Rape, Abortion, and "Personhood"

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Fair enough, one point though, the US has safe haven laws, as far as I know in ever state. If someone doesn't want the child they have a right to drop them off at a hospital or fire station with no penalty. I do wonder what happens in these cases where the father wants a relationship and the mother doesn't but *shrug*
Fair enough, one point though, the US has safe haven laws, as far as I know in ever state. If someone doesn't want the child they have a right to drop them off at a hospital or fire station with no penalty.
You're correct, however:
Some states treat safe-haven surrenders as child dependency or abandonment, with a complaint being filed for such in juvenile court. The parent either defaults or answers the complaint.

As to:
I do wonder what happens in these cases where the father wants a relationship and the mother doesn't but *shrug*
You're not alone there.
Detractors claim that, because safe-haven laws do not require parents to be under stress, parents will use the law largely to avoid notice to the non-surrendering parent.

Wiki link
Fair enough, one point though, the US has safe haven laws, as far as I know in ever state. If someone doesn't want the child they have a right to drop them off at a hospital or fire station with no penalty. I do wonder what happens in these cases where the father wants a relationship and the mother doesn't but *shrug*
I live here and I didn't even know that. Another valid point. This was part of why I had asked for clarity before from Bells, as it makes a very large difference whether all are affected or a portion and what that portion is. If an excuse is used, it must be valid by showing a large majority of cases.
It would be hard to produce statistical figures off the bat as any must be independently verified.
Fair enough, one point though, the US has safe haven laws, as far as I know in ever state. If someone doesn't want the child they have a right to drop them off at a hospital or fire station with no penalty. I do wonder what happens in these cases where the father wants a relationship and the mother doesn't but *shrug*

Careful now, if you start insinuating that men should have any rights you will be declared a misogynist. [sarcasm]Today's men are just evil dictators to be overthrown and discounted for the sins of their ancestors.[/sarcasm]
You're correct, however:

Some states treat safe-haven surrenders as child dependency or abandonment, with a complaint being filed for such in juvenile court. The parent either defaults or answers the complaint.

I'm not sure what you are saying, implying, or suggesting here. But I am guessing that you mean to show that there is a means for the father to claim the child, at least in some states, because the case will go to court to determine child dependency or abandonment, and that the father can answer the complaint and assert his claim to the child if he was unaware that the mother had surrendered at the time. Am I correct?
I'm not sure what you are saying, implying, or suggesting here. But I am guessing that you mean to show that there is a means for the father to claim the child, at least in some states, because the case will go to court to determine child dependency or abandonment, and that the father can answer the complaint and assert his claim to the child if he was unaware that the mother had surrendered at the time. Am I correct?

that assumes he knows. I dont know how many times these laws are used but from my understanding of them there is no names, no ID (of the parent OR the child), and no requirement for it to even be the same state. So if one parent comes home from work (or worse, happens to be out of the state or country) to find the child missing from what I understand there is nothing really the state or the parent can do because short of DNA testing all the babies who became wards of the state in that time frame across the whole country potentually how else could they be identified
that assumes he knows. I dont know how many times these laws are used but from my understanding of them there is no names, no ID (of the parent OR the child), and no requirement for it to even be the same state. So if one parent comes home from work (or worse, happens to be out of the state or country) to find the child missing from what I understand there is nothing really the state or the parent can do because short of DNA testing all the babies who became wards of the state in that time frame across the whole country potentually how else could they be identified
Good point. But I guess the alternative would be that something far worse than parental rights can get violated. Remember the girl who drove her boys into the lake and claimed a black guy carjacked her? I can see where a parent could stage a kidnapping by crossing state lines and not giving their identities, then claiming the child was kidnapped when they get home to the spouse. I guess it is a tragic possibility but at least the kid isn't dead and so long as the child is alive the missing person case may find the child.

It may even provide an alternative for real kidnappers to give up the child without getting caught. They go to some state and pretend it is their child, drop the kid off, and don't look back.

Maybe I am worrying too much. It seems most of the states allow this only for very young infants. Not toddlers or older. Though that wiki did say something about one state not specifying it to be only for babies initially and 35 teenage children were given up.
I'm not sure what you are saying, implying, or suggesting here. But I am guessing that you mean to show that there is a means for the father to claim the child, at least in some states, because the case will go to court to determine child dependency or abandonment, and that the father can answer the complaint and assert his claim to the child if he was unaware that the mother had surrendered at the time. Am I correct?
No. I was replying to two separate points raised by Asguard.

  • While it's true that all 50 states have some form of Safe Haven law some states have not entirely decriminalized the action. So women still have an incentive not to go that route, most especially teenagers that are very susceptible to parental and peer pressure. Often it is the parents that would have prevented the expectant mother from accessing an abortion facility within the first trimester to start with. Also, as Neverfly pointed out, there are a lot of people who are unaware that this option even exists and therefore do not know to take advantage of it as opposed to abandoning the infant.
  • Asguard was questioning what happened under Safe Haven laws as to the nonsurrendering parent's rights. This is kind of off topic, but since I had the Wiki open anyway I thought I would let him know that this is a concern already voiced by numerous critics of the Safe Haven laws.

Sorry. I should have been more explicit with my response.
Sorry. I should have been more explicit with my response.

For this topic, that's very difficult to do. It's one reason I hate this topic. Each side of the argument cares for the well-being of some "person" and each side accuses the other of not caring about that "person" or even, two in this thread accused others of actually hating some "persons."
It would be a lot easier if we laid eggs or something.
Total failure, Bells.
You always miss question marks, don't you? You did this to S.G. as well.
I asked you if that was your claim. Observe:

I asked you that because you took the time to write out that bit about how you worked with battered women...
When it was clear by my next sentence that not all 3rd trimester abortions are because of abusive boyfriends. Here is what I said after you took the first sentence of that paragraph and somehow or other decided to believe that I was claiming that "ALL" third trimester abortions was because of abusive partners:

Bells said:
I have known women who have gone through agonising and horrific conditions and problems where the foetus was diagnosed with a deadly disorder or problem and they made the decision to abort to prevent further suffering to their unborn baby. But I have never in my time ever heard of a woman reach the third trimester and then change her mind like one might change their mind about what type of meat they want on their sandwich. Maybe you do and all good for you. But the fact that third trimester abortions are the rarest in that they constitute the absolute minority of all abortions (I think the figure is less than 3%?) and the absolute majority of even that small figure is because there is a medical problem, I'd have to say that you are clutching at straws because you are angry at 'something something'...

Pay particular attention to the last sentence.

At this point, Neverfly, I have to say that you are trolling and being inherently dishonest in how you continue to press your case here in this thread.

Unless of course you wish for me to believe that you are stupid?

By the way, I notice how quick you are to fall back on the diagnosis that these girls are all "Mentally Ill..." Care to support that?
I said that in the majority of cases where women kill their newborn's, mental illness is a major factor. I queried why you were using examples of these women and young teenage girls that even you advised were desperate as examples of women who apparently would choose to go through 30 or so weeks of pregnancy and then decided they don't want to have a child anymore.

And I said clearly that argument from incredulity is a fallacy.
You don't even understand what that means or what I was being incredulous about, do you?

Because if you had, you would not have used examples of women commit neonaticide and "desperate teenage girls" - which you claim are women who went through their pregnancy and then changed their mind in the 3rd trimester, oh wait, you claimed that if someone had said "Come with me, honey, we can help you kill it before birth" to these women and girls that they would fall into the minute few who have 3rd trimester abortions because you are arguing that they have changed their minds...

Although I should not be surprised. You actually attempted to argue the absurd proposition that a woman would actually go through her whole pregnancy and then change her mind about wanting to have a baby 30 seconds before delivery and attempted to argue that I was saying they would get an abortion or something just as absurd..

I am absolutely saying they chose to- are you suggesting that they did NOT choose to do so? The claim that "I had no choice" often fails- people always have a choice. They chose the weak route, perhaps, but made a choice, nonetheless. This is similar to how you typed all that out about battered women before- are you saying they are all forced into the behavior, all mentally ill, etc?
No, Bells- you're making excuses. And my asking you to address those excuses is not dishonesty nor twisting your words. It's an effort on your part to simply dismiss the rebuttal with claims of force, mental illness, etc. of which you must provide evidence that they are mentally ill or had a gun held to their head instead of simply assuming what you want to assume in order to maintain your political position.
A girl lying and hiding her situation is not an excuse to Kill.
Don't troll.

The only person making excuses here is you as you attempt to excuse and hide your ridiculous and absurd propositions in this thread as you continue to troll it by deliberately taking things out of context and being so dishonest.

Randwolf said:
You're correct, however:
Weren't the safe haven laws set up to ensure that young girls or women would not feel pressured about having to reveal their identity as they dropped their newborns off for protection because they are these girls who have hidden the pregnancy and birth from their family in the majority of cases? Doesn't this change to these safe haven laws defeat the purpose of its original intent?

That's just astounding.

I wonder how many girls in these areas where the law has changed are now going to make use of it.

That is tragic.
decided to believe that I was claiming that "ALL" third trimester abortions was because of abusive partners
Ignoring the question mark, again.
That you keep ignoring that demonstrates that your claims of dishonesty on my part are actually dishonesty on yours- you are clearly and visibly ignoring what I had asked you. Everyone can see the question there and everyone can see that I did not make a claim as to what you said. I had asked you about it and explained the difference if you're excusing behaviors.
At this point, Neverfly, I have to say that you are trolling and being inherently dishonest
Go ahead and say it- it doesn't make it true. Guess I need to grill my dead parents about this dishonesty they passed on to me.
I said that in the majority of cases where women kill their newborn's, mental illness is a major factor.
You said:
As in, you are taking examples of women who murder their newborn babies for whatever reason, and usually, mental illness is a prime cause, and desperate teenage girls who are terrified and alone and as even you claim, act out of desperation and then saying "Come with me, honey, we can help you kill it before birth" because mentally ill women and desperate teenage girls reason well apparently... When I say that I do not know of any woman who would choose to or elect to go through 30 or so weeks of pregnancy and then change their minds about wanting to have a baby... And that is what you come out with in response.
In other words- excusing the behavior. Now you claim that the majority are mentally ill. Fine. Can you support that claim? Do you have any way of supporting that claim? Do you have any idea or are you just running with an assumption?
Because if you had, you would not have used examples of women commit neonaticide and "desperate teenage girls"
You said you don't know anyone that would. Ok, that's fine- I pointed out that not only do these people exist, they make the news and even go beyond what you expressed incredulity at.
Although I should not be surprised. You actually attempted to argue the absurd proposition that a woman would actually go through her whole pregnancy and then change her mind about wanting to have a baby 30 seconds before delivery and attempted to argue that I was saying they would get an abortion or something just as absurd..
Not at all, rather, she may have been not wanting the baby all along. A series of lies and bad choices landed her in the delivery room, rather than the desire to be a mom then a sudden changing of her mind. Lies and bad choices go along with desperation or fearful- a Desperate or fearful person can commit murder and it is not excused simply because we can empathize with why she lied and made bad choices, we still know she was wrong.
Don't troll.
Pot, meet kettle. Your claims have no bearing on reality- I've been making points, refutations and rebuttals. Your dishonest tactic of now (as before) claiming it's suddenly magically trolling are absurd- unless you are confessing to trolling yourself considering that you're engaged in the same behavior you accuse me of.

Cut the crap, Bells. Either debate the topic or don't but you can stop with the ad hom attacks, already.
On the issue of "personhood"

Can Seagypsies relevant post showing conjoined twins and the ethical problem of person-hood please be addressed?

I'm getting the impression it is being deliberately ignored because it demonstrates just how difficult it is to really resolve the issue. Arbitrary lines won't define reality.

Edit to Add: It's demonstrative because it even challenges SeaGypsies own stance that it's viable for person-hood if it can survive outside of the womb.

By the extreme pro-choice views expressed, that would invalidate those twins as one person and one non person with no legal rights.
This really demonstrates why we are all (Bowser and Randwolf excepted as they've not been emotional in this thread)in the wrong to allow emotions to rule replies.
I was just reading the web site for the person-hood initiative site and I found it very disturbing. But for all their faith and claiming that "God will find a way" even in situations of ectopic pregnancy, they still give the implication that a woman MUST be required to give up her life for her unborn child. ok ok, I'll humor them for a moment. They insist that even in the case of imminent threat to the mother's life she still would be guilty of murder if she has an abortion, even in very early term.

Ok fine. Let that be that a fetus is a person from conception. Are they implying that there are no situations where a human being is allowed to take another life? Have they forgotten about self defense, and stand your ground laws? In cases of protecting the life of the mother, where the mother perceives an imminent threat to her life, she like anyone else would have legal ground to take the life of the person who is threatening to kill her. Even if that person threatening her life, is her own child, born or otherwise. So even if they get their way, and legally define a person-hood to be at the moment of conception, being a person does not give one the right to threaten the life of another, and any person who reasonably feels their life is being threatened by another person has the right to take the life of the person posing the threat. Even if that person does not intend to be a threat. For instance a mentally challenged person waiving a loaded gun around thinking it is a toy, points it at someone, that someone has every right to kill that mentally handicapped person because he/she is perceived to be an immediate threat to the lives of others.

They even somehow equated the ectopic pregnancy to the case of conjoined twins. Sure I get it that one conjoined twin would not and should not have the right to kill their parasitic twin, I can agree to that, and I have never seen any cases where an adult set of twins had one suddenly decide that they wanted to be separated so badly that the life of their twin lost importance to them. But at the same time, if the parasitic twin is not endangering the life of the other twin, there can be no claim of self defense. Not the case at all with an ectopic pregnancy.

The LACP initiative just didn't think this one all the way through, maybe they have big heads and little arms.

For this topic, that's very difficult to do. It's one reason I hate this topic. Each side of the argument cares for the well-being of some "person" and each side accuses the other of not caring about that "person" or even, two in this thread accused others of actually hating some "persons."
It would be a lot easier if we laid eggs or something.
However, it is quite clear right from the start of this thread that women are not people. They have been granted, by mistake it seems, some general human rights intended for men. Fortunately, when they become pregnant these general human rights are taken away from them.

It would certainly be better for the courts if these general human rights were taken away from the start. Then all those rape trials could be thrown out. Why not let men make all the decisions about women?
However, it is quite clear right from the start of this thread that women are not people.
Physbang, if you have been following the thread, you've seen how the emotions of the topic can lead to heavy disputes over something about which clear answers are not so easy. Starting out your position with such a statement as "Women are not people" when there are no matter how you slice it, complications due to defining the life/fetus/baby - whatever in the womb, you're setting a precedent for an emotional argument.
They have been granted, by mistake it seems, some general human rights intended for men. Fortunately, when they become pregnant these general human rights are taken away from them.

It would certainly be better for the courts if these general human rights were taken away from the start. Then all those rape trials could be thrown out. Why not let men make all the decisions about women?
Such an extremist viewpoint is unrealistic and not accurate to the topic. No one is saying that women can not make any decisions of their own, there are people saying that making the decision to kill another human being requires more justification than "Because I want to; I declare that I have the right to choose to kill."

By neglecting the part about Killing, you are not properly representing the situation- you may as well have said "right to choose what flavor of ice cream."

Yet, in our society, killing other humans is kind of well... frowned upon. That all of the extremist pro-choicers continuously neglect/disregard/dismiss the "Killing Problem" shows far more political desire than scientific or rational desire. It also reflects badly on the Moderate Pro-Choice crowd as if all people that are pro-choice are totally ok with killing a baby no matter when or what the reason.
Well, some of us aren't ok with killing a baby when there is no immediate danger involved. Once the third trimester hits, the "Right to choose" is gone when it crosses the line into murder. While killing in self defense is justified (Mothers life in danger; baby's deformed, life is in danger), murder (I do not want it; It's not convenient; I've lied and covered my ass and now I'm stuck in this obligation but think I found a way out) is not justified anymore than killing your neighbor for mowing his lawn at 10 pm.

You're trying to actually create a sexist/political argument. Claiming, absurdly, that women have been stripped of all their rights and are not even people if you say they don't have the right to commit murder (Third trimester-mothers health not in danger) is frankly, a dishonest representation of the facts. And no one can dispute that it's dishonest unless they provide evidence showing that women have been stripped of all their political rights and are legally, not people.

Edited to remove what could be an inflammatory comment.
Last edited:
Ignoring the question mark, again.
That you keep ignoring that demonstrates that your claims of dishonesty on my part are actually dishonesty on yours- you are clearly and visibly ignoring what I had asked you. Everyone can see the question there and everyone can see that I did not make a claim as to what you said. I had asked you about it and explained the difference if you're excusing behaviors.
I answered your question and you disregarded 3/4 of my answer, which clearly answered your question and then took it out of context and asked me something which I had very clearly not even suggested.

Go ahead and say it- it doesn't make it true. Guess I need to grill my dead parents about this dishonesty they passed on to me.

Inherent is not the same as inherit, Neverfly..

In other words- excusing the behavior. Now you claim that the majority are mentally ill. Fine. Can you support that claim? Do you have any way of supporting that claim? Do you have any idea or are you just running with an assumption?

In a study of 16 women:

Nearly all of the women reported similar precipitants and symptoms, including depersonalization, dissociative hallucinations, and intermittent amnesia at delivery.

CONCLUSIONS: The characteristics of the women in the study were similar to those reported in the literature on neonaticide.


Another discussion on neonaticide, which discusses how and why and what is usually prevalent: http://aia.berkeley.edu/media/pdf/discarded_infants_literature_review.pdf

You said you don't know anyone that would. Ok, that's fine- I pointed out that not only do these people exist, they make the news and even go beyond what you expressed incredulity at.
The examples that you used were cases where the mothers were either young teenage girls who even you said were desperate and then came out with some bizarre line about how if someone had said to these young teenage girls if they wanted one, that these girls would probably jump at it - and then used the example of Whoopi Goldberg who, as a teenager, found herself trying to abort her foetus with a coathanger.. In other words, these girls did not choose to remain pregnant.

Which as Randwolf pointed out, these young girls are usually not allowed to access an abortion in the first or second trimester due to the fact that they would need parental consent (if abortion services were available in their area) and as you said, these girls are desperate and may have hidden it from their parents.. such as with the example of the 14 year old girl you linked who killed her newborn child and hid the body in her wardrobe as though nothing had happened to her. That is not normal behaviour, Neverfly. The links that I provided above give an amazing insight into girls and young women who commit neonaticide. The vast majority of them deny they were even pregnant to begin with.

Not at all, rather, she may have been not wanting the baby all along. A series of lies and bad choices landed her in the delivery room, rather than the desire to be a mom then a sudden changing of her mind. Lies and bad choices go along with desperation or fearful- a Desperate or fearful person can commit murder and it is not excused simply because we can empathize with why she lied and made bad choices, we still know she was wrong.
So now you are arguing that it isn't a change of mind..

Can you make up your own mind instead of constantly twisting it.

Denial of pregnancy, and lying about being pregnant in the process, is a very big indicator for neonaticide. Girls and women who do this aren't changing their minds about wanting and then not wanting to have a baby. These girls and women actually do not believe their are pregnant and deny it to themselves. It isn't a matter that she lied and made bad choices. It is a matter that she does not even believe she is pregnant, let alone know that she is wrong.

Denial of pregnancy is a common feature that precedes neonaticide. In Spinelli’s (2003) sample of 16 women who committed neonaticide and one who attempted it, all denied pregnancy. Although pregnancy is usually concealed or denied, sometimes there is intermittent acknowledgement, but the pregnancy is quickly again denied (Haapasalo & Petäjä, 1999; Spinelli, 2001; 2003).

Although the majority of women who commit neonaticide do not have any long-term psychological pathologies, it is likely that often they experience abnormal mental functioning during their pregnancies. For example, denial of
pregnancy can be considered both a social reaction and a psychological reaction to an unwanted pregnancy. There is a fine line between denial that is and is not considered of psychological origin but, as Meyer and Oberman (2001)
point out, denial “does not automatically imply the presence of profound psychosis or some other mental illness.

Instead, the denial is often a temporary state that may vary in depth among individuals” (p. 55). Nonetheless, Miller (2003) explains that women with psychotic disorders prior to becoming pregnant may deny their pregnancy as an aspect of their mental illness. While the bodies of these women do physically change, the changes are dismissed with bizarre explanations, such as the sensation that something other than a baby is growing within them.

Pot, meet kettle. Your claims have no bearing on reality- I've been making points, refutations and rebuttals. Your dishonest tactic of now (as before) claiming it's suddenly magically trolling are absurd- unless you are confessing to trolling yourself considering that you're engaged in the same behavior you accuse me of.

Cut the crap, Bells. Either debate the topic or don't but you can stop with the ad hom attacks, already.
Neverfly, you did not even understand what "personhood" meant in the context of this discussion and you thought it meant 'human', you took everything out of context, twisted what was said and tried to act as if I was saying something else when it was clear that I had not, you were intellectually dishonest, you went after my son in this debate which is frankly, deplorable, you ran with hypotheticals such as 'what if she changes her mind 30 seconds before it comes out', hell, you think inherent means inherit. At no time have you made points, refuted anything or rebutted anything because you have been too busy accusing me and others in this thread of apparently lacking humanity because we support the murder of young children because we are pro-choice because you thought personhood meant human in the context of this debate.

You want to talk about ad hom attacks? What about the ad hom attacks where you accused me of apparently supporting the murder of young children (very young children being embryo's and foetus') and then proceeded to refer to embryo's and foetus' as 'children' or 'young children', you know, just to try to insinuate that I and others in this discussion apparently support the murder of these supposed young children. You got so bad that another moderator had to tell you to cease and desist. Or what about the one where you went after my son, who is 7 years of age.

And you think that amounts to you "making points, refutations and rebuttals"? Reality tells us otherwise.
Such an extremist viewpoint is unrealistic and not accurate to the topic. No one is saying that women can not make any decisions of their own, there are people saying that making the decision to kill another human being requires more justification than "Because I want to; I declare that I have the right to choose to kill."
No, people are saying that women don't get to have the same rights that men do, viz, to have the right to refuse to have others in their body. Clearly this right doesn't extend to women, or you would not say that women require "more justification".

So, please, continue with your campaign to promote rape.
I was just reading the web site for the person-hood initiative site and I found it very disturbing. But for all their faith and claiming that "God will find a way" even in situations of ectopic pregnancy, they still give the implication that a woman MUST be required to give up her life for her unborn child. ok ok, I'll humor them for a moment. They insist that even in the case of imminent threat to the mother's life she still would be guilty of murder if she has an abortion, even in very early term.

Now can you understand why Tiassa, myself and many others are against it and find it repugnant? While you were abusing us for apparently not accepting that a human foetus is human and accused our views of repugnant because we are against this, now can you see why we are against it?

Ok fine. Let that be that a fetus is a person from conception. Are they implying that there are no situations where a human being is allowed to take another life? Have they forgotten about self defense, and stand your ground laws? In cases of protecting the life of the mother, where the mother perceives an imminent threat to her life, she like anyone else would have legal ground to take the life of the person who is threatening to kill her. Even if that person threatening her life, is her own child, born or otherwise. So even if they get their way, and legally define a person-hood to be at the moment of conception, being a person does not give one the right to threaten the life of another, and any person who reasonably feels their life is being threatened by another person has the right to take the life of the person posing the threat. Even if that person does not intend to be a threat. For instance a mentally challenged person waiving a loaded gun around thinking it is a toy, points it at someone, that someone has every right to kill that mentally handicapped person because he/she is perceived to be an immediate threat to the lives of others.
See, none of that really applies.

The moment the issue involves a woman's womb, then for these individuals, it is expected that the mother dies because they give more priority to the foetus. There is a reason why I refuse to even speak to lightgigantic and why I have ignored him for this whole debate.

In short, these people do not believe that the mother has a right to self-defense against her child, even if said pregnancy is killing her and they believe that the child's rights are either paramount or at a minimum, bears equal consideration to that of the mother's rights. They also believe that the foetus' rights of existence in the mother's womb is greater than the mother's rights over her own body, regardless of the circumstance.

And if you want to know, women who miscarry or suffer from an ectopic pregnancy are already being denied care in even public hospitals in the US because some of the hospital's management has been bought out by the Catholic Church. One woman in the middle of a miscarriage in the 14th week of her pregnancy presented to her local hospital where the hand and arm of the child she was carrying was poking through the cervix and the membranes had ruptured and the Catholic run hospital's committee denied her the right to an abortion because there was still a foetal heartbeat and she had to travel over 90 miles to another hospital that was not Catholic run to do the D & C. In another horrifying case, a woman had gone septic and was hemorrhaging while miscarrying and her hospital refused to treat her or perform the lifesaving surgery she needed because there was still a foetal heartbeat and her doctor had to call around to non-Catholic hospitals to find someone to do the life saving surgery. This is the consequence and the result of granting 'personhood' from conception.

They even somehow equated the ectopic pregnancy to the case of conjoined twins. Sure I get it that one conjoined twin would not and should not have the right to kill their parasitic twin, I can agree to that, and I have never seen any cases where an adult set of twins had one suddenly decide that they wanted to be separated so badly that the life of their twin lost importance to them. But at the same time, if the parasitic twin is not endangering the life of the other twin, there can be no claim of self defense. Not the case at all with an ectopic pregnancy.

The LACP initiative just didn't think this one all the way through, maybe they have big heads and little arms.
Oh, they thought it through.

But the real and likely victims if they win would be women. So they do not care.
You're trying to actually create a sexist/political argument. Claiming, absurdly, that women have been stripped of all their rights and are not even people if you say they don't have the right to commit murder (Third trimester-mothers health not in danger) is frankly, a dishonest representation of the facts. And no one can dispute that it's dishonest unless they provide evidence showing that women have been stripped of all their political rights and are legally, not people.

Edited to remove what could be an inflammatory comment.

Oh dear..

/faceplant desk.. You still aren't understanding this actual debate and issue...

Neverfly, this debate and the proposal is a sexist and political argument.

The initiative's central basis of granting personhood will strip women of their rights, Neverfly. What it does is ensure that the very moment a woman becomes pregnant, the embryo/foetus she is carrying is granted more rights to exist than she does. In short, once she becomes pregnant, she becomes a mere incubator without any rights at all over her own body, nor does she get to have a say, regardless of her health, regardless of her age, regardless of how she became pregnant (rape or incest for example). The very moment she becomes pregnant means that she is a non-entity in regards to her rights because the foetus' rights supersede hers. So even if she is ill, is a victim of rape or incest, at no time can she have a say to choose her own life..

Your carrying on about 3rd trimester abortions is the misrepresentation of the facts and the discussion of this thread. You are sidetracking the actual issue by diverting attention away from the issue.

PhysBang actually showed clearly what would happen if "personhood" is granted from the moment of conception. The woman ceases to have any rights whatsoever.
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