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What shoud be done to rapist.???

Killed... life in prison... tortured... free to live a normal life if they get completely rehibilated.???

I'm passive. Do rapist need to rape or do they nature that way? If they just rape but they are good by nature then they can be saved, but if they rape by nature then they can't exist, and I don't know how to be passive-peaceful which is absolutly the nature of the reckoning. How be passive, transgression free. Can't say no.
I'm passive. Do rapist need to rape or do they nature that way? If they just rape but they are good by nature then they can be saved, but if they rape by nature then they can't exist, and I don't know how to be passive-peaceful which is absolutly the nature of the reckoning. How be passive, transgression free. Can't say no.

We have to know who they are.

If we're not allowed to punish people, then how do we reduce crime? For that matter, surely you understand that the mere threat of punishment deters a lot of people from committing crimes.

I thank its perty clear to many that lower animals dont deserve punishment... an i have no prollem extendin that to the human animal.!!!

I thank more an more its bein realized that people are victims of circumstance an dont deserve punishment... an even wit that intellectual realization punishment will still be around... wit all the jugmental people... Police... courts... jails... etc... but hopfully "punishment" will be more humane durin the slow process of bein phased out an replaced wit understandin an rehibilation.!!!
Do rapist need to rape or do they nature that way?
Obviously they run the gamut. Some are indeed sociopaths, either because of a glitch in their DNA, or because when their parents were supposed to be teaching them how to grow up as civilized beings, they had other priorities.

Others are simply assholes. But it's not a whole lot easier to reform an asshole than to reform a sociopath.

If they just rape but they are good by nature . . . .
What??? How can a person who routinely performs what is arguably the most evil of all crimes (some women who have been raped say they'd rather be dead) be categorized as "good by nature?" This is as dumb as describing someone with the words, "he kills people he doesn't like, but otherwise he's good by nature." Or, "he sets houses on fire for entertainment, but he's really good by nature."

I thank its perty clear to many that lower animals dont deserve punishment.
Nonetheless, many of them damage the fabric of our civilization just as badly as humans who commit serious crimes.

Some actually kill humans for food: polar bears, grizzlies, alligators, sharks, wolverines (Europeans call them "gluttons"), cougars and other large felids. Others kill us without meaning to but we're just as dead: Bison are responsible for more deaths than any other non-human animal in the USA and deer are a close second; in both cases the mode is collision with cars.

We don't "punish" these animals by giving them a time-out the way we would punish a naughty puppy, but in fact we simply kill them to keep their numbers down, and we especially cull the ones who seem to like walking across highways.

Others are environmental disasters. Wild boar are denuding the landscape of plants in several states, and they breed so prolifically that hunting doesn't help. Canada geese are overrunning the American Northeast, eating the shrubbery and replacing it with a layer of feces. Deer show up on this list too, making it impossible for homeowners to have lawns and gardens, and since they're happy to live in suburbia it's not practical to hunt them.

Many of these disasters are our own doing. We virtually annihilated the wolf population in much of the USA, and coyotes moved in to fill the vacancy. However, since they're smaller than wolves they also compete with foxes, who used to lunch on rodents. The thriving rodent population is now infested with deer ticks, the primary vector for Lyme disease.

In other words, there are a lot of animals that damage civilization. Whether we call it "punishment" or "repairing our own stupid damage to the ecosystem," we have to kill them.

I thank more an more its bein realized that people are victims of circumstance . . . .
Agreed, certainly.

. . . . and don't deserve punishment.
Uh, no. Virtually nobody will agree with you on that except a few kooks... and, of course, the perpetrators themselves. Whether you call it "punishment" or "rehabilitation," we still have to do it to prevent civilization from unraveling.

The younger the perpetrators, the more hopeful we are that we can rehabilitate them, and most jurisdictions try to separate kids under 18 from the hard-cases in the county jail. We send them off to probation camps where (it's claimed) the things they were supposed to learn in school and from their families, but didn't, will be taught to them.

an even wit that intellectual realization punishment will still be around... wit all the jugmental people... Police... courts... jails... etc... but hopfully "punishment" will be more humane durin the slow process of bein phased out an replaced wit understandin an rehibilation.!!!
You don't seem to know very much about the success rate of rehabilitation. People who have not done anything illegal or even seriously bad spend zillions of dollars on psychotherapy, hoping to be "cured." Many of them actually do come out much better, if not completely healed. But many, many more don't.

Now imagine how effective those same therapeutic techniques are on someone who thinks it's okay to kill people in order to confiscate their assets?
I thank its perty clear to many that lower animals dont deserve punishment.

Nonetheless, many of them damage the fabric of our civilization just as badly as humans who commit serious crimes.

Some actually kill humans for food...

In other words, there are a lot of animals that damage civilization. Whether we call it "punishment" or "repairing our own stupid damage to the ecosystem," we have to kill them.

I thank more an more its bein realized that people are victims of circumstance . . . .

Agreed, certainly.

clueluss husbund
and don't deserve punishment.

Uh, no. Virtually *nobody* will agree with you on that except a few kooks... and, of course, the perpetrators themselves. Whether you call it "punishment" or "rehabilitation," we still have to do it to prevent civilization from unraveling.

The younger the perpetrators, the more hopeful we are that we can rehabilitate them, and most jurisdictions try to separate kids under 18 from the hard-cases in the county jail. We send them off to probation camps where (it's claimed) the things they were supposed to learn in school and from their families, but didn't, will be taught to them.

an even wit that intellectual realization punishment will still be around... wit all the jugmental people... Police... courts... jails... etc... but hopfully "punishment" will be more humane durin the slow process of bein phased out an replaced wit understandin an rehibilation.!!!

You don't seem to know very much about the success rate of rehabilitation. People who have not done anything illegal or even seriously bad spend zillions of dollars on psychotherapy, hoping to be "cured." Many of them actually do come out much better, if not completely healed. But many, many more don't.

Now imagine how effective those same therapeutic techniques are on someone who thinks it's okay to kill people in order to confiscate their assets?

You'r makin arguments justifyin the killin of animals so humans can remain king-of-the-hill... an the necessity for law an order so that we might have the type of society we desire.. an i have not argued aganst ether.!!!

I thank we agree that humans (animals) are victims of circumstance... an i dont thank victims deserve punishment... ie... a deer walkin across the road does not deserve to be hit by a car... an any lack of effectivness in the rehabilitation of humans is irrelivant to my pont... that punishment is not deserved.!!!
No... a victim of circumstance has no choice in the matter... a rapist always has a choice, no matter how "far gone" their cognitive abilities. Simply put, if they were "too retarded" or "too mentally inept" to know that rape was wrong/bad/unwanted, then they would be incapable of formulating a plan to execute said rape. That leaves us with a simple choice - those that rape do so knowing full well how wrong it is... and honestly, those are NOT people that I want put back into society.
"a victim of circumstance has no choice in the matter"...

I agree.!!!

a rapist always has a choice, no matter how "far gone" their cognitive abilities. Simply put, if they were "too retarded" or "too mentally inept" to know that rape was wrong/bad/unwanted, then they would be incapable of formulating a plan to execute said rape. That leaves us with a simple choice - those that rape do so knowing full well how wrong it is...

Do you thank thers somptin other than genes/environment which affect a persons actions.???
Just remember females not every male is panting for you, just because most people are sex crazed maniacs, does not mean everyone is.
Just remember females not every male is panting for you, just because most people are sex crazed maniacs, does not mean everyone is.

Ok... i will admit that im one of those pantin for females... but i ant so sex crazed that im a maniac about it.!!!

But i do thank that even "rapists" deserve humane treetment durin ther incarceration... how about you andy.???
I agree.!!!

Do you thank thers somptin other than genes/environment which affect a persons actions.???
Do you think people are genetically pre-disposed to commit crimes?

Are you saying that there is a genetic pre-disposition to rape? If you are, then please cite scientific sources to back that up.
CluelessHusband: From your Post #10
It’s a hypothetical scenario for the purpose of discussion... ie... does a person deserve to be punished for an act which was beyond their control to resist.???
While I do not advocate the death penalty, justice should punish behavior without attempting to decide on the thoughts in a perpetrator’s mind.

Some think of punishment as revenge, which is an understandable motive, but not a valid one.

An interesting thought is the use of behavior modification to prevent further criminal activity. Perhaps this will be a future possibility to replace punishment for some crimes.

BTW: I hope you do not mind my correcting your spelling & punctuation.
CluelessHusband: From your Post #10While I do not advocate the death penalty, justice should punish behavior without attempting to decide on the thoughts in a perpetrator’s mind.

Some think of punishment as revenge, which is an understandable motive, but not a valid one.

An interesting thought is the use of behavior modification to prevent further criminal activity. Perhaps this will be a future possibility to replace punishment for some crimes.

You expressed it beter than i did but those are my thouts exactly.!!!

Im surprized by people i sometimes talk to that dont "get it"... who thank a person deserves... an shoud receive punishment no mater what the circumstances of the "crime".!!!

BTW: I hope you do not mind my correcting your spelling & punctuation.

I didnt even notice... no prollem :)


O... i dont suport death penalty ether... an i thank justice must include the understandin that no one deserves punishment... an that they do deserve to be treeted humanly while the rest of society is kept seperate/safe from them.!!!
But i do thank that even "rapists" deserve humane treetment durin ther incarceration
Well sure. But the primary purpose of incarceration is to prevent the prisoner from committing more crimes.

Obviously the most certain way to achieve that is to keep him incarcerated until he dies. But the first problem with this is that it's extremely expensive. The citizens aren't very pleased with a government that spends more money per year on a criminal than they earn by working. The second problem is that the criminal's family will never get to be with him again, which is rather cruel punishment for people who (presumably) are not, themselves, criminals.

So we may turn to a different technique and try to rehabilitate the criminal. Some of the techniques may seem cruel, but if they result in being able to turn him back out to society--not to mention his family--it may be worth it.

Unfortunately this borders on science fiction. Except for a very small segment of the prison population that has identifiable psychiatric disorders which can be treated medically, our record on the rehabilitation of criminals is rather dismal.

Do you think people are genetically pre-disposed to commit crimes?
Surely some people are. After all, this is exactly what sociopathy is all about: lacking the sense of tribal collegiality that all pack-social species use to keep the pack safe and well-fed. I'm convinced (and I'm not alone) that this defect can be caused by incompetent parenting in the very early years, and is not always something the sociopath is born with.

Are you saying that there is a genetic pre-disposition to rape?
I'm guessing that it's more likely a combination of a stronger-than-average sex drive coupled with a large dose of sociopathy... and augmented by an inability to attract very many women; because women, on the average, are much better at reading body language and facial expressions than we are, so you can see most of these guys coming a mile away.

Some think of punishment as revenge, which is an understandable motive, but not a valid one.
I consistently argue that in the vast majority of cases, capital punishment is indeed nothing more than revenge writ large.

My reasoning is that killing someone is not much of a punishment because he is now dead and cannot contemplate how bad he was or how much harm he did to you. To the extent that many hard criminals are overflowing with emotions of pain and shame, we may actually be doing them a favor by giving them a peace that they don't deserve.

But even worse, the only people who are really punished by killing a criminal are his family as well as his friends, and even all the people who ever tried to help him. And what the hell did they ever do to deserve this pain? You try your best to love someone or to help him, and if you fail your punishment is to spend the rest of your life with guilt and pain in your heart?

Revenge is the most evil of our primitive Stone Age instincts. It has no place among people who call themselves "civilized."

BTW: I hope you do not mind my correcting your spelling & punctuation.
Of course he minds. Do you really believe that as intelligent and well-educated as this troll appears to be, he cannot spell? He simply doesn't care that when people read, we take in the entire word. If one letter is wrong, we have to slow down by a factor of ten and read it one letter at a time. In other words, he thinks that his posts are so fucking important, that we should spend more time reading them, leaving us less time to read the posts of the other members.

In other words, he is selfish.

Probably a genetic predisposition. ;)
Originally by cluelusshusbund
...even "rapists" deserve humane treetment durin ther incarceration

Well sure. But the *primary* purpose of incarceration is to prevent the prisoner from committing more crimes.

Obviously the most certain way to achieve that is to keep him incarcerated until he dies. But the first problem with this is that it's extremely expensive. The citizens aren't very pleased with a government that spends more money per year on a criminal than *they earn by working.* The second problem is that the criminal's family will never get to be with him again, which is rather cruel punishment for people who (presumably) are not, themselves, criminals.

So we may turn to a different technique and try to *rehabilitate* the criminal. Some of the techniques may seem cruel, but if they result in being able to turn him back out to society--not to mention his family--it may be worth it.

Unfortunately this borders on science fiction. Except for a very small segment of the prison population that has identifiable psychiatric disorders which can be treated medically, our record on the rehabilitation of criminals is rather dismal.

Tho its more likely to get worse wit prisons becoming asylums... i do hope to see improvments (which will include what is curently science fiction) in the humanity of incarceration in my life time... but thers zero hope if enuff people dont even accept that the incarcerated dont deserve inhumane treetment :shrug:
Two things come to mind.


Let victim choose the punishment other than death unless the rapist tried to murder the victim then the death penalty would be on the table.
Of course he minds. Do you really believe that as intelligent and well-educated as this troll appears to be, he cannot spell? He simply doesn't care that when people read, we take in the entire word. If one letter is wrong, we have to slow down by a factor of ten and read it one letter at a time. In other words, he thinks that his posts are so fucking important, that we should spend more time reading them, leaving us less time to read the posts of the other members.

In other words, he is selfish.

Probably a genetic predisposition. ;)

Probably a typo generator.
Surely some people are. After all, this is exactly what sociopathy is all about: lacking the sense of tribal collegiality that all pack-social species use to keep the pack safe and well-fed. I'm convinced (and I'm not alone) that this defect can be caused by incompetent parenting in the very early years, and is not always something the sociopath is born with.
Not really.

It brings people comfort to see it that way, but the average rapist is just an ordinary guy who simply chooses to not take no for an answer.

I'm guessing that it's more likely a combination of a stronger-than-average sex drive coupled with a large dose of sociopathy... and augmented by an inability to attract very many women; because women, on the average, are much better at reading body language and facial expressions than we are, so you can see most of these guys coming a mile away.
If rape was about sex and getting off, you might be right. Many rapists are unable to even get an erection or maintain one, so they rape their victims with objects or their hands. It's not about sex or getting off. It's about dominating and controlling and abusing their victim their victims.

I posted a study in one of the other rape threads and asked everyone to try to identify the rapist from 6 photos.. The study had more than 25 images of men's faces. I only posted 6. Only one was able to and that was a guess because he didn't like the look on the guy's face. The study concluded that the greater majority of people are unable to tell who is a rapist. It's easy to say there are signs, but a rapist will rarely give off signs. Women fared the worst in the study and not a single one was able to tell which one was a rapist. After all, if he or she did, then he would never be able to get close to women or men (if the rapist is a male or female). There is this expectation that women should just be able to tell. And that once again places the onus on her to avoid her potential rapist.
Yes. it is well known that rape is a crime of violence rather than a crime of sex. Mmmm. perhaps not well known enough!
The problem I see with NOT utilizing Capital Punishment in the case of grievous crimes is as you already stated Fraggle - the other options are either A) attempt to "rehabilitate" and hope that the criminal doesn't commit crimes again or B) Incarcerate for life, which is stupidly expensive, especially since we seem bound and determined to provide a "quality of living" for criminals that is more than what so many people living in homeless shelters dare to even dream of...

To me, Capital Punishment isn't about, well, the punishment aspect of it... it's more about making sure that the subject in question CANNOT EVER hurt people again, as well as to ensure that we don't spend oodles of money to ensure they cannot harm others...

Granted, I think shipping them to a deserted island would be just as effective *cough*Penal Colony*Cough* and you could potentially have them as "low-cost, unskilled labor" in, say, mines or what not... but society seems to have a dim view of such options *shrugs*
The problem I see with NOT utilizing Capital Punishment in the case of grievous crimes is as you already stated Fraggle - the other options are either A) attempt to "rehabilitate" and hope that the criminal doesn't commit crimes again or B) Incarcerate for life, which is stupidly expensive

While I agree, it is cheaper than the death penalty. And I see no reason to waste money on such criminals.

Granted, I think shipping them to a deserted island would be just as effective *cough*Penal Colony*Cough* and you could potentially have them as "low-cost, unskilled labor" in, say, mines or what not... but society seems to have a dim view of such options *shrugs*
Not at all! Australia turned out OK . . . .
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