be so obvious)

You seem to want to claim designs but you have nothing to show and no designer to step forward.
step forward?
Like an international soy bean R&D manager in the agricultural industry stepping forward into the arena of illiterate farmers in india?
so unless you see the man who designed the Lamborghini, it remains a product of random forces?

It remains a product of an extensive civilization with evidence of its artifacts piled in heaps and the knowledge of how to create them clearly developed over time.

What you are proposing isn't design, its fantasy. Your argument is basically that because you are too dumb to understand evolution, you will instead propose a magic being popped into existence and created everything by magic.

The real irony is that any one can pair the word "intelligent" with what you propose.
It remains a product of an extensive civilization with evidence of its artifacts piled in heaps and the knowledge of how to create them clearly developed over time.
So if you were somehow divorced from that contextualizing knowledge, you would be stumped?
What you are proposing isn't design, its fantasy. Your argument is basically that because you are too dumb to understand evolution, you will instead propose a magic being popped into existence and created everything by magic.
On the contrary, borrowing from the credibility of empiricism for a claim that is not essentially empirical doesn't shroud the degree of intelligence required ....

The real irony is that any one can pair the word "intelligent" with what you propose.
anyone except you, apparently ....