QWC revisited 2011

I think the concept may be too tough for you, lol. The wave energy which cannot be created or destroyed, i.e. the "waves" ... function in accordance with the invariant natural laws (the "physics of waves") which have always been in effect ... and are characteristic of the infinite and eternal natural "universe" ... according to my postulates. Now unless you can falsify that, I'll stick with it :D.

I'm saying that I can de-evolve it back to particles very easily. Take a lizard, you can de-evolve it to a snake. Then somebody says.. but legs have always existed. You can de-evolve the snake back to an egg, but legs have always existed. The waves are easy to change back to particles, like a snake is easy to change back to particles. But you don't want them to be de-evolved. You want a running start, and that is often the case when you want a theory to work easily. I can say "I want the planets, and the suns, and the gravity, and infinite things." Now prove it wrong. But sensible theories allow de-evolution. I can shake a bag of marbles to get a wave, I wouldn't have a wave to shake the bag into marbles so easily. It's one of the reasons that I don't like string theory, you can easily de-evolve it into Aether theory.
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Take a lizard, you can de-evolve it to a snake. Then somebody says.. but legs have always existed. You can de-evolve the snake back to an egg, but legs have always existed.

Snakes evolved from lizards with legs, so you can de-evolve a snake into a lizard not vice versa. Snakes even has tiny, vestigial leg bones under their skin. You're as bad at biology as you are at physics. Or basic logic.

Snakes evolved from lizards with legs. Snakes even has tiny, vestigial leg bones under their skin. You're as bad at biology as you are at physics. Or basic logic.
And in my "batshit" version of cosmology, snakes or something like them have always existed, probably in a potentially infinite number of habitable environments across the potentially infinite arena landscape ;).
I'm saying that I can de-evolve it back to particles very easily. Take a lizard, you can de-evolve it to a snake. Then somebody says.. but legs have always existed. You can de-evolve the snake back to an egg, but legs have always existed. The waves are easy to change back to particles, like a snake is easy to change back to particles. But you don't want them to be de-evolved. You want a running start, and that is often the case when you want a theory to work easily. I can say "I want the planets, and the suns, and the gravity, and infinite things." Now prove it wrong. But sensible theories allow de-evolution. I can shake a bag of marbles to get a wave, I wouldn't have a wave to shake the bag into marbles so easily. It's one of the reasons that I don't like string theory, you can easily de-evolve it into Aether theory.
I'm going to take into consideration that it is FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE!!!

Just found this article on BBC News. Probably all of you cosmopolitan sorts have already seen it, but if not, it looks like there are now arising questions in regard to 'the standard model.'

There may yet be room for alternate theories, lol.... ;)

Nobody doubts their theories as far as I can tell. Most people here on pseudo-science doubts the Standard Model however. We are the thinkers. :D
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Very interesting SZ. Just the kind of stuff I would expect my chief researcher to bring. And no horses in those pics that I can see, lol.
Nobody doubts their theories as far as I can tell. Most people here on pseudo-science doubts the Standard Model however. We are the thinkers. :D

Sorry, but I can't figure out just what the heck it was you were "thinking" when you made that comment. If most scientists didn't doubt the Standard Model, there would be next to no talk of String Theory or Supersymmetry or Quantum Gravity, and basically the vast majority of the theoretical community in these fields would be out of jobs and SOL. What isn't in any serious dispute is that the theory works to near perfection within the bounds of current experimental precision, and there are simple tweaks which can account for everything we've measured to date that doesn't agree with the theory, such as neutrino oscillations.
Sorry, but I can't figure out just what the heck it was you were "thinking" when you made that comment. If most scientists didn't doubt the Standard Model, there would be next to no talk of String Theory or Supersymmetry or Quantum Gravity, and basically the vast majority of the theoretical community in these fields would be out of jobs and SOL. What isn't in any serious dispute is that the theory works to near perfection within the bounds of current experimental precision, and there are simple tweaks which can account for everything we've measured to date that doesn't agree with the theory, such as neutrino oscillations.

Thinkers are clearer than bodgers. :D They start with a clean slate.
I wouldn't worry about comments from Dywy, he is just a forum troll who likes to get a rise out of folks. He never makes useful contributions.

Just found this article on BBC News. Probably all of you cosmopolitan sorts have already seen it, but if not, it looks like there are now arising questions in regard to 'the standard model.'

There may yet be room for alternate theories, lol.... ;)

LeilaBattison_Science_reporter said:

The current theory holds that around 4% of the Universe is made up of normal matter - the stuff of stars, planets and people - and around 21% of it is dark matter.

The remainder is made up of what is known as dark energy, an even less understood hypothetical component of the Universe that would explain its ever-increasing expansion.

Scientists' best ideas for the formation and structure of the Universe form what is called the "cosmological standard model", or lambda-CDM - which predicts elementary particles in the form of cold dark matter (CDM).
These CDM particles are believed to have formed very early in the Universe's history, around one millionth of a second after the Big Bang, and they are "cold" in the sense that they are not hypothesised to be particularly fast-moving.

The existence of the particles has not yet been proven, as they are extremely difficult to detect - they cannot be "seen" in the traditional sense, and if they exist, they interact only very rarely with the matter we know.
It is interesting to me sometimes how the timing of events in my little deluded pea brain world play out. A few days ago rpenner came at me with the question, said in a nice way I suppose, “Sir, where is the mathematics”, and that prompted me to take another look at just how the math could be put together by someone with any interest in that. Having always been appreciative of the role of math in physics and cosmology, if I had any intention of QWC being science I would be doing something else because I’m not qualified to do science in the realm of real cosmology nor am I qualified to develop QWC with the accompanying math as I go. I speculate. That is what I do best, in spite of what everyone says, lol.

So in regard to the timing of rpenner’s question, and in light of the time I spent yesterday at the Maple pavilion revising my view of the sequence of events surrounding the instant of the Big Bang and the existence of my QWC version of dark matter and dark energy, the naturally brilliant Scheherazade brings the subject article to my thread.

First, in QWC, my fantasy cosmology that I claim is internally consistent and not inconsistent with observations and data that I as a mere layman can understand, dark matter differs from the undetectable but extremely stable particles addressed in the standard model that supposedly co-exist with the detectable particles. In QWC, dark matter survived from the preceding arenas and came through the pre-events in the form of the negated wave energy remnants of the atoms and particles that made up the galaxies and other constituents of the parent arenas from which our Big Bang was derived. All of the existing matter and energy in our known observable universe (a tiny arena of the potentially infinite greater universe) evolved from that dark matter and from the contents of the space surrounding our Big Bang into which our arena is intruding, including the thermalized energy background that pre-existed.

Dark energy is the momentum given to the new arena at the instant of the Big Bang. It is the burst energy which occurs as the preceding big crunch collapses and bounces into expansion, releasing the potential expansion energy that built up as gravity formed the big crunch from which we emerged.

Second, as QWC sees it, the Standard Cosmology, lambda CDM as Battison refers to it, is myopic. The model is simply the best science can do without speculating, and since I am not hampered like the professionals are, I can speculative answer the imponderables that science cannot, and in QWC that is what I do.

The major problem that haunts Lambda CDM is nearsightedness. Science cannot explaing or fully quantify our known universe because we can’t see back in time far enough and we certainly can’t quantify anything that happened to lead up to the Big Bang. So what does the standard cosmology do? It doesn’t say anything about preconditions to the Big Bang. It is like there weren't any preconditions that we can talk about and so the Big Bang must have happened but the standard cosmology doesn't say so, and the make up of the universe is discussed from an instant after the implied Big Bang and history starts being written from there. In QWC, history has a potentially infinite past and everything that exists today makes sense relative to that history.

If the model cannot have a “before” then it must conjure up everything from observing what we have today and from what we can discern from the past using every tool at our disposal. We just don’t have the right tools to fill in the missing data.

I simply speculate about what the preconditions might have been using my own deluded misunderstanding of the things that I can’t possibly comprehend, lol. I sure wish some of the professionals would show me where all their math and science knowledge falsifies my speculations, because I would immediately give praise and recognition to that person and incorporate the observations and data that they use to correct my falsified speculations. Trouble is that the professionals are in the mainstream and cannot make the mainstream theories agree or find the missing data and so they have to defend incomplete and inconsistent theories. They almost never rise to the challenge of showing the actual errors I have made in my reasonable and responsible speculations. Not that any professionals actually read this crap with any intention of comprehension, lol.

Anyone who wants to can know everything about QWC. It is continually being updated so it isn’t hard to find a speculation or two to comment on. Not being able to do that, the Cptbork types simply make remarks that allude to their superior knowledge and my ignorance.

And finally I move on to my point, lol. If there we preconditions, and if the Big Bang was only a local event within a greater universe that was characterized by big bangs, would that allow new thinking that could better address questions about dark matter and dark energy? Stupid question and the answer is yes, speculatively we live in a multiverse and the Big Bang came from the matter and energy that pre-existed the Big Bang event. The Big Bang is expanding into pre-existing space that contains the remnants of a potentially infinite history of big bang arenas expanding and overlapping across the landscape of the greater universe.

QWC is my personal speculations about that multiverse.
I sure wish some of the professionals would show me where all their math and science knowledge falsifies my speculations, because I would immediately give praise and recognition to that person and incorporate the observations and data that they use to correct my falsified speculations. Trouble is that the professionals are in the mainstream and cannot make the mainstream theories agree or find the missing data and so they have to defend incomplete and inconsistent theories. They almost never rise to the challenge of showing the actual errors I have made in my reasonable and responsible speculations. Not that any professionals actually read this crap with any intention of comprehension, lol.

Ever heard the expression "not even wrong"? You haven't even stated your ideas in a logical framework within which things could be rigorously proved or disproved, so using science to debunk you is about as useful as using science to debunk anyone else's religious speculations (which would tend to be every bit as "reasonable and responsible" as your own). All we can point out are the various instances where you throw in buzzwords from science and then use them in a way which either obscures/mangles their true meaning.

Anyone who wants to can know everything about QWC. It is continually being updated so it isn’t hard to find a speculation or two to comment on. Not being able to do that, the Cptbork types simply make remarks that allude to their superior knowledge and my ignorance.

Your lack of knowledge on the subject speaks for itself, I don't have anything to prove on that front and need make no apologies for pointing out a blatantly obvious truth. I wouldn't be pointing out all the gaps in your knowledge if you ever showed an intention to fill them, but apparently the only thing you're interested in from science are the buzzwords and pretty diagrams. If you're going to scoff at mystics who attempt to divine the nature of the universe based on the assumption that the universe thinks like an emotionally unstable human being, then why is it so unfair to point out that your own speculation has an equally negligible chance of being true, when the supporting body of evidence is the same in both cases?
Ever heard the expression "not even wrong"? You haven't even stated your ideas in a logical framework within which things could be rigorously proved or disproved, so using science to debunk you is about as useful as using science to debunk anyone else's religious speculations (which would tend to be every bit as "reasonable and responsible" as your own). All we can point out are the various instances where you throw in buzzwords from science and then use them in a way which either obscures/mangles their true meaning.

Your lack of knowledge on the subject speaks for itself, I don't have anything to prove on that front and need make no apologies for pointing out a blatantly obvious truth. I wouldn't be pointing out all the gaps in your knowledge if you ever showed an intention to fill them, but apparently the only thing you're interested in from science are the buzzwords and pretty diagrams. If you're going to scoff at mystics who attempt to divine the nature of the universe based on the assumption that the universe thinks like an emotionally unstable human being, then why is it so unfair to point out that your own speculation has an equally negligible chance of being true, when the supporting body of evidence is the same in both cases?
The same old Cptbork. Hollow statements and false accusations. Anally insisting that you debunk speculation with science when there is no science to debunk it. Too ignorant to understand that science has limits and the speculation that goes on beyond those limits is up for discussion. You seem to think you have to prove it wrong which you admit you can't.

You can’t just drop in and out of Zoodoscience and disparage the animals here without soiling yourself. If you wallow around out here you have to expect to get dirty along with the rest of us. Take pseudoscience for what it is and don't pretend it is a dirty business full of cranks who never heard the disparaging phrase, "not even wrong". Where is your self respect man?
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That should include not tainting yourself with the usage of computers whose circuits were developed based on the principles of mainstream quantum mechanics.

No they weren't. I love the way people throw quantum mechanics into things. The computer runs on Aether theory, but because science doesn't use Aether theory they have to call a computer a result of Quantum Mechanics. But there is only one physical universe. Science cannot alter the Universe by building a computer, and using a bodged set of rules that work, and then saying that the computer is actually using those rules to run. Did you know that Nuclear Fusion was created on a set of rules that worked, but turned out to be wrong? Now scientists don't know how Nuclear Fusion works, because their maths started to fail years later.
No they weren't. I love the way people throw quantum mechanics into things. The computer runs on Aether theory
Totally incorrect.
They may (according to you) work on the principles of "Aether theory" but since that theory wasn't used then they don't. What was used, however, was the discipline known as quantum mechanics.

If you're going to scoff at mystics who attempt to divine the nature of the universe based on the assumption that the universe thinks like an emotionally unstable human being, then why is it so unfair to point out that your own speculation has an equally negligible chance of being true, when the supporting body of evidence is the same in both cases?

Wait. What? Scoffing at mystics is not my game. Are you off into some nether world tangent with that statement? Do I always have to point out your vague statements and disdainful innuendo? What are you getting at with that statement? It might be a little off topic (or not) but I might be able to clear some things up for you if you are lost.