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billvon said:
So what form would this "final battle over evil" take?
I'm far more concerned about the question of who gets to decide what's evil?

Right here in the supposedly "modern, liberal, tolerant" USA, we have tens of millions of people who are utterly convinced that homosexuality is evil!

On the other hand, after diligently studying history, I cannot avoid the conclusion that religion is evil!

It's rather common for the people on both sides of a war to be certain that the people on the other side are the evil ones.
You would desert reason? You know for a fact all the good people are lined up with you, come on this is our chance to be the world.
Reason tells me to not involve myself or my loved ones when I hear the words "battle against good vs evil". Chances are, the individual uttering those words is a religious nut or a megalomaniac intent on consolidating his or her power base or just insane.

Tiassa said:
To the one, it's a lesson one of my perspective only learns under dire circumstances and necessity. To the other, it's a lesson I managed to learn.

What're we gonna do to the evil rapist?
Which is what I find bizarre with this thread, to be honest. Should we torture, kill, imprison or treat rapists. It's about revenge and one's pride... 'you hurt one of mine now I'm going to hurt you'. The torture angle is particularly disturbing. And you hit the nail on the head. It stops being about the victim, and becomes about people's need for revenge.. It becomes about them and the rapist.
Reason tells me to not involve myself or my loved ones when I hear the words "battle against good vs evil". Chances are, the individual uttering those words is a religious nut or a megalomaniac intent on consolidating his or her power base or just insane.

Which is what I find bizarre with this thread, to be honest. Should we torture, kill, imprison or treat rapists. It's about revenge and one's pride... 'you hurt one of mine now I'm going to hurt you'. The torture angle is particularly disturbing. And you hit the nail on the head. It stops being about the victim, and becomes about people's need for revenge.. It becomes about them and the rapist.

What's your reason? Mine is salvation, and what's right. They are nothing it won't be a fight, when I say battle it's figurative.
I'm far more concerned about the question of who gets to decide what's evil?

Right here in the supposedly "modern, liberal, tolerant" USA, we have tens of millions of people who are utterly convinced that homosexuality is evil!

On the other hand, after diligently studying history, I cannot avoid the conclusion that religion is evil!

It's rather common for the people on both sides of a war to be certain that the people on the other side are the evil ones.

I believe evil is the manipulation of good things like knowledge reason and logic. Evil can't use hellish thing alone, he has to somehow affect us positive things.m

I can tell you one thing, you may not tell who is evil, but the path you take is always up to you.
What's your reason? Mine is salvation, and what's right. They are nothing it won't be a fight, when I say battle it's figurative.

Salvation to and from what?

I don't see stewing and planning how to torture someone or kill someone as being 'right'. It makes one the same and as sick as the individual who committed the crime in the first place. And frankly, talk about salvation has all the hallmarks of religious dogma and trying to appease the will or desire of another while supporting and giving in to one's own bloodlust under the guise of salvation.
Pretty Much One and the Same

Bells said:

I don't see stewing and planning how to torture someone or kill someone as being 'right'.

Here's a weird quirk of human behavior. You know how some people try to make that idiotic case that rape is about a guy really really really wanting to get laid and not being able to control himself? And, well, we know how that goes, right? Thereby it's a woman's fault for not preventing him from losing control of himself. Practically speaking, the problem with this outlook is that women need to strap on and simply shoot every man they encounter on sight. After all, if they don't and he gets really really really horny and tries to rape her, it's her fault.

Oh, right. Anyway.

More realistically, I would simply note that the urge to torture and the urge to rape are more similar than the urge to rape and the urge to get laid.

These people aren't much different from the rapists. They just follow a different ego defense pathology to justify their violence.
Successful revenge sends a powerful message.

Don’t fuck with me.

"These findings suggest that revenge can succeed only when an offender understands why the act of vengeance has occurred. Among participants who chose to avenge the selfish action, those who received a message of understanding reported much more satisfaction than did those who received an indignant response. In fact, the only time avengers felt more satisfaction than participants who took no revenge at all was when they received an indication of understanding. Put another way, unacknowledged revenge felt no better than none at all."

The Complicated Psychology of Revenge

"Revenge is the output of mechanisms that are designed for deterrence of harm—behaviors designed to deter individuals from imposing costs on you in the future after that individual has imposed costs on you in the first place.

The interesting thing is that the desire for revenge goes up if there are people who have watched you be mistreated, because in that case, the costs have gotten bigger. If you don't take revenge, there's a chance that people will learn that you are the type of person who will put up with mistreatment."

Does Revenge Serve an Evolutionary Purpose?

Fraggle said:
On the other hand, after diligently studying history, I cannot avoid the conclusion that religion is evil!

It's rather common for the people on both sides of a war to be certain that the people on the other side are the evil ones.

Is it beliefs or practices that make religious folks ready to do violence to outsiders?

Ritual creates tribes…and tribalism
"These findings suggest that revenge can succeed only when an offender understands why the act of vengeance has occurred. Among participants who chose to avenge the selfish action, those who received a message of understanding reported much more satisfaction than did those who received an indignant response. In fact, the only time avengers felt more satisfaction than participants who took no revenge at all was when they received an indication of understanding. Put another way, unacknowledged revenge felt no better than none at all."

That is why revenge is no longer a valid form of currency in human relationships.
Solace is always obtainable, amongst ones peers.

The Bully is no longer a bad person.
He is only someone with issues of his own.
Probably because the wider psychological issues are far beyond those of "male vs female" for anyone with half a clue.
I'd imagine you're ignored rather often.

No, mostly these threads are about males.

I just bring balance to these threads, with all the male hatred towards males. Remember like i said earlier, females use this generalisation of males and abuse this belief in society.

When i left school, i wanted to find a way to be banned from females, and i was glad i found a way. Though i found they are disgusting, they can keep there disgusting minds to themselves. The way i got banned, just shows how females are mostly disgusting in there own minds. They cannot take it a male is not interested in them.

If you take a thread like this and not be blunt you will not get anywhere.

Most males and females are disgusting, and just accept that.

I am glad that i stopped females coming near me at 23, and 16 years later not one female has or ever will get near me again. It was there disgusting there brains, that was at fault, and the mind control people analysing my life proved that.

Like i said earlier, females should accept not all males are what they perceive them to be, ie panting for them. Glad i got banned form females, without looking at them, talking to them, or wanting interaction with them. The mind control people in society in west sure helped me(glad phobias exist(i always wanted my phobia of females to come to the surface, and i am sure they helped me with that), and i was glad i live in an age where people can be banned form something.

One day there may be an answer to for female sex monsters too.

I am 39 and not one female sex monster image is in my brain, or memory, and i got purposely banned form them. So it shows you what females are like, and what is going on in nato countries to run society.

So talking as a male whom got banned from them on purpose, i think op there is already stuff going on, but op has no idea of the mind control running society.

Most people are all disgusting in there own minds and my life proved that. Getting banned from something like females was easy just because most females like most males are disgusting in there own minds.

By the way i was always emasculated, there never was any moment in my life when i had any interest in females. But the mind control people i am sure helped bring my phobia of females to the surface and helped me stay alone all my life. Never had anything to do with 1 single female and always will be proud of it.
No, mostly these threads are about males.

I just bring balance to these threads, with all the male hatred towards males.
This is you bringing balance?

Do you even know or understand what that word even means?

Remember like i said earlier, females use this generalisation of males and abuse this belief in society.
Have you noticed that you are the only person doing that in this thread?

When i left school, i wanted to find a way to be banned from females, and i was glad i found a way.
You were yourself?

Though i found they are disgusting, they can keep there disgusting minds to themselves. The way i got banned, just shows how females are mostly disgusting in there own minds. They cannot take it a male is not interested in them.
As a female, can I just say, for my species, your not being interested in any one of us is a blessing... for us..

If you take a thread like this and not be blunt you will not get anywhere.
Umm.. You are the only one not going anywhere.

Most males and females are disgusting, and just accept that.
Why is everyone disgusting?

I am glad that i stopped females coming near me at 23, and 16 years later not one female has or ever will get near me again.
This makes me very relieved.

It was there disgusting there brains, that was at fault, and the mind control people analysing my life proved that.
I don't even..

No, really, there are too many come backs to this that I'd feel mean just even starting.

Like i said earlier, females should accept not all males are what they perceive them to be, ie panting for them.
Why do you believe that women expect or want "all males" to be "panting for them"? Do you know what stereotype means?

Glad i got banned form females, without looking at them, talking to them, or wanting interaction with them. The mind control people in society in west sure helped me(glad phobias exist(i always wanted my phobia of females to come to the surface, and i am sure they helped me with that), and i was glad i live in an age where people can be banned form something.
When you say "banned", do you mean intervention order "banned"?

One day there may be an answer to for female sex monsters too.
I suspect it's the same as the one for male sex monsters.

I am 39 and not one female sex monster image is in my brain, or memory, and i got purposely banned form them. So it shows you what females are like, and what is going on in nato countries to run society.
Trust me when I say, society is also relieved you are not allowed to come within any distance to females!

So talking as a male whom got banned from them on purpose, i think op there is already stuff going on, but op has no idea of the mind control running society.

There is no mind control in society.

All fun and games and my laughter aside, you need to get some serious help. As in serious help. Please, for your own sake and your own safety, SEEK PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL HELP!

Most people are all disgusting in there own minds and my life proved that. Getting banned from something like females was easy just because most females like most males are disgusting in there own minds.

By the way i was always emasculated, there never was any moment in my life when i had any interest in females. But the mind control people i am sure helped bring my phobia of females to the surface and helped me stay alone all my life. Never had anything to do with 1 single female and always will be proud of it.
Andy, you need to seek some professional help. And the sooner the better. In the meantime, perhaps the internet is not the best place for you to be... ever..
Incels, Orgasms, and Farts

One of the things I noticed in the recent emergence of "incels", following the Isla Vista killings is that someone, at some point, needs to sit these people down and explain to them why they will never get laid:

(1) First and foremost, Mr. Incel, do you realize that you literally creep the fuck out of the people you want to have sex with?

(2) While we recognize that Incels are only basically connected, and are as diverse within their sexual tastes as anyone else, there seems to be a nearly infantile faery tale about love and romance working beneath the surface. While we cannot take the IV shooter as exemplary, we have also heard similar frustrations from others; if only they could feel love.

(3) To that end, revisit point (1) above. And then, furthermore, please be aware that even if you compel that woman's body to the best orgasm of your life, if you're a creepy asshole when she wakes up in the morning, it's likely the last time you'll be given an opportunity bring her to orgasm.

(4) To assess from the general and incomplete record outspoken Incels have offered in recent months, certain pitfalls still assert themselves. To wit, maybe you finally get laid, but you're such a creepy, rude fuck that she wants nothing to do with you ever again. And the record we've been offered in recent months suggests that while she is reassessing her priorities and just how stupid she could have been to bed you, you will be smoldering about how another bitchy cunt betrayed you just like all rest of the bitchy cunts. Whether this part of the process applies to any individual Incel is its own question, but the device is prominent in the pathetic whining society has been treated to since the Isla Vista shooting.​

My recommendation to heterosexual male Incels is to test the theory of whether or not one can choose to be homosexual. My point being to shack up for a week with a gay top, and whenever he's horny, just roll over and give it out like you expect a woman to. If you last more than a day, well, there's your answer. If not, count up the times you let him penetrate you and pound your insides to quivering mush before you bolted in revulsion and terror. And then ask yourself why any woman would want to let you do anything remotely similar to her body. But hang in there for a day at least. As the old saying goes, try anything twice; once to say you did it, and again to see if you like it.

No, really. I get an impression that these Incels have no clue in the world what they're after. They're chasing a myth that most adults already recognize just doesn't come to fruition in our lives.

Seriously, what is an Incel going to think the first time a woman lays a Dutch Oven on him?
Though i found they are disgusting, they can keep there disgusting minds to themselves. . . . Most males and females are disgusting, and just accept that. . . . op has no idea of the mind control running society. . . .Most people are all disgusting in there own minds and my life proved that. , ,.

Sounds like your decision to "ban yourself" from other people was a good one for you.
Mod Hat — Closure

Mod Hat — Closure

I would say this one's over, that there is no longer any constructive discussion going on ... except that would be incorrect insofar as this never really was any sort of constructive discussion.
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