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No, not at all...

I was just blown away by what the noob said .

Was just being sarcastic.

The poster recommended torture, I was only commenting on how so many that aren't even affected by a given crime, would like to see torture doled out.

Nothing more. No need to box me in, Bells.
I think you know me better than that

I knew you was just bein sarcastic to make a pont... much like when i said "Yes... revenge is fun" :wallbang:
I knew you was just bein sarcastic to make a pont... much like when i said "Yes... revenge is fun" :wallbang:
Exactly... But, it seems Bells would lie, and credit ME with being the poster that recommended torture in the first place.

Geez, anyone can read back and see I wasn't the one that advocated torture.
I just made an off the cuff remark.

Bells has her agenda... Doesn't like some of us, and will do her best to get us banned.

Sadly, she often gets her way.

So, in the case I'm no longer around, take care folks...
And where does the cycle of violence end? How can it ever end? I would never want my rapist to suffer as I have suffered and continue to suffer.

I could never do that or wish that on another human being.

It was a question in response to your comment. So settle. And I don't know you, Gremmie. That fact was made very clear to me recently. But that has nothing to do with this discussion. Good day.

When the bad guys are all gone. Even if you put them down its just not the same as watching your brother get hurt. Do what you can, but know if you can do what you want those bad guys are not there.. They be tempt ("all good things").
When the bad guys are all gone. Even if you put them down its just not the same as watching your brother get hurt. Do what you can, but know if you can do what you want those bad guys are not there.. They be tempt ("all good things").

I think anyone who deliberately sets out and then enjoys harming others has some serious psychiatric issues that need to be addressed promptly, regardless of the motive.
I think anyone who deliberately sets out and then enjoys harming others has some serious psychiatric issues that need to be addressed promptly, regardless of the motive.

Indeed... when I first learned to fight back in primary school against the bullies that harassed me for years... the first real "fight" I had, I blacked out after he punched me twice in the head... I came to to find myself pinning him up against a building by his neck, my fingers on either side of his windpipe... and the first words to escape my lips were something along the lines of "You know, I've always wondered what it would be like to crush someones trachea... it only takes about four pounds to do it..."

It took about two seconds for what I had said to register, at which point I dropped him to the ground and left... he didn't have the energy (or the death wish) to follow me... but that scared the shit out of me. It took me several weeks of introspection to realize that it wasn't so much that I really wanted to know what it would be like to kill another person, as it was that, after years of being harassed and abused, physically and emotionally, by these three assholes, I had simply "lost my shit" as it were. Already hip-deep into fight or flight mode, some primal part of my mind simply came up with the only practical solution that would end the perceived threat, since reporting it to figures of authority had failed to do so...

I strive to keep that temper in check now, and my wife has learned a few subtle ways to help let me know if it starts to slip.

All this came about from several years of being bullied... but it was just that, simple bullying. They never really managed to cause me much harm, and never did anything serious enough to warrant involving the police... yet it drove me that deep into a primal instinct... I can only imagine what someone who has been truly assaulted, raped, or otherwise taken advantage of must feel...
I think anyone who deliberately sets out and then enjoys harming others has some serious psychiatric issues that need to be addressed promptly, regardless of the motive.

There's a distinctive difference between harming someone and justice.
There's a distinctive difference between harming someone and justice.

Given todays world...I have to question that. Is there, really? Our "justice system"... does it "fix" people, or does it just inflict some type of harm back?

For that matter... look at how some people commit minor crimes in the winter just to go to prison so they don't have to live on the streets...
I normally stay out of threads like these, but one thing i have to say in this.

That, not every male is panting for you females, and females should understand that. I have no interest in females and i am sure many other males do not either. So i cannot stand threads like this, and how females always assume males are all panting for them. They are not. Some males want to live alone and in peace and quiet.

So i am speaking for those.

I just cannot stand how all females think that every male is panting for females, no some of us want to be alone, and have no interest.
I normally stay out of threads like these, but one thing i have to say in this.

That, not every male is panting for you females, and females should understand that. I have no interest in females and i am sure many other males do not either. So i cannot stand threads like this, and how females always assume males are all panting for them. They are not. Some males want to live alone and in peace and quiet.

So i am speaking for those.

I just cannot stand how all females think that every male is panting for females, no some of us want to be alone, and have no interest.

Do you really think that is appropriate for a thread about rapists? Do you really think it is appropriate, in a thread about rapists, to whine that women assume males are all panting after them?

I have seen you make this argument a few times now, usually in threads about rape and rapists. And I have to wonder why you think it is appropriate.

Has anyone here commented on women thinking that all men are interested in them or 'after them'? Perhaps you should get to know a few women before you embarrass yourself further by your skewed and twisted views of women and men. Offensive stereotypes don't sit well here. I'd suggest and strongly recommend that you stop hyping up such offensive stereotypes and get a clue and frankly, learn what is and is not acceptable to say in different situations.

While you may hate such threads and while you may not be attracted to women and you are free to your opinion, you are not the center of our universe, male or female. We don't all believe or feel as you do. So please, take your offensive stereotypes and move along.
Yes i do, i want to point out that in a thread like this, that females should not generalise about males, as loads of males have no interest in them.

I think it is a point worth making, and on topic.

Females abuse this generalisation.

Normally these threads turn into generalised comments about males, and not all males are interested or like that. So i just want to point it out, and i think it does need pointing out.

I know there is plenty of bad people out there, but i think females abuse this belief that every male is panting for them. Minority of males have no interest are not going to go near you, and alot are as scared of you as you are of them. Some males have absolutely no interest period.

I just think its worth saying, but i know there is bad people out there, but its not all males.
Given todays world...I have to question that. Is there, really? Our "justice system"... does it "fix" people, or does it just inflict some type of harm back?

For that matter... look at how some people commit minor crimes in the winter just to go to prison so they don't have to live on the streets...

If you believe in nature or archetypes, then our justice system can be perfected. Find all the bad types and get rid of them period. Heaven is our born right if we are natured.

When I say justice I mean literally. Find the "anti-people." Anti what. The only thing there is, Love. When Albert Pike says the nhilist will be released he's talking about hate, and danger. I think they are bigger than non-existence, and no-how. They are anger no-happiness, and remorse un-acceptance.

You have to be happy. Or the nhilist come to take you away, because withy them you won't exist. Rip.
Yes i do, i want to point out that in a thread like this, that females should not generalise about males, as loads of males have no interest in them.
The majority of the participants in this thread have been male.

And no one has generalised about males. Only you have.

I think it is a point worth making, and on topic.
The thread is about what should be done to rapists. And your response to this is to whine about women and make offensive stereotypes while complaining about others making generalisations that have not been made. I fail to see how this is on topic.

Females abuse this generalisation.
You do realise you have been the only person to make a generalisation and it has been about men and women. Yes?

Normally these threads turn into generalised comments about males, and not all males are interested or like that. So i just want to point it out, and i think it does need pointing out.
What generalised comments about males?

That they "pant after women"?

You have been the only person to make such generalised comments and offensive stereotypes about men and women.

So perhaps you might want to dial it back a bit with the righteous anger and actually discuss the topic.
If you believe in nature or archetypes, then our justice system can be perfected. Find all the bad types and get rid of them period. Heaven is our born right if we are natured.

When I say justice I mean literally. Find the "anti-people." Anti what. The only thing there is, Love. When Albert Pike says the nhilist will be released he's talking about hate, and danger. I think they are bigger than non-existence, and no-how. They are anger no-happiness, and remorse un-acceptance.

You have to be happy. Or the nhilist come to take you away, because withy them you won't exist. Rip.

You think your God will take you into heaven after you slaughter or "get rid of" the "bad types"?

No one is perfect. Advocating torture and killing for pleasure because the person being murdered is a "bad type" under the guise of religion is disgusting, to be honest. If you are the type of person who is into torture and killing others because you feel they are "bad types", then you are also a "bad type".
You think your God will take you into heaven after you slaughter or "get rid of" the "bad types"?

No one is perfect. Advocating torture and killing for pleasure because the person being murdered is a "bad type" under the guise of religion is disgusting, to be honest. If you are the type of person who is into torture and killing others because you feel they are "bad types", then you are also a "bad type".

You think it's wrong to protect mine and your enjoyment of life? What's the point of life if your living hurt. The bad archetypes are born of corruption if love doesn't fwack it down, then hate will grow and do it. Sam, and Pete will suffer if we let those bastards free. They only hurt inside and kill off love. It's us or them, grow up.
This thred got upset by an infraction so im givin CK an Gremmie a Karma ban of 24 houres to balance thangs out... an as more good Karma to eliminate any mor infractions in this thred i give myself a 168 houre Karma ban!!!


May this thred get back to civil discussion as it began an continue on in peace.!!!

Why not? That's what the Israelis and Palestinians think!

It can't be like the way they do it. They cast a shadow of ignorance. We need to enlighten ourselves and see what makes people up and what makes sin up. And deal with it accordingly.
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