QWC revisited 2011


Yours: "Thank you. I don't call it hypothesis but I can see how someone else could. Reasonable and responsible speculation is the nicest thing you could say about it, lol.

Are you willing to share your view on the "beginning" of the universe or would you be comfortable with my first axiom; the universe has always existed?"

EVERYTHING (worthwhile!) begins with "reasonable and responsible speculation"!!

Sure (share -->) . . . . the universe (at least at a sub-quantum level - I call SQR, or Subquantal Reality) HAS always existed. SQR permeates the universe. The material (detectable by us - I call MR, or Material Reality) part of the universe evolved (and continues to do so) from otherwise undetectable SQR. The evolution process - I call the Equilibrium Evaporation Model of the Universe (or EEMU) - is my "hypothesis". A (leftover) byproduct of the process is CMB. I've posted some portions of the EEMU elsewhere on Sciforum (remember me, AlexG?) and will send you the entire narrative+figures (~ 10 MB) on your email request. My email is: wlminex@msn.com

LOL.....What are you going to do with all of us 'pea brains', Quantum? Need a good recipe for soup?

We can make a really big batch and practice modeling circular waves.....:D

It wasn't until AlexP's post to wlminex about unforgettable waves that I began to suspect that the modeling you are talking about is more the anatomical opposite of blowing smoke circles (rings) than it is fancy sour cream :rolleyes:.
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EVERYTHING (worthwhile!) begins with "reasonable and responsible speculation"!!

Sure (share -->) . . . . the universe (at least at a sub-quantum level - I call SQR, or Subquantal Reality) HAS always existed.
I'm with you.
SQR permeates the universe. The material (detectable by us - I call MR, or Material Reality) part of the universe evolved (and continues to do so) from otherwise undetectable SQR.
I'm still with you and my view has that happening in individual arenas that are a product of the negation of the material that forms in preceding expanding arenas when they eventually overlap.
The evolution process - I call the Equilibrium Evaporation Model of the Universe (or EEMU) - is my "hypothesis". A (leftover) byproduct of the process is CMB. I've posted some portions of the EEMU elsewhere on Sciforum (remember me, AlexG?) and will send you the entire narrative+figures (~ 10 MB) on your email request. My email is: wlminex@msn.com

It sounds fine. Is the universe a one time product of that evolution which will expand forever or is there a replay button like my "overlap and gravitational collapse and bounce", lol.
QW #184:

. . . Don't know (yet . . share your ideas!) about 'one-time product or replay'. . . I tend to think it is a continuous, one-time process that will continue until the SQR is depleted (if at all!) of the stuff from whence MR derives . . . . don't totally understand SQR yet, since it cannot (yet!) be detected, but it is the 'stuff' of gluons-quarks-strings, etc. (Quark-Gluon Plasma of others). I think the 'key' to detecting this 'stuff' will be based on lower-level harmonics of vibrational energy of SQR, probably related to magnetic resonance detectors - whatever those might be - I haven't built one (yet!).

Thanks for your continued discussions . . .

QW #184:

. . . Don't know (yet . . share your ideas!) about 'one-time product or replay'. . . I tend to think it is a continuous, one-time process that will continue until the SQR is depleted (if at all!) of the stuff from whence MR derives . . . . don't totally understand SQR yet, since it cannot (yet!) be detected, but it is the 'stuff' of gluons-quarks-strings, etc. (Quark-Gluon Plasma of others). I think the 'key' to detecting this 'stuff' will be based on lower-level harmonics of vibrational energy of SQR, probably related to magnetic resonance detectors - whatever those might be - I haven't built one (yet!).

Thanks for your continued discussions . . .

Thanks. To continue the discussion, QWC is also a universe of quanta and sub-quanta. I do have stipulative or at least precising definitions for both quanta and sub-quanta but since I then employ them in the step-by-step process of particle re-formation in the new expanding big bang arenas they are mine, and I know what they are and their action speculatively.

Your quark gluon soup has a current theoretical ring to it and that is good if you are in the mainstream or want to be. I try to avoid to close a correlation with current theory and the mainstream because the particle model and the standard cosmological model seem to be at odds and because curved spacetime gives me gas.

Since my personal goal is to have internal consistency and interconnectedness to all the steps I speculate that the sea of high density spots is the beginning of matter formation in the new arena but it is composed of the wave energy (remnants) of prior arenas. Quark gluon soup would evolve from the dark matter sea on the way to evolving the known components of standard particle model, if you like :).
I understand why these types of discussion go nowhere :). Anyone who has their own non-mainstream view will have it in their own fashion with their own words and presented in their preferred sequence. We presumably all arrive at the "real" universe but getting there is an individual experience, lol. I say have fun, don't take me or yourself too seriously, and do you mind if I call you a pea brain like myself?
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I understand why these types of discussion go nowhere . Anyone who has their own non-mainstream view will have it in there own fashion with their own words and presented in their preferred sequence. We presumably all arrive at the "real" universe but getting there is an individual experience, lol. I say have fun, don't take me or yourself too seriously, and do you mind if I call you a pea brain like myself?

It wasn't until AlexP's post to wlminex about unforgettable waves that I began to suspect that the modeling you are talking about is more the anatomical opposite of blowing smoke circles (rings) than it is fancy sour cream .

LOL.......the vortices of illusion when coupled with the uncertainty of confusion, have sometimes been derided as delusion......but never by me. :rolleyes:

Far be it from me to suggest that anyone is 'blowing smoke'......unless it be from the friction of mental gears grinding. :D

It does look like SZ carefully chose that particular smoke screen to elicit such impressions.
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A note for the memories. It is a beautiful day at the Maple Pavilion where I am wasting my time rewriting the content posts from this thread and creating an index as I go. That usually results in changes that have to be made back through several posts which is a big part of the rewrite, :).

For example, I have decided on a slight change in the content of the state of the initial arena as it emerges. I formerly referred to it as dense dark energy that converged with and blue shifted the universal cosmic microwave background energy to form a sea of high density spots, the dark matter sea, from which particles formed and out of which oscillating dipoles began to emit electromagnetic radiation.

However, that really shows disrespect for the background wave energy because the background is not just cosmic microwaves, it is all forms of wave energy and not the least of which is gravitational wave energy.

As a result I am renaming the background energy and calling it the universal cosmic wave energy background (UCWEB).

Obviously now I have to go back to all the posts where I have mentioned the old universal cosmic microwave background energy (UCMBE) and not only change it to UCWEB, but change the wording to correspond to the new description.

Formerly, I had the dense dark energy bursting into expansion at t=0 and constituting the arena at the first instant. The high density spots that represent the dark energy sea which then became incorporated in the expanding arena and which then initiated quantum action were described as forming after the first instant. I have contemplated away from that, lol.

With the change, it isn't the microwave energy that is blue shifted into high density spots; the spots and quantum action that sustained them emerge from the big crunch and are released at the final collapse and bounce of the dense core at t=0. Thus at the instant of the big bang the compressed remnants of the parent arenas survive in the form of high density spots within which quantum action never ceased. The bounce occurred because the compression of the collapse squeezed the dense state energy to the maximum density allowed by nature and the bounce was the push back from the collapse. There is no reason for quantum action to stop, it just reaches its maximum frequency and intensity at the bounce, and that intensity reverses at t=0.

Why change it, no one will notice one way or another, lol. Well, I attribute the change to rpenner who said something that made me think. He said, “Sir, where is the mathematics”. I might have been a little rude in reply but in saying that to me he showed no prior knowledge of my agenda, and I know that I have been a grand target for disparagement from his close friends in the past. I might have been wrong to think that he would have found disparagement preferable to instruction and contribution but who knows. It doesn’t matter; I have used his comment to improve QWC as explained below.

I always have maintained that if someone skilled in math and paid properly ever wanted too they could write the math from the scenarios. As I thought about where the math would start I realized that because in QWC there is no beginning we would just have to pick a good place and start quantifying the QWC processes until the scenario circles back to the chosen starting point. Since each arena has the same physics and processes, the start of an arena would be a good place to start quantifying for someone skilled at math. The moment of the big bang, t=0.

Having made that decision, I realized that I should better define the background wave energy that surrounds the new arena and hence, the UCWEB was conceived and the state of the arena and the background were clarified for my own satisfaction. So thanks rpenner, you contributed just by earning the medal for your grasp of math and science in the other forums and making me think about where the math should start when and if QWC ever gets quantified.

These changes are being made starting in post #34 so I now have the fun ahead of me to revise all of the earlier posts. I love this hobby as much as I love being with nature at the Maple pavilion :).
When I read of Einstein using the Aether (Dark matter) he used it to make sense of wave propagation. He liked the Aether because it made sense of waves. He later decided that magnetism could also make sense of waves (I disagree ,but anyway...) I don't think the point of waves is to put the waves before the propagation. You don't say "Here is a wave, it wobbles the particles." You do the opposite.. "Here are the particles, and when they wobble you get a wave." You move the particles first because it only takes 1 particle with a release of energy to create a wave. The wave first to create the spherical particles has no particle propagation, therefore the wave first eliminates all the factors for using Dark Matter, or Aether that Einstein was happy with. You would then have to maybe use magnetism to propagate the waves (which is what Einstein suggested), but now you are back to Relativity, and so if you accounted for your waves you would be using Relativity with Dark Matter, and that is what science is also doing. So the big difference between you, and current science is that you have waves from nothing at all, creating particles. Einstein would not be happy with that.
Not in QWC, lol.

In QWC the universe has always existed and the wave energy that has always existed is conserved. Though conserved, it is transformed via processes that I speculate about that operate within limits and thresholds to continually refresh the arena wave landscape of the greater universe and to perpetually provide wave energy for quantum action to establish and maintain the presence of matter and to achieve gravity at the quantum level within the the arenas.
Not in QWC, lol.

In QWC the universe has always existed and the wave energy that has always existed is conserved. Though conserved, it is transformed via processes that I speculate about that operate within limits and thresholds to continually refresh the arena wave landscape of the greater universe and to perpetually provide wave energy for quantum action to establish and maintain the presence of matter and to achieve gravity at the quantum level within the the arenas.

You say Universe like throwing a ball. Universe means something.. it either means the particles existed like Aether, or it means you waves existed to create the particles. It seems like you are saying that the waves always existed from nothing, and I can't make sense of that.
You say Universe like throwing a ball. Universe means something.. it either means the particles existed like Aether, or it means you waves existed to create the particles. It seems like you are saying that the waves always existed from nothing, and I can't make sense of that.
I know it is a difficult concept. To me personally, it is less difficult than the concept of something from nothing.
You have more than something from nothing.. you have...

waves, and physics of waves, and a Universe from nothing.
I think the concept may be too tough for you, lol. The wave energy which cannot be created or destroyed, i.e. the "waves" ... function in accordance with the invariant natural laws (the "physics of waves") which have always been in effect ... and are characteristic of the infinite and eternal natural "universe" ... according to my postulates. Now unless you can falsify that, I'll stick with it :D.